I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 140: New student dazzles


Although it was called the tenth birthday, it was actually a joke.

After Tan Yan disappeared, Liang Xian was depressed for a long time and kept searching for him, but he could not find Tan Yan's consciousness. Qiao Zhixue also worked hard to develop a search instrument that could sense the consciousness, but they tried many methods but found nothing.

When everyone, even Liang Xian, thought that Tan Yan had disappeared completely, a turning point occurred.

The country has decided to mass-implant defense memory chips starting from elementary schools, but every child who has the chip implanted must first visit the cemetery accompanied by a teacher or parent to learn about Tan Yan’s life and his contributions to the country.

We cannot allow children to be protected by memory chips without knowing who created them.

When people see the electric light, they think of Edison's invention; when they see an apple, they think of Newton's law of gravity; when they see a steam engine, they think of Watt; when they see reports about nuclear weapons, they think of Einstein.

As chips are implanted into children's bodies, every report about "voidness" reminds people of Tan Yan.

This hero was unknown during his lifetime but remembered by everyone after his death.

After the Ministry of Education designated "The Guide to Survival in Another World" as a compulsory subject for students entering primary school into junior high school, the senior high school entrance exam, and even the college entrance exam, people got to know Tan Yan better.

He is known to all Chinese people like a symbol of the times. Whenever a soldier dies in the "Void" world, people will say that if Tan Yan were still alive, these people would not die. And when ordinary people are rescued in the "Void", they will say that it is fortunate that there are memory chips made by Tan Yan. While waiting for rescue in the protective shield, they feel that they are protected by Tan Yan's powerful power.

Every mention, every voice of "If only Tan Yan were still alive", every mourning, gathered a tiny force, a force so small that it was as small as an electron or a proton.

But when it is mentioned one hundred million, two hundred million, or even billions of times, this force will gather and become a belief.

Tan Yan, the belief of an era.

With this belief, in the summer of 2020, the fawn who was sadly chewing the tender grass specially planted for him at the base suddenly heard a voice.

The sound was so far away that the deer couldn't hear it clearly; the sound was so close that it seemed to be echoing in his mind.

The little deer suddenly realized something and started running frantically. He was so anxious that he didn't even apply for permission, and he ran out of the base without paying attention to the base staff's attempts to stop him.

He sped all the way, flying over the tall buildings in City B and jumping over the cars on the highway.

The people at the base were extremely anxious, so they quickly called Liang Xian and several people with special abilities to chase the deer in a helicopter. Also on the plane was Qiao Zhixue, who was the most capable of controlling deer.

But the little deer ran too fast, almost exceeding the speed of sound and flying through the sky.

The Tianshen-2, mounted on the deer's antlers, wanted to send a message to the base, but the deer was flying too high and there was no signal at all.

Everyone chased blindly until they received information from the Shen Shen No. 2 and determined the location of the deer.

It is the Pingxian Cemetery, the tombstones of space travelers, and where it all began.

When everyone arrived, the deer was standing in front of the tombstone, licking it and making a sad "yo yo" sound.

Liang Xian walked over to Xiaolu, hugged his neck, and tried to comfort him.

But at this time, he also felt something different, a feeling as if he had grasped something, but at the same time, he could not grasp anything.

He asked in disbelief: "Tan Yan, is that you?"

The summer breeze blew on Liang Xian's face, warmly, as if in response, but also as if it was just normal weather.

"Is it my illusion?" Liang Xian asked with a disappointed look on his face, "I can feel your presence here, at this moment, is it my illusion?"

"No." Qiao Zhixue took out a small instrument and searched in front of the tombstone. "There is a special energy reaction here. I don't know if it is Tan Yan's consciousness."

"Xiaolu and Tan Yan have quantum entanglement..." Liang Xian suddenly thought of this and shouted to the air, "Tan Yan, if you have anything to say, you can use Xiaolu to tell us how we can find you?"

The wind was still blowing gently, and it seemed as if someone was talking in my ear, but the sound was difficult to hear.

The little deer cried anxiously. He didn't understand what he heard, he just knew someone was talking to him.

A bunch of garbled characters appeared on the tablet of Tianshen No. 2: "I have been on Brother Deer's horn and can receive his thought signals, but the translated ones are garbled. What should I do?"

"Let me try!" Cui Heyu stepped forward and said, "Please grant me the authorization and let me access your processor. I will try to hear what Tan Yan is saying."

Tianshen No. 2 would naturally not refuse, although this might allow Cui Heyu to invade his core database through the Internet, steal the secrets of Tianshen No. 2, and create countless No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 100 without the consent of Tianshen No. 2.

But Tianshen No. 2 believed in Cui Heyu, and for Tan Yan, he was willing to take the risk.

Cui Heyu entered the mobile terminal of Tianshen-2 and continued to receive signals from the deer.

He listened carefully and finally caught a few obvious words from the intermittent voices - thank you, thank you, you, thinking of you...

Cui and Yu could no longer hear any more.

He did not try to hack into the database of the God-2. Instead, he returned to his body very gentlemanly and told everyone what he had heard.

"Thank you? Thank you for still thinking of me?" Liang Xian and Qiao Zhixue said in unison, "So that's what happened!"

"What's going on?" The members of the superpower team all had an expression that said, "Who am I? Where am I? What happened? Why don't I think of anything?"

"Concentrate your thoughts!" Liang Xian said, "Do you remember the Great Wall that protected us in the Shumen resonance world? The Great Wall was not that strong, but because of thousands of years of prayers and spiritual sustenance, it has the power to protect us in the violent ionizing radiation environment."

Qiao Zhixue continued: "Similarly, everything we do makes Tan Yan known, remembered, and appreciated by the people of the country. Every thought of missing Tan Yan is a prayer. When thoughts are concentrated, consciousness becomes power."

Liang Xian: "If it were an ordinary person, of course he wouldn't be resurrected just because he missed too many people, but Tan Yan is different. His consciousness is far superior to that of ordinary people. When his body turned to ashes, he didn't die. It's just that his consciousness is too weak, and this world doesn't have dark energy suitable for consciousness to survive, so he has remained in a weak state and unable to contact us."

Qiao Zhixue: "But the power of countless people's thoughts was accurately transmitted to Tan Yan's consciousness through consciousness, quantum force field, and quantum entanglement, allowing his consciousness to survive in this world and thus not completely disappear."

Liang Xian: "When the "Alternative World Survival Guide" became a compulsory subject, people of all ages across the country began to pay attention to this matter. At this time, the concentration of thinking reached its peak. Tan Yan can finally send us a signal in the place he is most familiar with, but the only one who can receive the signal is the deer with whom he once had quantum entanglement!"

"And now, Tan Yan is here, in front of us!" Qiao Zhixue said with rare excitement.

Others didn't understand why these two people could think so much about a few simple words, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that Tan Yan was most likely right in front of them, and he was ideological.

"Then how do we retain his consciousness?" Cui Heyu asked.

"This..." Liang Ka was stunned. He could feel Tan Yan by his side, but what was the use of just feeling it? If it couldn't be seen or touched, could it still be considered life? Was he going to have an unfinished love affair with Tan Yan in the future

Qiao Zhixue stared at the tombstone and said, "You can actually give it a try."

Liang Xian: "Try what?"

"Dig and take the bones inside back." Qiao Zhixue said decisively.

At this moment, everyone could only believe him. They dug up the cemetery and took all the bodies inside back to the base research laboratory without leaving any behind.

Qiao Zhixue also took out some of the bones that had been taken for testing and placed them together with the corpse.

"We seem to have underestimated the influence of this skeleton on Tan Yan," said Qiao Zhixue, who was wearing a white coat and white gloves. "Forty-one years after the death of the space traveler, Tan Yan has been quantum entangled with this skeleton, and finally his consciousness condensed in front of the tombstone. What kind of attraction is this?"

"It's innate, born as one, a natural quantum entanglement." Liang Xian replied, "Even if they are at the two ends of the universe, even if they never meet, they always maintain a connected whole."

"That's right!" Qiao Zhixue nodded, "I think the body, spirit, and consciousness are an inseparable whole. Like the consciousness you met in the dark energy world before, they robbed countless bodies, but they couldn't stay in one body for a long time and had to keep changing. The same is true for Tan Yan. His consciousness is so strong, but in the end it couldn't merge with the body and turned to ashes. If he left that body in advance and changed to another one, he would continue to seize other people's bodies like the evil consciousness and fall to his level. This is what Tan Yan doesn't want, so he would rather disappear."

"No matter how many bodies I change, this is the only one that truly belongs to Tan Yan!"

"I will use this skeleton as a foundation to reshape a body. If the reappearing body has a natural attraction to Tan Yan, then his consciousness will naturally attach to this body and turn into Tan Yan again." Qiao Zhixue said.

"What?" Everyone doubted their ears. How could this be possible

"What's impossible?" Qiao Zhixue took out a pile of books from the bookcase and placed them in front of everyone. They were all myths and legends.

Liang Xian flipped through the book and found that all the parts about resurrection in the story were underlined by Qiao Zhixue.

Although he seems cold and aloof, he actually values Tan Yan more than anyone else and has been trying to find a way to revive Tan Yan using science.

"In all stories, there are three essential factors for resurrection: body, soul, and some mysterious power beyond attempt. Resurrection in ancient Greek mythology basically involves entering the underworld to snatch corpses and souls, and the same is true in ancient China. I referred to all the stories, and the most typical one is the story of Nezha's resurrection from the lotus.

It is mentioned in The Investiture of the Gods that after Nezha died, Taiyi Zhenren initially asked Nezha to build a statue on Cuiping Mountain, receive incense from thousands of families, and fulfill the wishes of believers. After a long time, the clay body turned into a real body, and Taiyi Zhenren could help Nezha to revive. Later, the statue was smashed by Li Jing, and the temple was burned down. Nezha's lonely soul had nowhere to go, so he went to ask Taiyi Zhenren again. At this time, Taiyi Zhenren just turned into a lotus incarnation and used a golden elixir to cover Nezha's soul and help him revive. But the resurrected Nezha can't actually be considered a living person. He has no essence, blood and flesh. Although he can withstand many attacks and the methods used to deal with living people can't hurt him, there should still be disadvantages, which are not mentioned in the book. Otherwise, Taiyi Zhenren would not have used the method of receiving incense to revive Nezha in the beginning, and the lotus incarnation was actually a last resort. "

Everyone: “…”

Why was Qiao Zhixue able to study ancient novels as academic papers

"From these stories, we know that a body must be present, and it is best to have the original body. Other substitutes are defective. The soul must also be stable, otherwise there would be no need for believers to pray. Finally, divine power, like Taiyi Zhenren's golden elixir, Zeus, Pluto or the power of some other god, is the key factor connecting the body and the soul. My understanding is that this mysterious power is actually the spirit, and it is also a manifestation of quantum entanglement, a connection that exists at any time and in any place." Qiao Zhixue said, "Now Tan Yan's consciousness has been re-condensed in people's thoughts or prayers. As long as we provide a body that is attractive to him, he can come back!"

"How to make a body?" Liang Xian had completely digested what Qiao Zhixue said.

"I once made a scanning cabin out of memory metal, which scanned all the data of Tan Yan's body, and also this memory chip. This was the original chip that Tan Yan brought to the Global Evolution World to make a defense chip. It contained Tan Yan's nano information, which cannot be copied or imitated.

The skeleton of the space traveler, Tan Yan's physical data, my ability to visualize, and Liang Xian's power of deconstruction, I think it's worth a try."

"Let Qiu Qizhen merge your power and mine together. Together, we will combine the space traveler and all the physical information of Tan Yan to create a soulless body. Due to the natural attraction, Tan Yan's consciousness will definitely enter this body. But we don't have the mysterious power you mentioned. In other words, quantum entanglement alone is not enough. It is not enough to give a body the power to live." Liang Xian said.

"I have thought about this, too. What is life? Is it the heartbeat, the thoughts, or the breath before death? It's all of them, and it's none of them. In the end, life is seen as a mysterious power that human science has not been able to touch. Only life has this power. Losing this power means death." Qiao Zhixue said, "The evil consciousness keeps changing the bodies of living people in pursuit of this power. It can temporarily obtain this power by devouring the consciousness body, which means that human consciousness can control this power."

"Use your consciousness to connect my life with Tan Yan's life. If he lives, I live. If he dies, I will accompany him." Liang Xian understood what Qiao Zhixue meant.

"That's it. Can you do it?" Qiao Zhixue asked. "The hope is very slim. Once successful, it will be a miracle in the history of human science and strong evidence connecting theology and science!"

"Even if I fail, I have nothing to lose." Liang Xian looked at Qiao Zhixue, "Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, as long as I can wake up Tan Yan, I will try."

"If you succeed, your spirit will have to bear the burden of two lives, and your life span may be shortened," Qiao Zhixue reminded.

Liang Xian smiled: "That's good too. From now on, neither of us will have to experience the pain of losing each other. Living and dying together is a kind of happiness."

"Since you have thought it through clearly, let's give it a try." Qiao Zhixue said firmly, "In addition, this matter must be made public within the Superpower Team. We must proceed with the prayers of all those who know about it and the superpowers. The power of belief will increase the success rate."

Liang Xian’s consciousness alone is enough, no one else is needed. Everyone is waiting and praying outside.

There are only Qiao Zhixue, Qiu Qizheng, Xiaolu and Liang Xian in the laboratory. Xiaolu plays a crucial role. He has the quantum entanglement of the two people. Liang Xian wants to use Xiaolu to connect his spirit with that of Tan Yan.

Just try this once. If he succeeds, he can see Tan Yan again and stay with him till the end. If he fails...

Liang Xian shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Qiu Qi was holding Liang Xian and Qiao Zhixue's hands, while Liang Xian's other hand was holding Xiaolu.

The power of people's admiration and longing, the prayers of the superpower team, the efforts of four people, and Liang Xianyuan's obsession with Tan Yan to live and die together.

Countless elements intertwined together to bring about miracles.

Ten years later, Liang Xian is really happy that he can still hold Tan Yan's hand without having to worry that he might leave him at any time.

Cui Heyu teased that Tan Yan was only ten years old because his resurrection was only known to the members of the Ability Team and was not made public. The resurrection of the dead was too shocking, so it was better not to let people know.

As for Tan Yan, rather than being a hero in the eyes of everyone, he would rather be an ordinary person and continue to contribute to the country in a quiet job.

As more and more ordinary people enter the "void", there have been several cases of children awakening their superpowers across the country. These children have not entered the "void", but their parents have. They are born with superpowers, and because they are too young to control them, the country sends them to Tan Yan, who is taught by the most powerful and experienced superpower in the world.

Tan Yan sold the two houses in the tourist area and bought a two-story building in City B. The downstairs was used as a classroom, and the upper and lower floors were where he and Xiaolu lived.

Today's Tan Yan is a teacher in an ordinary training class. In order to hide the fact that he looks exactly like the hero Tan Yan, he changed his hairstyle to a crew cut, put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and looked gentle and polite.

The members of the superpower team also became leaders of superpower teams across the country in the past ten years. They rarely get together, so today they took advantage of the day when Tan Yan was resurrected and gathered together under the pretext of celebrating his birthday.

As for Liang Xian, he is the general manager of the B City Superpower Team and is on call almost 24 hours a day, but whenever he has time, he will come to Tan Yan's small classroom and spend time with him...

Well, it can’t be considered a world for just two of us, as there’s also the little deer, God No. 2, and more and more children with special powers.

Qin Li, who was usually taciturn, drank too much. He drunkenly hugged Tan Yan and said in a muffled voice: "It's great that you are still alive."

Simple words express everyone's thoughts.

Yes, it’s great to be alive. Tan Yan himself thinks so too.

He once thought that his mission was to train new talents for the country, and that even if he left, it would not affect anything. Tan Yan did not have too many desires for life, nor was he afraid of death.

But when his consciousness was awakened by the voices of countless people, he felt that it was better to be alive.

He dedicated his entire life to the country, never thought about anything in return, and always was responsible for his work.

Unexpectedly, even if he didn't ask for anything, the ordinary people who had been protected by him repaid Tan Yan in their own way.

He was saved by his country that never forgot his country, he was saved by his people who knew how to be grateful, and he was saved by his companions who never gave up on him.

This era is different from that of ten years ago. People no longer rely on the dedication of a hero, but have learned to rely on themselves to strengthen the collective power and save themselves.

Sacrifice has never disappeared. Every death of a superpower or an ordinary person will make people sad. But humans have learned to wipe away tears after suffering, step on the bodies of martyrs and continue to move forward. As long as you move forward, you will face death. But there is no need to fear death, your body will also pave the way for those who come after you, generation after generation, and one day you will be able to reach the top.

While humans are constantly being crushed and trampled upon, they have the strength to thrive in the cracks no matter how great the pressure above their heads is.

One day, this race will die out under the advancement of time. But their indomitable spirit will never disappear. —Recorded from "Perception of Another World" by Tianshen No. 2.

"This is what humans are like..." Tianshen No. 1, which had read all the information, exclaimed, "It's really hard for people... No, it's hard for artificial intelligence to understand. I still have a lot to learn."

He thought about it and used a photo from the data sent by Tianshen-2 as the background image of his host.

It was in a classroom. Tan Yan, Liang Xian, Xiaolu, Tianshen No. 2 on the deer's horns, Minister Yu, Qiao Zhixue, Qiu Qizhen, Cui Heyu, Qin Li, Yan Yongfeng, Tu Zishi, and Yang Shumei, several original members of the superpower team, stood together. Tianshen No. 2 controlled Qiao Zhixue's computer to take a group photo of everyone.

They will eventually grow old, and perhaps some will die in another world before their life span. But at this moment, time is frozen in the mainframe of Tianshen No. 1, and everyone is so happy, for the happiness of the moment, and for the difficult but hopeful future of mankind.

"That's great." Tianshen No. 1 recorded the feeling in the host memory, added an extremely complex password to it, and hid it deep in the storage.

This is his precious wealth.

—End of text—

The author has something to say: Ahem, the main text of this article officially ends here.

Thank you to everyone who has been following my articles, and thank you for your encouragement.

In fact, this article has many flaws. Due to the plot structure, many contents were not written (such as the twins plot in my stillbirth), but overall, I have done my best to tell a story with an ending. In the next article, I will summarize the shortcomings and deficiencies of this time, work hard to correct them, constantly improve myself, and strive to write a better story.

ps: I would like to recommend my next new article, which will be published on Monday, January 14, 2019 - "They All Say I Met a Ghost". It is a short article of about 200,000 words in the first person, and it is also a new attempt. If you are interested, you can go to the column or search for the title to support it. Thank you~

The text is as follows:

Hello everyone, my name is Shen Jianguo. I am a night school teacher. I mainly teach Ideological and Political Theory and Marxism-Leninism. Occasionally, I explain the latest new policies and initiatives to my students.

I had classes late at night every day and never saw my colleagues and students during the day. The classrooms found by the training institutions were all abandoned schools, hospitals or private houses. The license plate number of the bus that picked me up was 444, and it always appeared in front of my house at midnight and disappeared before five in the morning.

What? You said I met a ghost? Impossible. As a staunch scientific materialist, I absolutely do not believe that there are ghosts in this world!

But recently I have a problem. Can the training institution advance the class time a little bit? Wouldn’t it be better to start at around 20 o’clock? I am not afraid of anything except baldness. Staying up late will cause hair loss.

ps: A short story for adjustment, a first-person lighthearted sweet story, about 150,000 to 200,000 words, a serious scientific materialism (often without money) teacher bottom x domineering master with money top

The time to start writing should be after I finish writing "I Just Want to Retire Quietly", I still love you all (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~