I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 141: The Safest Classroom in the World (I)


"Morning, Teacher Tan!"

"Morning, Teacher Tan!"

At ten o'clock on Sunday morning, the children arrived at Tan Yan's training class on time and greeted him in unison.

Teacher Tan, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, is gentle and polite. His white long-sleeved shirt covers all his muscles. He looks like an ordinary young teacher. If he had worn a long gown in ancient times, he would have looked more like a weak scholar.

Who would have thought that the strongest man in the supernatural team would now look so elegant and harmless.

"Hello, everyone." Tan Yan waved to the children with a smile. Xiaolu stood behind Tan Yan, looking at Tan Yan's students with a pair of bright and clear big eyes.

These are his peers, younger brothers and sisters, he is the eldest brother!

The little deer felt very proud and raised his neck.

The children also respect the little deer, their big brother. When they first came to the training class, every child who saw the little deer wanted to touch it, pull its antlers, or climb up and down its tall body, or ride on the little deer’s back which is taller than a horse, shouting “Gee, Gee!”

But what kind of deer is the little deer? Is he the kind of deer that can be bullied

When the naughty kids tried to climb onto his back, the deer would just shake its body slightly and send them flying. Then Tan Yan would accurately catch the flying kids in the classroom to prevent them from getting hurt.

Most of the naughty kids would burst into tears at this time, shouting something like “I’m going to ask my parents to beat you, and let Teacher Tan break the deer.”

Who is Tan Yan? He is fair and strict, and he loves Xiaolu very much. He will not indulge these children.

He put the naughty child on the seat and let him cry. Tan Yan walked over and touched the little deer's back soothingly, telling him not to be angry, and that his dad would never let the little deer be bullied.

Tan Yan just needs to coax the little deer a little, and the little deer will be happy. Kiss Tan Yan's face and be the happy child of his father.

The naughty child cried so loudly, but no one paid attention to him, so he cried and wanted to run back home. But Tan Yan opened the protective shield, and no one could escape.

At this time, the naughty child will think, don’t I have supernatural powers? Beat him myself!

However, a child's ability...

Anyway, after being lightly kicked by the deer, he collapsed on the table with a bruised face and doubted his life.

At this time, Tan Yan told the kids: "Xiaolu is not an ordinary deer. He is a member of the Superpower Team. He has saved countless people in the other world and performed countless merits. He is an excellent warrior and cannot be discriminated against just because he is not human. Climbing on Xiaolu's body without asking for his consent is disrespectful to him. I am Xiaolu's guardian and will not let this happen."

"Waaaaa, how can a deer compare to humans?" the naughty kid started crying again.

"Xiao Lu is different. He is the best warrior and deserves respect from everyone. It's just that the time is not right now. One day, Xiao Lu will be respected by everyone like me. And you don't know that in the teams of superpowers in other countries, Xiao Lu is called the 'Eastern Divine Deer' and the 'greatest miracle under the gods'. Some superpowers even worship and pray to him as a belief."

"But, but..."

"No buts, no quibbling, no excuses." Teacher Tan, who looked very gentle, said seriously, "In my place, there is only obedience and execution. You are born with superpowers, and you may even hurt people around you because of your superpowers. It's only because you are young and weak that you didn't cause much harm, but you are very dangerous. An adult holding a knife or a cannon will understand that the weapon in his hand is dangerous and can control his own power. This is not the case with young children. They don't understand the harm these weapons will cause to people. That's why the superpowers in you are even more dangerous than some criminals with ulterior motives."

The naughty boy stopped crying.

"The criminals at least have a purpose, which is predictable and avoidable. You often cause disasters just for fun. In my eyes, you are dangerous people who are armed with lethal weapons, have no purpose and are unpredictable. You are emotionally unstable and may attack other people or things at any time because of anger. Face up to your abilities, learn to obey and control, and don't think of yourself as a child. Now that you have entered this classroom, you are no longer a child, but a reserve of the superpower team!"

After Tan Yan finished speaking, he nodded to his number one disciple Yang Pangpang who had been standing obediently behind him.

A chubby little boy of only nine years old stood up, took off the white glove on his right hand and placed his hand on the table.

The table disappeared into thin air.

The naughty kids uttered "Ah".

"This student is called Yang Shijian. He is my first student and started studying with me when he was 3 years old. He first showed his supernatural powers when he was 2 and a half years old. At that time, he was learning the simplest numbers and figures from a textbook for young children. Yang Shijian was tired and bored, so he reached out to grab the book, but it disappeared.

From then on, whenever Yang Shijian had negative emotions, even if it was just a small thought, he would wipe out the existence of the target. Fortunately, his family was very cooperative and immediately sent him to the special power team after discovering the problem, and nipped the danger in the bud. Otherwise, if Yang Shijian had a quarrel with his relatives one day and he accidentally touched the other party, it would only lead to a disaster. "

Every time Tan Yan said something, Yang Pangpang blushed. He put on his gloves silently and looked at the teacher pitifully. His eyes said, "Teacher, please stop talking. I feel so embarrassed." However, he knew from childhood that he should not interrupt when Teacher Tan was talking.

"Of course, Yang Shijian is excellent," Tan Yan said, changing his tone. "He understands the special nature of his power and will not hurt others. Although wearing gloves is uncomfortable and he may be laughed at by other students at school, Yang Shijian tolerates all the children's gaffes with his broad mind. He has been strict with himself for many years and never abuses his supernatural powers."

Yang Pangpang's face turned even redder, but not out of shyness, but pride!

Teacher Tan praised him and he straightened his chest!

Yang Pangpang is a special child, he is the grandson of Ms. Yang Shumei. Aunt Yang has been contributing to the country for many years. When Tan Yan died, her daughter-in-law was pregnant.

Yang Shumei wanted her child to have the surname Tan, to recognize Tan Yan as his godfather in the future, and to help sweep his grave every New Year. However, her family objected, so she had to take Aunt Yang's surname and named him Yang Shijian. Shijian, which means "Yan" (Inkstone), is a commemoration of Tan Yan.

The child was not born yet, and it was not clear whether it was a boy or a girl, but the name had already been chosen and could not be changed. The parents were very worried, but Aunt Yang was the eldest in the family, as a staff member of the national special department, the first space supernatural person in the country, the owner of several houses in City B, who had passed through countless "holes" and whose family had the privilege of priority implantation of memory chips. No one could resist her.

Yang Shijian also seemed to be destined to be with the superpower team. When his mother was nine and a half months pregnant with him, she encountered a hollow in the supermarket. Fortunately, she had implanted a defense chip, which could protect the child in her belly and the unlucky people around her who were involved.

But what she didn't expect was that while waiting for rescue, she was stimulated and gave birth prematurely!

Yang Pangpang is the first child in history to be born in another world. His birth is extraordinary. His ability is also very powerful. The ability to make matter disappear is not a spatial ability, but a more magical power.

Qiao Zhixue analyzed that the objects that Yang Pangpang touched did not actually disappear, but were decomposed and transferred to another world. He passed through the "void" before he was born, and he himself possessed the characteristics of the "void" and could transfer other objects to another space.

In other words, when he truly masters his abilities, Yang Shijian will bring about a breakthrough in human evolution. He is what the country has been looking for, a true evolver, someone who can freely travel through space.

Someone who can replace Tan Yan and Liang Xian!

In order to raise Yang Pangpang well, Aunt Yang simply sent the two-and-a-half-year-old child directly to the base and handed him over to the organization for training. She absolutely believed in the organization.

Guo Ji'an was also troubled about who should teach Yang Shijian. In the end, it was Tan Yan who took the initiative and decided to personally train Yang Pangpang, so that he could learn to use his supernatural powers, not grow up crooked, and still have a normal life as a child.

After teaching Yang Shijian for several years, Tan Yan became more and more experienced, and the country entrusted him with the task of training the next generation, and he was responsible for taking care of the children who had awakened their special powers.

The naughty kids looked at the table that disappeared after being touched by Yang Pangpang and were so scared that they dared not breathe, for fear that if they provoked Yang Pangpang, he would disappear.

With Yang Pangpang and Xiaolu around, the naughty kids are easy to manage. They just make some noise and throw tantrums at the beginning, but after being suppressed by the two men, they become obedient and become good kids in the training class.

Members of the Superpower Team said that after they get married and have children in the future, they will also leave their children to Tan Yan and feel at ease.

Minister Yu sighed deeply. If he had known Tan Yan earlier, it would have been great. He could have sent Liang Xian to Tan Yan for education when he was a child, so that he wouldn't be in such a bad situation now...

Well, it's good now.

After greeting the children, Tan Yan started today's class.

Recently, a new child joined the family, a girl with a temper as tough as her hair, and her two pigtails are so stiff that they seem to fly off.

The new child was not very obedient, so Tan Yan taught her to learn to obey, starting with standing at attention.

It's just that girls are soft-hearted and not hard-hearted. They are not afraid of Yang Pangpang's special ability. They don't obey anyone and just don't listen. She was very angry about being sent to this training class. She wanted to be an ordinary child!

But ordinary children won’t let time get stuck in a loop!

Ban Qiuqiu was a very powerful child. Once she didn't finish her homework, so she got up early in the morning to go to school to do it. In order to finish her homework, she made the ten minutes of morning reading repeat six times for an hour. The whole class didn't realize what had happened until the cycle was lifted. Only then did they realize how terrible Ban Qiuqiu had done.

Of course, in front of Tan Yan's powerful strength, Ban Qiuqiu couldn't use her supernatural powers no matter how powerful she was. And she liked the deer very much, so Tan Yan told her that as long as she completed the task, she could take a photo with the deer, and Ban Qiuqiu obeyed.

In today's class, Tan Yan led a few children to play the Rubik's Cube, and Ban Qiuqiu was made to stand in the corner as punishment... ahem, it was to temper his temper.

While the class was in progress, the classroom door was kicked open.

Three masked men rushed into the classroom with wooden barrels. One of them grabbed Ban Qiuqiu and pressed the barrel against her temple.

"Don't move, or I'll beat her to death with a cannon!!"

Everyone in the training class: “…”


Another big man snapped his fingers, and a cluster of flames lit up on his fingers: "Did you see that? I am a superpower! Anyone who dares to resist will be burned to death!"

Everyone in the training class: “…”


The author has something to say: I feel really sorry for the kidnappers.

I'm going to watch Bumblebee tomorrow, so there may not be any extra episodes. See you on Monday~~

Continue Thomas's 7,200-degree rolling tricks to recommend my new pit I opened on Monday, "They all said I met a ghost"

Also, please save the article "High Energy QR Code" in the column, and start reading it in March_(:3∠)_