I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 143: The Safest Classroom in the World (Part 3)


"Notified on August 12, Wei, the main criminal of an illegal supernatural organization wanted by the Supernatural Team's S-level wanted order, was arrested in City B. So far, 18 of the 23 supernatural fugitives in the S-level wanted order issued by the Supernatural Department on July 30 have been arrested, and 5 criminals are still at large. The Supernatural Department calls on the general public to cooperate with the Supernatural Team to capture criminals. Supernatural criminals are extremely harmful to society. Citizens who find traces of supernatural criminals should first protect themselves and report them after confirming their own safety. The reporting hotline is 4xx-xx..."

News about the arrest of wanted criminals was broadcast on TV. Tan Yan was sitting in the classroom, drinking tea and flipping through books on education and child psychology.

Xiaolu stood behind Tan Yan and read with him. He was his father's helper. In order to train the next generation of successors, he had to study education with his father.

Tan Yan was tired of reading, so he put down his book and glanced at the TV: "The leader of the supernatural organization was arrested a few days ago. The children did a good job."

The deer snorted in disdain.

If he were to do it, he would have wiped out the whole thing long ago, so how could 5 people run away

Tan Yan reached out and touched the deer's neck: "It's also for the purpose of training the children, right? They are less than ten years old, and they can exert such powerful strength. Their future development is limitless."

Then Liang Xian can rest assured.

The little deer nudged Tan Yan, indicating that he was still a baby, no more than twelve years old.

Tan Yan smiled and hugged Xiaolu: "Yes, yes, you will always be daddy's good child."

Hearing him praising herself, Xiaolu was happy and buried her head in Tan Yan's arms.

It was drizzling outside, bringing a bit of coolness to the summer heat. The training class was on break today, so the children would not come to class. Liang Xian was on a mission again. Only Tan Yan, Xiaolu and Tianshen No. 2 were in the classroom, and it was very quiet.

It’s not bad to have a retirement life like this where you can occasionally take care of students.

Tan Yan looked out the window and saw pedestrians running fast in the rain. A man ran under the eaves of the training class to shelter from the rain. Tan Yan thought about it and opened the door.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just want to wait until the rain stops before leaving…” the man looked surprisingly young and said embarrassedly.

"Please come in and take shelter from the rain." Tan Yan said kindly.

"Thank you!"

The young man walked into the classroom. The water marks under his feet stained the clean floor and he blushed suddenly.

Seeing that the man was about the same height as himself, Tan Yan went upstairs to get a set of clothes and handed it to him: "Put them on. You'll get sick if you keep them wet."

He nodded in thanks, and when he saw Tan Yan politely turned his back, he quickly changed his wet clothes.

After he changed, Tan Yan handed him the towel and asked him to wipe his hair.

"Thank you, you are such a good person." said the young man gratefully.

"It's just a small favor." Tan Yan smiled gently and handed the young man a cup of hot tea. Xiaolu came over and stared at the young man. He was wearing his father's clothes!

The young man was shocked to see such a big sika deer in the house.

"Um... can ordinary people keep sika deer? I've only seen them in zoos..."

"Private individuals can raise deer, as long as they go through the relevant procedures. The deer that the country allows private individuals to raise are mainly sika deer, red deer, white-lipped deer, sambar deer, etc. However, most of them are raised in farms, and there are not many who raise them like my sons. Don't worry, don't be fooled by his tall size, he is actually not aggressive. I have professional proof here."

The little deer rubbed against Tan Yan, proving that it was very docile.

The young man felt relieved, drank a sip of hot tea, and looked at the heavy rain outside the window with a confused look in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Tan Yan asked.

He is very friendly, wears glasses and looks gentle. There are educational books on his desk. He is like a caring teacher and gives people a sense of security.

The young man opened his mouth and whispered, "My parents died one by one."

"I'm sorry for reminding you of sad things." Tan Yan patted the young man's shoulder.

The young man shook his head and continued, "He died in the 'void'.

They were on the highway at the time, with my dad driving and my mom sitting in the passenger seat. It happened that the "hole" opened on the highway, and they didn't even have time to brake, and they crashed directly into it. It was a world occupied by wild beasts, and the special power team only snatched back the remains of my parents that were torn apart by wild beasts. After I arranged a funeral for them, I sold my property and came to City B. "

Tan Yan knew about this accident. Although he had retired, he had never relaxed his attention on the "void". The Super Power Team would also pass the "void" information to him, and he could remember the detailed information of every "void" in the past ten years.

36 days ago, five cars on the highway in H Province were caught in a "hole" because they failed to brake in time. Four of the cars had children in them. After entering the other world, they opened the protective shield to protect their families. However, the first car that crashed into the "hole" only had a couple in their 50s. They were far away from the other cars and failed to meet up with them in time, so they were bitten to death by the beast.

The speed at which the superpower team arrived was not slow, but they only managed to recover part of the body.

Two victims is considered a small number in the past experience of "hollow". According to national statistics, in the past ten years, 375,438 people have died from "hollow" in the country. Ten years, 370,000 people, this number is already quite low. Every year, more than 100,000 people die in car accidents in the country, but only 30,000 people die from "hollow". This is the result of the efforts of the entire country.

And the two of them don't even account for a fraction of the total.

But for this young man, it means everything in his life.

"The country has already begun implanting defense chips throughout the country." Tan Yan said, "As long as they are willing to sign a service agreement, everyone will have the chip implanted within 20 years."

"I know," the young man nodded sadly, "It's still based on age groups. The first ten years are minors, followed by the 18-30 age group, and then the 30-45 age group. The older people are always at the end."

"This is because younger people are more likely to awaken superpowers. Only when there are more people with superpowers can we protect more people." Seeing that the young man seemed to be stuck in a dead end, Tan Yan spoke to comfort him, hoping that he could get out of it soon.

"I don't want to join the Special Power Team." The young man said, "Whenever I see the black uniform, I will remember that day when people wearing the same colored uniform handed me a package and said they tried their best. It was very sad."

He covered his chest and looked at Tan Yan painfully: "I understand that the Superpower Team tried their best, and I don't want to blame them, but... I can't help it!"

The whole country worships the Power Rangers, and everyone knows that if they are sucked into the "Hollow" one day, only the Power Rangers can save them. Their lives depend on the Power Rangers, and some people dare not express their dissatisfaction even if they don't want to praise them.

The young man could not express his thoughts to the people around him, so he could only speak to this stranger. Anyway, after the rain, the brief encounter would end. He didn't know the teacher's name, and the teacher didn't know his identity either.

"You can blame it," Tan Yan said in a deep voice, "In the final analysis, we are too weak. If there are enough people with foresight, we can predict the location of the 'void' in advance and prevent it from happening; if we can make enough defense chips, we can implant them in everyone in the country, greatly reducing the mortality rate. If the people in the power team are experienced enough and there are enough of them, they can enter the 'void' more quickly to save people. Sometimes even just one minute can save countless lives. These are the shortcomings of the power team, and they are what we have to do in the future. Why can't we blame them or point them out? Only by facing the pressure of society can our country grow faster."

This was probably the first time the young man heard such remarks, and he looked at Tan Yan in surprise.

"But they are the Super Power Team, the savior of the entire nation. They have tried their best, how can I blame them?" The young man unconsciously began to defend the Super Power Team.

He was sad when he saw the black combat uniform, but he still remembered that day, the superpower warrior still had wounds from being bitten by wild beasts, but he did not receive timely treatment. Instead, he insisted on handing over his parents' bodies to him first.

The young man couldn't help but say: "With the power of the superpower warriors, a mere beast world would not be so seriously injured. They knew that my parents were dead and there was no hope, but they still managed to snatch my parents' remains from the monster's mouth. At that time, the captain said that as long as they could do it, they would not let anyone die in the other world, even if they only brought back the remains. If it was me, if it was me..."

He covered his face as he spoke: "I can't even risk my life to snatch my parents' bodies. They did something that even a son like me couldn't do. How can I blame them?"

After being suppressed for more than a month, he finally understood what he really thought.

He was not blaming the Ichi-no Sentai, but was blaming himself for being cowardly. He transferred the pain of being unable to protect the Ichi-no Sentai to alleviate his own guilt.

"I sold my house and came to City B to find a job because I knew that the national defense chip implantation work must start from the big cities. I was afraid that I would die inexplicably like my parents, so I came to City B to be the first batch of defense chips implanted. I am too despicable and useless..."

Tan Yan silently handed the young man a tissue, watched him cry and blame himself.

As he was crying, an unusual distortion suddenly occurred in the space. The young man looked up and saw that the center of the classroom was gradually turning dark...

"Hollow!" He immediately jumped up and grabbed Tan Yan, saying, "Run quickly, and call the police as soon as you get out!"

"No need." Tan Yan's voice was very calm. He looked at Xiaolu, "Xiaolu, bring me my clothes."

Then the young man saw that the tall deer seemed to be weak for a moment, and a set of black clothes appeared on its empty back.

It’s the uniform of the Super Power Team!

Tan Yan put on his team uniform and held the young man's hand: "Fear and dread are human instincts, and it's not shameful. What's really shameful is not having the courage to overcome the fear in your heart. Do you want to go to another world with me, face the source of your fear, and defeat yourself?"

The logo of the Super Power Team was so eye-catching that it reminded the young man of the bloody funeral where the Super Power Warriors were covered in scars and looked remorseful.

Fear, sadness, and self-blame made him feel suffocated. The "void" kept spreading in front of him, making his legs weak.

And the hands holding mine are so warm.

"I'll go with you!" the young man said with difficulty.

Tan Yan smiled: "You still believe in this dress."

He patted the little deer: "Be good and wait for me at home."

"Yo~~~~" the little deer responded with a long laugh, looking up.

He is a lighthouse and a signpost. As long as he is at home, Dad can find the way home no matter where he is.

The young man felt like he was in a dream. He followed the teacher who suddenly turned into a superpower warrior into the "void", and under the protection of the protective shield, he saw a completely different world.

It can be said that the world was turned upside down, there was a sea of fire on the ground, and the wind was like a knife cutting through all the creatures in the wind.

The whole world was devoid of life, everyone was going to die, screams continued to ring in his ears. He could only hold on to the people around him to get a sense of security.

Fortunately, he didn't experience it for too long. Tan Yan only took the young man to stay in the other world for a while and then returned to the classroom.

The young man knelt on the ground, gasping for breath.

The rain outside had stopped. Tan Yan said calmly, "Now that the rain has stopped, you should go to the nearby police station to file a report. Explain that you have just returned from the Hollow and may have awakened superpowers. You are willing to undergo a potential test. Once you have awakened superpowers, you will need to accept state surveillance if you do not wish to join the superpower team."

The young man said in despair: "Is this the hopeless world that the Superpower Team is facing?"

He looked at Tan Yan, hoping to get a negative response.

But Tan Yan said: "The apocalyptic factors in the disaster world are controllable, and it can be regarded as a relatively simple alien world."

The young man was stunned for a moment. He looked down at his shaking hands and asked, "Are the Superpower Team protecting us in such a world?"

Tan Yan did not answer his question, and the young man did not need his answer because he had already witnessed the answer with his own eyes.

He went to the police station to file a report in a daze, and then followed the police to the testing point for inspection. After confirming that he had the potential to awaken, the Superpower Team quickly sent someone over to give him a choice.

Should I join the team or be someone who is monitored all the time

The young man looked at the two documents in front of him and thought of his parents' tragic death, the self-blaming face of the superpower warrior, the terrifying other world, and Tan Yan's black team uniform.

What a scary world, but...

"Fear and dread are both human instincts and are not shameful. What is truly shameful is not even having the courage to overcome the fear in your heart." The words of the teacher I met by chance echoed in my ears.

The young man gritted his teeth and signed the application form to join the team.

"I apply to join the superpower team." He raised his head, all his hesitation was gone, leaving only determination.

Our team is not strong enough. Only when more people join this team can we save more ordinary people.

So even though he was afraid, he still chose to become a superpower warrior, in order to prevent the tragedy from happening again and to defeat that despicable self.

The author has something to say: I will continue to roll on the ground to recommend my new article "They All Say I Met a Ghost", which can be seen in the author's column.

The text is as follows:

Hello everyone, my name is Shen Jianguo. I am a night school teacher. I mainly teach Ideological and Political Theory and Marxism-Leninism. Occasionally, I explain the latest new policies and initiatives to my students.

I had classes late at night every day and never saw my colleagues and students during the day. The classrooms found by the training institutions were all abandoned schools, hospitals or private houses. The license plate number of the bus that picked me up was 444, and it always appeared in front of my house at midnight and disappeared before five in the morning.

What? You said I met a ghost? Impossible. As a staunch scientific materialist, I absolutely do not believe that there are ghosts in this world!

But recently I have a problem. Can the training institution advance the class time a little bit? Wouldn’t it be better to start around 20 o’clock? I am not afraid of anything except baldness.