I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 144: The little deer extra story is full of joy


At first, he had no memory. He had been running since he was born. He ran for food, to avoid being hunted by carnivores, and to survive. Hunger and fear accompanied him every moment. Even when he was sleeping, he had to be alert to the attacks of nocturnal creatures.

When being swept into the sky by the tornado, the little deer screamed as he watched the herd of deer continue to run without waiting for him. He did not blame the herd as this was the law of nature. He had also shaken off his companions who were caught by wild beasts and used their sacrifices to ensure the safety of the entire herd.

The tearing wind cut countless wounds on his body. The little deer was in great pain and cried out, but the huge sound of the wind covered up his cries.

No one would come to save him; he would just be thrown into the sky and then fall heavily to his death.

Suddenly a figure rushed into the wind, hugged him with strong arms, and pulled him into his arms.

At that time, he knew nothing and could only tremble in that person's arms.

He didn't know that the creature that saved him was called human, and he didn't know how happy he would be in the future.

A group of two-legged creatures were speaking a language he didn't understand. Were they going to eat him? The little deer huddled in the arms of the two-legged creature that had saved him, and felt that his not-so-broad chest was very warm.

After they talked for a while, they took him to a very strange place. The little deer felt that his whole body was torn apart and then put back together again, with something different added during the splicing.

He was suddenly able to understand what the two-legged animals were saying, and he knew that the human who saved him was called Tan Yan, a young student with poor academic performance, but very handsome.

Xiaolu does not have human aesthetics. He only knows that after entering the strange world through the "hole", the surrounding bipeds are divided into two types in his eyes: Tan Yan and people other than Tan Yan. The good-looking one is Tan Yan, and the rest who look the same are Tan Yan's companions.

Tan Yan said that he was going to another world and would hand him over to a person whose face he could not see clearly. Xiaolu felt very scared, and only Tan Yan could make him feel at ease.

He struggled desperately, but found that his strength was many times greater than before, and he could run much faster.

He followed Tan Yan into a very cold world, as cold as minus one hundred degrees Celsius. Xiaolu didn't know how he knew the concept of temperature, he knew it naturally when he came to the new world.

"Why did you follow me?" Tan Yan asked, touching the deer's neck.

Even the sound is so nice.

Xiaolu narrowed his eyes, turned his head and put his face on Tan Yan's hand.

Tan Yan didn't seem to think that he could understand what he said, so he picked him up and said, "Stay close to me, be careful of frostbite, I will take you back to the real world."

The little deer struggled to jump out of his arms, telling him with its actions that it was not cold, was strong and could carry Tan Yan home.

"You haven't awakened your special powers, have you? You're not afraid of the cold." Tan Yan smiled, "Then follow me. If you can't keep up, call me."

How could four legs not be faster than two legs? In running, the deer was sure that he would not lose to anyone.

He ran much faster than before, without slipping on the ice, and he ran for such a long time without any effort. But Tan Yan in front of him ran even faster, and he could not catch up with him even if he ran hard, so he could only follow from a distance.

Tan Yan would occasionally stop and wait for him for a while. Xiaolu felt that he was so useless. At this speed, there was no way Tan Yan could ride.

After arriving at the teleportation point, Tan Yan praised the little deer in surprise: "You haven't grown horns yet, but you're so small and you can run so fast. When you grow up, maybe even I won't be able to catch up with you."

Grow up? The little deer tilted his head. Yes, in his new knowledge, he is still a young deer. He can continue to grow, and the muscles of his four legs will become stronger and more powerful.

It’s good to grow up. When you grow up you can carry Tan Yan on your back.

The little deer rubbed against Tan Yan and called "yo yo" with hope.

After returning to the real world, Xiaolu met many people, and his understanding of human beings changed from Tan Yan and people other than Tan Yan to Tan Yan, people other than Tan Yan, and Qiao Zhixue.

Qiao Zhixue was so scary. He could tell at once that he understood what everyone was saying and threatened him to pay compensation. Fortunately, Tan Yan said he wanted to recognize him as his son and named him Tan Lu.

Tan Lu, with his head tilted and eyes narrowed, he liked this name because it was very similar to Tan Yan's.

Unfortunately, because of the bad guy Qiao Zhixue, he can't stay with Tan Yan and has to stay in the base to eat the not-so-delicious green porridge prepared by Qiao Zhixue.

Qiao Zhixue said that the green paste was a nutrient that was good for his body and could help him grow quickly, so the deer endured and ate it.

Although Qiao Zhixue is a bad guy, he knows a lot. Following him, you can learn useful knowledge for Tan Yan, and you can also become stronger. The green paste is unpalatable, but after eating it, you will indeed become stronger than before.

The base is very safe. No lions or tigers will come to catch him. He has his own room and no longer has to sleep standing up.

Even so, the little deer was still worried and stood against the wall every day, waking up at the slightest sound.

Eat, exercise, study, he wants to grow up quickly so that one day he can accompany Tan Yan.

Xiaolu's world is getting bigger and bigger. In addition to Tan Yan and Qiao Zhixue, he gets to know more people.

There is mother Liang Xian. He is the second person Xiaolu is willing to get close to besides Tan Yan. However, she can’t say that she likes him very much. She just can feel that there are similarities between them. Xiaolu is attracted to Liang Xian and has the urge to learn from him from time to time.

But the mother was not a good mother. When the little deer just started to like him a little, the mother gave him a younger brother.

The younger brother is very bad. He has his own father, but he wants to steal his father away. Relying on his ability to talk, he looks for people to deal with him everywhere. Even the bad guy Qiao Zhixue speaks for his younger brother.

The little deer was very angry.

But his younger brother had money and could buy Tan Yan a birthday present. The little deer was a very strong deer, but he still had to bow to money and had to make peace with his younger brother.

His younger brother was able to help him get an ID card and register his household registration in Tan Yan's family. Why was his younger brother so capable? What he understood, Xiaolu also understood.

He passed his question to Qiao Zhixue through the antlers, and Qiao Zhixue replied: "You and Tianshen No. 2 each have their own advantages and disadvantages. You have a body and the ability to move, while Tianshen No. 2 has language. If you don't care, it will be easy to destroy Tianshen No. 2, and if Tianshen No. 2 really controls the country's weapons system, it will not be difficult to kill you. Fortunately, you are all good kids who abide by the law and will not abuse your advantages."

Xiaolu certainly didn't want to kill Tianshen No. 2, he just hoped that Tan Yan could like him more, even just a little bit more.

Wouldn’t it be much better if you learned to speak

So the little deer began to learn to speak secretly and asked Tianshen No. 2 to help him download children's teaching videos.

"I don't think this is something that can be achieved with just hard work," the bad brother said coldly, "Your vocal cords are different from those of humans and don't have language functions. You will never be able to learn to speak."

He was right, the fawn couldn't learn.

After studying for more than half a month, Xiaolu lay down against the wall in frustration. He usually even slept standing up and rarely lay down. This look was very pitiful.

God No. 2 could only comfort him, "But your ability is very strong. As long as you exercise your brain and continue to strengthen your consciousness, sooner or later you will be able to convey your thoughts through your antlers, so that people around you can hear what you mean."

The little deer was very happy. He began to concentrate his mind and practice mental dialogue.

He actually succeeded. On the eve of Tan Yan's birthday, he was able to transmit the words "Happy Birthday" to a place 2 meters away without touching the antlers.

He planned to wait until midnight to say this to Tan Yan.

But at midnight, Tan Yan disappeared. He could not feel Tan Yan's presence. He ran all over the base and transmitted his thoughts to every corner, but received no response.

This time, Shen-2 was unable to comfort him, and Shen-2 was even sadder than he was.

For the first time, the little deer understood what sadness was and what it meant to not want to lose.

He would rather die than let Tan Yan leave.

He ran desperately, and every night he would take Tianshen-2 out of the base to search for the place where Tan Yan once lived.

Ping County, B City, Central Military Academy, Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao... all the places where Tan Yan had left footprints during his lifetime, the deer ran to all of them, but still found nothing.

Later he stopped running away, but would go to the Martyrs' Cemetery every night, looking at Tan Yan's tombstone and wailing softly.

The younger brother of God No. 2 said that his emotions were too strong. Through studying humans, he believed that people with less emotions would live longer.

Xiaolu told him that if there was no Tan Yan in the world, it would be meaningless even if he lived for a hundred years.

Tian Shen No. 2 wanted to say something, but the warning light on the tablet flashed for a while, and in the end, he said nothing.

Xiaolu knew that Tianshen No. 2 was also feeling uncomfortable. He said that every time he accompanied Xiaolu to look for Tan Yan, the temperature of the CPU would inexplicably rise when he searched for Tan Yan's past information in the database. He would frantically copy and paste Tan Yan's information, causing junk files to fill up the memory, slowing down the processor and making it feel very blocked.

"This is probably what sadness is." Celestial God No. 2 sighed, "It's so uncomfortable."

The fawn licked the sterilized tablet, and the brothers comforted each other.

Fortunately, God treated them well. Tan Yan came back, and with everyone's thoughts and thoughts, he regained consciousness. With everyone's joint efforts, he got a new body, shared life with Liang Xian's mother, and could live for another few decades.

Xiaolu didn’t know how long a few decades were. Tianshen No. 2 told him that his life span was only more than 20 years, much shorter than Tan Yan’s.

Xiaolu was very happy that he could stay with Tan Yan for more than 20 years and would never have to see Tan Yan leave.

After Tan Yan came back, he bought a small two-story house in City B and lived there with Xiaolu.

On the nights when Liang Xian went out on a mission, the deer would wash itself clean, wipe its hooves clean, and stay in Tan Yan's bed.

He was obviously a standing creature, but he would lie down next to Tan Yan because Tan Yan's arms were the safest.

It was another sleepy morning. Liang Xian's mother came back after completing her mission. He sneaked into the room, took off his team uniform, climbed onto the bed, and got into the bed of Xiaolu and Tan Yan.

The little deer raised his eyes and moved his butt with difficulty to leave a space for Liang Xian.

His father was lying on his left, his mother squeezed in on his right, and his younger brother was sleeping on standby mode above his head.

Warm and cozy.

The sky is just beginning to turn white, it’s probably around 4 o’clock, I can still sleep a little longer…

Xiaolu slowly closed his eyes, leaned against Tan Yan, and fell asleep happily.

He, Tan Lu, a deer who loves to run, is willing to stop running beside Tan Yan, be his family, and accompany him for the rest of his life.

The author has something to say: This article is now complete, thank you for your support.

I continue to recommend my new article "They All Say I Met a Ghost", a first-person light-hearted article.


ps: Thank you for your support, everyone!

Thrown 1 mine Thrown time: 2018-10-19 13:55:57

cassandra threw 1 mine at: 2018-10-19 19:44:35

The Autumn?g?? car threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-19 21:25:49

chmchu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-19 22:01:03

Still Waters Run Deep threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-19 22:01:39

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-20 10:35:32

Yu Yu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-20 14:28:52

Miao Xiaomo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-20 14:32:27

Jingjing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-20 21:28:25

Amu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-20 22:19:47

Thrown 1 mine Thrown time: 2018-10-20 23:31:02

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 01:29:22

I throw a mine in Xianyu every day. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 10:01:13

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 10:50:28

Homework, let's break up. Throw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 19:18:06

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 21:55:02

Baishui threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 22:10:29

Cancan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 22:37:02

Miao Qi threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-10-21 23:20:19

Shen. Thrown 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 01:05:27

Shannon threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 08:00:05

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 13:41:52

Miao Xiaomo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 14:44:25

Leaf threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 16:06:31

Frost Dye threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 16:08:52

Flying Baby Cat threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 17:25:27

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 18:31:48

Just now, someone threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-10-22 18:50:14

Who moved my chicken leg? Throw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 19:16:57

15435786 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 22:40:09

leovessalius threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-22 23:12:31

Yueming Fengqing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 00:35:17

Wolf Fox threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 01:03:57

Xuanxuan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 01:56:22

Throwing a mine on Ye Xiu's orders Time: 2018-10-23 14:14:46

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 15:52:00

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 15:52:06

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 15:52:25

leovessalius threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 20:49:42

825832 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 20:51:39

Sprinkle baby threw 1 rocket. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:02:45

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:19:02

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:19:18

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:19:31

Earn money to support the family Throw a mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:19:37

Rongrong Yuyi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:32:31

Rongrong Yuyi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:37:21

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:39:15

The author is my favorite~ Throwing 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:42:24

Night Dew Deeper threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 21:59:35

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 22:09:32

Zhuque Lingguang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 23:09:34

Qingyan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-23 23:39:22

Xin Kuan Tu Long Shuang Shang threw 1 mine online. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 01:07:43

Fagao Hehe threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-10-24 01:32:20

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 03:14:51

The captain of the Yiling Zombie Squad threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 03:37:30

Miao Xiaomo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 07:06:33

Linqing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 07:25:20

The traffic jam threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 08:32:52

Full sugar without ice. Throw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 09:57:02

Moon Shadow Ghost threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 13:02:27

Gulou No. 8 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 14:30:36

titizhu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 14:43:07

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 16:32:41

Leaf threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 20:26:50

I, An Xiaoyang, threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 20:43:16

The Vest Team threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 21:23:00

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 23:05:29

Xin Kuan Tu Long Shuang Shang threw 1 mine online. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 23:35:55

Xin Kuan Tu Long Shuang Shang threw 1 mine online. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 23:36:07

Xin Kuan Tu Long Shuang Shang threw 1 mine online. Throwing time: 2018-10-24 23:36:12

hgy7 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-25 00:47:28

Fatty threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2018-10-25 07:20:37

Nuan Yang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-25 07:32:44

Changsu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-25 13:02:39

Monster Monster threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-25 16:53:18

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-25 18:16:14

Arsenic Smecta threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-10-26 10:04:37

Huaduan threw 1 mine at himself eagerly. Time: 2018-10-26 11:45:00

Sprinkle baby threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-26 18:37:54

Miao Xiaomo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-26 23:20:47

Fatty threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-27 04:32:31

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-27 12:39:10

God threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-27 16:18:24

The little girl threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-27 17:47:09

yanxinnx threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-10-27 22:23:02

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-28 10:11:35

Salty Fish No. 1 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-28 10:13:38

Xin Kuan Tu Long Shuang Shang threw 1 mine online. Throwing time: 2018-10-28 20:46:30

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-28 21:55:18

Hehehe, threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-28 22:50:34

chmchu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-29 06:55:50

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-29 07:25:18

Lazy Fish threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-29 09:06:37

My horse duck threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-29 14:06:58

Huaduan threw 1 mine at himself eagerly. Throwing time: 2018-10-29 17:45:51

Flying Baby Cat threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-29 23:05:55

Guo Ma threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 07:03:35

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 07:24:00

Xuntu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 08:26:44

Youdong threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 14:43:19

Arad data threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 14:43:44

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-10-30 15:06:36

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-10-30 15:06:41

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-10-30 15:06:45

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-10-30 15:06:53

Murder Years threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 15:12:24

A mine was thrown on a rainy night. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 16:11:53

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 16:25:25

Miao Xiaomo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 16:58:02

Huaduan threw 1 mine at himself eagerly. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 17:27:20

Kengwen Pangshijin threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 18:52:20

Kengwen Pangshijin threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 18:53:35

Pecan Durian Pancake threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 21:01:57

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 21:33:46

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 21:51:14

30391673 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-30 23:34:45

Princess Siwu threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-10-31 17:08:08

Tang Tai threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-31 18:35:10

The Vest Team threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-31 21:31:11

Kengwen Pangshijin threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-31 22:30:54

Kengwen Pangshijin threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-31 22:31:06

Kengwen Pangshijin threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-10-31 22:31:49

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-10-31 23:02:13

Yunmengze threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-01 13:21:36

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-01 15:21:34

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-01 15:21:47

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-01 15:21:53

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-01 15:21:59

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-01 15:22:03

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-01 16:37:01

Xuanxuan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-01 22:59:29

The whole city was covered in smoke. 1 mine was thrown. Time of throwing: 2018-11-01 23:24:37

I, An Xiaoyang, threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-02 09:47:11

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-02 12:19:18

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-02 12:19:22

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-02 12:19:29

Voice threw 1 mine. Time: 2018-11-02 12:55:07

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-02 20:55:08

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-02 20:55:53

Cancan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-02 21:04:17

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-02 23:00:29

Zhou Xiaoye threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-02 23:59:19

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-03 14:49:38

Louise threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-03 17:14:13

I, An Xiaoyang, threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-03 18:53:59

8556466 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-03 21:09:40

8556466 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-03 21:10:06

Mo Hanxuan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-04 08:06:28

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-04 16:39:48

Cancan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-04 22:05:54

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 03:33:02

Xinjiu Ajiu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 11:17:49

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 12:01:33

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 14:57:24

Brother|Remember to throw a mine at home. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 15:43:50

, threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 16:29:53

Ah Shan threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 18:34:52

Recently I love buying little skirts and threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-05 18:51:09

Huawu Yueying threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 19:20:58

Erwu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-05 23:30:09

chmchu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 02:13:12

chmchu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 02:13:26

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 11:04:23

Silver Tantian threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 15:49:57

Silver Tantian threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 15:50:03

Can't think of what it's called. Throw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 15:54:43

The traffic jam threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 19:38:43

Zhuque Lingguang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 20:57:10

Xiangcha Wang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 21:06:24

Xinjiu Ajiu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 22:06:52

Guo Ma threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 22:17:52

qj threw 1 mine everywhere. Throwing time: 2018-11-06 22:59:13

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-07 13:23:52

14347922 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-07 13:26:48

I love buying little skirts recently. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-07 16:21:04

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-07 22:48:25

Fengyang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 01:08:07

Fatty threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 04:28:49

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 09:21:52

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 09:22:32

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 09:22:40

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 09:22:48

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 09:22:54

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 09:23:58

The young master is definitely an attacker. He threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 16:07:57

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-08 16:57:08

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-09 01:54:34

The stake threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-09 16:22:45

Fagao Hehe threw 1 rocket. Throwing time: 2018-11-09 17:32:59

Shengsheng threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-09 18:43:13

Concerto is a penguin who threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-09 18:54:03

Fagao Hehe threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-10 00:50:03

Abu~ threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-10 08:32:43

Abu~ threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-10 08:40:16

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-10 18:38:44

momo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-10 19:59:38

Fagao Hehe threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-10 23:26:26

kikidoll threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 02:04:38

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 08:52:35

The young master is definitely an attacker. He threw 1 mine. Time: 2018-11-11 14:27:29

Weng Buzz 001 threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 14:54:45

Xiao Yinzi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 16:04:42

A landmine was thrown with good intentions. Time of throwing: 2018-11-11 16:28:40

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 17:52:52

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 17:53:32

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 17:53:56

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 17:54:15

Concerto is a penguin that threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 18:11:20

Fagao Hehe threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 23:16:11

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 23:42:56

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-11 23:43:08

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-12 00:05:50

Hua briefly and eagerly threw a grenade at himself. Throwing time: 2018-11-12 00:45:38

+6 Thrown 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-12 10:11:33

Yan Xizao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-13 10:28:34

Concerto is a penguin that threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-13 13:31:16

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-13 14:16:27

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-13 15:04:03

Only 1 mine was thrown. Throwing time: 2018-11-13 17:23:39

+6 Thrown 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-13 19:13:35

Fengcun threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-14 16:12:55

Fagao Hehe threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-11-14 17:49:54

Maple Sugar QW threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-14 22:54:40

chmchu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-14 23:16:48

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-14 23:28:10

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 10:09:28

29502165 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 11:23:16

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 14:58:35

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 14:58:42

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 14:58:47

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 16:26:56

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 17:19:27

Ah Huai threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 19:35:08

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-15 21:55:36

Yin Moyan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-16 10:51:38

18392018 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-16 14:03:57

yu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-16 16:14:20

Ammonium threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-16 20:33:52

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-16 21:59:22

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-16 22:06:00

Listen 18 threw a mine Throwing time: 2018-11-17 11:07:03

Fat Dudu#Focus on confession 30 threw 1 deep-water torpedo Throwing time: 2018-11-17 20:08:16

Lotus Pond Green Light threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 01:12:24

Fat Dudu#Focus on confession 30 threw a deep-water torpedo. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 03:11:09

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 16:17:27

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 16:17:34

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 16:18:38

sl shallow threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-18 19:15:51

Amu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 21:02:15

ldbjb147 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 21:15:09

Kelly threw 1 mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-18 21:56:51

Only 1 mine was thrown. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 22:19:42

Only 1 mine was thrown. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 22:19:41

Fagao Hehe threw a grenade Throwing time: 2018-11-18 22:45:25

Xinjiu Ajiu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-18 23:14:46

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 01:10:50

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 12:55:19

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 14:59:24

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 20:38:19

Literary girl j threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 20:54:33

Fang Jun threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 23:08:48

14347922 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-19 23:17:59

gy7 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-20 00:02:26

Luoyu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-20 04:09:31

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-20 14:42:19

+6 Thrown 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-20 19:33:03

Kelly threw 1 mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-20 20:00:46

My name is Wanqi, not Wanai. I threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-20 21:48:15

Miaomiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-20 22:20:25

Wen threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 00:50:13

Aidanmei threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 01:17:16

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 16:56:53

Xingluo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 17:43:10

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 21:29:07

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 21:30:01

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-21 21:30:06

The lazy man threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-22 02:21:59

Passing by and throwing a mine Throwing time: 2018-11-22 09:13:32

Shaozi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-22 22:24:56

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-23 11:00:30

sl shallow threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-23 17:30:53

Busu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-23 17:33:58

The Vest Team threw 1 mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-23 21:52:40

Yuan Momo threw 1 rocket. Throwing time: 2018-11-23 23:38:31

I threw a mine while sleeping in Zuihuajian. Throwing time: 2018-11-24 08:50:03

Huhu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-24 10:58:43

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-24 13:24:25

Kelly threw 1 mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-24 13:24:29

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-24 13:24:32

Bug threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-24 21:46:15

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-25 01:17:28

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-25 22:28:18

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-25 22:29:07

Sixi Muru threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-26 00:14:25

Blue Road threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-26 00:41:04

Zuoju was thirsty and threw a mine in anger. Throwing time: 2018-11-26 03:08:34

Busu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-26 09:42:54

Ling Xixi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-26 10:02:20

Baozi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-26 22:52:02

Bai Mojiu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-27 18:31:39

Kelly threw 1 mine. Time of throwing: 2018-11-27 20:50:22

Fraunhofer diffraction threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-27 21:26:36

ldbjb147 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-27 21:49:15

Zhishangting threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-27 22:25:34

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-28 02:27:48

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-28 10:08:04

I threw a mine in a daze. Time of throwing: 2018-11-28 21:43:05

Zihuan Yuelan threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-29 23:13:44

I don't know what to name it. I threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 13:11:17

I don't know what to name it. I threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 13:11:30

I don't know what to name it. I threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 13:11:33

Shi Hai threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 14:01:07

another threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 15:03:47

Purple glutinous rice threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 17:17:49

Junzizhijiao threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 17:23:16

Yun Ling threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 18:16:34

Wei Maofu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 18:51:20

+6 Thrown 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-11-30 22:48:57

Cat Eater Zhizhi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-11-30 23:24:54

Langlang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-01 13:18:21

traveler threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-01 18:31:50

Concerto is a penguin that threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-02 18:00:39

Mr. Qiqiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-02 22:36:17

Kelly threw 1 mine. Time of throwing: 2018-12-02 23:55:32

Tequila threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-03 10:58:55

Nasis threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-03 11:28:55

Fagao Hehe threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-12-03 14:45:36

Coca-Cola threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-04 17:32:14

Tom Hiddleston's wife threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-05 14:34:54

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-05 19:43:26

Langlang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-05 19:52:03

crystalkid threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-06 08:52:07

The young master is definitely an attacker. He threw 1 mine. Time: 2018-12-06 14:20:45

Hyun Moon threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-07 00:54:39

Wenzhoudu I threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-12-07 23:27:19

Delphi Oracle threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-08 13:37:05

Delphi Oracle threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-08 13:37:17

Delphic Oracle threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-08 13:38:06

Delphi Oracle threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-08 14:38:51

Cha Cha Cha Zhou Zhou Zhou threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-09 21:12:21

Who has the best cat petting skills? Throw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-09 23:24:17

wink~☆ threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 05:44:07

Fu Li Yuchen threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 07:25:40

hulijing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 15:14:59

The red carp crossing the river threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 15:33:44

Huihui threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 20:04:20

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 20:28:36

Fagao Hehe threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-12-10 20:41:05

Fox Three Claws threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 20:49:17

Rusong Zhisheng threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-10 22:29:02

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-11 08:39:33

hulijing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-11 21:51:52

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-12 00:58:10

Sweet Duck threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-12-12 06:17:21

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-12 16:51:53

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-13 08:50:01

33433845 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-13 09:45:16

Ming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-13 22:39:21

Ming threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2018-12-14 01:02:45

Jiuge threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-14 01:48:13

Bangeyue threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-14 14:50:42

Ming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-14 22:25:16

Breeze threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-15 07:35:27

Rushui Baikai threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-15 10:54:18

The environmentally friendly badger threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-16 06:53:25

Junjian threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-16 11:44:32

yu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-16 16:50:59

Gudong Gudong threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-16 20:47:02

Langlang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-20 13:38:38

Fatty threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-20 21:03:41

Fatty threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-20 21:03:50

Wowotou threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-21 08:34:43

Jingyan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-21 13:37:40

Huihui threw 1 rocket. Throwing time: 2018-12-21 14:23:55

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-22 20:17:55

Zifei threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-22 21:10:24

A patient with severe prosopagnosia threw a mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-22 22:04:07

Who has the best cat petting skills? Throwing a mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-22 22:52:28

Langlang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-23 08:59:32

hulijing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-24 15:22:59

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-25 09:20:44

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-25 23:59:13

Hu Bugui threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-26 19:39:03

The girl who eats dirt will spit out dirt. Throws 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-26 20:53:03

Only 1 mine was thrown. Throwing time: 2018-12-28 14:02:02

25530762 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-29 02:31:07

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-29 09:22:01

1 mine was thrown in the 1970s. Throwing time: 2018-12-30 03:33:12

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-30 22:20:07

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2018-12-31 22:33:53

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 00:27:40

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 15:03:15

Su Lan's cherry tree threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 15:03:42

Ju Hua threw 1 rocket. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 17:08:04

Super Invincible Explosive Bear threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 18:03:46

The farmer threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 18:26:45

Meet Spring and throw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 20:02:31

Meet Spring and throw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-01 20:02:44

The tainted point threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-02 13:35:31

Portuguese Tart threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-03 18:35:07

Huihui threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-03 21:15:04

2 BBs threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-03 23:14:48

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-06 10:42:57

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-06 13:45:45

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-09 18:10:51

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-10 16:02:04

Han threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-10 16:19:53

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-10 19:10:32

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-10 21:16:49

Shang Mo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-10 21:51:48

Kakashi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-10 23:14:01

Mr. Qiqiao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 00:20:37

Flowers bloom without remembering the year 1999 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-11 12:06:50

Apple threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 17:16:50

Yuluo Gechuan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 18:07:57

Rosemary threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 18:08:10

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 19:08:33

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 19:09:24

Yu Xi threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 19:10:20

Purple glutinous rice threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 20:23:20

+6 Thrown 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-11 20:29:53

There was snow in winter. 1 mine was thrown. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 21:44:08

The flower in front of the hall smiled and threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-11 21:58:23

A person quietly threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 00:49:52

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 02:35:11

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 02:35:18

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 02:35:31

I love eating mangoes. I threw a mine. Time of throwing: 2019-01-12 03:46:30

A passerby threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 06:40:53

Zhu Zhu threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2019-01-12 10:20:58

Leng Ning You Shuang threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 14:17:29

Shark threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 19:28:19

113 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-12 22:29:46

Ali, who was making tea in Tingyu Tower, threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 10:39:11

Ali, who was making tea in Tingyu Tower, threw a rocket. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 10:39:52

lost&find threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 11:45:46

lost&find threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 11:47:33

lost&find threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 11:47:38

Fish threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 21:22:40

Bai Ye threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 22:28:05

Throwing 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-13 22:34:01

Ji Zisu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-14 12:43:02

Ji Zisu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-14 12:43:18

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-14 23:46:29

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-14 23:46:36

Hei Siming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-14 23:46:39

Amo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-15 11:58:37

Yinxia threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-15 12:44:57

Huawu Yueying threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-15 18:36:30

Hyun Moon threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-15 20:35:52

Ming threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-15 22:44:05

Iron Man threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2019-01-15 23:55:28

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 11:13:18

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 11:13:20

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 11:13:20

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 11:13:20

may1986 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 11:13:20

yu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 15:56:31

Sanhao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 19:42:12

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 22:01:37

Lotus Pond Green Light threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-16 22:02:38

The fish who wants to keep a cat threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-17 16:17:35

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