I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 17: Abyss (V)


When the "person" in protective clothing arrived, he turned around with an instrument, then raised his weapon and pointed it at the meteorite where Liang Xian and the others were hiding: "Who are you?"

It's Chinese!

The four of them looked at each other, and Ah San resolutely jumped out, raised his hands, and said harmlessly: "We are the survivors."

"How could there be survivors outside now? Which base are you from? Why haven't the remaining three come out yet?" The man was very hostile and never put down his weapon.

Liang Xian and the other two also raised their hands and walked out. Liang Xian said, "We are really survivors. I am a bachelor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I was doing experiments in the underground research institute when the disaster happened. The defense of the institute is strong enough, the facilities are complete, and there is enough food, so we have survived until now."

"Could you have stayed underground for six years? How could food have such a long shelf life? Moreover, the Chinese Academy of Sciences was hit by a huge meteorite at the beginning of the disaster, and even the underground collapsed, causing huge losses to human survival. How could anyone survive?" The man obviously didn't believe it.

"Because I studied agronomy, the research I was doing at the time was to breed new varieties of wheat through genetic hybridization technology, which could enhance wheat's drought tolerance and increase yields. It was expected to double the yield per mu." Liang Xian said, "At the time, I was guarding an experimental greenhouse with seeds by my side. A few of us relied on that experimental greenhouse to survive."

Hearing about increasing food production, the man obviously hesitated: "Then why don't you come out? Can a normal person really be isolated from the world for six years?"

"Of course, I can't do it alone," Liang Xian said with a melancholy look, "but I have these three companions. They are the security personnel of the laboratory and they are all special forces. They protected me at the beginning of the disaster. At that time, the control system of the base gate was smashed. We are not good at intelligent system repair and can't get out of the gate. We can only dig a little bit, and we have finally got out now."

He spoke in a serious manner, as if these things were really happening.

But everyone knows that what really made people in front of him willing to believe his nonsense was Liang Xian’s so-called hybridization experiment.

"The temperature is about to rise. If we continue like this we will die." Liang Xian continued.

"Throw all your weapons over here and take these." The man took out four handcuffs from his backpack.

Liang Xian took the handcuffs and took a look at them. He confirmed that they were the handcuffs he had practiced unlocking countless times with and was very familiar with them, so he put them on without any pressure.

The same went for Qin Li and Asan, who were not worried that the handcuffs would trap them.

Tan Yan has no such worries.

Seeing them obediently hand over their weapons and put on handcuffs, the man finally felt relieved and said, "Follow me."

"Wait a minute," Ah San stood still, "The sun is about to rise. If we continue to follow you, we will be sunburned to death."

"How did you get here?" the man asked.

"We found ways to keep warm and avoid the sun, and traveled at the turn of day and night, looking for survivors along the way. We just finished eating the food we stored here," Asan explained.

"Then hurry up, the base is just ahead."

Now everyone had no objection. He walked in front and the others followed. As Liang Xian walked, he found that the protective shield above his head had expanded, wrapping up all four of them.

"He probably can't hear us talking." Tan Yan said.

Qin Li had a look of envy on his face, and his eyes showed "When will I ever have such power?"

"The end of the world came in 2012, and suddenly I felt like we had escaped." Asan breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a sense of disappointment in his eyes.

It used to be our home, but now it has become a ruin, which is really sad.

"Not necessarily," Liang Xian analyzed calmly, "He never said it was 2018."

"They are both Earth, how could the time in the two worlds be inconsistent?"

"If space travel can happen, nothing is impossible. After we arrive at the base, we will try our best to obtain information and compare the gap between the two worlds. Once we have collected enough information, we will find a way to leave." Liang Xian continued.

"The other side's position is unclear. I think we should gather enough intelligence on the way and leave immediately. The base's defense measures must be very good. I'm afraid we won't be able to get out once we get in." Ah □□ said, "I know Tan Yan is very powerful and we can rely on him. But now the three of us are lagging behind. We can't even run three steps outside. Do you want to rely on Tan Yan alone to protect us from planes and cannons?"

Liang Xian was silent.

"I'm fine." Tan Yan said, "Do whatever you want to do."

"No, Third Brother is right," Liang Xian changed the name for Ah San, "I was inconsiderate and too aggressive."

This incident happened too suddenly. The four of them were fighting alone in a different world. They finally got information about the world after the "Void" and had to bring it back to their world as soon as possible.

If the "voids" are connected to the post-apocalyptic Earth, then will their world, where "voids" appear frequently, also face the end of the world

The most efficient way now is to...

"This guy is an amateur and will turn his back on the enemy." Qin Li said suddenly.

Asan, Liang Xian and Qin Li looked at each other, Asan made a few gestures, Liang Xian and Qin Li nodded, and the three of them flipped their wrists and the handcuffs fell to the ground.

They moved in different directions, forming a triangle and gradually surrounded the people in protective clothing from behind.

Thanks to the protection of the protective shield, the people in front could not hear the sound of them approaching quietly. When the three of them were in a suitable position for attack, Tan Yan removed the protective shield.

Ah San suddenly jumped up, pinned the man down, and took off the wooden box in his hand. Qin Li snatched back the backpack, and Liang Xian put his left hand on a very hidden button and shouted in a low voice: "Answer whatever I ask, otherwise I will take off your protective suit immediately and expose you directly to the sun."

The man struggled desperately, but two fists were no match for four hands, let alone three very skilled special forces soldiers.

Seeing that he still dared to move, Liang Xian pressed the button hard while the sunlight was not too strong. The protective suit immediately slid down, revealing the face of a middle-aged man.

Half of his face was covered with burns, and his eyes looked like two empty holes. That was not just a look of fear of death, but a look of complete giving up.

Give up the pursuit of a better world.

"Please... don't let me see the sunlight." Upon seeing the sun, the man immediately closed his eyes.

Asan's heart was as cold as iron. He dragged the man behind a rock. It was shady there and should be able to block out the sunlight for a while.

Liang Xian did not help him put on the protective suit, but said: "We will only ask a few questions, and we will let you go after you answer them."

"I don't know the situation at the base either. I'm just a low-level investigator. Now, no capable person would go out on patrol with only a wooden gun like me. Any meteorite can kill me!" The man's voice was full of fear, and he didn't seem to be lying.

"Don't worry, we'll just ask some basic questions," Liang Xian said. "What year is it now? What happened after the atmosphere disappeared? What's the country's population now? What's the disaster situation abroad?"

"These... Don't you know? All the children in the base learn this in their general knowledge classes." The man looked surprised.

"Little girl, please don't be sad! I'm so sad! I'm so sad! I'm so sad! I'm so sad! I'm so sad!

“Okay, okay!” The man surrendered immediately. “According to the calculation after the end of the world, this year is the sixth year of the last law calendar. According to the previous calculation, it is 2018.”

Same time as Earth.

"It was the beginning of autumn when the atmosphere disappeared, and one-tenth of the population froze to death overnight. Everyone died in their sleep." The man shed tears silently when he mentioned this. "I was on night shift at the time. I felt cold so I turned on the air conditioner, but the power went out after a while. But I was able to move around and luckily saved my life. But when I got home in the morning, my wife and children were dead."

Even though he was crying, there was no sadness in his eyes, only numbness.

"At first I cried and screamed, thinking that I was the worst off, but who knew there were many people worse off than me. The next day there was no blue sky or white clouds, but a pitch black sky. The sun was like a searchlight, burning many people to death.

Crops died overnight, and the government provided relief food, which was distributed at the turn of morning and evening. But there were so many people lining up that if you didn't go early, you wouldn't be able to get any. I went out an hour early in my black cloak to get food, and my face looked like this.

Meteorites started falling from the sky, all the buildings on the ground were destroyed, and all the plants and animals died. Robbery, murder, and rape were going on everywhere, and those who were still alive were like crazy people.

"What happened next?" Liang Xian didn't want to hear anymore and simply skipped asking about the follow-up.

"What happened next? Almost everyone died, with less than one-fiftieth of the country's population left. Those who were lucky enough to survive were taken to an underground base built by the country. The base is very sturdy and the temperature is constant, so there is no need to worry about dying suddenly.

Some were assigned to farm, some ventured out to look for energy, and patrolmen like me walked around outside every day to see if anyone from the enemy base was coming to attack us. "

"Why are we attacking you?"

"We're stealing food. We're all farming underground. We lack water, soil, and sunlight, so the yield is extremely low. There's not enough food for the people in the base, so we have to steal. I actually saw that you were wrong a long time ago, but you said there was a way to increase wheat production, so I... I wanted to try it." The man said with a sad face.

Liang Xian took a deep breath and asked, "Is this Earth? What country are you in? What was the name of the leader before the end of the world?"

The man showed confusion in his eyes, but he still answered Liang Xian: "It's not the Earth or what? Aren't we all Xia people? The leader is Chairman Wang."

Four people: “…”

The time is right, but history seems to have taken a turn in this world, and it is not the country they are familiar with.

Parallel universe, this is the only explanation.