I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 21: Awakening (II)


"How serious are the injuries of these three people?" Tan Yan stood anxiously outside the emergency room, and rushed forward to ask when he saw someone coming out.

Qiao Zhixue took off his mask and looked at Tan Yan deeply: "I need further examination to confirm the result."

Tan Yan looked puzzled.

Minister Yu stood behind him, holding Tan Yan's shoulders with his powerful hands: "I want the specific process of each stage."

Most leaders only need the final result, but Minister Yu asked for the detailed process in order to reassure Tan Yan.

Qiao Zhixue then said, "I'm not a medical professional. I followed in just to confirm my guess. I can only repeat what the doctor said."

"How are they?" Tan Yan asked nervously.

"According to the doctor, the situation is not very good. 'Jackal No. 3' and Qin Li are slightly less seriously injured, with third-degree frostbite and second-degree burns. They may be able to recover after treatment. Scars will be left on large areas of their skin, and it will become difficult for the hands to perform fine movements. Local nerves are affected, and the pain and touch sensations are reduced."

With every word he spoke, Tan Yan's face turned paler, and he stood in front of Qiao Zhixue like a frightened child.

"Where is Liang Xian?" Minister Yu's voice was filled with depression.

"He is the most seriously injured. His feet and arms were already injured, and now he has additional injuries. He has fourth-degree frostbite and fourth-degree burns. His muscles and bones are all damaged, and his internal organs are not clear for the time being. Especially the broken arm, which may need amputation. The hospital hopes that we can contact his family to sign." Qiao Zhixue replied.

Minister Yu punched the wall. Three young people with great prospects just died like this...

Tan Yan sat on the ground with his head in his hands. He took the three children out, saying that he would protect them, but in the end he destroyed them.

Seeing Tan Yan's expression, Qiao Zhixue squatted down and said, "That's why I said I would check further before I tell you."

"?" Tan Yan raised his head, with the tears in his eyes still not wiped away, his big eyes were watery. Even though Qiao Zhixue knew that his real age was 58, he still felt that he looked like a poor little puppy.

Looking away awkwardly, Qiao Zhixue continued in a calm voice: "While the doctors were rescuing them, I took the time to do a series of tests, but I was kicked out and only got a few results. There are special energy fields remaining in the three of them, and in addition..."

"What else?" There was a tremor in Minister Yu's voice.

"Also, they are clearly in a coma, but the activity of their brain cells is frighteningly high." Qiao Zhixue took out a picture, "A normal person has about 14-15 billion brain cells, but only 10% are developed and utilized at most, and most of the rest are dormant. Some research statistics even believe that 98.5% of brain cells are dormant, and only 1% are actually involved in functional activities. But now they are clearly in a coma, but 30% of the cells in their brain are working."

"Their bodies..." Tan Yan didn't understand what Qiao Zhixue was saying at all.

Fortunately, Minister Yu took over the conversation: "You don't think that the reason these 30% of brain cells are so active is to promote their self-recovery, right?"

"It is very likely," Qiao Zhixue said, "I suggest that the doctors perform the most basic rescue and then put them in the observation room to wait and see. I also want to scan Tan Yan's brain. Although I collected his physical information before, after the examination, there is no difference between him and normal people. At most, his physical fitness is better. The fact that the three of them were injured and unconscious this time gave me a new idea. I suspect that Tan Yan does not have any extraordinary physical abilities. His secret lies in his brain."

"Eh?" Tan Yan looked puzzled, "But I haven't even learned trigonometric functions yet..."

Qiao Zhixue: “…”

"Forget it, you don't need to understand. Just come with me for the check-up." Qiao Zhixue gave up explaining to Tan Yan. He urgently needed to wake up the three people in the emergency room. He heard that Liang Xian was a top student who was noticed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the age of 19 and was often called to observe and learn. He believed that Liang Xian would be able to understand what he said.

"I'll go after they three wake up." Tan Yan, who had always cooperated with the research, refused Qiao Zhixue at this time. He would not leave the emergency room now.

"Let him stay here." Minister Yu made the decision. "There are many things I need to ask these four people, but the most important thing now is to do everything in our power to save the three little heroes who returned from another world. They have made great contributions to the safety of the earth, and we are proud of their sacrifice."

Tan Yan: “…”

Since returning to Earth, people have been asking them what happened in the other world that caused the three of them to be in this state. No matter how the organization asked, Tan Yan refused to speak. He wanted to wait until the three of them woke up.

It's really... I can't explain it.

It was clear that all four of them could have returned unharmed, but the other three insisted on having super powers and ended up exhausting themselves half to death.

Especially Liang Xian, he kept shouting that he already felt the special power. Asan and Qin Li were carried up by Tan Yan, but he was still crawling on the ground, insisting not to let Tan Yan carry him.

When he was unconscious, Liang Xian grabbed Tan Yan's sleeve and said with difficulty: "When you take us back, you must not tell anyone about our embarrassing incident. You must not tell anyone!"

Liang Xian had only one thought in his confused mind: he had always been the top student since he was a child, and when he returned, he must not let his classmates know that he was in such a miserable state all by himself, and it had nothing to do with hard work.

Tan Yan kept his promise and refused to speak, waiting for Liang Xian to wake up and explain himself.

With Tan Yan's ability to conceal things, even the most inexperienced newcomers could tell that he was hiding something. But since Minister Yu did not order a strict interrogation, there was nothing they could do, so they could only let him wait in front of the emergency room.

"I don't know what you are hiding," Minister Yu said trustingly, "but as someone who has experienced the world after the Hollow, I know how dangerous it is. From the conditions of these three people, I know that the world you are facing is even more dangerous than what I have seen. If you don't want to tell me what they have experienced, I won't force you."

Anyway, those three people have been trained and politically baptized, so they will definitely speak.

After coming out of the emergency room, the doctor suggested to contact the families of the three injured immediately. Although they are all soldiers of the country, their bodies and hair are inherited from their parents, and some treatment plans still require the signature and consent of their families. Moreover, this kind of injury cannot be concealed at all, and the families have the right to know.

Minister Yu withstood the pressure and listened to Qiao Zhixue. He did not leak the news, but pushed the three people with intravenous drips into the intensive care unit.

Qiao Zhixue placed 24-hour monitors in their brains to constantly monitor the activity of their brain cells.

The military doctor also arranged inspections and monitoring to observe the physical conditions of the three people at any time and anywhere.

No changes were noticeable in the first two days, but by the fifth day, Qiao Zhixue could already see with his naked eyes that the scars on Asan and others were becoming lighter.

The doctor immediately examined Liang Xian's arm and damaged muscles and bones, and was surprised to find that the necrotic muscles were gradually recovering.

Without any medicine, the bodies of the three of them showed extraordinary recovery abilities.

Tan Yan and others who had been waiting outside the intensive care unit finally breathed a sigh of relief.

According to their recovery rate, the three of them will probably recover without any medicine within a month.

"It's a miracle in medical history," an old professor of medicine at the National Technical Safety Agency said in amazement, "How can the human body be able to do this?"

"It shouldn't be the body, but the brain." Qiao Zhixue took out the curve chart of brain cell activity in the past few days. The curve showed an upward trend, from 30% to 35%. Liang Xian was the fastest, reaching 40%.

"I'm really curious about how active your brain is," Qiao Zhixue's eyes glowed strangely, as if he wanted to open Tan Yan's skull with his eyes, "I believe it must be higher than theirs."

Tan Yan didn't believe it at all. Liang Xian and the other three were all college students. Ah San said that he was Liang Xian's senior, graduated from a special class, and was a doctoral student in military engineering. They were so smart, it was normal for their brain cells to be highly active. He was a rough man, and his brain was probably only developed to 0.5%.

Qiao Zhixue scoffed at his argument and waited for the test results to come out in the future to slap Tan Yan in the face.

"Since your body has recovered so well, why is you still in a coma?" Minister Yu asked puzzledly.

"I guess it's the brain's self-protection," Qiao Zhixue analyzed. "In order to recover as quickly as possible, the body stops all functions and focuses on self-healing. For this reason, the brain forces them into a coma. The higher the level of activity, the faster the recovery should be."

He rubbed his hands and said, "Wake up quickly. I can't wait to find out what kind of magical world that is!"

As if to confirm Qiao Zhixue's words, Liang Xian's recovery speed was obviously faster than the other two. Although he was the most seriously injured, half a month later, he was the first to recover and the first to wake up.

At this time, the three had been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general observation room. When Liang Xian woke up, Tan Yan was sitting at the head of his bed, helping him cut his nails.

The sunlight shone on Tan Yan's young face, making his skin seem transparent.

He lowered his head with his long eyelashes drooping, giving people a sense of quiet beauty.

Liang Xian felt that his heartbeat was becoming uncontrollable again.