I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 28: Consciousness (IV)


Several people tried their best to remain calm, but they still couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines.

Knowing that they had come to a parallel universe to Earth was different from seeing the tragic situation in City B with their own eyes.

In the photos, some of the historical sites in City B have become ruins, with countless bodies of the dead buried under the broken walls, which is shocking to see.

"What kind of disaster would cause the water level to rise like this? Is there a plague?" Asan couldn't help but ask.

"The glaciers may be melting..." Liang Xian guessed, "Scientists have said before that countless extinct viruses may be frozen in the glaciers. Once global warming causes the glaciers to melt, people will not only face rising sea levels and land turning into a vast ocean, but also mass deaths of plants and animals, and some unknown diseases."

Global warming is an issue often mentioned in modern society. Everyone knows that glaciers are melting, but no one expected that when the time comes, the world will become like this.

"But the melting of glaciers is a very slow process, right?" Ah San asked in confusion, "Buildings cannot be moved, but the government can lead people to relocate to the plateau. It's impossible for so many people to die at once..."

Judging from the state of the corpses, it had obviously only been a few days since the catastrophe in City B. It happened very recently, and very suddenly, so suddenly that there was no time for humans to prepare.

"Even if the glaciers melted all at once, it wouldn't be like this," Liang Xian said. "City B is inland anyway, so it would take time for the melt to spread here. Unless the topography changes in an instant, it would never cause such a tragedy that destroyed the city."

Qin Li opened his mouth, but he couldn't keep up with the other people's thoughts and didn't know what to say.

He has always been taciturn, and he knows that his brain can't keep up with these smart people. As long as he doesn't fall behind, he can just be an executor. Let those smart people think about these headaches. He lives a simple life, which is also very easy.

But now, looking at the familiar places of interest in the photos being washed away by the flood, he felt very uncomfortable, and felt dizzy at the thought that one day his world might become like this.

"Ugh..." Qin Li leaned against the raft and vomited again.

"Why is there still water left?" Asan took out a bottle of water from his backpack and handed it to Qin Li, "Drink some clean water."

Compared to the three shocked people, Tan Yan's expression was calm. He had seen too many such tragic scenes, and his initial shock and disbelief had turned into his current calmness. The more miserable the end of the world was, the more determined he was to never let his world become like this.

Compared to the photos, he paid more attention to the growing children. Liang Xian was the first to be able to use supernatural powers. Although he had not yet found his own strengths, he did not need to worry too much because of his intelligence. Ah San was slower, but he had graduated a long time ago and had been in actual combat for many years. Although his reaction speed was not as fast as Liang Xian, he understood his own strengths better and soon found his own areas of expertise.

Only Qin Li is the worst among the three. He is not as good as the other two in terms of experience and IQ. Many times, when listening to Liang Xian’s theories, he and Tan Yan are both confused.

Now I feel unwell...

Seeing Qin Li's pale face, Tan Yan put his hand on his forehead, his expression became very solemn: "He has a fever."

Ah San and Liang Xian were shocked. They had just crawled out of the water that had soaked corpses. Liang Xian had supernatural powers and Ah San was good at swimming. Qin Li choked on the most water.

“No way…” The worst guess flashed through Asan’s mind. He quickly let Qin Li lie flat on the raft and took out the thermometer.

39.5. Considering the physique of an adult, Qin Li's body temperature has reached the warning line.

He lay on the raft, his breathing getting heavier. Liang Xian quickly searched the bag. They also brought a lot of emergency medicines this time, from plasma to antibiotics. Qin Li needed to reduce fever as soon as possible and inject streptomycin, which is a specific drug for treating various plagues. However, among the antibiotics they carried, there were only commonly used penicillin and erythromycin antibiotics, but no streptomycin.

"It should be able to play a role," Liang Xian said without hesitation, and directly injected Qin Li with erythromycin and antipyretics, which are less likely to cause allergic reactions. "We don't have the conditions for infusion, so we can only inject it intramuscularly, but the effect is not good."

A bottle of intravenous medicine has a very large dosage, and they don't have it with them, but Qin Li's condition requires rescue as soon as possible.

"He should have been vaccinated when he was a child, how could he still be infected?" Asan asked puzzled.

"Either they were not vaccinated, or the virus mutated during transmission," Liang Xian said solemnly, "If this is a parallel world, these floating corpses around us should have also been vaccinated, so why did they also die of the Black Death?"

"We must go back as soon as possible." Tan Yan said solemnly, "Otherwise Qin Li won't be able to hold on."

Although their mission this time is to contact as many people as possible in the other world and analyze the composition of the air, soil, and water in the other world, they actually need to stay in the other world for a period of time. But Qin Li was infected with the disease as soon as he entered. If he is not treated immediately and misses the best treatment period, his life will be in danger.

"Go back." Ah San and Liang Xian made the decision at the same time. "Where is the exit?"

Tan Yan sensed it and pointed to the distance. Liang Xian immediately urged the water to flow and the raft slowly moved.

"Too slow!" Ah San said, "I feel better with water, I'll give it a try."

After he finished speaking, he placed his palm in the water, and the water suddenly moved rapidly, pushing their raft almost at the speed of a speedboat in the direction pointed by Tan Yan. While moving, there seemed to be an invisible airflow around the raft protecting them. Even at such a high speed, the raft did not shake at all, and no water splashed on them.

Liang Xian: “…”

It is really enviable to find an area in which you are good at.

But Ah San had just mastered his ability and was not yet proficient. After only half an hour of driving, his face turned pale, with big drops of cold sweat dripping down his forehead. He asked with difficulty: "How long will it take..."

"We have walked less than one-tenth of the distance." Tan Yan said, "You take a rest, I will do it."

He looked at Qin Li. Qin Li, who had just been injected with antibiotics and antipyretics, looked better, but his face was very red and his brows were furrowed, as if he was enduring great pain.

“But this time, the main purpose is to train our strength, otherwise Liang Xian…” Ah San still insisted.

"Nonsense!" Tan Yan, who was always good-tempered, said angrily, "Exercise is when your lives are not in danger. Now that Qin Li is sick, is it still the time to exercise?"

He pushed Ah San down, and wind gradually blew up on the water.

Just like the protective shield that protected the three people in the previous world, another huge protective shield wrapped the entire raft. The originally weak wind on the water surface became stronger and stronger, from the initial breeze to a gale of more than level ten!

At this time, their speed on the water has reached 100km/h, which is no different from driving on smooth land.

The advantage of driving on water is that you can travel in a straight line, with the shortest distance between two points, unlike roads on land where there is the possibility of detours.

This speed was already quite fast. Asan breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed directly on the raft, lying side by side with Qin Li, forcing Liang Xian to take care of two people at the same time.

Unlike Qin Li, Asan was not infected with any disease. He had overused his supernatural powers, causing his mind to become confused and without any conscious function. The state of the electrons in his brain was disordered. They both existed and did not exist, and were everywhere and yet omnipresent. This state almost made Asan collapse. He had to force himself to concentrate and think, so as not to let his confused consciousness drive him crazy.

Liang Xian was very familiar with Asan's condition. He imitated Tan Yan and placed his hand on Asan's temple, trying to use his consciousness to help him sort out his thoughts and control his consciousness.

"Ugh..." Ah San also vomited, and directly on the raft.

With the protection of the shield, Liang Xian was unable to clean out the vomit and could only pinch his nose to help Asan wipe his body.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, wiping the raft clean and the dirt was blown directly into the water by the wind.

Liang Xian glanced at Tan Yan, who was concentrating on looking at the water. He didn't seem to be looking at them, but he noticed Liang Xian's embarrassment and helped them.

Looking at Tan Yan's back, Liang Xian's anxious heart finally calmed down.

This man, who looks as young as they are, stands like a stabilizing force in everyone's heart. As long as Tan Yan is there, they have nothing to fear.

Qin Li's fever finally subsided a little, his body temperature dropped to 38 degrees, and Asan stopped vomiting and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Liang Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Tan Yan. He felt deeply useless. He was the first one to awaken his superpowers, but now he couldn't help at all.

"Don't worry," Tan Yan seemed to notice Liang Xian's unwillingness and reached out to touch his head, "You are still young and still growing."

Liang Xian directly held Tan Yan's hand and muttered, "Aren't you about the same age as us? Don't you always touch my head? Don't you know that you can't touch a man's head and a woman's waist?"

"You definitely can't touch a woman's waist," Tan Yan said with a smile, "You have to respect women and not act like a hooligan."

"That man's head too..." Liang Xian held Tan Yan's hand and suddenly stopped talking.

He almost hugged Tan Yan's hands with both hands, touching them again and again. A terrible thought came to his mind, making him almost speechless.

At this time, Tan Yan pulled his hand back and said calmly: "Why do you keep pinching me? I just rubbed your head."

"Tan Yan," Liang Xian tried his best to control himself and not let his voice tremble too much, "I always forgot to ask a question. When you were a child... did you also get vaccinated?"

Tan Yan didn't answer. He just turned slightly and stood with his back to Liang Xian, preventing him from seeing his face.

"Your hands are very hot. This shouldn't be a side effect of excessive use of your supernatural powers, right?" Liang Xian continued to ask.

"I'm fine." Tan Yan said calmly.

Liang Xian immediately took out a thermometer from his bag. This was for measuring external temperature. There was no need for Tan Yan to hold it under his armpit. He just needed to measure it at his temple. Liang Xian looked at the temperature on the thermometer and his heart sank.


The human body temperature range is 35-42 degrees. There are also scientific experiments proving that the highest body temperature a person can withstand is 46 degrees, but that is an endurance test and is definitely not the situation now.

"You need to reduce your fever as soon as possible." Liang Xian took out medicine from his bag. "It will be quick. I'll give you an injection. You don't need to move."

"No," Tan Yan shook his head, "You can't use it. It will weaken your abilities after using it."

Commonly used antipyretic drugs have the effect of making people sleepy. Qin Li fell asleep quickly after being injected with the antipyretic drugs. Most people with strong willpower can hold on and not fall asleep after taking the drugs, but at this time, Tan Yan was concentrating on using his consciousness to make them go back, so how could he feel sleepy

"But you..." Liang Xian felt his blood run cold. If Tan Yan got sick at this time, they would be really finished.

"It's okay," Tan Yan reached out and patted Liang Xian's hand again. His palm was terribly hot. "We'll be there in a little while. When we get back to the real world, you can get any treatment you want. I can hold on."

"But..." Liang Xian knew very well the human body's tolerance level. At this body temperature, Tan Yan should be almost unconscious now.

"It's nothing." Tan Yan said lightly.

This was really nothing. Compared to his past experiences, a mere fever was not a problem at all. Tan Yan had been seriously injured in another world and had almost been parasitized by other creatures. He could survive this minor illness.

It’s almost there. It’s almost there.

Every time he entered another world, Tan Yan had a clear goal. As soon as he entered the "void", the exit was calling him, and he could even walk there with his eyes closed.

According to Liang Xian, this is not a call, but a tombstone in the real world that is quantum entangled with him. Quantum entanglement is a very strange state that is not affected by time and space. It will continue even at the two ends of the universe, even in two worlds. There is no closer connection than this.

He will bring everyone back to the real world.

Tan Yan had some difficulty breathing, but Liang Xian behind him was worried, and he couldn't let him hear his panting. He tried to keep his breathing steady, even if the air he inhaled each time was not enough. He felt a little dizzy, and the high fever made him a little confused. Tan Yan controlled the temperature in front of him, making the temperature on his forehead as cool as if it was cooled by ice, and relied on the temperature to stay awake.

It doesn't matter, just go back quickly.

"Don't be anxious," Tan Yan said in his calmest voice, "Have you forgotten that the brain has the power to protect itself and can heal itself? That's how you recovered. My brain is more active than yours, so I'll be fine."

However, they were unconscious while healing, and no matter how powerful their brains were, they couldn't take care of both ends. Tan Yan was now focused on returning home, and it was impossible for him to use his consciousness to recover.

More importantly, illness and injury are two different things. Injuries can be recovered as long as the healing ability is enhanced. But now they are infected with a virus. If they don't defeat the virus in their bodies, even if their self-healing ability is strong, their bodies will continue to be damaged by the virus.

Destruction, self-healing, destruction again, self-healing again... This painful cycle repeats until the body's immune system finally produces immune cells in battle after battle, completely clearing the virus, and then it can recover. If you don't hold on until the immune system wins, you will die.

How to endure this kind of pain.

"Have you ever encountered this situation when you entered another world before?" Liang Xian asked in a low voice.

In order to comfort Liang Xian, Tan Yan said in a relaxed voice: "In English, it's just a small case. I have had such experience before. It will be fine soon."

This kind of pain cannot be overcome by experience...

Liang Xian simply couldn't imagine how Tan Yan had managed to survive all by himself in the past.

What can he do to help everyone

Just when Liang Xian thought their situation couldn't get any worse, the raft suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Liang Xian suspected that Tan Yan had already lost consciousness, and hurried over to measure his temperature, but was held down by Tan Yan.

His face was solemn, and he looked at the dark water ahead with full vigilance.

The water surface was extremely calm, but it made people feel dangerous, as if some giant sea beast was lurking there, quietly waiting for the arrival of its prey.

Liang Xian also sensed the danger, staring at the sea and whispering, "We haven't encountered any large aquatic creatures along the way..."

If the global water level rises and the plains become oceans, that's not a good thing. The lack of shark-like predators in the nearby waters means... this may be the territory of more terrifying sea beasts.

In the real world, the sea is endless and refreshing, and the blue sky, white clouds, and blue waves on the sea seem to be able to accommodate everything in the world. But now they are in a small inflatable raft, lonely and helpless on the black sea, and the sea water seems to swallow them up.

The monster in front waited for a while, but saw that they continued to move forward, so it could no longer bear it and slowly surfaced. A monster that looked like a crocodile and was more than 20 meters long surfaced. It opened its mouth wide, with sharp teeth with barbs, and its terrifying jaws left no doubt that its bite force could bite its prey in half.

Liang Xian immediately raised the wooden cannon, but he suspected that this weapon might not cause much damage to the monster in front of him. Such a small wound might only cause it pain and show stronger attack power.

Half of the monster's body was still submerged in the water, making it impossible to see its entire appearance. Liang Xian tried to observe it with his consciousness, and "saw" the part of it hiding under the water, and he couldn't help but gasp.

"Mosaur..." he murmured, "Why did the extinct dinosaur, the overlord of the sea during the Cretaceous Period, appear here..."

When tiny humans face such monsters, they will clearly realize how weak they are and how powerless they are in the face of the power of heaven and earth.

He was holding the most powerful cannon he could carry, but it was still not enough to cause fatal damage to the Mosasaur. For a monster like this, unless it was a large-scale missile, who could guarantee a fatal blow

Mosasaur is an expert at hunting by using stealth and explosive power. It must have been hiding under the water with its mouth wide open, waiting for the moment when their raft would pass by and it would jump out of the water and catch them all in one fell swoop.

Liang Xian whispered, "The speed of a Mosasaur is about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. It is not good at long-term high-speed pursuit. It is better at lying dormant. With the speed we just went, we can quickly shake it off. There is no need to force a confrontation."

This creature, while scary, should be escapable.

Tan Yan said, "Qin Li is in poor health. We can't waste time here. We are already here. I feel the location is right under our feet, on the seabed."

In such water, is it necessary to jump in and look for an exit? And in the sea, there may be countless monsters...

When they first came to the other world, it was a world without the protection of the atmosphere, but they were protected by Tan Yan, and they only thought about awakening their superpowers, and did not think the end of the world was so scary. However, this time, facing the tragic situation in City B, his companions were infected with the plague, and seeing such a prehistoric monster, Liang Xian truly understood the meaning of the word "end of the world".

This is not just an exciting and thrilling journey to another world, but a desperate journey that carries a huge responsibility and risks one's life every time.

Each time it is a world full of death, where you never know where the danger is lurking, and the power of heaven and earth is daunting.

With just a small superpower and mere human consciousness, do you think you can conquer the universe


Liang Xian looked at the water. Their exit was right there. His companions were sick or tired, and there was a prehistoric beast guarding in front of them like a final boss. What was the use of his strong jumping ability, good eyesight, and consciousness that could propel the raft at 10km/h

He picked up the wooden cannon and said resolutely: "I will hold it back, and you lead everyone to find a way out."

At least delay it for a moment.

Liang Xian plucked up his courage and forced himself to face Canglong, but was once again pinned down by Tan Yan.

"Give me the wooden warehouse." Tan Yan's hands were hot, but his voice was steady.

This is an AWM, the best all-round sniper/assault/rifle/wooden rifle in the world, with a maximum effective range of over 1,100 meters, capable of penetrating five human models wearing bulletproof vests. Its power is enormous, but in front of a Mosasaur that is more than 20 meters long and weighs more than 30 tons, the damage it can cause is probably just a needle prick to a human.

"This power is not enough." Liang Xian said.

"It's okay." Tan Yan raised the wooden cannon and pointed it steadily at the wide-open mouth of the Mosasaur. He said calmly, "Didn't you say that consciousness determines everything?"

"If my willpower is strong enough and my consciousness is clear enough, then this wooden bullet will be able to blow up the body of the Mosasaur." As he spoke, he pulled the trigger easily like in shooting training, and the small bullet shot straight into the mouth of the Mosasaur.

Considering the range of AWM, it is enough to shoot into the body of Mosasaur.

Tan Yan put down the wooden can, held down Ah San and Qin Li with one hand each, and said in a deep voice: "Hold on tight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the belly of the huge Mosasaur suddenly exploded. A huge explosion resounded across the sea, and the impact force caused the raft, which was protected by a protective shield, to sway helplessly on the sea like a piece of duckweed.

The huge piece of flesh of the Mosasaur hit the protective shield heavily. Cold sweat kept dripping from Tan Yan's forehead. He seemed to be trembling and trying his best to hold on to the raft.

With waves of impact coming one after another, he not only had to control the raft to prevent it from sinking, but also had to prevent himself from being blown too far. The high fever made Tan Yan's consciousness blurred. If he was in another world, he would have allowed himself to faint long ago.

Anyway, he would feel much better after waking up after a while after fainting. This was how he had always gotten through the day in the past.

But it’s not possible now. There are people around him who need protection. Even if it hurts, he has to grit his teeth and hold on.

A drop of blood dripped from Tan Yan's nose and fell on the raft. He was holding two people on his hands and didn't bother to wipe the blood off himself.

Liang Xian looked at him and for the first time understood what it meant to be heartbroken.

He can't do anything. Why can't he do anything? What exactly is the supernatural power he is good at? What's the point of learning so many theories and analyzing so many supernatural power principles? He is not even as good as an Indian!

So what if he even knows the structure of the plague virus!

Eh... wait, Liang Xian looked at his hands. Since he understood the principle structure, could he... decompose the virus from the inside

Anyway, aren't these substances originally made up of microscopic particles such as atoms, neutrons, protons, and electrons

The author has something to say: Fullmetal Alchemist: Very good, you are now a qualified alchemist.

Liang Xian: Let me tell you, who dares to say that studying is useless? Knowledge is power, literally the power in the sense of classical physics, do you understand? ? ! ! !

I changed my height, and then changed it to Tan Yan 180cm, Liang Xian 185cm, all 185cm tall, Qin Li 190cm~~~

Chapter 29 will be updated at 8pm!!

pppps: This article has started to protect against theft. The anti-theft subscription ratio is 60%, and the anti-theft time is 48 hours~~