I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 34: Candidate (I)


Liang Xian was very anxious these days. He didn't want to die, nor did he want to sacrifice his companions. But no one knew what the next apocalypse would be like, and he couldn't even start preparing.

He wanted to increase his knowledge reserves and read all kinds of books, as he never knew when he would need them. He also had to observe the members of the interest group to see who was more suitable to be their team member. He also had to worry about Tan Yan, who was so dedicated that he was afraid he would do something stupid.

Now Liang Xian can only keep praying that the "void" will come later, or that the research team will discover the cause of the "void" as soon as possible. Only in this way can the problem be solved from the root.

Tan Yan was quite comfortable. His years of experience had taught him the truth that "good fortune comes easily, but disaster cannot be avoided". There was no point in being worried now. Maybe by then they would enter a very simple different world, and all the students who entered with them would immediately awaken their special powers.

During the waiting period, he and Qin Li went with Asan to get vaccinated. Tan Yan was born too early and it was not popular to get so many vaccines at that time. As for Qin Li, his parents simply ignored him and left him to his grandparents in the countryside. His grandparents knew nothing and raised children in the rough way of the older generation. They had no concept of vaccination at all.

After taking all the vaccines he could, Ah San said with a worried look on his face, "I hope the next world won't be the end of the world due to some sudden virus. If that's the case, we won't have any way to deal with it."

Qiao Zhixue and other members of the research team went to investigate the tombstone. Except for giving lectures to students in the interest group on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, they were usually so busy that they were rarely seen. No one knew what they had found out.

Qiao Zhixue was not there, so the task of comforting the students in the interest group fell to Ah San. The boring explanations of quantum mechanics had made many students doubt whether they had signed up for the interest group, and Ah San had heard that many students wanted to quit the group.

Unfortunately, now they can no longer withdraw whenever they want.

As soon as Liang Xian got busy, he had no time to help Tan Yan with his homework. Fortunately, the lesson plans he left behind were detailed enough for Tan Yan to study on his own for a long time. While he was studying on his own every day, he saw that the other three were constantly practicing for the next time they would enter the "void". The school had a swimming pool, and Ah San soaked in the water almost every day, making his skin almost wrinkled, and he called it being close to water. Qin Li looked for people to fight with everywhere, no, he was specifically trying to get beaten, in order to enhance his body's defense. Liang Xian was busy and couldn't help but mock them every time he saw their training methods.

Liang Xian thinks that they should focus on training their consciousness at this stage. Instead of messing around with all these messy things, it would be better to memorize some questions and enhance their memory.

But Asan and Qin Li have their own opinions. They feel that the way they use their strength is different from Liang Xian and they should train in different ways.

Qiao Zhixue also believes that everyone has their own suitable way of exercise. At this stage, the research group's understanding of consciousness is too low. Instead of developing the brain indiscriminately, it is better to let everyone practice casually.

Seeing that everyone was preparing for the next action, Tan Yan also felt a little sense of urgency.

Liang Xian told him to combine work and rest, and not to read textbooks every day, because studying too much would make his mind confused. He strictly followed the schedule set by Qiao Zhixue to study, exercise and attend classes, but every time he had free time, Tan Yan didn't know what to do.

He also wanted to train his consciousness like everyone else. Tan Yan thought that if he was stronger, everyone's survival rate would be higher in the future world. But he didn't know how to train better, so he asked Qiao Zhixue, but Qiao Zhixue said that Tan Yan didn't need to train, and should just think about how to place new team members in the future.

Finally, Liang Xian gave Tan Yan some advice in his busy schedule: "Why don't you read more novels or anime? If you really don't know what to do, playing games is also okay."

Tan Yan: “…”

When they are in such a tight spot and everyone is working hard, is it really okay for him to go and play

"I don't think these activities can be considered play for you," Liang Xian said. "Your brain is more active than ours, and your awareness is stronger, but you lack some... ideas. Take the three of us for example, our abilities will tend to be in the areas we like and are good at. Your strength is very strong, but it seems that there is no clear direction. You are strong in all aspects, but there is no outstanding project. At this time, it is better to cultivate interests than to exercise like a headless fly."

Simply put, it means to relax yourself and do more of what you like.

Liang Xian said this because he really thought it might help, and he also hoped that Tan Yan could relax. Through contact, Liang Xian found that Tan Yan lived like an ascetic monk in the Middle Ages. Apart from studying and doing tasks, he had no hobbies or interests. It was too sad to live like this.

Tan Yan followed Liang Xian's advice and bought a set of classic martial arts novels to read.

He seemed to like reading these novels very much, and often forgot to eat because of reading novels. Liang Xian found out twice, so he set an alarm on Tan Yan's phone, and only read for two hours a day. If the time was exceeded, the alarm would remind Tan Yan.

"It's really nice." Tan Yan said to Liang Xian with a little excitement, "Do you think the martial arts here are real?"

As he spoke, he made swords out of his fingers and waved them in the air. When he got excited, he would jump up like a big boy obsessed with the world of martial arts.

How come he is so old and still... Liang Xian shook his head when he thought of this. Isn't Tan Yan just a big boy? Although he has taken on unbearable responsibilities too early, he is actually still very young, and his face looks even younger than his.

"As to whether martial arts are real... to ordinary people it is fake, but for us, we have long been able to do more exaggerated things than what is described in the books," Liang Xian replied.

"That's true," Tan Yan shook his head while holding the book, "but the story here is really good."

He couldn't describe that "chivalrous" feat in words, he could only use pale words like "good" and "very good" to describe it, but this did not affect Tan Yan's love for it at all.

"It's nice to read, but it's time to eat. Put the book down." In order to control Tan Yan's daily routine, Liang Xian did activities with Tan Yan.

When Tan Yan was studying, Liang Xian would close his eyes and meditate beside him, trying various brain activities to exercise his willpower. When Tan Yan was exercising, Liang Xian would be his sparring partner. Tan Yan was a first-class fighter, and Liang Xian was not bad either. Excluding the influence of his supernatural powers, the two were evenly matched. When Tan Yan was reading, Liang Xian would study extracurricular knowledge beside him, desperately reading mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, and trying to remember as many material structures as possible.

In addition, the two of them slept in the same bed at night because of Liang Xian’s previous excuse. These days, they were almost inseparable and almost stuck to each other.

Among his roommates, Qin Li was obsessed with getting beaten, and he knew that Liang Xian wanted to train with Tan Yan, so he didn't think much about it.

The others watched coldly as Liang Xian and the transfer student became increasingly close. Cui Heyu bit a lollipop while watching the two people climbing onto the bed at the same time, and couldn't help but ask, "You two, do you want to pay attention to the impact?"

He was also very frustrated. At first, a transfer student came in for no apparent reason and kept running out in the middle of the night. Then he joined a useless interest group and had to change dormitories because of it. After changing dormitories, Qin Li and Liang Xian were the two more people who ran out in the middle of the night.

After the military training, Qin Li and Liang Xian became closer to Tan Yan. They were classmates who grew up together, but the dormitory was split into two groups. The three of them were mysterious all day long, and no one knew what they were busy with.

However, due to the confidentiality agreement, they couldn't even ask questions.

Hearing Cui Heyu's words, Liang Xian's body stiffened slightly.

Through these days of understanding, Liang Xian knew that Tan Yan's thinking was straighter than the flagpole. Not only that, he had no idea that same-sex people could be together. Liang Xian once asked tentatively, and the answer he got was that it was natural to get married and have children, and he would rather be single for the rest of his life than harm a girl from a good family.

From the beginning to the end, there was no thought of even trying out same-sex relationships, which is more despairing than becoming homophobic.

If it were someone else, Liang Xian might have tried harder to express his feelings, at least to disturb Tan Yan's heart. But Liang Xian knew better than anyone that Tan Yan's consciousness was so strong that it could affect other people's thinking. He was really afraid that after he expressed his feelings, under the influence of Tan Yan's strong consciousness, he would be affected as well and feel that this was wrong.

After considering for a long time, Liang Xian decided to influence Tan Yan subtly first, let him get used to his closeness, and then slowly let him accept it.

For example, when men help each other, they develop feelings for each other.

His plan was good, but unfortunately the people around him couldn't stand it.

Facing Cui Heyu's questioning, Liang Xian was somewhat at a loss. No matter how smart he was, he was just a 19-year-old boy, and he would be anxious and worried when facing the person he loved for the first time.

Tan Yan replied righteously, "Wasn't Liang Xian sick a few days ago? I was afraid that he would get sick again, so it would be easier to take care of him with one bed. Also, my grades were not good, and Liang Xian was the best in the class. I asked him to help me with my studies."

After saying this, she showed an extremely pure smile, which made people around her feel sorry for her.

They were in the same class, all men. At first, it was better to say grade than class. In junior high school, there were more than 200 students in their special class. They were in adolescence, and some of them had awakened to a different sexual orientation. Qiu Qi was in contact with people with different sexual orientations, and knew what it meant to really like men. For someone like Tan Yan, it was estimated that he had no intention of that at all, but Liang Xian was still trying to seduce her.

I really don't know whether I should sympathize with Tan Yan who might have been led astray, or with Liang Xian whose efforts were in vain.

Cui Heyu pulled the corners of his lips and showed a fake smile, "Then do as you say, don't blame me for not reminding you in the future."

Remind of what? Tan Yan was puzzled for a moment, but still said "thank you" politely.

Everyone: “…”

I always feel that this person does not live in the same time and space as them, making communication very difficult.

"Cui Heyu," seeing that everyone was in the dormitory and Cui Heyu looked very anxious, Liang Xian simply jumped off the bed and said, "You guys have been extremely curious these days about what happened to the three of us during military training, and what did we do that night?"

It has been two months since the military training ended, and the people in City B have put on their sweaters and started preparing to get through the cold winter. Everyone tacitly agreed not to mention this matter, but they didn't expect Liang Xian to bring it up today.

Tan Yan and Qin Li also looked at Liang Xian, not understanding what he wanted to do.

"It's okay," Liang Xian waved his hand at them, "I've been thinking about this for a long time these days. To be honest, instead of letting Qiao Zhixue and Asan pick people from a group of students they don't know at all, it's better for us to take the initiative to choose. As the parties involved, we have the right to choose, and Tan Yan is the main force. No one can ignore our opinions. They can't refuse the person we choose."

"You want to choose three people from our dormitory?" Qin Li reacted quickly and immediately understood Liang Xian's intention.

"I didn't choose them randomly. I've been thinking about it for a long time." Liang Xian explained, "The juniors and seniors in the interest group are indeed stronger than us, with better professional knowledge. In a real extreme environment, their survival rate must be higher than that of freshmen. But we work as a team. If we really bring them in, we have to get used to them again. Besides, everyone has a desire to win. They are stronger than us to begin with. Once they refuse to admit defeat and want to be the first, they will basically be courting death in that environment. It would be better to bring in people we are familiar with, who have a high degree of cooperation and understand our affairs. After signing a confidentiality agreement, who knows what they are thinking about every day in private. It would be better to tell them directly."

What he said made sense. The other two began to think about the possibility of what Liang Xian said, but Cui Heyu said with an unbearable look on his face: "I am just as competitive as you are, and who are you showing off to with this condescending attitude?"

Liang Xian indeed displayed an aura of "I have 100 million more than you" in front of them. Qiu Qizhen and Yan Yongfeng could not stand it, not to mention Cui Heyu who had always been at odds with him.

"Liang Xian, have you thought it through?" Tan Yan asked seriously, "If we really can't protect them and have to abandon them, can you bear it?"

To put it more cruelly, if you really find yourself in that situation, it would be much easier to give up a senior classmate with whom you have had little contact than to give up a classmate with whom you have been with for more than ten years.

"I've thought about it," Liang Xian also answered seriously, "I think this kind of feeling may become an opportunity. Because we want to protect our brothers, we will work harder, teach more attentively, and have a higher survival rate. Qin Li, which one would you work harder on, protecting a stranger or protecting your injured classmate?"

Qin Li was silent for a moment and then replied: "If it is a mission requirement, I will do my best to protect a stranger who has nothing to do with me. But if it is a classmate, I will do my best. If you were not in my arms that day, I might not have been able to hold on to 1,500 meters."

Liang Xian: “…”

Can we not talk about this for now? He has done his best to erase this memory from his mind!

Cui Heyu listened to the three of them for a long time and couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked directly: "No, Liang Xian, not only did you sleep in the same bed with Tan Yan, but you were also hugged by Qin Li?"

Liang Xian: “…”

The author has something to say: Liang Xian: I regret it. If Cui Heyu had gone, I might not be able to resist taking revenge and killing people in the end times_(:3∠)_

I updated late today, because... every time I finish a dungeon and think about the next one, my brain cells die, and I feel so anxious qaq

Lazy Youth does have an outline and has come up with a lot of apocalypse stories, but every time they want to start a new one, they feel that none of them are exciting enough. They are still in the growth stage, and a difficult apocalypse that will wipe out the whole team is not good enough, and a simple one will not give them a sense of crisis, which is worrying.

ps: The update time is 2pm and 10pm. If I am in full condition, I will definitely update at 2pm and 10pm, so that I can be consistent. But if I am stuck, feel uncomfortable, don't sleep well, feel tired, have my period, etc., I may not update for a period of time. Usually at this time, I will put a leave note in the copy and comments, and I did it today, but no one saw it_(:3∠)_

Ahem, what I mean is, if you don't see updates at 2 o'clock, then come back at 10 o'clock. If you don't see updates at 10 o'clock, then come back at 2 o'clock. Or read the comments of the last chapter, there must be a note from Lazy Qing asking for leave.

PPS: If nothing goes wrong, there should be another update before 10 o'clock today. The plot has been smoothed over. I love you all (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~