I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 36: Rubik's Cube (I)


"You guys are just..."

The next day when Liang Xian took Cui Heyu to see Assistant Teacher Chai, Ah San was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"Do you know how confidential our operation is?" Ah San scolded. "Even many leaders of the country don't know about this. Except for the technical security department and a few leaders at the top of the country, only we, the operation personnel, know about it. How could you spread this matter like this?"

"Anyway, we have to choose someone sooner or later," Liang Xian said, looking like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water. "Why not seize the initiative?"

"You..." Asan was almost mad at him.

This is the difference between professionals and students. Students always think things are simple, but Ah San knows that it is not that easy to select a team member. First of all, there must be a political review, and the three generations must be investigated clearly. Not to mention the quality of the team members themselves, even the credit records of their immediate family members must be taken into consideration. People are always easily influenced by the people around them. After all, they are social creatures, and it is impossible to only look at one side.

"Assistant Instructor Chai, we are all students in the special class. We have gone through the political review when we were admitted, and the situations of our ancestors have all been reported. Do you think we will not pass the political review?" Cui Heyu said unconvincedly when he heard that Asan did not trust him.

Ah San was so embarrassed that his face turned green. He said to Liang Xian, "How dare you bring someone like that in? You can tell from the looks of it that you have high aspirations. If you disobey the rules and something goes wrong, whose life will you pay for?"

These days, Asan has gone through almost all the grades and teacher comments of the interest group members from kindergarten to university. He also considered that it would be best to choose team members from classmates that Liang Xian and others are familiar with, but he excluded Cui and Yu first.

There is no other reason. Cui Heyu is a good student and will become an excellent soldier in the future. His qualifications in all aspects are no worse than Liang Xian.

There is only one thing: he has too strong a sense of competition, and he is a complete enemy of Liang Xian. In their comments on Liang Xian and Cui Heyu, all the instructors made a special note that if Qiu Qizhen was not present, these two people must not be put in the same team.

When Cui Heyu heard Ah San talking about himself, he wanted to explain again, but was held down by Qiu Qizhen. He glanced at the squad leader, whose expression was more serious than ever. Cui Heyu swallowed his anger and kept silent.

Well, fortunately Liang Xian chose Qiu Qizhen, who could suppress Cui Heyu.

Ah San rubbed his temples with a headache: "I can't make the decision on my own. I'll ask instructor Qiao after class tonight. Even he has to report to his superiors for the application."

"You are so dogmatic about everything. The Hollow won't wait for anyone." Liang showed a sarcastic smile, "What if I have to go into the Hollow tonight? You are too slow in selecting people."

"There are emergency countermeasures in case of emergencies, but now there is plenty of time... Oh, forget it, you have already chosen the people, you can't format the memories of these three people, what else can I say."

Ah San looked at Tan Yan and said angrily, "Why didn't you stop him?"

After the selection, Tan Yan felt the greatest pressure, as he was the one responsible for six people. Tan Yan had the most say, and even the organization had to ask for his opinion.

"I think Liang Xian's choice is right. They are all good kids and I trust them. And... I also think that if we really have to choose team members, the survival rate of familiar people is higher than that of strangers assigned by the higher-ups."

Tan Yan smiled gently at Liang Xian, his eyes full of tolerance and firm support. Liang Xian blushed and lowered his head.

Ah San: "I hope the organization won't punish you."

It was better than Ah San thought. As the main researcher of the "Void" project, Qiao Zhixue had been given the power to select people by Minister Yu at some point. Hearing that Liang Xian and others had made their choice, Qiao Zhixue agreed without blinking an eye.

He could make the decision without even reporting it, so Liang Xian escaped a disaster. As long as Qiao Zhixue didn't say anything, they wouldn't be punished.

"Let me make it clear first. If you participate in this operation, your family members may be protected." Qiao Zhixue said, "Of course, this protection is covert, and the parties involved will not be aware of it."

Everyone is mentally prepared for this. Generally, people involved in confidential matters in any country may encounter danger. Protecting family members can reassure both yourself and the country, thus achieving the best of both worlds.

None of the three people's families lived abroad, so they met the requirements. Qiao Zhixue passed their files to Minister Yu and began to provide them with targeted guidance on matters related to the other world.

"The above is all the information that humans have mastered so far," Qiao Zhixue said after the speech. "We have just begun to explore the unknown world. You can express any ideas you have, even if they are wrong. Behind every correct theory, there are countless wrong assumptions and denials. Among thousands of experiments, even if one succeeds, we will be victorious."

Those who engage in scientific research know that success is often accidental, and the countless attempts they make are to turn chance into inevitability.

"I have a question. Since the basis of superpowers is consciousness, why can it only be used in the other world and not in the real world?" Cui Heyu said something shocking. The first question hit Liang Xian's sore spot.

Liang Xian knew that he couldn't keep it secret for long, but he didn't expect this question to come so soon.

Sure enough, it was because of his carelessness that day that Cui Heyu saw him flying onto the bed. This question had always been hidden in his heart, which was why he raised the question as soon as he knew about the existence of superpowers.

"I don't know either," Qiao Zhixue said calmly, "These are all unknowns. You need to go to the other world to find the answers. But you should all know that our operation this time is life-threatening, and the organization has also issued an order that if there is a risk of life, you will be the first to be abandoned."

The three of them had known about this for a long time. Cui Heyu puffed out his chest confidently: "I don't think I will not be able to awaken my superpowers."

He never thought that he was worse than Liang Xian. Since Liang Xian could do it, so could he.

Qiao Zhixue did not discourage Cui Heyu, but nodded: "Of course I hope everyone can wake up."

"What is this?" Yan Yongfeng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked, pointing to a box next to Qiao Zhixue's desk.

Qiao Zhixue opened the box and took out several Rubik's Cubes, ranging from the second to the seventeenth order, some put together and some in disarray.

Liang Xian picked up a common three-level Rubik's Cube on the market and twisted it a few times to put all six sides of the Rubik's Cube together. Seeing this, Cui Heyu picked up a four-level Rubik's Cube and turned it quickly with both hands, which was even faster than Liang Xian's speed in putting together the three-level Rubik's Cube.

The world record for solving a 4x4 Rubik's Cube is 18.42 seconds, but Cui Heyu only took 20 seconds. Judging from his proud expression, he should have been even faster.

"Did you bring this box for us?" Liang Xian asked.

"That's right," Qiao Zhixue handed the Rubik's Cube to everyone, "Our class today is to play with the Rubik's Cube."

Every move of Qiao Zhixue has a meaning, he will not let everyone play casually. Everyone picked up the Rubik's Cube and started spinning it. Liang Xian and Cui Heyu directly reached out for the 17th-order Rubik's Cube, but Tan Yan did not dare to touch such a high-level one. He started with the 2nd-order Rubik's Cube, and soon after he finished the 2nd-order Rubik's Cube, he went for the 3rd-order Rubik's Cube.

His speed was not very fast, but while Liang Xian and Cui Heyu were competing with each other in solving the 17th-order Rubik's Cube, Tan Yan solved the 2nd to 16th-order Rubik's Cubes at an almost constant speed.

Qiao Zhixue didn't take it seriously at first. After all, three-, four-, and five-order Rubik's Cubes are common on the market, and you can quickly restore them by searching for strategies online. But from the sixth order upwards, the number of changes is very scary. If you haven't received training in this area, it is very difficult to restore the Rubik's Cube.

Moreover, the number of variations of the Rubik's Cube increases exponentially. If it takes a person two minutes to restore a 3rd-order Rubik's Cube, it may take an hour to restore a 10th-order Rubik's Cube. It will be even more terrifying if it reaches a 16th-order Rubik's Cube.

But it took Tan Yan two minutes to solve any Rubik's Cube, from the second to the sixteenth.

Liang Xian and Cui Heyu were originally spinning the Rubik's Cube frantically as if competing with each other, but later they gradually stopped and stared at Tan Yan's hands.

It didn't seem to be anything special, just a few turns and the Rubik's Cube was restored. But for some reason, even if they kept staring at Tan Yan, some movements seemed unclear. Liang Xian used his consciousness, but still couldn't see clearly.

Putting down the 16th-level Rubik's Cube, Tan Yan saw that the only two 17th-level Rubik's Cubes were in the hands of Liang Xian and Cui Heyu, so he didn't take them.

Noticing that everyone was looking at him, Tan Yan smiled shyly: "It's my first time playing, and it's quite fun."

Everyone: “…”

First time? It was fun

Do you know how many Guinness World Records you broke in just the past few minutes

"Give him the Rubik's Cube." Qiao Zhixue said to the two people who occupied the 17th-level Rubik's Cube.

Liang Xian quickly handed over the Rubik's Cube and took the opportunity to rub Tan Yan's fingers. The sharp-eyed Cui Heyu looked disdainful, thinking it was such a servile act.

Tan Yan took the Rubik's Cube and turned it quickly. It still took two minutes. The 17th-order Rubik's Cube was restored and placed on the table together with the previous 15, in a row.

Yan Yongfeng rubbed his eyes vigorously: "My observation ability is top-notch in the class, but why... I can't see clearly when he turns the hundredth time?"

"Did you see a hundred? I couldn't do it after just fifty. I was dizzy." Cui Heyu shook his head.

One hundred times? Liang Xian looked at Yan Yongfeng. He had already used his consciousness, but he could only hold on to ninety times. After that, his brain felt dizzy and he could not keep up with Tan Yan's movements.

Only the 40-year-old Ah San Qin Li and Qiu Qi Zheng can see: "…"

"One hundred?" Qiao Zhixue glanced at Yan Yongfeng, "You have good observation skills. I only watched it eighty times."

Cui Heyu: “…”

Even though he knew that Qiao Zhixue's IQ was far beyond that of an ordinary person, he still felt like competing with him.

"How did you do it?" Qiao Zhixue asked Tan Yan.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Tan Yan felt a little embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and said nervously, "I don't know either. It seems that as soon as I got the Rubik's Cube in my hand, I knew which direction to turn it. And the Rubik's Cube was also very easy to use. I turned it a few times and it was restored."

People who are familiar with Tan Yan know that he only has this answer and can't explain the principle at all. Qiao Zhixue and others are a little disappointed, but Liang Xian said with admiration: "You are probably the kind of person with super action ability. We have to hesitate to analyze and calculate before doing things, but you act before thinking, and when we hesitate, you have already completed the task."

Cui Heyu: “…”

Can you even brag about this

Qiao Zhixue knocked on the table to attract everyone's attention. "Why do you think I brought so many Rubik's Cubes today?"

Liang Xian had guessed it as soon as he saw the Rubik's Cube: "Parallel world, Rubik's Cube universe? Do you think our time travel is related to the Rubik's Cube?"

"It's just a guess. I was not sure at first, but seeing Tan Yan's performance, I think this hypothesis is very likely to be true." Qiao Zhixue said, "All celestial bodies in the universe have their own movement trajectories. We all know that movement is absolute and stillness is relative. So suppose that in four-dimensional or even five-dimensional space, our universe and other parallel universes are like this Rubik's Cube, arranged in parallel one by one, never intersecting, and each moving along its own trajectory."

"Then there are countless universes around us, and they are changing all the time. Suppose we travel to other universes, even if we follow the original path, we will never be able to return to our own universe." Cui Heyu continued.

"Unless you are quantum entangled with the tombstone like Tan Yan and are not restricted by distance and space, you can return to the real world." Liang Xian also analyzed.

Ah San, who couldn't keep up with the smart guy's thinking at all: "..."

Obviously, he had also studied quantum mechanics. Not to mention that he was not as good as Qiao Zhixue and Liang Xian, how come he couldn't even keep up with Cui Heyu's ideas

Fortunately, Ah San didn't care about that and asked directly: "What is the relationship between the Rubik's Cube and "void"? Whether your hypothesis is valid or not, what does it have to do with Tan Yan breaking the Rubik's Cube world record?"

"The barrier of our world has collapsed," Liang Xian picked up a Rubik's Cube, removed a small piece and cut a hole in it. "For example, this Rubik's Cube has a hole on it. If we fill it with water, the water will keep flowing out. But because there are boundaries between worlds, the boundaries of other Rubik's Cubes block this hole, so it will be fine for the time being. But if we encounter a world that has collapsed or even completely broken, the water will flow from our world into the collapsed world due to pressure problems."

"Of course, the barrier of the macroscopic universe is definitely not as simple as we can imagine. So after Tan Yan left and came back through the 'void', forming a cycle, the energy generated in it temporarily blocked the 'void', giving us a chance to survive." Qiao Zhixue continued to explain.

"But this is only temporary," Cui Heyu quickly followed the other's train of thought, "The area at the same longitude as Ping County is the gap, and as the 'voids' appear more and more frequently, we continue to come into contact with the collapsed world, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger, so now the scope of the 'voids' has expanded to the vicinity of City B."

"The change of the 15th-order Rubik's Cube is approximately equal to 7.458*10 to the 813th power. This number is so terrifying that it is difficult for humans to calculate, and this is only the 15th-order Rubik's Cube. If the number of parallel worlds increases to 30th, 40th, or 50th order, then in our lifetime, even if we enter a world in one night, we will never encounter a duplicate world." Qiao Zhixue said, "Once there is no quantum entanglement as a guide, you will be exiled to other universes forever. I hope you remember this. This is more terrifying than death."

The author has something to say: Dear readers, Schrödinger's cat is still alive! For my diligence, please comment, click on the collection and leave the nutrient solution~~~

ps: Do I post theories and tricks every day, scaring you into thinking you are watching Approaching Science_(:3∠)_

However, I can't do anything about it. Who told me to set so many things? I can't finish the theories even if I post them every day_(:3∠)_

Why is Tan Yan so good at playing with the Rubik's Cube? I'll explain it in the next chapter. See you at 10 o'clock in the evening, love you~