I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 38: Rubik's Cube (III)


The third "void" for Liang Xian and others occurred at 1 a.m. three days after the selection. Since the "void" only appeared before midnight over the years, they had already fallen asleep peacefully at that time, but were awakened by a phone call in their deep sleep.

When they received the news that a "hole" appeared on the side of the road between Ping County and City B, everyone was slightly startled.

Qiao Zhixue said in the post-interest group counseling yesterday that their timeline has always been the same as the time of the original world, but this does not mean that the timelines of all parallel universes are the same. Different backgrounds and different causes of the end of the world may cause time confusion, and since their world has partially collapsed, it is only a matter of time before time changes.

First, space expands, then time changes. If this development continues, one day the earth will become a sieve with "holes" appearing everywhere and at any time.

Everyone was in a heavy mood. Before the "void" problem could be completely solved, they only hoped that the expansion of the "void" could become slower and slower, so as to give them enough time.

It was the backpacks prepared for them by the research team. Over the past few days, they had become very familiar with the items in the backpacks and their locations. Once needed, they could take out the items as quickly as possible.

"To prevent any further infection from falling into the water, we will split into two groups." Ah San instructed before entering the cave, "Tan Yan will take me, Cui Heyu, Qiu Qizheng, Liang Xian and Qin Li will take Yan Yongfeng."

This distribution was made considering that Tan Yan's strength could protect three people, while Qin Li could only protect one at most, and might need Liang Xian's assistance.

After the groups were assigned, Minister Yu, who came to see them off, shook hands with several soldiers one by one. When it came to Tan Yan, he said solemnly, "I'll leave these children to you."

If they had a choice, they certainly wouldn't want to sacrifice anyone.

Tan Yan nodded solemnly. This was probably the heaviest task he had ever undertaken in his career.

"I know that all of you are outstanding students in your class, and some of you have even achieved impressive results during your internships and military training," Minister Yu instructed, "but in this other world, you are all just beginners. Even those with superpowers must remain humble to nature and the end of the world. Tan Yan is the leader of this team, and you must obey his command completely. Once someone does something impulsive that will implicate everyone, Tan Yan has the right to execute him on the spot, no matter if he is a superpower or not!"

Minister Yu's last words were extremely serious, and his eyes swept across the crowd. At this moment, Minister Yu was no longer the considerate and caring good leader. His eyes were like knives, and every glance seemed to cut a knife through everyone.

This is the legendary murderous aura, the most essential difference between a seasoned warrior and a rookie just starting out on the battlefield.

Several people shuddered. Even the most arrogant Liang Xian and Cui Heyu did not dare to have the desire to compete anymore. They kept their tails between their legs under the minister's gaze.

"I will bring everyone back to Earth." Tan Yan said solemnly, and took Ah San and the other two into the cave first.

Liang Xian and Qin Li followed closely behind, pulling Yan Yongfeng with them. They were on high alert, ensuring that they would react immediately if they encountered any danger. With their speed of thinking, they would definitely be able to protect everyone before a fatal injury occurred.

"I hope they are all okay." Seeing the seven people entering the "hole", Minister Yu sighed.

"I hope so." Xu Mingyu murmured.

Although Minister Yu spoke seriously, everyone knew that these seven people could be said to be the only hope for mankind.

Cui Heyu couldn't remember whether he had discussed the hypothesis of "If one day, the earth suddenly stopped rotating" with his classmates in junior high school or elementary school. It seemed to be a homework assigned by the teacher, and every student had to hand it in the next day. After discussing it privately, they each held their own opinions and wrote their answers in their homework books. That day, his answer coincided with Liang Xian's, and he was highly praised by the teacher.

He still remembered that he answered like this -

If the Earth suddenly stops rotating, due to inertia, all objects on Earth will continue to move from west to east at a speed of 1,670 km/h, including the atmosphere. At that time, the Earth will be blown by strong winds that are more than ten times stronger than a level 12 typhoon, and the speed will be close to the moment of a nuclear bomb explosion, forming an unprecedented global storm. The human body will become a 22.8cm caliber bullet. Once exposed to strong winds, the human body will become a "supersonic rolling ball", and the internal organs will be shattered in an instant, and it will not survive for more than a few seconds.

The ocean will cause a super strong tsunami due to inertia, just like the great flood described in the Bible. The tsunami will fill the ground, and humans will not be able to go up to the sky or into the ground. At the same time, the earth's magnetic field will no longer exist, and the surrounding environment will become an ionizing radiation environment that is deadly enough.

Because the earth suddenly stops rotating, the compression and collision between the plates will cause a major earthquake, and the continental structure of the entire earth will change again. Human civilization will be extinct in an instant, and no life will survive.

After that, the alternation of day and night on Earth will change from 24 hours to one year, and the Earth will become a planet with half polar day and half polar night, becoming a lifeless planet like Jupiter and Mars.

The teacher highly praised his and Liang Xian's answers, saying that they considered the problem very comprehensively and even considered that even if someone survived, they would suffer from a terminal illness due to ionizing radiation.

However, Liang Xian's homework score was slightly higher than his because Liang Xian mentioned "Schuman resonance".

As the axis rotates, the earth has a so-called magnetic field, but this magnetic field is constantly weakening. This phenomenon is called "Schumann resonance". For many centuries, the index of the Schummann resonance has remained at 7.8 revolutions per second, but in recent years it has risen to 11 revolutions per second. Liang Xian mentioned in his homework that if the rate of weakening continues, when the Schummann resonance index reaches 13, the earth will really stop rotating. Hidden dangers are always around us, and this is not just a hypothesis.

Because Liang Xian looked up something that was not mentioned in the homework, Cui Heyu came in second. He was very dissatisfied and thought that the so-called end of the world was just nonsense. The teacher's homework was just to test whether everyone could combine the knowledge they learned with some phenomena and apply it skillfully.

He never thought that an ordinary assignment, a hypothesis, would become a reality.

As soon as he entered the cave and experienced being decomposed and reconstructed, he had no time to appreciate that wonderful experience before he saw a mass of flesh and blood explode in front of him. Under the howling wind, he couldn't even tell whether that thing was a human or an animal.

What exactly happened

Cui Heyu and Qiu Qizheng couldn't even react in time, and then they heard Tan Yan's voice: "Hold on to me, I can't hold up such a large protective shield!"

They subconsciously grabbed Tan Yan, only to find that they were in a transparent protective shield, and the blood and flesh just now hit the protective shield.

The surroundings were filled with spinning and flying high-rise buildings and humans who couldn't even make a scream. Cui Heyu and the others couldn't even see what was flying around them. The pressure of a nuclear explosion kept hitting Tan Yan's protective shield. A high-rise building hit the protective shield hard. The huge vibration made it almost impossible for Cui Heyu and the others to catch Tan Yan, but Tan Yan's protective shield was not broken.

"What is this? What on earth is this!" Ah San shouted loudly.

"Find Liang Xian and the others," Tan Yan said calmly, "They can't survive such a disaster."

As he was talking, he felt a pain in his chest and a salty taste in his mouth.

Tan Yan glanced at the confused and panicked faces of the other three people, pressed his hand on his chest, and swallowed the blood back.

But he couldn't open his mouth, because if he did, people would notice that his mouth was full of blood. Tan Yan turned his back and didn't look at them: "We must find the three of them. Qin Li's defense is very strong, maybe he can still survive."

"How to find it?" Cui Heyu's face was pale. The power of heaven and earth was so terrifying. Under the huge gale, they couldn't even see what was outside.

Yes, how do I find it

They miscalculated. The previous apocalypse made them underestimate the horror of the "void". In this environment, it is impossible for anyone to survive! If they were not divided into two groups, the seven people would gather together, and Tan Yan could at least protect them for a moment, and then the people with superpowers would help Tan Yan hold up the protective shield. But in order to relieve Tan Yan's pressure, they divided into two groups.

They did carry a communicator for short-distance communication, but how could there be a signal in such a storm

What to do? Every second they hesitated, the survival rate of Liang Xian and others would decrease by one point. In such an environment, even if they were superpowers, how long could they last

"I'm watching." Tan Yan widened his eyes and stared outside the protective shield.

Maintaining a protective shield that can protect three people is already the limit for Tan Yan. Now he has to enhance his vision to find people. Can he really do it

Tan Yan's hands were shaking constantly, not because he couldn't maintain the shield, but because he was afraid. He never cared whether he would die in the other world, he was afraid that Liang Xian and the other three young men would die.

He had just signed a military order to Minister Yu, vowing to protect everyone!

Professor Qiao said that his special ability is enhancement, and he reminded him before leaving not to think only about enhancement in the physical sense. He can enhance many things, both tangible and intangible, so he should use his imagination as much as possible.

Imagination, what did he have to imagine to find Liang Xian and the others? Vision? Relying on enhanced human eyes to find them in this sea of blood that was constantly tearing away lives? Impossible.

What else can he do? Vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste... what use are his five senses in such an environment? Those children may still be waiting for him to save them, what should he do

A thought flashed through Tan Yan's mind, and suddenly, his hands stopped shaking.

Tan Yan quietly closed his eyes and said nothing. The panicked breathing and heartbeats of Ah San and the others seemed very loud in his ears, yet also seemed very far away. His consciousness seemed to still be in his body, yet also seemed to be floating far away.

He suddenly understood what Liang Xian said. If consciousness was generated by the periodic collapse of massive entangled electrons in the brain, and his ability was to control the electrons in the objective environment through consciousness to achieve his goal, then even if he was in a protective shield now, he could use his consciousness to control the microscopic particles in the environment to find Liang Xian and others.

It is not the tangible senses such as eyes, ears and nose, but the more mysterious consciousness.

Tan Yan had long felt that some small invisible things in the environment were very close to him. Most of the time he just used instinct to control these microscopic particles, but this time, he released a strong will, and his consciousness had a very obvious direction, from the initial "affinity" to "command."

Go and look for Liang Xian and the other two. Once you find them, no matter they are dead or alive, you must protect them. Take me with you to find them!

The strong consciousness made Tan Yan feel as if he was split into two. One part still remained in his body, desperately supporting the protective shield, while the other had expanded and strengthened infinitely, spreading into the strong wind to look for people.

Looking for someone aimlessly is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but if it is Liang Xian, he is so smart, can he give us a signal? Tan Yan thought hopefully, he felt as if he had left the protective shield with his consciousness, but the harsh environment around him could not hurt him. A rock "passed" through his body, and Tan Yan felt that his "body" in the void seemed to dissipate for a while, but immediately gathered together.

This is what is called, the particles were dispersed by the influence of the external environment, but because Tan Yan's consciousness was strong enough, the consciousness was condensed again.

He kept floating in the air and "saw" a familiar building flying past him, and was quickly swept away by the wind and torn into pieces.

It was the Bird's Nest. He still remembered that when City B successfully bid for the Olympic Games, it became a city that never sleeps that night.

This is City B...

What about them? Where are they? Tan Yan shouted loudly with his consciousness. Although it was not transmitted with sound, if it was them, they should be able to hear it.

After he shouted a few times, he suddenly heard a weak voice: "Here...here...here..."

At first, it was a person's voice, too weak for Tan Yan to tell the direction. He shouted silently, "Where, where? I can't find the direction?"

The voice was still so weak, as if he was about to die. Only intermittent syllables could be heard, and even what he was saying could not be heard clearly. When Tan Yan was anxious, suddenly a voice like a huge bell echoed in his consciousness: "Here!"

It was as if countless people gathered together and roared, one louder than the other, shaking the sky, tearing apart the wind, the tsunami, and the despair around them. Each roar was full of power. Even in the sound of the wind that sounded like a bombing, it could still point Tan Yan in the direction.

Tan Yan "looked" towards the source of the sound, and countless spots of light rose into the air, allowing Tan Yan to see the target clearly at a glance.

He followed the sound, his consciousness moving at the speed of light. The wind speed of 1,670 km/h was not an obstacle for him at all, and he found them almost instantly.

Qin Li hugged Liang Xian and Yan Yongfeng with his eyes tightly closed, and huddled under a long city wall like a shell.

In such a harsh environment, the city wall was still able to remain standing with great difficulty, as if it was using all its strength to hold up the sky for the three people.

That is…

This iconic building embodies the Chinese people's thousands of years of sweat and national spirit, and has protected the motherland for thousands of years.

In Tan Yan's eyes, countless spots of light were attached to every brick of the Great Wall, preventing it from falling down.

Tan Yan suddenly understood that it was the consciousness left on the Great Wall by countless people in the past.

The author has something to say: Einstein: The end of science is theology.

I tell you, no matter how many supernatural imaginations there are, I will be able to turn them into science in the next chapter, believe it or not!!

Ahem, the next chapter is Schrodinger's cat. Let me take a breath. I'll see if my remaining health bar is enough for another chapter. I love you guys (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~