I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 39: Rubik's Cube (IV)


At this moment, Tan Yan was fearless.

Although he looks young, he is actually quite old. When Tan Yan was young, many of his colleagues had experienced the national disaster. The older generation loved to tell stories, and Tan Yan was an obedient and serious young man at that time. He always listened to the history full of blood and tears in silence.

At that time, all the soldiers and civilians united to fight against the enemy, using millet and rifles/wooden cannons to defeat the foreign cannons/wooden cannons. This was an incredible victory. How could such simple weapons defeat the well-equipped foreign enemy

Even Tan Yan, who was already known as an old comrade, didn't understand.

But at that moment, he understood.

This is the power of unity, which can give his companions a glimmer of hope in the face of the power of heaven and earth.

Tan Yan opened his eyes in the protective shield. The storm was still raging in front of him, but he was no longer afraid. He turned around and said to the three panicked people, "Found it."

"Found it?" the three asked in disbelief.

"Still alive." Tan Yan said firmly.

It's simply a miracle.

"Where are they?" Everyone was concerned about their companions and hoped that they could be alive.

"Five kilometers ahead. Qin Li is holding up the defense and protecting the other two."

Five kilometers. Even if we know that this is a world with superpowers, it is still too unbelievable. Is this true

"I saw it." Facing everyone's disbelieving gazes, Tan Yan just said a simple sentence, and everyone calmed down.

"But five kilometers, how are we going to get through? It's almost impossible to move forward here." Asan asked with difficulty.

It's good that Liang Xian and the others are still alive, but it's impossible for them to reunite. This is like moving against the wind in a nuclear explosion, which is simply impossible with human power.

"I can do it." Tan Yan said firmly.

"You... are bleeding." Cui Heyu pointed at the corner of Tan Yan's mouth.

Tan Yan wiped it with his hand, but he still couldn't suppress the injury he had suffered before.

Just supporting this almost squeezed together protective shield to protect the three of them, Tan Yan has become like this, how can he go five kilometers away. After saving the other three people, how can Tan Yan protect all six people

The three of them had questions in their minds at the same time, but they couldn't ask them.

Tan Yan's determined eyes made them seem to see back the difficult years they had once gone through, the determination to use his flesh and blood to break down the wall and carve out a free world even if it meant getting broken heads.

No one can stop it.

"Cough cough..." Tan Yan held his chest, blood continued to flow out as he coughed, but he seemed to be unaware of it. He just said lightly, "It's okay, I have help."

He has the strongest backing accumulated over thousands of years.

The next second, Tan Yan turned around and started moving. At this time, there was no obstacle in front of him, as if there was a road leading to the sky.

The protective shield moved in the wind as he moved, and the other three people in the shield had to move with it.

Tan Yan moved very slowly at first, but gradually, his speed increased. At first, he was almost crawling, then walking, jogging, and running. In the end, he was almost rushing forward at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and the three people following him were almost out of breath.

But they couldn't stop yet, as they would be out of the range of the protective shield. They had to keep up with Tan Yan at a desperate speed and couldn't relax at all.

Under my feet was the crumbling ground, in front of me was a violent wind that swept everything away, and the pieces of flesh swirling in the wind were so huge that it was impossible to tell whose pieces were whose.

The nuclear explosion-like shocks came in waves, and it seemed like they would never stop.

The front half of Tan Yan's body, who was running in the front, had already run out of the protective shield. He wanted to reduce the space in the protective shield as much as possible, so that the people behind him would have a little more space.

The wind was like a steel knife cutting through his body, but Tan Yan was unaware of it. At this time, his physical strength had been increased to the limit, and such wind could not do anything to him.

If a piece of broken glass flies by, Tan Yan can dodge it, but he cannot let the broken glass fly behind him.

He did not dodge. The broken glass embedded deeply into Tan Yan's shoulder under the huge impact force. Tan Yan did not even blink. All he wanted was to go faster and faster.

It is unknown how long the Great Wall can hold out, and his companions in desperate situations are still waiting for him to rescue them.

The three people at the back felt like their lungs were about to explode, but when they saw drops of blood on the road ahead, no one shouted to stop.

Cui Heyu and Qiu Qizheng finally understood why Liang Xian always looked at them with an unhappy face. He was disliked the large number of people. They were extremely outstanding in the real world, but here, they would only be a burden if they did not come.

The only thing they can do at this moment is to try their best to catch up with Tan Yan, squeeze out the last bit of strength in their bodies, and never hold Tan Yan back!

Their legs felt like they were filled with lead, and their lungs were exploding with pain every time they took a breath of air. But strangely, they didn't feel much pain. They walked forward along the bloodstains under Tan Yan's feet, and their hearts were extremely calm.

The not-so-tall figure in front of them blocked all the storms, the collapse of the sky and the earth for them at this moment. There was hell on earth around them, but as long as they looked at the figure in front of them, they would have light in their hearts.

Many years later, whenever Cui Heyu recalled this memory, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Someone asked him how he could stay true to himself and devote all his strength to serving the country and the people when he just had such a powerful ability. You know, the temptation of powerful power is so great that many people who are usually upright have done things that they would never dare to think of under normal circumstances after gaining superpowers.

However, none of the first group of people with superpowers, the warriors of the country, went astray, and all worked hard to radiate their own light and heat. It is precisely because of these warriors who stick to their original intentions that humans have not fallen into panic due to the emergence of superpowers.

Cui Heyu's answer was: "It's very simple. In fact, you all think too much. There is no such thing as an inflated consciousness. The reason why we awakened our abilities at that time was just... because we didn't want to become a burden."

I don't want to be a burden to that person.

The one who stepped on his own blood, ran wildly in desperate situations to save his companions, and opened a bloody path for them in purgatory.

Until his later years, Cui Heyu still remembered the shock and emotion he felt at that time, as well as his disgust for his own incompetence.

At that moment, the fatigue and pain in their bodies had no effect on them at all. They had only one thought in their minds, even if it was just a little bit, just a little bit, even if it could only help him block a gust of wind, they wanted to become the strength of the firm figure in front of them.

Cui Heyu ran desperately with his mouth wide open, tears streaming down his face as he looked at the blood under his feet.

Why am I so useless, why am I so insignificant, why does it feel so sad to be protected by others.

He didn't know how long he ran, it seemed very short, but he seemed to have been crying for a long time. When Tan Yan stopped, he stumbled, and Cui Heyu immediately took a breath and supported him from behind.

When he touched Tan Yan's back, he saw two faces with tear marks on them.

They are tears of emotion, tears of admiration, and also tears of regret.

Tan Yan swayed a bit, his head felt dizzy. Overdrawing his consciousness, overdrawing his body, and overdrawing everything made him feel relieved when he saw the three people still holding on under the city wall. He actually felt like he had lost all his strength.

But he did not fall, and the three people behind him gritted their teeth and held him up.

"You can't fall," Cui Heyu thought he was shouting these words, but in fact his voice had become hoarse from running wildly, "I swear, as long as you don't fall, all of us can go back alive, I will definitely awaken my superpowers, next time..."

Next time, I will never let you be at the front again.

Tan Yan leaned on the children behind him whose legs were shaking from running and smiled. He didn't know where the strength came from.

Was it consciousness? The consciousness, or desire, of these three people gave him unlimited power, allowing him to take the last few steps.

The protective shield gradually grew larger, enveloping the three people lying under the city wall. Even with the protection of the city wall, Qin Li, who had been hit countless times, could not hold on any longer. He had two layers of outer shells, the first layer had long been reduced to ashes, and the second layer was also full of cracks.

Tan Yan squatted down, gently touched the protective shell with his hand, and said softly: "It's okay, I'm here."

As he spoke, the protective shell shattered immediately, and Qin Li, whose clothes were stained with blood, rolled out.

“Dali, Dali!” Yan Yongfeng, who had been protected the whole time, rolled and crawled to Qin Li’s side. He was in a panic and spoke incoherently, “His heart was shot through by a hailstone. Hurry, call an ambulance!”

There is no ambulance here.

"It's okay," Tan Yan's voice remained calm, his palm pressed on Yan Yongfeng's shoulder, "Qin Li's self-healing ability is the strongest among us, he will be fine."

"But the heart..."

Cui Heyu hurried forward to check. He pulled Qin Li's clothes aside and breathed a sigh of relief, "From the wound, it didn't hit the heart directly, but just grazed the side."

Fortunately, the hailstone went straight through his chest and did not stay inside Qin Li's body. After the hailstone left, Qin Li's healing power immediately stopped the bleeding. In fact, he could have used his strength to recover, but his consciousness had to be used to support the protective shell. Qin Li held on like this until Tan Yan came over.

Qin Li is a man who doesn't talk much, has poor theoretical grades, doesn't use his brain much, but has first-class execution ability.

His mission is to protect the other two people, and he will complete the mission even if he dies.

The moment he felt the strong wind, he immediately stretched out his arms to hug Liang Xian and Yan Yongfeng. Through this period of training, Qin Li's strength has become much stronger, and he can open a protective shell to protect three people.

He turned into a shell that spun in the air with the wind. The hailstones penetrated his body, but he still ignored it, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth to persevere. He was looking for a safe place, although there was no safety in this world.

Qin Li closed his eyes and used all his strength to fall to the ground. He was blown around by the wind and finally rolled to a safe place. Although he didn't know where this was, he instinctively knew that this place was safe, so he lay there and waited for someone to rescue him.

Why could he hold on for so long? When asked later, Qin Li himself couldn't explain it. He had completely exceeded the limit of what he could do at that time. He felt like he was going to die every second, but he persisted.

Later I thought about it carefully and realized that only those who still have hope can have unlimited courage.

Qin Li's subconscious mind told him that Tan Yan would definitely come to save them. He always remained firm in his belief and never gave up believing in Tan Yan.

And now, the moment Tan Yan's hand touched the protective shell, Qin Li knew that he had won.

He could faint without worrying about it.

The author has something to say: Damn, I wrote myself to tears, cry, all of you cry, I cried and you dare not cry? ? ! !

I was too excited to write about the theoretical knowledge, I guess I will have to write it in the next chapter_(:3∠)_