I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 42: Rubik's Cube (VII)


By the end of the day, neither Cui nor Yu had found the ability that suited them.

The strength of Liang Xian and the others could not last long. Ah San flew in the sky for a while before he was out of the protection range and was swept into the wind, howling. It was Tan Yan who pulled him back. When he came back, he was covered in wounds and lay together with Qin Li and Yan Yongfeng, who had exhausted their strength.

After a while, the excited Liang Xian came back. After treating Yan Yongfeng and Asan, he also lay down due to overexertion. At one moment, four people were lying in the protective shield.

Qiu Qizheng: “…”

He could only comfort the frustrated Cui Heyu: "I think it's good that you haven't found a suitable method to use it. Look at the four of them..."

The backpacks of Tan Yan and the other four were still intact. He took out medicine and gauze from the backpacks and was carefully bandaging Asan's wound.

He also took out a disposable compressed towel and carefully wiped the sweat off several people's faces.

"You don't have to do these things." Cui Heyu snatched the towel from Tan Yan uncomfortably, and carefully wiped the faces and bodies of Yan Yongfeng, Qin Li and Asan. Finally, he used the remaining towel used by everyone to rub Liang Xian's face twice, and his perfunctory attitude was obvious.

Tan Yan laughed and asked, "Do you want to stay in this world for a few more days?"

"This..." Cui Heyu hesitated, "Is it too dangerous?"

"When the wind stops, we will look for the teleportation point," Tan Yan said after thinking for a while. "We will stay near the teleportation point for a while and go back after you have all had enough exercise."

Cui Heyu's mind became active and he looked at Qiu Qizhen.

Qiu Qizhen also thought about it. He thought about the problem most comprehensively, and raised a question at this time: "While we stay in this world, will there be another hole in the real world? Professor Qiao said before that in the past, people basically entered the 'hole' and returned within a day. The time for the next 'hole' to appear can be temporarily stable between 21:00 and midnight. The appearance of the 'hole' depends on whether the next world collapses after the magic cube universe rotates. Therefore, there is no rule for the appearance of the hole, because there are countless changes in the parallel world. Whether the next world we contact is intact or collapsed depends on luck."

"Perhaps there is a pattern to follow, but because the base number is so large, this cycle may be measured in hundreds or even thousands of years. It is difficult to find a pattern that can be used as a reference within the limited life span of human beings." Qiao Zhixue explained at the time, "We can only temporarily change it to 24 hours at a time. From 21:00 to 0:00 every day, you must be vigilant. After you arrive in the other world, try to return at 21:00 the next day, and no later than five hours."

Five hours is the limit of the number of times the instrument designed by Qiao Zhixue can control the diffusion of "voids".

The appearance of this instrument was also accidental, and even Qiao Zhixue himself found it incredible. When he was studying, he focused on quantum mechanics, and his doctoral graduation project was to design an instrument that can create a quantum force field. Qiao Zhixue accidentally discovered a force field that can temporarily stop the movement of particles during countless experiments, and he chose this instrument as his graduation project.

When the "void" occurred, Qiao Zhixue had a sudden idea to use this instrument when the "void" spread, and the spread of the "void" stopped immediately. About half an hour later, the "void" disappeared.

At that time, Qiao Zhixue thought that it was his instrument that made the "void" disappear. Later, he found that the time when the "void" disappeared was different each time. He was puzzled by this until he met Tan Yan, and then he realized that his instrument had the only function of stopping diffusion. It was Tan Yan who truly closed the loop and repaired the space.

Up to now, the longest time the instrument can suspend the diffusion of the "void" is three hours. Qiao Zhixue calculated that based on the changes in it, the maximum time will not exceed five hours. This is a safe time. If it exceeds this time, it will become more dangerous.

Because no one knows whether the "void" has really stopped during these five hours, or is just accumulating energy. The worst possibility is that no one repairs the space within five hours, the quantum instrument is destroyed, and the energy accumulated in the "void" for five hours explodes in an instant. The consequences are really unimaginable. People waiting around the "void" may not even have a chance to escape and will be sucked in directly.

What's even more terrifying is that if the parallel universe changes again during this period, then the people who are sucked in will have two endings. One is that they are lucky enough to enter a collapsed world and never be able to come back; the other is that the world in contact with the earth at this time is a complete world with an absolute space barrier. Then no one knows what will happen to those who cannot enter the different world and cannot return to the original world.

Thinking of this, Cui Heyu frowned and said, "We have been here for ten hours. We traveled through time at 1 a.m. If the time had not changed due to the world, it would be 11 a.m. Beijing time now, and there would be 10 hours until 21 p.m., and 15 hours until the safe time."

And there was no sign of the strong wind stopping. Not to mention staying for a few more days of training, it was even difficult for them to move.

Liang Xian opened his eyes while lying there, not knowing what was going on. He struggled to get up after hearing Cui Heyu's words, but unfortunately he had no strength left after crawling twice. He had no choice but to lie down and said, "According to the worst plan, when we entered this world, the earth had just stopped rotating. It would take at least fourteen hours for the strong wind to subside. We only have one hour to find the teleportation point that has been blown to an unknown place."

He suddenly spoke up, startling Cui Heyu: "Couldn't you just cough to remind us first?"

Liang Xian ignored him and struggled to crawl twice, then sat up with difficulty, panting and saying, "We can't go on like this. We must think of a way to recover our strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if we go back, we won't be able to enter the two worlds continuously."

This is also the reason why the organization is anxious to train independent players. At this stage, they must at least prepare two teams from other worlds to prevent emergencies.

In the minds of Minister Yu and others, the Earth is now like walking on a tightrope. Once something unexpected happens to the alien world team, the Earth will fall off the wire and go straight to destruction.

"Have you ever experienced 'voidness' for two consecutive days?" Liang Xian asked Tan Yan.

"The highest record is four days."

"What?!" the three of them exclaimed in unison.

Is it possible for a normal person to endure such a terrifying world for four consecutive days

Tan Yan: "It was actually not bad. The first two worlds were relatively simple. I was out in less than an hour. The third one was a little more difficult. I came back the next morning before work. I was on duty all day and entered the fourth one in the evening..."

Tan Yan doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. The last world is a bit…

"You still have to work during the day? Doesn't the country let you rest? Is it possible to exploit labor like this?" Cui Heyu asked a series of questions.

Tan Yan: “…”

"What kind of job do you do? On duty? Are you in the public security, procuratorial, judicial or judicial system? Isn't your age only 18 according to your ID card? Will state departments employ child laborers?" Cui Heyu continued to ask.

Tan Yan: “…”

He couldn't answer a single question.

"Your face looks like you're 16-18. Even if you take good care of yourself, you're probably only 25-26 at most. Is there any need to hide your age? Suppose you were an old man and your face was the result of plastic surgery, it can't be that much different from your age, right? If hyaluronic acid can really rejuvenate you to this extent, celebrities would have to sell their kidneys to buy it!" Cui Heyu kept asking.

Tan Yan: “…”

Don't ask anymore. If you ask again, you won't be able to keep the secret.

Even Qiu Qizhen did not stop Cui Heyu from asking questions, because they were really curious about Tan Yan's experience!

"Hey, I suddenly remembered something." Cui Heyu suddenly had an idea. "When you first moved into our dormitory, I hacked into the household registration website. Based on your accent and local dialect, I checked all the people named Tan Yan and Tan in the surrounding provinces..."

"No," he shook his head again, "I was looking in the wrong direction. A person can't just disappear out of thin air. My scope should be narrowed down to the missing persons and the people who died in the past three years. And they have to be employees of the people's police system, emmmm... auxiliary police and auxiliary police should also be included."

Tan Yan: “…”

Liang Xian grabbed a stone nearby and threw it at Cui Heyu: "Shut up!"

“You…” Cui Heyu covered his head in pain and was about to scold him, but found that he could not find Liang Xian’s “murder weapon”.

Cui Heyu: "What did you hit me with just now?"


"What a joke! The rocks are flying in the sky now," Cui Heyu said, pointing to the sky. "The gravity of the earth is no match for the force of inertia. The deep-sea fish are thrown into the air. How could there be any rocks under the Great Wall?"

"But I just..." Liang Xian paused.

He just saw Tan Yan's embarrassed and awkward look, and he couldn't help but want to pick up something and hit Cui Heyu hard to make him shut up, so he grabbed a "stone" from his side and threw it over.

"That stone... is under your feet... I, I can see it..." Yan Yongfeng also woke up, lying on the ground like a salted fish, stuttering when he spoke, as if the excessive consumption of consciousness had affected his language ability.

Cui Heyu found the place where Yan Yongfeng pointed, touched it, and felt a fist-sized "thing". He couldn't see it, but he could touch it. Cui Heyu squeezed it, but felt that the "stone" in his hand suddenly disappeared, and he was holding nothing.

He looked at Yan Yongfeng.

Yan Yongfeng: "It dispersed, just like... ice suddenly sublimated into gas, but... it was even more thorough than gas, it directly turned into particle state."

Cui Heyu: “…”

"Your power is too terrifying." His nose was crooked with jealousy. If Liang Xian's ability became stronger in the future, wouldn't he be able to have whatever he wanted? As long as he could remember the structure of the thing he wanted, he could reorganize and combine the free particles in the environment.

"No, that's not stone." Yan Yongfeng shook his head. "It's probably the same principle as my broadsword, it's just a phenomenon of particles condensing in the void, but the structure of his 'stone' is more stable, unlike my sword, which will fall apart after one strike."

"... Let's discuss how to recover our strength and when to leave here." Cui Heyu refused to discuss the issue of superpowers anymore.

Qiu Qizhen felt a little sorry for Cui Heyu. He had always been proud and never lost to anyone else. But now everyone had the power that he envied, but Cui Heyu had nothing. It was really uncomfortable for him.

Qiu Qizheng himself was also uncomfortable, but he was not in a hurry. He could already "see" the light spot, which meant that awakening was a matter of time. Sometimes it was not a bad thing to settle down a little longer, because he could never escape. But Cui Heyu was different. He found it difficult to accept that he was slower than others.

As for how to quickly recover strength, we have to ask Tan Yan, after all, he is the only one with experience.

This was a difficult situation for Tan Yan. He didn't have much time to recover, after all, he had to be on duty during the day. Often after entering the "void" at night, he would have a terrible headache the next day. But he endured it, and found that his recovery speed was getting faster and faster, and his tolerance was getting stronger and stronger. Later, he rarely had headaches.

Just like the last time in the water world, after coming back everyone lay down, only Tan Yan opened his eyes on time, his experience and tolerance were different.

"It seems that the only solution is to practice more," Cui Heyu said helplessly after listening to him, "How many years have you practiced?"

Tan Yan: “…”

The topic has returned.

At this time, he could no longer hide it. He just rubbed the hair of the curious baby Cui Heyu and said softly: "When we go back, ask Minister Yu if you have the authority to know about this. We are companions, and I don't want to keep it a secret, but the organization has confidentiality regulations and we have to abide by them."

"Oh." Cui Heyu nodded insincerely.

Tan Yan felt something was wrong. He remembered what Cui Heyu had just said about the illegal household registration website, so he warned him again, "Don't investigate on your own."

"Heh." Cui Heyu answered absentmindedly again.

He will definitely check it secretly, everyone thought at the same time.

Tan Yan has regarded himself as a teacher to all team members. He also hopes that one day his past can be made public and everyone can call him "Teacher Tan". He will be very happy. But just because he is a teacher, he cannot watch his students go astray.

Tan Yan said: "If you are a freelancer, or even a hacker, then I won't stop you. But you are trained by the country with great effort, and you will become an excellent soldier in the future, so you can't do this. Once you do it, I will arrest you as a people's policeman."

He said it very seriously, leaving Cui Heyu with no doubt that if he really crossed the line, Tan Yan would definitely not show mercy.

"Then...then let's not investigate." Cui Heyu replied uncomfortably.

Qiu Qizheng couldn't help but look at Tan Yan differently. From the day he met Cui Heyu, he knew that this guy was a man who could fly to the sky even without wings. Qiu Qizheng was always worried that he would fall into the sea like Ikaros in ancient Greek mythology while pursuing the sun in his heart. Qiu Qizheng wanted to stop Cui Heyu from doing stupid things, but at most he could only make him restrain himself a little, but he couldn't really persuade him.

And now, Tan Yan has done it.

"Come to think of it," Cui Heyu suddenly said, "I have been better at computer operation than Liang Xian since I was a child."

This doesn't mean that Liang Xian is not capable, it's just that when it comes to hacking skills, he is indeed slightly inferior.

"Maybe this is where my special ability lies, but what special ability can hacking technology have?" Cui Heyu said to himself.

"Programming." Qiu Qizhen replied.

The author has something to say: The knowledge point of this chapter is that Icarus was a man in ancient Greek mythology who flew into the sky with artificial wings, but the wax on his wings melted when he got too close, and he fell into the water and burned to death.

In fact, I think myths from all over the world often have similarities. For example, China has the story of Kuafu chasing the sun. It seems that human beings’ pursuit of the sun knows no time or borders.

Yesterday I was too lazy to write and too tired, so I was paralyzed all day and didn’t even go to work (I took a day of sick leave directly_(:3∠)_). In fact, I had a lumbar disc herniation... Ah, we both have a lumbar disc, why is yours so herniated

I'm back with full health and full status today. See you for the second update at 10pm. I love you guys~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~