I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 43: Rubik's Cube (Eight)


In order for computers to understand human intentions, humans must tell computers the ideas, methods and means of solving problems in a form that computers can understand, so that computers can work step by step according to human instructions and complete certain tasks. This process of communication between humans and computing systems is programming.

The definition of programming flashed through Liang Xian's mind, and he asked, "So... a communication language, what kind of superpower do you think it can become?"

Cui Heyu: "... I will bring a computer next time. Maybe as long as my consciousness is strong enough, the program I write can be visualized?"

"It's not impossible..." Liang Xian thought of the "stone" he had just thrown, "but it requires a very, very strong consciousness. Composition is always more difficult than decomposition."

It is not a matter of one or two times more difficult, but ten, a hundred, a thousand times more difficult. It only takes one day to demolish a building, but it takes months or even years to rebuild it.

It was rare for him not to rebuke Cui Heyu. He felt that this ability was possible to achieve. Once achieved, it might be even more terrifying than his own power.

Just imagine how terrifying it would be if the abilities in holographic games appeared in reality.

Qiu Qi was also very interested in what superpowers he would have in the future. Anyway, he couldn't leave the Great Wall now, and the health bars of those who wanted to exercise were all empty, so he sat in the protective shield and chatted, imagining what abilities he would have in the future.

As they were chatting, Qin Li and Asan also woke up.

After this period of tossing and turning, Qin Li's tolerance has become stronger. Although he did not go out to train like Liang Xian and the others, his strength gain is the greatest among everyone, and his recovery ability has also increased. Although not as good as Tan Yan, he is obviously in better condition than others.

They sat in silence for another five hours and could clearly feel the strong winds weakening.

In fact, the wind has been weakening. Without the earth to provide a rotational force for the objects living on it, this disaster caused by inertia will not last long and will sooner or later dissipate under the influence of gravity and magnetic field.

During this period, everyone tried to go out and explore. During the last exploration, even Qiu Qizhen could withstand the wind under the Great Wall, which meant that the wind and rain outside had become acceptable to humans.

At least, there will be no more flying things in the sky.

After a discussion, everyone picked up their bags, walked out of the protective shield, and went to look for the teleportation point.

As soon as they left the protection of the Great Wall, everyone suddenly felt a little sad. Everyone looked back involuntarily, and saw the light points supporting the Great Wall slowly flying into the sky and slowly melting into the air. When they left, the wall that protected everyone for fifteen hours was instantly reduced to ashes!

It did not collapse or be blown away by the strong wind, but turned into powder in an instant and drifted away with the wind.

The city wall, which embodies the admiration and expectations of countless Chinese people, has finally completed its final mission.

"This... can it be explained by science?" Yan Yongfeng murmured.

Liang Xian was silent for a long time, and finally he could only simply say: "I don't know, my knowledge reserve is not enough to explain."

Why didn't the light spot protect the people of this world, but protected them instead? Even if it responded to Tan Yan's call, consciousness itself has no form, so why was it observed by them in the form of a light spot? The city wall is supported by consciousness. From the perspective of classical physics, it should still be solid. The current wind speed cannot turn the city wall into ashes in an instant. There is no such terrifying power in this world.

So why is all this happening

Could it be that this wall originally did not exist, but was forcibly condensed for them? It was clearly in a particle state, but it had to pretend to be complete.

What is the reason for this? Is it to make them feel at ease when seeing the familiar buildings

After all, this is a parallel world after all. Even if there is a building like the Bird's Nest, it does not mean that the Great Wall exists in this world. Could it be that the Great Wall is just their imagination

I don’t know. I don’t know anything at all.

Science can never explain all of humanity's questions, because exploring the unknown is the driving force behind the existence and development of science.

No matter what, the few people felt warm in their hearts, and they huddled together tightly, using their united strength to withstand the Category 12 hurricane.

That's right, according to calculations, the current wind speed in the surrounding environment is about 130km/h. Although it is still a disaster that humans can hardly bear, compared with 1670km/h, it is already a disaster of the level they are familiar with.

The section they were in was still land, but what was originally supposed to be City B was now an ocean. Under the influence of the hurricane, the waves were surging, showing their power in the night sky.

According to the time, it should be three o'clock in the afternoon, but it is still dark. The alternation of day and night in this world has become one year, and City B will become a place of polar night.

Soon it will be too cold to survive here.

Even Liang Xian and others who had awakened their powers could not move forward steadily in such an environment. Everyone could only move forward hand in hand, with Tan Yan as the center and Qin Li opening a protective wall (after this experience, Qin Li's protective shell could grow to three meters, called a protective wall).

But after they took a few steps, they felt something was wrong.

"Strange, why don't I feel how strong the wind is?" Yan Yongfeng asked in confusion, "Even if Qin Li is protecting us, we can still say that we have left the protective shield, but when this wind blows on us, it only feels like force six or seven."

"Me too." Everyone nodded.

Tan Yan: "I didn't feel the wind at all."

Everyone: “…”

Ignoring Tan Yan's feelings, winds of level 6 or 7 are completely tolerable for humans. Inner Mongolia and other places in my country often experience sandstorms every spring, with wind speeds of around level 7, which at most makes it difficult for people to walk.

"If I can't feel it and you find it difficult to walk, could it be because we are holding hands?" Tan Yan guessed.

Among this group of young people, Tan Yan also developed his imagination, and he gradually felt that he was becoming younger.

"Let's try dividing into groups," Liang Xian said. "Qin Li, Assistant Instructor Chai, and Qiu Qizheng will form a group, and Tan Yan, Yan Yongfeng, Cui Heyu, and I will form a group."

The reason for this distribution is that the only ones who have not discovered their abilities yet are Qiu Qizhen and Cui Heyu. They must be separated. Qin Li can only bring two people at most, and Tan Yan will protect three.

After the group was formed, Qiu Qizheng and Asan held onto Qin Li tightly. Asan reminded him, "Qin Li, you must stand firm, otherwise you will fly into the sky in a minute."

Qin Li nodded solemnly.

Compared to them, Tan Yan's group had it easier, after all, they had Tan Yan...

"Help! You must hold on tight!" shouted Yan Yongfeng who was blown into the sky.

Everyone: “…”

As soon as they let go, the three members of Qin Li's group remained as steady as a rock, while Yan Yongfeng, who was the farthest away from Tan Yan in Tan Yan's group, flew straight up into the sky...

Tan Yan quickly jumped up to pull Yan Yongfeng back, but when he jumped, Cui Heyu on his right also flew up...

Just as Tan Yan was about to open the protective shield, Qiu Qi, who was closest to Cui and Yu, jumped up and grabbed him. Their group stabilized immediately and all landed safely on the ground.

Now everyone knew where the problem lay, and everyone's eyes fell on Qiu Qizhen.

"Try one by one." Qiu Qizheng seemed to be aware of his own strength. He looked at his hands, "Let go of Tan Yan and Qin Li first. It's just the five of us together. Let's see if we can fly."

The two people he mentioned were both people who could stand their ground in the strong winds on their own.

Tan Yan and Qin Li let go, but the five-member group did not waver at all and still stood firm in the hurricane.

Cui Heyu understood immediately: "Your power cannot be exerted when you are alone, but once there are many people, you will show surprising strength."

This is what is called leadership, or the power of unity.

Qiu Qizheng's character is like this. He always values the unity of the group, and sometimes he would rather sacrifice his own interests for the sake of this unity. It is precisely because of his existence and cooperation that the talents of Ban Liangxian, Cui Heyu and others are so outstanding.

This is the power behind the scenes. It is usually invisible and does not appear in people's sight, but it always supports the soldiers at the front.

"I should be able to gather and redistribute the power of the people with me," Qiu Qi was thinking hard, "There's the sea ahead... Assistant Chai, I remember you can turn into a mermaid, let's go into the sea together, you use your power and I'll try to distribute it."

Ah San knew that teamwork was more important than individual strength, and he was curious about what kind of strength Qiu Qizheng could show. The five of them looked at each other and ran towards the sea. Ah San was the first to jump up, transformed into a mermaid in the air, and jumped into the water facing the waves.

When he jumped up, he didn't even feel that he was dragging four people with him. He just felt extremely light, as if someone was helping him jump.

After falling into the water, Asan discovered that there was not only one mermaid in the sea, but four others holding hands with him.

“Ahhhh!!!” Cui Heyu was a teenager after all. He was surprised to find that he could breathe freely in the water. He shouted, “Qiu Qizheng, I love your ability so much!”

Yan Yongfeng even wagged his tail excitedly. It felt so great!

Liang Xian didn't want to appear too excited, so he just smiled reservedly. However, he also secretly tried to breathe with gills. Perhaps one day he would be able to build a pair of gills for himself.

Qin Li rubbed his hands and looked at Tan Yan expectantly.

Tan Yan: "Actually, I want to go too!"

The two of them jumped up decisively and jumped into the sea, grabbing the hands of the two people next to them.

In an instant, a huge transparent "whale" appeared on the sea. Since this was just a shallow sea, half of its tail was still on land.

Everyone: “…”

Everyone's mermaid state was also released. They sat inside the "whale" and looked out at the roaring sea through its huge body. The waves rolled and hit the "whale's" body, but the "whale" didn't move at all, it just lazily swung its tail.

"I just swam for a while, no, this whale is so, so amazing!" Cui Heyu was so excited that he was incoherent.

"My power can only transform me into a little mermaid, but once your hand touches it, it will become a 'whale'?" Asan counted on his fingers to calculate the difference in strength between himself and Tan Yan, and after a while he gave up, there was no comparison at all.

"Sergeant, you are awesome!" Yan Yongfeng came over and hugged Qiu Qizhen.

This hug completely dissipated the strength that Qiu Qizhen had been holding on to. Originally, he was quite relaxed, but as soon as Tan Yan's hand came over, Qiu Qizhen immediately felt a huge force invading his brain. This feeling could not be experienced by others.

As he slowly experienced his own power, he discovered that his consciousness could clearly feel the size and form of each person's power. When Asan used his power, he could distribute this power to everyone through his consciousness, turning everyone into mermaids.

Simply put, it is a sharing platform. With it, anyone can upload and download.

But when Tan Yan's hand reached out, things were different. His consciousness changed from being evenly distributed to being completely occupied. At that moment, his consciousness was no longer dominant. A powerful consciousness of "I want to become a fish too" instantly invaded his mind, causing Qiu Qizhen's distribution power to serve this consciousness.

At that moment, Asan's ability to adapt to the water, Liang Xian's physique, Qin Li's super defense, and Yan Yongfeng's observation skills all merged into one, and they were willing to be dominated and turned into the big fish that Tan Yan wanted.

However, Qiu Qizhen, who was in charge of the distribution, could not withstand such a great force and fainted after just a few seconds.

As Qiu Qizhen fell into coma, the "whale" disappeared and everyone fell heavily into the sea.

The author has something to say: What is Qiu Qizheng? It is a buff, a formation, unity, unity, and wave diffusion. Anyway, it is a banned card. With him, a group of rookies can still defeat the boss. He is 502 who glued ten chopsticks together!

Tan Yan: What about me

Lazy Youth: You are the game gm_(:3∠)_

ps: Xiao Cui, in order to help you come up with a superpower that is different from the traditional meaning, your Qingma brain is about to turn into a coconut shell. Did you know that I stopped updating yesterday because of you? Can't you give me some help and send me a dream tonight

Here is some general information about the current technical research on quantum entanglement and quantum information. According to the information I found, the difficulty of quantum entanglement increases exponentially with the increase in the number of photons. In 2016, my country first achieved the entanglement of ten photons (yes, only a pitiful 10), breaking the world record. Technologies such as information transmission are also being worked on. At this stage, it is impossible to transmit a whole person, so don't mail a photon to the United States, hoping to avoid plane tickets through quantum transmission.

The quantum entanglement of Tan Yan and the tombstone in our article is the entanglement of countless particles, which is simply impossible with current technology (because I made this up). So even though Qiao Zhixue knows that quantum entanglement can bring back people who have gone to another world, he is completely unable to produce so many entangled particles. Therefore, we still have to rely on God (blind) learning (bullshit).