I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 45: Rubik's Cube (Ten)


The distance was not far, which lifted everyone's spirits. They held hands and ran against the wind.

The picture of six young men, all over 180cm tall, running hand in hand is a bit beautiful, but no one in this world can judge them. With an unprecedented storm and tsunami, human civilization was washed in blood, and countless lives were buried by seawater and land.

Occasionally, you can see a severed hand or a mass of blood and flesh of unknown meaning sticking out from under a boulder. Everyone tries not to look at those things to avoid being saddened by the sight.

In this situation, a fawn caught in a storm is very eye-catching.

First, Tan Yan stopped, then jumped up and held the deer in his arms. The poor deer lay in Tan Yan's arms, whimpering, trembling all over, with many wounds on its body. The surrounding temperature was very low, and the heat from Tan Yan's body made the deer keep crawling into his arms.

"What's going on?" The six people behind him also stopped, and Ah San asked puzzledly, "Is there anyone still alive?"

He really wasn't imagining things. After such a horrific disaster, there really was no life left in this world. Even deep-sea fish were turned upside down, and the continental plates had changed. How could a little deer like this still be alive today

Tan Yan gently stroked the fawn's head to calm it down. The fawn looked at Tan Yan with wet eyes and touched Tan Yan's face with its mouth.

If this scene happened on Earth, it would definitely be very heartwarming, but in such an environment, it was really a bit uncomfortable.

There was only this little deer and no other living creatures around. Although it didn't know how to survive, it was destined to die.

How can it survive without food, sunlight, or other species

Liang Xian bandaged its wound and took blood samples for testing, preparing to bring the data back to Earth. This was the only thing they could do.

"Let it go." Ah San sighed, "It can't pass through the teleportation point. Even if you bring it in, it will just disintegrate and no one will know where to go. Didn't you say you've done such an experiment before?"

Yes, Tan Yan tried countless times to save people or creatures from other worlds, but in the end it was all in vain.

If he let go now, the fawn would be torn apart by the strong wind and die in front of them. If he didn't let go, the fawn would be disintegrated by the space teleportation and would also be unable to be saved.

In fact, Tan Yan should not have saved the deer from the beginning. If it was left to fend for itself, it would be a natural choice. But now, no matter which choice they made, it seemed like they were putting it to death.

Tan Yan touched the deer's back and slowly let go of his hand.

The little deer seemed to understand something, and touched Tan Yan's hand with its mouth, cried twice, and looked at them with its big eyes. It must have understood that these people could not save it, and if it could cry, it would have cried.

The moment Tan Yan let go, Liang Xian hugged Xiaolu.

"How come even you..." As the only non-student in the team, San's heart has gradually hardened. He can understand Liang Xian's behavior, but he cannot agree with it.

"No, I'm a useless person," Liang Xian said, "I think we can take this little deer back."

Ah San: "Why do you think so?"

"You just said that all life in this world has died out, so how come there is a deer here?" Liang Xian said, "Even if there are still living creatures, they should be small and strong creatures like cockroaches, not a deer like this. Its appearance in the wind at this time is very abrupt and reminds me of the last world."

Ah San: "In the last world... Mosasaur?"

"It's not just the Mosasaur," Liang Xian shook his head, "but also the people who died from the Black Death virus. Don't you think it's particularly abrupt that these things appeared in a world with a flood?"

Indeed, the last century did bring them a great sense of disharmony.

Liang Xian had been thinking about the things in the previous world, but he could not figure it out. It was not until Qiao Zhixue mentioned the Rubik's Cube Parallel Universe Theory that he had some ideas. Now seeing this little deer was even more proof of his thoughts.

"There has always been a misconception in our thinking that only our world has a 'hole'."

Liang Xian’s words stunned everyone. They looked at the deer, and the doubts in their hearts gradually disappeared.

If "holes" also appear in other worlds, then the appearance of this little deer makes perfect sense.

"Then why is there only one of it? Shouldn't the 'void' be constantly expanding? Is there anyone else who can be like us?" Cui Heyu pondered.

"That may not be the case. The situation in each world is different. Perhaps a crack suddenly appeared in other worlds, and after some objects were sucked in, the space crack disappeared." Liang Xian said, "In fact, there are many restricted areas on Earth that humans cannot enter. We don't know whether these places are space cracks. Moreover, we have never allowed the 'void' to spread freely, so if the 'void' continues to expand, will it stop disappearing at the appropriate time, or will it continue to exist and expand? No one knows, and no one dares to use this as an experiment."

Yes, no one will bet the safety of the entire earth to verify the possibility of "void".

"What would happen if this little deer was accidentally caught in the wind from another world and followed us into the teleportation point?" Qiu Qizheng asked, touching the little deer's head.

"There are several possibilities. One is that it is decomposed and disappears, which is considered complete death. The second is that it is decomposed and reassembled in this world, and is still blown away by the wind. The third is that it returns to its own world. The fourth is that it is exiled to the boundary of space. Of course, there is no food, water and air here, so it may die soon. The fifth is the best result. After we are decomposed at the teleportation point, since our own world is ahead, we can follow Tan Yan back, while people in the original world will only return to their own world, but the deer no longer has its own world to return to, so it will follow us to reassemble on Earth." Cui Heyu analyzed.

Qiu Qi was stroking the deer's head, as if either ending would be tragic.

"That is to say, if we take it back, it still has a one in five chance of surviving, but if it stays, it will definitely die, right?" Tan Yan suddenly asked.

"That's not how it works..." Liang Xian said helplessly, "Besides, it's a deer from another world. We don't know if it can adapt to the environment of our world. There may even be species isolation between the two worlds. It can't survive in the natural environment of the real world, and can only live in a laboratory."

"And we can't save everyone we see," Ah San sighed, "Our world is also a world with an exploding population, and it can't accommodate creatures from so many worlds."

Tan Yan still silently stroked the deer's back. The deer seemed to know that he had saved it, and kept nodding its head into Tan Yan's arms, not knowing whether it was asking for help or seeking comfort.

“You really are…” Ah San didn’t know what to say to Tan Yan. This man was too soft-hearted.

Fortunately, he is strong enough, so strong that he can be willful. To be honest, the leader of their team is Tan Yan, and they must obey Tan Yan's decisions unconditionally because Tan Yan is very strong.

"I'm not bringing creatures from other worlds back to Earth unconditionally," Tan Yan suddenly said, "Each world has its own natural laws, birth, aging, sickness, death, the survival of the fittest, these are not things that outsiders like us should interfere with. I was too naive to try to bring people back to Earth before, but now I'm mature and of course I won't do such a stupid thing. But this little deer... It's not from this world, it's just like us."

Everyone was silent.

That's right, Xiaolu is just like them, a traveler lost in space, unable to find his way home. If it weren't for Tan Yan, countless people on Earth who were sucked into the "void" would have ended up like Xiaolu.

"It's quite worthwhile for experimentation," Cui Heyu said. "Take it back and draw a blood sample. Comparing the differences between the creatures in the two worlds can also be considered a kind of research value."

He made a case for saving the fawn.

"And we can also verify which world the creatures from other worlds will go to if they enter the teleportation point. This can also verify our argument." Liang Xian also put forward a very convincing reason.

"After all, the overlap of the two worlds is a low-probability event. The possibility of encountering them in the future should be small. Bringing one back will not affect the ecological balance." Yan Yongfeng followed closely.

"We didn't stop Tan Yan right away," Qiu Qizheng said, "If we were going to ignore him from the beginning, we shouldn't have helped him."

Ah San: “…”

He looked into the deer's clear big eyes, and finally said, "Since it has experimental value, it's okay to try it, but in the future, in the future... Hey, this won't happen again!"

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.

Tan Yan held out his hand to the deer: "If you stay here, you will definitely die. If you go with us, you may not be able to survive. Even if you survive, you may not live well on Earth... I'm sorry, we are useless. Are you willing to take a gamble with us?"

This little deer seemed to have a very high IQ. It seemed to understand what Tan Yan meant and nudged his hand.

In the face of life, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we are willing to try.

Tan Yan picked up the deer and ran quickly towards the teleportation point.

They have been in this world for twenty hours so far and must return to the real world as soon as possible.

There was a ruin near the teleportation point, and the tombstone had long since disappeared. But this time it was okay, there was no need to dive to the bottom of the sea, as Tan Yan said, the teleportation point was under the ruins.

“…under?” Ah San looked at the ground and felt a slight headache. “Raw diamond?”

Everyone looked at the ground silently, and they all felt that this matter was a bit difficult.

"No need." Tan Yan's expression was quite relaxed.

He handed the little deer in his arms to Liang Xian, clasped his hands together, and his knuckles made "cracking" sounds.

"Stay away," Tan Yan said to everyone, "I usually do this at times like this."

After saying that, he jumped high into the air. The force of this jump was so great that he leaped hundreds of meters into the air, higher than when Ah San used the wind to control the water ball to fly into the sky.

Yan Yongfeng had the best eyesight. He kept looking up and exclaimed, "His whole body was glowing."

"What did you see?" Liang Xian asked. He really wanted to know what Tan Yan looked like in the eyes of Yan Yongfeng, who had extremely sharp eyesight.

"The moment he jumped up, the air around him was dominated by Tan Yan, or the surrounding ionizing radiation," Yan Yongfeng said, "They rushed to surround Tan Yan, turned into his strength, and dragged his body into the sky."

Seeing Tan Yan falling from the sky, Yan Yongfeng continued to explain to everyone what he "saw": "Most of the energy is concentrated in his fist. The size of this force... If I must describe it, our combined strength is not even one-tenth of his."

At this time, Tan Yan had already landed and punched the ground heavily.

Unexpectedly, there was no dusty explosion. Yan Yongfeng continued in disbelief, "Oh my God, such terrifying energy, he was able to control it from spreading to the surrounding area, but focused on developing in depth. The energy spread underground along Tan Yan's fist, and that area will soon collapse."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground under Tan Yan's fist collapsed, revealing a deep pit with no bottom in sight.

"The teleportation point is in the cave," Tan Yan said, "Don't worry, I have controlled the depth. We will be teleported before we touch the ground."

Everyone: “…”

This power that directly changes the landscape has caused them to lose the ability to speak.

After a long while, Ah San managed to find his own language. He asked, "You weren't this powerful in the last world, were you?"

If in the previous world Tan Yan had been able to easily stir up strong winds, tsunamis and landslides like a god, would they have become so miserable

"In my last life, I was sick," Tan Yan scratched his head embarrassedly, "I seldom had a fever since I was a child, and I often didn't get sick for more than ten years. My physique was very good. But because of this, once I got sick, a small cold would make me feel uncomfortable for a long time, and even if the fever went down, I would recover slowly. The doctor said that this is the case for people who don't get sick often, and when they get sick, it's a serious illness."

We all have a good physique and have had such experiences. We are not afraid of any injuries, but getting sick is really scary. A small gastroenteritis can be fatal.

"Also, Liang Xian said before that this world is full of ionizing radiation... that is, power. For ordinary people, excessive exposure to this kind of radiation will cause the cells in the body to become cancerous. But for us, it can maximize our consciousness. I recovered very quickly after coming to this world. I was seriously injured when I first entered, but now I am well again." Tan Yan continued to explain.

Everyone nodded in agreement, which was also an objective factor.

"And..." Tan Yan looked down at his hands, with a hint of disbelief in his expression, "I have become stronger."

His strength continued to increase during countless time travels, but around the 30th year of his "void" journey, the growth of Tan Yan's consciousness became very slow, and in the last ten years there was almost no progress.

Perhaps everyone has their limits, and Tan Yan also felt that he had reached his limit. Anyway, his current strength was enough for him to venture into another world, so he didn't feel much about the stagnation of his strength.

It was not until the last world that Tan Yan truly realized the insufficiency of his own strength. This strength was enough to be a lone ranger, but it was not enough to protect the children around him. He needed more and stronger strength to train everyone around him to become independent warriors.

The strong consciousness, coupled with this energetic world, and the change in concepts after coming into contact with young people, allowed Tan Yan to break through the bottleneck once again and develop towards a higher level.

Tan Yan clenched his fists towards the six people and said with confidence: "I have a feeling that even if more people enter next time, I will be able to lead them! I will not let down the trust that the organization has placed in me and will bring everyone back to Earth!"

Everyone: “…”

It is touching enough, but what is this feeling of frustration

When they were under Tan Yan's protection, why did everyone take the risk to go out of the protective shield to exercise? It was to catch up with the man in front of them, to not be a burden to him, and to fight side by side with him.

But they didn't expect that the originally inaccessible mountain could actually grow taller. How could they climb it

Among them, Liang Xian was even more depressed. How could he pursue her from now on? He didn't dare to express the little bit of admiration in his heart. The gap was too big.

Ah San was more mature and had the strongest ability to withstand pressure. He was silent for a moment and then said, "Hurry up and jump. If you don't jump, the water will all come in. The waves are crashing hard next to us."

The landform is constantly changing, and land may turn into ocean at any time. Asan's concerns are justified.

Tan Yan stretched out his hand, held the deer in one hand, and held Liang Xian, who was standing at the edge of the team, with the other hand.

The pit he dug was just deep enough for seven people to jump in at the same time. They leaped with all their might and ran towards home.

The author has something to say: Highlights of this chapter:

1. The protagonist's mount has arrived, please sign for it

2. Have you heard of the boxing technique that falls from the sky

3. In order to write about this overlapping world, I forced myself to keep the title of Rubik's Cube for ten chapters. Finally, I finished writing it. This is the end of the Rubik's Cube chapter.

4. Off topic, Xiao Cui (weakly raises his hand): Author, you mean that all deer will have superpowers in the future? What about me?

This chapter is the first update of 4500 words at 14:00 today. I will post it in advance. The second update of 4500 words will be posted before 10:00 pm~