I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 50: Continue with reality (V)


What should I do? How should I deal with this relationship that ended without any result

During the meeting, Liang Xian, who was always talkative, was silent the whole time. He didn't listen to what everyone said, how to analyze the end of the world and "emptiness". After Qiao Zhixue announced Tan Yan's identity, he gave everyone a minute to digest it, and immediately called the research group experts to a meeting.

Liang Xian had no idea what he was doing. He stared at the blank screen, his hands unconsciously writing 18+40=18 on the paper, his mind a mess.

Although they have not been close since childhood, his surname on his ID card is not Liang Xian's, and they had a conflict some time ago, Minister Yu is indeed Liang Xian's father. He just turned 50 this year and can be considered a young and promising leader.

Tan Yan is 8 years older than Minister Yu.

8 years old! In society, people would back off if their blind date or marriage partner was 8 years older than them!

This is the age difference between Tan Yan and his father. If it were Liang Xian himself...

What is 58-19 equal to

Forget it, he is just a moron today and can’t do addition and subtraction below 100.

18+40=18, 58-19=-1, that’s right, Liang Xian believes in his calculation ability.

“… I would like to hear Liang Xian’s thoughts on this matter.” Qiao Zhixue said.

Although Liang Xian has little experience, he has a rich imagination and good observation skills. He often has some unique views on things in the other world. In addition, he has special abilities. The quantum entanglement consciousness theory was proposed by Liang Xian. He is a young man with a lot of ideas. Qiao Zhixue attaches great importance to Liang Xian's ideas, which can often open up Qiao Zhixue's thinking.

After Qiao Zhi learned the knowledge, Liang Xian didn't say anything. He lowered his head and wrote something on the paper silently.

Qiao Zhixue had been nearsighted for a long time. He always wore a white coat and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His face was fair and clean. At the age of 30, he looked particularly young among a group of old professors in the research group.

He always has a stern face, as if he can see through everything. In fact, he can't see clearly at all, as he has severe myopia and astigmatism.

Qiao Zhixue couldn't see what Liang Xian was writing, but Yan Yongfeng had good eyesight and could guess what Liang Xian was writing just by observing the movement of the pen without looking at the paper.

It was just those things that Yan Yongfeng himself wanted to write about. One minute to digest, that sounds good, but he might not be able to digest it in a month. During the meeting, he would look at Tan Yan's face every once in a while, then touch his own, and imagine that he could live forever with supernatural powers, and always stay so young, handsome and tall. Oh, it was so beautiful just to think about it.

Everyone was distracted, even the steady Asan and Qiu Qizhen were not immune. Qiao Zhixue asked Liang Xian twice but he didn't hear it. Tan Yan couldn't stand it anymore and secretly touched Liang Xian with his arm.

Liang Xian was extremely sensitive to Tan Yan's affairs at this time. When he was touched by him, he jumped up and shouted, "It's not me, I didn't, I didn't want to!"

Everyone: “…”

"For the first time, I understand the feelings of teachers who hit students with chalk," Qiao Zhixue took a deep breath, "Student Liang Xian, what do you think about this?"

"W-what's the matter?" Liang Xian had a dazed look on his face. He didn't look as smart as usual. His blank eyes looked like an idiot.

Tan Yan immediately wrote a few lines on the paper and pushed it in front of him.

"Ah, oh! The overlapping of different worlds. I think this is a test point. In the future, there may be overlaps between two or more worlds, or even two collapsed worlds may completely merge. At that time, the challenges we face will be even greater." Liang Xian straightened his back and replied.

"Test points? Who in the other world will give you the test papers?" Qiao Zhixue asked.

Liang Xian: “…”

Oops, I’m used to focusing on the key points when drawing for Tan Yan.

Minister Yu immediately said sternly: "Everyone, concentrate on the discussion. This is a matter related to your future survival. How can you be distracted? Even if the sky falls, you must get your mind back. If there are any problems, leave the meeting and then be distracted!"

But if the sky falls, there is Tan Yan to hold it up. Now that Tan Yan is 58 years old, who will hold them up? !

Despite all the complaints, the special power team also realized that they were wrong, and forced themselves to put their minds at ease and concentrate on the meeting.

The three most important topics of today's meeting are: 1. The protection of the consciousness of the Great Wall; 2. The phenomenon of spatial overlap in the other world; 3. How to place the deer.

Minister Yu first made a self-examination. They were indeed too narrow-minded. They had never thought that there would be such a horrible world waiting for them after the "void". If it weren't for Tan Yan's improved strength and the abundant ionizing radiation in the alien world, the whole army might have been wiped out this time. This mistake was caused by him. He humbly accepted everyone's criticism and would fully listen to the opinions of the superpower team on strategy in the future.

Similarly, Minister Yu also praised all members of the superpower team. Under such difficult conditions, they were able to achieve the excellent result of all members surviving and awakening superpowers, which really surprised the organization. I hope everyone can continue to work hard, go to a higher level, and achieve even better results.

The members of the special power team were very happy at first, thinking that Director Yu finally knew how to respect them. But after a closer look, something was wrong. What does it mean to achieve more success? Does it mean that there may be more dangerous tasks waiting for them to complete in the future? What does it mean to apologize humbly and say that they will listen to opinions in the future? Does it mean to humbly admit your mistakes and refuse to change them

He is truly a fighter among leaders. His official rhetoric calmed their emotions and allowed them to continue to sacrifice their lives under the leadership of the minister.

Qiao Zhixue fully recognized Liang Xian and Cui Heyu's analysis of the Great Wall consciousness theory, but pointed out that the consciousness in the Great Wall is that of the ancient working people, which is rather narrow. In fact, the Great Wall has a more profound meaning for modern people. As a cultural relic and the epitome of the Chinese spirit, the Great Wall has absorbed the consciousness of countless modern people, which is why it was able to create this miracle.

But a miracle cannot happen a second time. If we want to increase the survival rate, we still need to increase our strength.

Qiao Zhixue asked Liang Xian about the second point about the overlapping of different worlds. He actually asked what ideas this phenomenon gave Liang Xian and how we should compare it to the real world. However, Liang Xian gave a irrelevant answer and said a lot of useless words.

"This idea is not yet mature," Liang Xian said after careful consideration. "I suspect that the space of the deer world is not completely split, but closed after a deer was sucked in, unlike our world where the 'hole' will continue to expand. From the perspective of its world, it seems that the deer disappeared for no reason, or even disappeared after going to a forbidden area. Do you think that this situation has actually occurred on Earth

Many people like to read books like "Unsolved Mysteries of the Earth", and they should know which places I am referring to.

Since we are at a loss now, is it possible that there are actually answers in these places? Maybe our earth has already encountered a collapse crisis, but a mysterious force has blocked the "holes" that keep appearing.

I don't know what this mysterious power is. After all, among the 4.6 billion lives on Earth, human history is so short that it is probably just a passing visitor to Earth. No one knows whether there was intelligent life on Earth before humans, because the dinosaurs we know are only creatures from 100 million years ago, and the first 40 years are blank for us.

Of course, the argument that there were once intelligent creatures beyond human beings and that they plugged the "hole" that once appeared on Earth is not supported by any evidence and is only my personal guess.

But I think that when conditions are ripe, we should explore some forbidden places on Earth, such as Bermuda, and perhaps find unexpected answers.”

After saying that, Liang Xian sat back in his seat and everyone looked at him in surprise.

Otherwise, how come many of Liang Xian's ideas can open up new ideas for Qiao Zhixue? Look at this argument, it's really a road to self-destruction from which there is no turning back!

Minister Yu wiped his face. Although he couldn't hit his subordinates, this was his son. No one could stop him from teaching his son a lesson!

Only Qiao Zhixue pondered for a long time, then nodded and said, "It's feasible."

Everyone: “…”

Liang Xian is crazy. Professor Qiao, you are such a calm person, are you going to follow him and go crazy

"Of course not now, but after we can establish a complete quantum entanglement system." Qiao Zhixue said, "Suppose we can create a quantum entanglement channel, and these two entangled channels can move, we take one of them to explore, and if we encounter an accident, we immediately use quantum transmission to return. Ironclad facts have proved that quantum transmission is not affected by world barriers and can be transmitted freely. If this condition is ripe, we can certainly give it a try."

Liang Xian raised his head proudly: "That's what I think."

"It is indeed a new idea. You will need to find the evidence yourself in the future." Qiao Zhixue said, "Okay, next topic."

His eyes fell on the fawn.

The little deer trembled, took two steps secretly, hid behind Tan Yan, exposed half of its head and secretly looked at Qiao Zhixue.

"He has been in our world for five hours. He has not eaten or drunk anything, and he has not even defecated." Qiao Zhixue said, "Do you have no desire in this regard, or have you been enduring it? As far as I know, when a creature without intelligence appears in an unfamiliar place and is frightened, its first reaction is to become incontinent. Obviously, you don't have that either."

Xiaolu also shrank the other half of his face back behind Tan Yan.

"Do you suspect it is an intelligent creature?" Minister Yu asked.

This little deer is almost identical to the common sika deer on Earth. If it hadn't kicked Xu Mingyu and caused stomach bleeding, Minister Yu would have almost mistaken it for an ordinary deer on Earth.

"No," Qiao Zhixue said, "I suspect that it has become quantum entangled with you in the process of traveling through the world, receiving your consciousness, and thus developing a certain spirituality."

Everyone: “…”

"That's ridiculous..." said Professor Feynton.

Speaking of Feynton, I have to feel sad for him. As Qiao Zhixue's doctoral supervisor, he was originally the top professor in the research group, mainly responsible for the theoretical research of the "void" phenomenon. But since the appearance of Tan Yan broke the traditional cognition of the world, a group of old professors in the research group have completely lost their voice, and the main person in charge has become Qiao Zhixue. They all help to check theories and do experiments...

Qiao Zhixue took a wild path, lacking the traditional research spirit, and many of his views were not supported by experimental results. However, the mysterious quantum mechanics and "voids" required his bold imagination, which actually allowed him to create a new path, which made the old professors admire him very much.

But I still want to advise all academic researchers not to follow Qiao Zhixue's example.

But even if his thoughts were confirmed one by one, the idea of a consciousness entanglement between a deer and a human was still too hard to accept.

"Why do you think so?" Liang Xian was the only one who didn't think it was ridiculous. After all, he was also a person who was very good at divergent thinking.

"This." Qiao Zhixue played the video clips they recorded in the other world on the big screen.

This is a miniature camera installed on their backpacks. Everyone has one on their backpack. It is waterproof and shockproof, and resistant to high and low temperatures. As long as one member's backpack is intact, the camera can be left behind.

Liang Xian, Qin Li and Yan Yongfeng's backpacks were broken, but the backpacks of the other four were still there. Qiao Zhixue combined the videos of the four people, backed up the useful information, and singled out the video of Xiaolu and watched it countless times, and finally came up with this idea.

"Look at the look in the eyes of the little deer you rescued in the other world, and compare it to his look now."

The deer in the video has a blank look in his eyes, only pleading. The deer now... hehe, is both clever and mischievous.

"But this is too..." The old professors still couldn't accept it.

"There is evidence, just ask it and you will know."

Qiao Zhixue said to Xiaolu, "Come here."

The little deer stuck to Tan Yan's back and refused to move.

"If you don't come, I'll let Tan Yan take you here." Qiao Zhixue said lightly.

After hearing what he said, Xiaolu twisted his legs and walked to Qiao Zhixue.

"Do you understand Chinese? Nod your head if you do, and shake your head if you don't." Qiao Zhixue said.

The little deer shook his head in panic.

Qiao Zhixue sneered: "I don't understand why you are shaking your head?"

Little Deer: “…”

Qiao Zhixue asked while writing down in his notebook: "When did you learn Chinese? Before or after the time travel?"

He wrote the words "front" and "back" on the paper. The deer looked at it for a long time, and finally, in front of everyone, he slowly raised his hoof and pointed at the word "back".

There was a sudden gasp in the conference room.

Qiao Zhixue wrote down a few more questions on the paper, ranging from elementary school mathematics to advanced mathematics problems such as trigonometric functions, calculus, and linear algebra. They were all multiple-choice questions and were placed in front of Xiaolu.

The deer clicked a few times and all the answers were correct.

Qiao Zhixue: "Oh, his education level is higher than Tan Yan's."

Tan Yan: “…”

Although it felt a bit embarrassing, it gave him a new idea: "Is it possible to study in this way?! Then I don't have to worry about the results of the final exam?"

The superpower team: "..."

They just found out about Tan Yan's education background. He joined the army right after graduating from junior high school. This caused them great hurt. The idol suddenly fell from the altar and is now worse than a deer...

"How strong is your consciousness? Can anyone influence you?" Qiao Zhixue asked, "You have traveled through time countless times, but you have never found this phenomenon. It should be that humans have mature thinking and are difficult to be influenced by other consciousnesses. The deer is different. It is very simple and ignorant. You are decomposed and reassembled in the 'void', and the phenomenon of consciousness fusion will definitely occur in this process.

Humans have their own consciousness and are not easily influenced by others. But the deer doesn't even remember much about his past, so it is very likely that he will accidentally become quantum entangled with you during the decomposition process. After all, during the transmission process, everyone is in a quantum state. "

The little deer seemed to understand. It stood beside Qiao Zhixue with its eyes wide open.

"So was he influenced by one person or many people?" Liang Xian couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not sure about that," Qiao Zhixue said, "but through the test just now, we can see that it is very cunning, has a sense of self-protection, is strongly dependent on Tan Yan, and has learned quantum mechanics quite well. Of course, with its brain capacity, it certainly cannot absorb all knowledge, only part of it, and its thinking ability will be much worse, but it is smart enough. We can no longer treat it as an experimental animal."

The deer's eyes lit up, and it wagged its tail vigorously. It even used its brain waves to rub Qiao Zhixue for the first time.

"But considering that he (I will use the word "he" from now on) kicked Xu Mingyu while he was still able to think, haha, as an intelligent creature, you need to bear legal responsibility." Qiao Zhixue patted the deer's head "kindly".

Little Deer: “…”

The author has something to say: Little Deer: None of you humans are good! !

That’s all for today’s second update. Go take a rest!