I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 55: Ghost Town (III)


From the perspective of others, Tan Yan's head was completely covered by flesh-colored tentacles with unknown liquid. The Hai Liren who was closest to him didn't care about the blood on his face. Years of training allowed him to temporarily suppress his fear. He pulled out a dagger from his waist and slashed at the dagger with force.

Tan Yan's head was wrapped by the monster, and Hai Liren was afraid of accidental injury and did not dare to use a gun.

The touch/hand was extremely soft, and the dagger had no power at all. There was a sticky liquid on it, which was also corrosive. The Hailiren's dagger melted in a few seconds.

His face was pale, and he was anxious that he could not rescue his companions. He even wanted to grab the tentacles with his hands and tear the monster apart to get Tan Yan out.

"No need." Tan Yan's calm voice came from the sticky tentacles, "Don't move, be alert, I'm fine."

"you… "

Before Hai Liren could finish his concerned words, he heard a gunshot and the woman let out a miserable and shrill scream. Her voice was finally no longer so sweet.

With his head wrapped, Tan Yan raised his leg and kicked the woman hard, sending her flying.

A green liquid dripped from the middle of the tentacle, like blood.

Tan Yan's kick was so powerful that it made the woman spin half a circle in the air. He clearly kicked her from the front, but in the end she fell face down on the ground.

The tentacles were still flying, but Tan Yan rushed forward, stepped on the back of the woman's head, and shot at the ten tentacles with the gun in his hand without hesitation.

The inhuman screams lasted for a full five minutes before the tentacles finally stopped moving. The woman's body quickly dried up and soon became a mummy.

The team members who were shocked by this scene looked at Tan Yan's face. His head was protected by a transparent protective shield, and the sticky liquid from the tentacles did not touch his skin at all.

From beginning to end, Tan Yan's expression did not change at all. He did not even blink, and killed this disgusting monster without hesitation.

The three newcomers looked at Tan Yan's face, and the panic they had just felt because of the monster gradually disappeared, leaving only admiration for this man.

Chief Xu and Professor Qiao both said that they should listen to Tan Yan and not be afraid when he is around. Tu Zishi and the other two did not understand how strong an ordinary first-year student could be at first, but now they have experienced it firsthand.

Tan Yan's strength does not lie in how terrifying his power is, but in his nerves as strong as steel and his eyes that are fearless no matter what the circumstances.

The monster was dead, but the team members did not let down their guard. They stood back to back and observed everyone in the bar.

Although such a thing happened in the bar, no one screamed. No one even moved, and they continued to sit in their seats and enjoy their drinks.

The bartender, whose face was also splattered with blood, placed nine cocktails on the bar, squinted his eyes and said to everyone, "Guests, your drinks."

The drinks ordered by everyone were obviously different, but the bartender brought out all this sticky white "wine". I have no idea what this stuff is, it's so disgusting just looking at it.

At this time, I looked closely at the wine in other people's glasses, but I saw that it was not wine at all. The cups were full of bloody red liquid. In one person's cup, there seemed to be an eye soaked in it.

"Eh? You don't want to drink?" the bartender said politely, "Don't blame the excited guest. We haven't eaten fresh meat for a long time. Everyone has been eating frozen food. When we smell the fresh meat, we are a little excited."

He sniffed and showed an intoxicated expression: "You smell really good."

Feng Wu wanted to open the wooden warehouse, but was held back by Tan Yan: "Don't move, observe."

Feng Wu suppressed his fear and nausea, and kept his finger on the trigger, very steady.

Liang Xian flicked his finger, and a transparent object flew toward the bartender. This was the "bullet" he created. It still had no substance, and its hardness was not as good as that of a real object. It was not even a semi-finished product, but at best a 0.2 finished product. But it was enough for a test.

His "bullet" went straight to the bartender's mouth. Tan Yan and Liang Xian cooperated well and used their consciousness to give the "bullet" a propulsion force, making its speed consistent with that shot out from the hand.

Even after the "bullet" shot through the bartender's head, he still had no reaction. After he realized it belatedly, he let out an "eh" and opened his mouth uncontrollably. Tentacles thicker than a woman's crawled out of his mouth, dripping green liquid as they crawled... probably blood.

"Its visual ability is average," Liang Xian said in a voice that everyone could hear. "I got some blood on the 'bullet'. Before Tan Yan accelerated it, its speed was very slow, and it could actually be detected, but the monster didn't see it. The wind pressure was actually very high when it was about to reach the face, but he still didn't react. It seems that his sense of touch is also average, and his hearing is not very clear. He can simulate the living conditions of humans and has a keen sense of smell. At present, he looks like a cannibal. His weakness is not the heart but the mouth, or the tongue. Shooting/shooting the mouth can severely injure the opponent, but it cannot kill him.

Judging from the fact that Tan Yan’s attack with the tentacles just now can be fatal, the tentacles are both a means of attack but also a weakness. The mucus is corrosive and cannot be directly touched. It is recommended to use long-range attacks.

Possessing body fluids, which means that the body contains a lot of water, Ah San's ability should be usable. But... can you resist corrosiveness?"

After a little probing, Liang Xian had already analyzed most of the monster. The three newcomers glanced at the old team members. They also felt disgusted, but they were calm enough to face the phenomenon beyond common sense and were able to quickly find a solution.

This is not a difference in strength, but a result of experience.

At first, Liang Xian and others were the ones who would bask in the sun in another world and commit suicide, but now they have gradually grown up.

"Long distance..." Ah San thought, "Yan Yongfeng's ability can be used at a long distance, Qiu Qizheng!"

Qiu Qizhen immediately took a step back and grabbed the hands of Asan and Yan Yongfeng. Qin Li stepped forward and stood in front of Qiu Qizhen who had no weapon protection. They cooperated well and moved very quickly.

Asan opened his eyes wide. He saw the veins on the tentacles crawling on the ground, the flow of fluids in the body, and the sparse electrons floating in the air.

With just a thought, the free particles gathered in his hands, and a long arm appeared in the void that only Ah San and Yan Yongfeng could see. It was the result of the particles lengthening and enlarging Ah San's hand.

When the hand touched the tentacle, it immediately shrank and a puddle of water appeared around it.

The water in its body was drained and the monster could no longer move.

"Good!" Yan Yongfeng not only said good.

These are the combinations and moves that Qiao Zhixue came up with for them based on their abilities. He envisioned many options and designed many combat combinations for each situation. This is also the reason why the team members are confident this time. Qiu Qizheng's strength is really useful. As long as he is there, everyone can give full play to their strength.

"Don't be too happy too soon," Qiu Qizheng reminded, "We killed two monsters in a row, showing superhuman strength, but the 'people' in the bar didn't panic at all. They were not afraid of us."

"How many 'people' are there in this city?" Liang Xian suddenly asked, "They just said that they haven't eaten fresh 'meat' for a long time."

Everyone thought of a possibility and swallowed nervously.

"Heh," Liang Xian laughed, "If this is City B, and these things are parasitic and multiplying man-eating monsters, then it would be a lively scene."

City B has a population of tens of millions. Even if only one fifth of them turn into monsters, that would still be tens of millions...

If that's the case, no wonder the people in the bar weren't afraid at all.

"I don't know if they don't know each other, or if they don't have any sense of companionship at all," Tu Zishi said. "Two of their companions died, and each of them looked surprised and was still drinking 'wine'."

Tu Zishi was the team member who accepted the current situation and responded the fastest.

After he finished speaking, the people in the bar stood up and opened their mouths to the team members one by one, as if they hadn't heard what they said.

"Damn, what the hell is this? It's so disgusting!" Yan Yongfeng shouted.

He could see it most clearly. When the monsters opened their mouths, he could see... that thing crawling out of their throats!

"Having good eyesight isn't always a good thing!" Yan Yongfeng looked like he couldn't stand it anymore and was going crazy. "Squad leader, go strong!"

Asan immediately let go of Qiu Qizhen, took out his weapon and switched places with Qin Li. This time Qiu Qizhen did not hold Yan Yongfeng's hand, but put one of his hands on his back.

Yan Yongfeng held a small dagger in his hand and said to the newcomer beside him: "Step back three steps!"

As soon as the newcomers stepped back, the monsters surrounded the gap. Yan Yongfeng raised his dagger as if with great effort, saying, "Look at my 40-meter-long sword."

With one slash of the sword, all the monsters flew out, and a huge hole was opened in the wall of the bar.

"Run!" Asan ordered immediately.

Everyone maintained formation and quickly fled the bar. The monster that was not dead got up, opened its mouth unwillingly, and dozens of tentacles flew towards everyone.

Qin Li waved his hand and a huge barrier unfolded. All his tentacles hit the barrier and could not touch everyone at all.

But he was still slow to open the barrier, and a tentacle flew towards Hai Liren, who had no superpowers. He raised the wooden gun, and suddenly his mind flashed the image of Tan Yan being wrapped by the tentacles. His fingers trembled and he did not pull the trigger.

In just a moment, the tentacles had already flown in front of him. Tan Yan was at the rear, far away from Hai Liren, and it was too late for him to help.

The Haili people might not die, but the mucus on their tentacles is as corrosive as strong acid. If you really get touched by it, you will lose half your face.

Just when he was in despair, a whirlwind of brown, yellow and white rushed towards Hailiren. The deer kicked in the air and kicked the tentacles away.

It landed steadily on the ground, its hooves intact. The deer snorted at Hai Liren with disdain, then trotted back to Tan Yan.

Three newcomers: “…”

They just saw a young sika deer that had not yet grown horns, doing a 360-degree Thomas spin in the air, and kicking the monster's tentacles with its front paws in a handsome manner, smashing them to pieces.

In this fucking world, they are no match for Tan Yan, who is only eighteen years old, no match for their junior classmates, no match for monsters, and even no match for a fucking deer.

The three selected elites began to have deep doubts about themselves.

But the reality did not give them time to be frustrated. They rushed out of the bar, but after just two steps they felt something was wrong.

Tu Zishi even asked, "Before we entered the bar, were there so many cars outside?"

When he first arrived in this world, Liang Xian deliberately observed the occasional taxis passing by on the road, and mentioned that it might be because there was no traffic jam at night.

But now, the small alley and even the crossroads were filled with cars. They had only been in the bar for ten minutes, and the cars outside had been blocked from the first ring road to the second ring road.

Feng Wu widened his eyes: "No way..."

Every car was full of people. When they saw them running out of the bar, the doors of the cars opened and people got out one by one.

At a glance, the road was crowded with people.

Now, not to mention the newcomers, even the veteran team members are nervous.

Their special abilities are not enough to deal with so many people!

These "people" did not attack, but slowly surrounded a few people. Soon, the road in front of them was blocked by a wall of people, and behind them were the monsters that were slowly crawling out of the bar.

The breathing of the superpower team became stagnant.

"They seem to be waiting for something." Liang Xian leaned against Tan Yan, knowing what was going on, and was still analyzing calmly, "We only entered one bar, and no one inside made a phone call, but so many people showed up in just ten minutes. These monsters must have a way of transmitting information that we don't know about. And they seem to be waiting for their leader, don't they look a bit like insects?"

He thought for a moment and added, "They seem to be more intelligent than the insects we are familiar with, but they also seem very slow. However, this method of encirclement and hunting is obviously designed based on our abilities, which is inconsistent with their intelligence."

Liang Xian suddenly realized, "There is a leader who can share the consciousness of other monsters and issue orders. Its IQ is very high, a bit like the Queen of Insects."

"All your analysis is useless for us to escape?" Looking at the person in front of him, Asan was about to suffer from claustrophobia and shouted madly.

"Of course it works! Catch the leader first," Liang Xian said, "No matter how smart it is, it's better to deal with one than ten million!"

"That makes sense." Thinking that he didn't have to deal with so many monsters, Ah San calmed down a bit. "Are they waiting for the leader to come? Give the delicious food to the leader first?"

"Probably..." Liang Xian said uncertainly.

Before he could finish his words, the monster in front of him suddenly opened its mouth and thousands of densely packed tentacles flew towards them!

"Don't shoot!" Tan Yan said immediately.

He instantly opened the protective shield, wrapped everyone in it, and blocked the tentacles' attack. But the tentacles stuck to the protective shield, blocking the light, and for a moment they could only see the greasy flesh moving in front of them, and could also hear the sound of crawling with sticky liquid.

This scene was too exciting for everyone.

"Damn!" Ah San yelled, "Where's the leader?"

"Emmmm..." Liang Xian was also disgusted. These monsters were not only strong in physical attacks, but also in mental attacks. "They may still be in the nest. I should be able to give orders to attack from a distance. Look at ants... There is no queen ant who goes out to find food by herself. It is the worker ants who carry it back home..."

"Stop talking..." Qiu Qizheng couldn't stand it anymore and waved his hands at Liang Xian, "I want to vomit."

Unlike the last world where you were killed right away, this world was determined to kill you and disgust you to death. Everyone had to rely on their consciousness to use their supernatural powers, so it was difficult to concentrate.

It can be said that both worlds are very dangerous.

"How are we going to escape?" Tu Zishi was unusually calm at this time, and was not disgusted at all. "There are monsters everywhere outside."

Tan Yan looked around without saying anything, but his expression remained calm and fearless, which gave everyone a shot of adrenaline.

Tu Zishi answered his own question: "Underground."

Surrounded on all sides, the only way to escape is underground. If this is really City B, there must be a sewer.

"What if the underground is full of monsters?" Yan Yongfeng asked, "My eyes have been severely injured, damn, seriously injured!"

His words did ease the pressure on everyone a little. When they thought of Yan Yongfeng's ability, they felt sympathy for him. They could only see the appearance, but Yan Yongfeng said he could even see the tiny feet on his hands that helped him crawl...

It’s disgusting just thinking about it.

"It's feasible underground." Tan Yan suddenly said, "There are no sounds of footsteps or tentacles crawling down there."

His hearing was the most sensitive, so if that was the case, then that ruled out the possibility that there were countless monsters waiting for them in the sewers.

Everyone felt better at the thought that they wouldn't have to watch these things anymore.

The author has something to say: Little Deer: Look at me, the little deer, kicking!

The best player of the game today is still me, Mr. Lu. Alas, you stupid humans are not even as good as a deer.

Someone asked about the update time, it's 14:00 noon and 22:00 pm~~