I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 56: Ghost Town (IV)


"Where is the sewer?" Liang Xian looked at Asan.

Ah San identified the direction and pointed at the bar and said, "There is one on the roadside ahead, but I don't think you want to go that way. There is another one behind the bar. It should be... easier than going to the front..."

Yan Yongfeng wanted to cry. They had just escaped from the bar and were about to go back.

"Don't worry." Tan Yan took out a grenade from his backpack, "Just use this."

"One is not enough, right?" Tu Zishi asked, "And can your protective shield withstand the impact of the explosives?"

Actually, what he said made sense, but after he finished speaking, the old teammates all looked at him as if he was an idiot.

Don't blame Tu Zishi. After all, he didn't see Tan Yan knock over the Mosasaur with a wooden warehouse. The protective shield withstood the wind speed of 1670km/h which was comparable to the wind pressure of a nuclear explosion. It was a small hand/grenade, a small bar, hehe.

They felt that it was not good for those who knew the situation to exclude the newcomers. The three Hai Liren also worked very hard. As the squad leader, Qiu Qizheng, who had a good overall view, said: "Tan Yan is very capable."

Tu Zishi and the other two also realized this, but they had not yet fully realized how terrifying this power was.

There were tentacles in front and behind, blocking the light. Liang Xian took out the flashlight, but Tan Yan held his hand and said, "No need."

Even in the dark, he can see clearly.

Tan Yan took out a pistol and opened the protective cover to make a hole big enough for one person to enter and exit. As soon as the crack appeared, several tentacles came in. Tan Yan was not in a hurry. He raised the pistol at the tentacles and pulled the trigger.

With a loud "bang", a bomb seemed to explode in the pile of tentacles, and several tentacles broke onto the ground, moving with difficulty.

Tu Zishi named Wu Hailiren: "…"

The three of them rubbed their eyes at the same time. What they saw just now seemed to be a wooden cannon, but the power was almost comparable to that of a mortar!

Qiu Qizhen patted the shoulders of the Haili people beside him comfortingly, and understood their feelings very well.

He had the same expression when Tan Yan transformed into a whale.

The smell of gunpowder made the monsters with a sensitive sense of smell afraid to come in for the time being, so Tan Yan walked out steadily. As soon as he stepped out of the protective shield, the exit was closed.

Then there were a few loud "boom boom boom" noises, the protective shield vibrated a few times, and even a lot of tentacles outside fell off.

Then the protective shield was half opened, and Tan Yan's voice came: "Come out."

When they walked out of the protective shield, they saw that the walls of the bar were all charred, and the tables and chairs had flown away. The window glass was all shattered, and the ground was full of dried corpses. Occasionally, a few tentacles would bounce pitifully on the ground, obviously unable to move.

According to Liang Xian's analysis, the monsters had a very sensitive sense of smell, so even though the glass was broken, no tentacles dared to come in. After all, the bar was full of the smell of poison.

Ah San and Qin Li walked side by side in front, Liang Xian in the middle, Tan Yan in the rear, and Xiaolu accompanied Tan Yan. Tu Zishi couldn't help but look back, only to see the man and the deer facing away from the waving tentacles outside the window, but they looked nonchalant and didn't even turn their heads.

"Here!" Ah San opened the sewer in the back alley of the bar. There were no monsters nearby. They seemed to have all run to the front. Probably thinking that the superpower team could not break into the bar, he set up an ambush outside.

Tan Yan listened carefully first and confirmed that there were no unusual creatures, and then everyone crawled in one after another.

"It stinks." Yan Yongfeng pinched his nose as he walked in the sewer.

The sewers in City B are not small. There were news reports in the past that some homeless people in City B lived in the sewers all year round. City B is located in the north, with little rain. As long as it is not the rainy season, the sewers are always dry and the environment is pretty good.

Unfortunately, they were using the sewer in the back alley of the bar, where people often dumped leftover food. Over the years, the place became extremely smelly.

"This smell is not right..." Tan Yan shook his head and said, "This is not the smell of leftover food. This smell is a bit like..."

Everyone felt very uncomfortable, and the little deer kept shaking its fur, obviously feeling very disgusted.

"Just get over it," Tan Yan said, "It's a good thing to have a bad smell on your body, it will cover up our own smell. These monsters have a good sense of smell, and a strong smell to cover it up will make it easier for us to avoid them."

"But this taste is..." Yan Yongfeng opened his mouth but didn't continue.

Ah San asked, "What's the smell? What do you see?"

"You'd better not ask." Tan Yan advised. He seemed to know the source of the smell.

"Yes, don't ask." Yan Yongfeng looked straight ahead, focused on the front, for fear that he would see something in some corner.

"Ugh..." Tu Zishi suddenly dry-heaved twice.

Tan Yan looked at him and said nothing, but continued to lead everyone forward.

"You guessed it." Liang Xian said.

Being smart is sometimes inconvenient. When Tan Yan said the smell was wrong, he guessed the source of the smell based on the situation in this world, but he never pointed it out. But now Yan Yongfeng has seen it, and the newcomer has also guessed it, so there is no need to hide it anymore.

"These are the leftovers of the monsters, washed by the rain and mixed together into a meat paste, sticking to the walls of the sewers. They are all around us and under our feet. Everyone should walk more steadily and try not to touch the walls of the pipes." Tu Zishi said.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Asan was in a bad mood from the moment he saw the tentacles.

Ah San was trained in actual combat and was the most stable member of the team except Tan Yan. Although he was overshadowed by Tan Yan as a veteran, he could always remain calm no matter what the situation.

But this world seems to be Asan's weak spot. He has cursed several times and seems to be really unable to endure it.

Fortunately, Cui Heyu was not there, otherwise this kid who was looking for trouble in the world might have said to Ah San, don't worry, just think of it as meat sauce and jam, it is not very common in horror movies.

Fortunately, fortunately, Qiu Qi was thinking secretly in his heart.

Cui Heyu, the horror movie lover, might be excited to encounter this world.

Tu Zishi retched a few times but didn't spit out anything. His face turned pale but he gradually recovered.

It was indeed too terrifying for a newcomer to experience such a world for the first time, but it was not easy for others to experience the world for the first time. Choosing this path and having superpowers meant that everyone had to experience such a world again and again.

"You are really amazing," Tu Zishi looked at Tan Yan and said, "If it weren't for protecting us, you would have been able to get out by yourself even if there were so many tentacles outside."

"Not bad." Tan Yan answered using the response method reserved for the older generation.

It's neither overly modest nor perfunctory, Tan Yan's way of answering has always been like this.

Always thinking that he is mediocre is probably Tan Yan's biggest shortcoming. He has no self-awareness, but others are unable to recognize their own shortcomings due to their lack of self-awareness, and Tan Yan cannot see his own strengths.

Tan Yan is definitely a person who can talk to death. Tu Zishi really wants to talk to him and ask him how he became so strong, but his answer makes it impossible to ask him any more.

"Tan Yan's ability is to enhance," Qiu Qizheng explained to the newcomers. After all, they will all be companions in the future, and he cannot tolerate a disunited team. "It's not just about strength, but everything. He uses consciousness to enhance the power of bullets and grenades. You should also learn the theoretical basis of superpowers. As long as your consciousness is strong enough and you temper your spirit, we will gradually become stronger."

Finally someone answered the question, and Tu Zishi found a way to back down and asked, "Tan Yan is only a freshman, still very young. Even if he has been training, it should not have been for a few years. Can we become like him?"

Envy is what everyone thinks when they first come into contact with the supernatural Tan Yan. Liang Xian, Asan, Qin Li and others were also like this at first. They were attracted by Tan Yan who lifted the meteorite and got supernatural powers by committing suicide. At that time, they also thought that one day they would become like Tan Yan.

But now, everyone’s goal is to become Tan Yan’s strength and to become the one who inherits his will.

Seeing that everyone was strangely silent again, Feng Wu quickly changed the topic to ease the awkward atmosphere: "How old is Tan Yan this year? Also 19 years old? How many years have you been in the Hollow?"

Before Tan Yan could speak, Liang Xian said, "Oh, you look young."

In one sentence, the communication came to an end.

In fact, everyone understood that in such a dark and stinking place, and not knowing how far to go, everyone was panicking. The newcomers also wanted to ease the mood. After all, Tan Yan did not stop them from talking, which meant that the sewer was still very safe and they could properly cultivate team tacit understanding. They were all a team and the environment they were in was quite bad. No one wanted to ruin the big thing because of the estrangement.

However, the newcomer's entry point was taboo topics, and Ah San, who liked to complain and liven up the atmosphere, became nervous and exploded as soon as he opened his mouth, which made the relationship between the newcomer and the old employees even more strained.

This is not good.

Tan Yan also realized this. As the team leader, he couldn't let the atmosphere become like this.

But what should I say? Tan Yan thought hard, looked down and saw the little deer very close to him, and suddenly remembered that when his colleagues chatted, they seemed to talk about their children, such as "my son was admitted to a key university" and "my granddaughter's grades were both 100".

So Tan Yan praised: "Little Deer is also quite amazing. He has traveled to many worlds with me, and he is the only one who doesn't need my protection."

Everyone: “…”

Well, this one sentence shut everyone up.

Liang Xian and others felt superior to the newcomers. They could respond promptly to the monsters, but the newcomers could only shrink and be protected. The Haili people were so scared that they couldn't even open the wooden warehouse. The old team members felt that they were very powerful.

But, in front of the little deer, everyone here is garbage!

The old team member lowered his head in shame. It was just the pot calling the kettle black. What should we be proud of? Proud of us knowing Tan Yan's real age!

"I'm sorry," Liang Xian was the first to apologize after self-reflection, "I was too arrogant. I always thought that I was the first to awaken my superpowers after traveling through three different worlds. I felt that I was superior to others. In fact, I am nothing, not even as good as a deer."

Liang Xian has many shortcomings, but his greatest strength is that he can discover his shortcomings in time and correct them. Except for his suicidal spirit, the rest can be corrected.

Tu Zishi also admitted his mistake and said, "I shouldn't have hidden under the car. I think highly of myself and feel that I can handle any mission. It would be a loss for the organization if I wasn't brought along. But now... Haha, I'm just a burden to Tan Yan. No wonder the organization wants to control the number of people. Why should I join in the fun?"

He was really regretful. The young man's proud feathers were plucked out when he realized that he might become a pig teammate who killed his companions.

"It's good that you understand," Tan Yan suddenly said, "If you understand it from the bottom of your heart, don't have a second chance. There is no regret medicine in life."

When Tu Zishi heard what Tan Yan said, he suddenly understood why he took him into the car at that time.

Even if Tu Zishi had been selected, if he was not assigned, he would be considered to be spying on state secrets. If Tan Yan did not take him into the "Void" this time, Tu Zishi would definitely be expelled from school, and there would be no other choice. The officer reservation of the Southern Military Region was useless. In the face of the world's safety and human survival, he was just an insignificant ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Tu Zishi felt cold in his hands and feet. The fact that he could still stand here was an opportunity that Tan Yan had fought for him.

"I just feel it's a pity," Tan Yan said calmly, "You are really amazing for hiding under the car in plain sight. If I hadn't heard your heartbeat, I might not even have noticed it. I think I should give you a chance. After all, it's not easy to get into college."

Tu Zishi thought that Tan Yan was saying that it was not easy for them to stay in the special class, but he didn't know how difficult it was to become a college student in Tan Yan's era, and how much Tan Yan, who considered himself a rough man, respected intellectuals.

"Since I brought you in, I will be responsible for you in every sense of the word." Tan Yan said again.

Recalling Tan Yan's decisiveness and resolution when killing the monster, and Minister Yu's words that the monster could be executed on the spot, Tu Zishi felt even colder. Tan Yan's words were both a protection and a warning.

He stopped talking, and the other two newcomers were also dejected. They had suffered a huge blow today. Especially Hai Liren, who was having an affair with a young lady the previous second. Although he would not violate the rules, he was very happy at that time. Who knew that the young lady would turn into a huge mouth of the abyss the next second, and his dagger could not even cut off a tentacle, and he was unable to open the wooden warehouse in a critical moment...

Hai Liren felt his hands shaking badly. Could he still hold the wooden warehouse steadily

They think saving the world is too easy. It is really not a responsibility that one person can shoulder.

The sewer became very quiet, with only the rustling sounds of rats gnawing on food. No one even wanted to think about what the rats were eating.

Tan Yan was aware of the emotions of the team members, but he did not try to comfort them. Some thresholds must be stepped over by yourself, and no one else can carry you.

In a quiet pipe, any sound would be amplified. As they walked, they heard the sound of "pa ji" and "pa ji", as if someone was walking barefoot in the pipe. The special-powered team wore special shoes, and the research team tried their best to prepare light and silent shoes for them.

Is it a monster? From the sound, there is only one, but these monsters can transmit information over long distances, so we can't let our guard down even if there is only one.

Everyone picked up their weapons, but Tan Yan frowned.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and a small figure appeared in front of everyone. Yan Yongfeng was the first to see the figure clearly and whispered, "It's a little girl. She looks like a human, but I can't guarantee whether she is a monster."

The figure was getting closer and closer, until it was close enough that everyone could see it clearly with the help of the flashlight.

Unlike those monsters who were dressed brightly and beautifully, the little girl was in a very sorry state, dirty, with a scar on her arm from strong acid corrosion. She was wearing only a dirty skirt in the winter in City B, holding a doll with its head missing, her feet were frozen blue, and she walked step by step in the pipe with difficulty.

If it was a monster, it would be in a very miserable state.

"This... is too much like a horror movie, isn't it?" Ah San rubbed his arms and gritted his teeth.

He knew he shouldn't speak at this time, but his nervous nerves made him unable to control himself. He wanted to jump up and curse loudly to relieve his emotions.

The little girl was getting closer and closer, but no one dared to shoot. She looked too much like a human. A child struggling to survive in an environment full of monsters, if she met her companions and got a bullet...

No one was willing to do such a cruel thing, even if she might be a monster.

"It's human." Tan Yan suddenly said.

I don’t know how he confirmed it, but as long as Tan Yan said yes, everyone believed it and felt relieved.

Only Liang Xian, who was paying close attention to Tan Yan, discovered that after confirming that the girl was a human, Tan Yan's usually calm expression turned ugly.

He seemed to prefer that the little girl was a monster.

The author has something to say: Second update la la la

Love everyone~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~