I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 58: Ghost Town (VI)


"How long will it take us to walk?" Liang Xian asked.

He clearly felt that Tan Yan was not in a good mood, so he immediately tried to change the subject.

Liang Xian himself was also uncomfortable. As Minister Yu had said, they would never get used to this kind of thing and could only find a way to endure it.

"Wait until there are fewer creatures up there, then we'll go up and try to get a car." Tan Yan said.

He could run quickly by himself, but except for Xiaolu, no one could keep up with Tan Yan's speed, so he needed a car with more than nine seats. Those monsters didn't have any special powers except for their strong vitality and high corrosiveness, so they probably couldn't keep up with the speed of the car.

Of course, they can drive, and they might catch up in a fancy sports car.

But having a car would be better after all.

Tan Yan told Liang Xian the location of the teleportation point. Liang Xian compared the location he mentioned with the real coordinates in his mind. It was indeed the location of the cemetery. How did Tan Yan become quantum entangled with something there? And how can they return to the real world without Tan Yan

Under the current circumstances, Tan Yan is under increasing pressure because there are too many people.

Liang Xian's resistance to newcomers is largely due to the fact that he does not want them to be a burden to Tan Yan.

"So what's the situation up there now?" Yan Yongfeng asked.

He has good eyesight, but that doesn’t mean he can see what’s happening on the ground. At this stage, he can only rely on Tan Yan’s hearing.

"There are quite a few people," Tan Yan said after listening carefully, "heading in our direction."

Everyone was shocked, and at the same time they thought that the mother and daughter must have leaked the news. The monsters should be able to send messages directly to the queen, and the queen could also issue orders. The mother passed on their location, and many monsters chased after them.

In fact, they should be killed. At the very least, the mother who has turned into a monster should be killed.

But Tan Yan did not take action, and no one else wanted to take action either.

It is their responsibility to leave hidden dangers behind, and they must bear it themselves.

"What should I do?" Asan became nervous again at the thought of facing so many tentacle monsters again.

"Let's go up before they arrive." Tan Yan said decisively, "If a fight really breaks out, we won't be able to move underground."

The most important thing is that once the ground collapses, no one except Tan Yan will be able to bear it.

According to the woman's diary, they obtained important information that parasitism can only be achieved by eating something. The woman drank a white unknown liquid in the bar, which caused the parasite to be parasitized from the inside of her body. In other words, even if she was accidentally touched by a hand, she would only be injured, but not parasitized. This is good news.

"Fortunately, we didn't come to the zombie world," Yan Yongfeng said, "otherwise we would really become zombies after taking a bite, which would be terrible."

His words reminded Qin Li that he had been infected with the Black Death in another world, so he asked, "Things from other worlds cannot reach our world through teleportation points, so what about viruses and these parasitic monsters?"

"Theoretically, no," Liang Xian analyzed. "Whether it's plague bacteria, viruses, or parasitic monsters, they are all life in this world. When they pass through the teleportation point, they should be decomposed and reassembled in their own world."

Before Qin Li could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Liang Xian say again: "But... just like the last time you were infected with the plague, the first batch of plague bacteria that infected you were creatures from another world, but when they invaded cells and multiplied in the body, the newly generated plague bacteria were neither from another world nor from our world, but a combination of the two worlds, a new thing. I don't know whether they can pass through the teleportation point.

But I knew I couldn’t take the risk.”

"Then..." Newcomer Tu Zishi immediately thought of something, "What if one of us is infected, and we don't know it. Once he follows us back to the real world..."

"Maybe this kind of monster will go back with us." Liang Xian said.

Everyone doesn't know what to say. Monsters are easy to recognize. If they are really parasitized, they would rather kill their companions than bring the parasitic monsters back to the real world. But what about viruses, bacteria, and plankton? These microorganisms are difficult to detect and have a latent period. They will not attack immediately. If they are not checked and brought back to the real world, there will be endless troubles.

Tan Yan once said that when he went to another world, he seldom came into contact with people from other worlds. He usually went straight to the teleportation point. He was experienced and cautious and usually would not become a virus carrier.

"This... We still have the mission of exploring another world. What if in the future..."

"There is still a way," Liang Xian said, "After returning, we will give suggestions to the organization. Everyone who enters the other world must be quarantined first, asked about the situation in the other world, and have a detailed physical examination. If the cause of the apocalypse in the other world is a virus, we will have to observe for a period of time. This is the only way to effectively prevent the invasion of the other world."

"It's good to have a solution." Qiu Qizhen breathed a sigh of relief.

They used to think that as long as their abilities were strong enough, they could be omnipotent like Tan Yan. If they had the strength to punch through the sun, what would they be afraid of

But this world has made everyone realize that sometimes many crises cannot be solved by strength alone, but also require rich experience and knowledge.

Unconsciously, they reached the next sewer entrance. Tan Yan said, "There are the fewest people around here. We need to act quickly and find a suitable car as soon as we get out."

There can't be two cars, because if one of them is in trouble, Tan Yan won't be able to take care of it alone.

Tan Yan was the first to jump out of the manhole cover and used a wooden gun to directly shoot through several parasitic monsters that were approaching. Under his cover, everyone came to the ground one after another.

City B is very large. Even though they have walked a long way underground, it is still very prosperous. Prosperity means that there are many people being parasitized, but at the same time, it is also easy to find a car.

They ran all the way and soon found a small van that could seat ten people.

The first-year students had not had time to take the driving test, so third-year student Tu Zishi drove the car. He said he had driven an armored vehicle during training before and had no problem with his skills.

The three words "armored vehicle" reminded Liang Xian, and he said to Qin Li: "Da Li, can you add defense to the armored vehicle? It should be lighter."

He had been held and protected by Qin Li twice, and knew that Qin Li's protective shield could actually be made into two layers. The first layer was commonly used and was very hard, while the second layer was relatively soft, very elastic, and had strong pressure resistance.

Qin Li: "Of course you can, but not through the car windows, as it will block your view."

"We work together," Liang Xian said. "I try to make a transparent and strong material, and you reinforce it."

When it comes to cooperation, Qiu Qizheng is naturally needed. The three were trying to reinforce the car, while Tan Yan took out the engine cabin, jumped directly onto the roof, placed the engine cabin on the roof, and sat on it to observe the surrounding environment.

Seeing him go up, the deer jumped up as well. Tu Zishi drove the car very fast. Hearing that Liang Xian and others could reinforce the car, he didn't care about the car accident and drove the car at a speed of 120 miles per hour in the downtown area. At such a speed, a man and a deer actually sat steadily on the roof of the car. It was really amazing.

Tan Yan was fine, but how did the little deer have such strength? It didn't seem to have received any training, and it was so strong from the beginning. And no one knew what its special ability was. This guy lived so proudly every day. As long as he was not in front of Qiao Zhixue, he would hold his head high and be fearless. He was still fearless in the pile of tentacles, much better than them.

"Who is Xiaolu quantum entangled with? How can he be so strong?" Yan Yongfeng asked in confusion.

"It should be Tan Yan," Qin Li guessed, "He is the most powerful."

"But he is good at advanced mathematics!" Yan Yongfeng retorted.

The few newcomers didn't understand the situation and could only listen quietly and analyze the current situation based on the content of their conversation.

"Who said quantum entanglement can only occur with one person?" Liang Xian guessed, "With strong strength and good advanced mathematics, maybe he is the brainchild of me and Tan Yan?"

Everyone: “…”

What Liang Xian said was a bit... possible, but his statement was a bit hard to accept. How could it be as if Xiaolu was the child of Tan Yan and Liang Xian

Putting this terrible thought out of their minds, everyone focused on preparations.

Qin Li specially left a few holes for the wooden bins, and everyone took out their own wooden bins, chose their own positions and set them up, and everyone was assigned the position they were responsible for.

Tan Yan protected the drivers in the back and front to ensure that Tu Zishi could concentrate on driving.

Although he was not clear about the city structure of this world, fortunately there was a navigation system in the car. Liang Xian, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned on the navigation system and helped Tu Zishi find the direction.

Liang Xian: "Drive to the expressway. We can get on the highway directly there. As long as we speed up, the monsters will have to catch up with us before they can attack us. I don't believe their tentacles can fly dozens of meters in an instant."

According to previous battles, the longest tentacle seemed to be only five or six meters long. From a monster's perspective, the attack range was very wide, especially since they could attack while running with their legs. The tentacles were not affected by cold weapons. To ordinary people, the monsters were really powerful.

But the members of the superpower team are a team of specially trained warriors. They may not be mature enough, but each of them has extraordinary physique and the courage of a teenager who is not afraid of tigers and wolves.

The model of the van limits its speed. Even if Tu Zishi stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, it could only reach 140km/h. The monsters chasing from behind were all driving small cars, and each of them could reach over 160 miles per hour.

"Don't fire the gun yet. There are too many monsters. We can't waste bullets. As long as they don't get close to the car, don't fire the gun." Tu Zishi said calmly, "Besides, this is an urban area with a speed limit of 40. Speeding is not good."

After saying that, a smile appeared on his lips and he suddenly drove towards a building.

The cars chasing him from all sides also followed him and rushed towards the building. Liang Xian, who was sitting in the front row, saw the building getting closer and closer to him. After calculating the defense strength that he and Qin Li had added to the car, he silently fastened his seat belt.

Tu Zishi stared at the building in front of him, and when he was about to collide with it, he swerved the steering wheel and narrowly flew out of the gap between the pursuing car in front and the building. This turn made everyone in the car fall to one side, and they almost couldn't hold on to the wooden warehouse.

Before anyone could even curse, they heard a loud bang from behind. Dozens of cars crashed into the building at the same time, causing a chain accident that even blocked the road behind.

"Well done... Well done!" The scolding was forcibly changed into praise.

Liang Xian, who had fastened his seat belt, said admiringly: "Your driving skills are quite good to be able to drift the van."

"That's nothing. Give me a tank and I can still drift!" Tu Zishi said proudly.

Since he came to this world, he has been protected by others and has not been able to kill a single monster. Now he has finally dealt with a group of monsters with his driving skills, and the young man's self-esteem, which was almost hit to the core of the earth, has finally recovered a little.

Tu Zishi followed suit and held a car race in the downtown area. In a short while, he caused more than ten car accidents, involving hundreds of vehicles. Wherever he went, he left behind one chain of car accidents after another, making it difficult for the monsters to catch up even if they wanted to.

As for the vehicle in front, Tu Zishi relied on the fact that his car was reinforced and rammed straight ahead. No car could hit him.

After driving for more than half an hour and killing hundreds of monsters, the team members didn't even open a wooden warehouse. It was all thanks to Tu Zishi's reckless charging.

"Not bad." Tan Yan's voice came from the roof of the car.

"Yo yo~" There is also the little deer. He will also praise those who are praised by his father.

Tu Zishi: “…Thank you.”

Although he felt a little embarrassed to be praised by Lu, he got the recognition of Tan Yan.

The excitement made Tu Zishi's driving skills even better, and the monsters couldn't get close to their car at all. The passengers sitting in the back suffered, and they were almost carsick from the bumpy ride.

"Shi Tou, your skills are indeed good," Feng Wu said with difficulty, "but we were really... so shaken that we couldn't even pull the trigger."

"Try to sit still. Look at the first graders sitting so steadily. If there are difficulties, we must overcome them."

While speaking, Tu Zishi suddenly moved sideways and turned the car next to him. The passenger in the car was looking at him with his mouth wide open. Tu Zishi didn't want to see those disgusting tentacles again.

Feng Wu was shaken again and said helplessly: "Liang Xian is wearing a seat belt! There are no seat belts behind us!"

"Then look at Xiaolu and Tan Yan, they didn't say anything on the roof!"

Feng Wu was speechless now. After all, they were just a bunch of losers who were not even as good as a deer.

Complaints aside, Tu Zishi's amazing driving skills did save a lot of bullets. And his driving skills got rid of most of the monsters, so at least there would be no more miserable scenes of being surrounded by tentacles.

Tu Zishi sped towards the city expressway according to Liang Xian's instructions, but when he reached the ramp to get on the road, he suddenly turned and got on another road. This road was below the expressway and was a bit long and winding, so he had to walk a few more miles before he could get on the highway.

"Why don't you follow the route?" Liang Xian asked.

"I don't know," Tu Zishi shook his head and said, "Just when I was about to go on the road, I felt a chill on my back, and a voice in my head told me not to go up, and my hands moved on their own."

Between life and death, sometimes intuition is more important than experience.

Liang Xian didn't say anything, he just focused on the route. Since they started on this road, there were fewer and fewer cars chasing them.

When they reached the bottom of the expressway, the people in the car heard a wooden snap coming from the roof, followed by a tentacle falling down.

"The expressway is blocked for several hundred meters. They saw that we were not on the road and were about to jump down to attack us." Tan Yan's faint voice came from the top, "Don't worry, I will deal with these monsters."

Everyone's heart tightened. If they took the expressway at this time, they would be surrounded. No matter how good Tu Zishi's driving skills were, he couldn't knock so many cars away.

Fortunately, the driver had strong instincts.

Liang Xian narrowed his eyes and looked at Tu Zishi.

After driving for a while and almost reaching the highway, Tu Zishi changed direction again and chose to take the national highway which was bumpy and had many intersections.

"What do you feel again?" Liang Xian asked.

Tu Zishi: "Well, a picture suddenly flashed through my mind just now. The highway toll booth was crawling with tentacles, waiting for us to pass through. I don't know why this picture appeared, but I also think that toll booths are too easy to set up roadblocks. It is better to take the national highway with many intersections and change directions at any time. It is safer."

Liang Xian said: "If you have a headache later, I will drive and you will give directions."

Tu Zishi: "Headache? Why? I don't have any history of this kind of disease."

"You will have it in the future," Liang Xian said seriously, "I suspect you have awakened a special ability, and this ability is very special."

Everyone in the car was stunned, especially the two team members who entered the "cavity" with Tu Zishi.

"Could it be..." Recalling the two sensations just now, Tu Zishi widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Yes," Liang Xian nodded, "It is most likely the ability to predict. The ability to avoid danger is what we need most at the moment."

The author has something to say: Sorry, the update is a bit late.

I'm a little tired, so I won't say much. See you tomorrow at 14:00. I love you guys. I love you even more with the nutrient solution (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~