I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 69: Rescue (VII)


When the people from the Snapdragon Base showed up, some people in the convoy actually began to have second thoughts. They thought Liang Xian was lying and that this was the real world. They felt that following the Snapdragon Base had more prospects and they even wanted to join them.

Fortunately, when the people from the Snapdragon base wanted to search the car, these people came to their senses and realized that the other party was not a good person.

When they saw that Liang Xian had made a lot of money from them, they thought it would be better to follow Liang Xian, after all, he was the People's Liberation Army.

The Ability Team didn't know about this kind of fence-sitter idea, but it didn't stop Liang Xian from guessing that this situation might happen.

However, under the mobilization of Tan Yan's words "go home", everyone finally temporarily suppressed their various thoughts and was determined to follow the superpower team.

Tu Zishi led the way ahead, and he chose the roads with fewer zombies.

When ordinary people become zombies, they will instinctively devour the humans around them, but if there is no one around, they will just wander aimlessly in areas they were familiar with when they were alive, so there are actually very few zombies on the roads.

But they cannot take the highway, not because non-motor vehicles are not allowed on the highway, but because electric vehicles are prone to problems, and they need to drive in places where supplies can be easily found so that they will not be helpless when encountering emergencies.

Another reason is that national highways are usually closer than expressways, but the speed is not as fast and there are more intersections, so many people prefer expressways. Their fleets can't drive fast anyway, so it doesn't make much difference whether they take the expressway or not.

But there are definitely more zombies on the national highway than on the expressway, so Tu Zishi took the national highway only after some consideration.

Fortunately, with the deterrence of the fourth-level zombies, no high-level zombies were encountered along the way, only ordinary zombies. Zombies above level two have their own intelligence and can sense threats, but ordinary zombies move in place and pounce on people when they encounter them. There are so many of them that even with the fourth-level zombie amulet, it is impossible to completely avoid them.

Tan Yan was at the back of the team, and as soon as he saw a zombie, he would immediately fire his gun. His gun technique was very accurate and powerful, and he could blow a zombie's head off with one gun. 50% of the zombies died in his hands.

Liang Xian was not bad either, he had no bullet restrictions and could make invisible blank bullets at any time. This kind of bullet was not that powerful, but it was free to throw it out, and the damage was quite strong.

Qiu Qizhen is not so good. His ability is very special. If he uses it well, he can exert great power. But once he is separated from his companions and is alone, his strength is not obvious.

Liang Xian gave 90% of his ammunition to Qiu Qizhen, but even so he still used it sparingly.

The distance between the electric bikes gradually increased, and once on the road the team was more than 800 meters long. It was impossible for Tan Yan and the other two to take care of them all. Even though the three of them had killed more than 60% of the ordinary zombies, there were still zombies that fell next to people's electric bikes.

At this time, the benefit of Liang Xian forcing everyone to kill zombies last night was reflected. At least everyone had the strength to fight against the zombies. The driver could continue driving without blinking, while the people in the back seat pushed the zombies away with steel pipes.

However, someone still let the zombie climb up holding the steel pipe in a panic and bit the driver's body. The driver screamed and both of them fell down.

Once a car falls down, the rest of the people will stay still and continue driving forward, because if they stop, they might be the ones being attacked.

No matter what the reason is, as long as the car falls over, he will be out of the team and no one will rescue him.

This was what everyone had agreed upon from the beginning, and everyone could only hold back their tears and not dare to look back.

Almost every car that was out of the team was attacked by zombies. It was useless to save them at this time, as they would only slowly turn into zombies.

After driving for three hours, Liang Xian realized that his electric car was running low on power. At this time, the convoy ahead happened to stop at a textile factory.

Most of the heavy industries in City B have been relocated, and most of the factories in City B are light industries, and are located around City B. After all, land in City B is very expensive, and it is difficult to build factories.

Tu Zishi stopped the car and waited for the convoy to catch up before saying, "Generally, factories have large generators, and the survivors of the apocalypse mainly search for large and medium-sized cities and food processing factories. There are very few people coming from textile factories, so they should be able to find a power source.

There may not be food, but I know that most factories that operate day and night will prepare some instant noodles or something at night. I hope it is not eaten by the survivors of this factory.

In addition, there are many employees, and each factory has a toilet, which can be used to meet physiological needs. We have already walked halfway, and we can rest here for a while, and the next section will take us directly to the terminal. "

Liang Xian knew that since Tu Zishi said there might be food here, he would definitely find it. It was already past one in the afternoon. He could rest here for an hour, regroup and replenish his energy. The remaining journey would probably take another three hours.

You can reach Ping County before 6pm.

So Liang Xian nodded, and everyone parked the car near the factory and decided to rest here.

Liang Xian looked at Tan Yan, who immediately picked up a level 4 zombie and said, "Gather all the zombies here and I will kill them all at once. Once you've done this, I'll release you when we're near Ping County to prevent you from clashing with the level 5 zombies."

The fourth-level zombie's humanized face showed an expression of disbelief. He gradually gained intelligence after becoming a third-level zombie. In his cognition, humans are weak and incompetent, and can only scream when they see zombies. But these people evoked his rare memories of humans, that is, humans are cunning.

"Disagree? It's okay if you don't agree," Liang Xian said, "They say that the Level 5 Zombie King has intelligence. If we use you to negotiate with the Zombie King and give you to the Zombie King to eat in exchange for him letting us reach our destination, which one do you think the Zombie King will choose? A Level 4 zombie is better than hundreds of ordinary people, right?"

Level 4 zombie: “…”

He shuddered. Humans were so terrible.

Tan Yan carried the level 4 zombie to the factory gate. After a while, many zombies came out of the factory. They did not attack everyone, but walked towards an open place according to the level 4 zombie's instructions.

"Qin Li and Tu Zishi go explore the way," Liang Xian said, "If there is an ordinary zombie inside, feed him to the Zombie King in a while."

Level 4 zombie: “…”

Sure enough, just as Liang Xian finished speaking, dozens of zombies came out one after another. One of them looked quite powerful, probably a level 2 zombie. The level 2 zombie had been trying to resist the control of the level 4 zombie and walked hesitantly. When Qin Li saw it, he simply blew its head off with a wooden barrage.

Liang Xian then instructed, "Go in, be careful. I think this guy has little control over level 2 and 3 zombies. There might be high-level zombies lurking inside."

"Don't worry," Tu Zishi smiled, "I'm here."

His predictive ability was indeed convenient, which was why Liang Xian asked him and Qin Li, who had strong defensive capabilities, to explore the way.

Tan Yan carried the fourth-level zombie and walked towards the place where the ordinary zombies gathered. He threw a hand grenade in front of the fourth-level zombie, and all the ordinary zombies flew into the sky.

Yan Yongfeng, who had good eyesight, carried a 40-meter-long sword and continued to kill zombies from a distance. The zombies that were not dead could not escape his sword. In just five or six minutes, all the zombies in the factory were cleared.

"You are really useful." Liang Xian praised the level 4 zombie.

Level 4 zombie: “…”

Five minutes later, Qin Li and Tu Zishi also came back.

"We encountered a very powerful zombie, which looked like a level three one, and was killed by Dali." Tu Zishi said simply, "Dali's defense is very strong, and the zombies couldn't hurt us at all."

"Oh," Liang Xian nodded with satisfaction, "There is still a zombie inside. We can break the contract now. We will feed him to the Zombie King when we get to the destination."

Level 4 zombie: “…”

While Liang Xian was modifying the power supply, Qiu Qizhen counted the number of people. The 400 vehicles had become a little over 300, plus the more than 200 people on the bus, there were only 872 people left in the convoy.

There were 1,187 people when they arrived, and the number of deaths and missing persons has reached 315 so far. This casualty rate is already very low.

But no one could say to comfort themselves, “It’s already good enough.” After all, they were not capable enough to protect everyone.

Everyone was tired and cold, and didn't even have the energy to feel sad for others. They could only push the bikes exhaustedly to charge and queue up to use the toilet.

Fortunately, this was a textile factory with lots of fabrics. Everyone wrapped themselves in the fabrics to keep warm, and Tu Zishi also found a lot of expired instant noodles, ham sausages and mineral water. Although they couldn't be heated, at least they had something to eat.

"It's about five o'clock now and it will be dark," Tan Yan said worriedly. "It will be even harder to control the situation after dark. I'm afraid we will lose more people in the last hour. Besides, there are still level five zombies in Ping County. The people at Xiaolong Base were unable to provide any information about the level five zombies. No one knows how strong the Zombie King is. It will be difficult to deal with it."

"We can still bring back half of them." Liang Xian leaned against the wall and said, "This result is already very good. Besides, I don't think the Zombie King can defeat you. Suppose a level 5 zombie is ten times stronger than a level 4 one, do you think you can handle it?"

Tan Yan looked at the level 4 zombie struggling in the rope, compared it carefully, and said confidently: "It should be fine."

"That's it." Liang Xian said, "We can't save everyone. In this situation, only those who have both strength and luck can survive."

Tan Yan: "I know, but..."

Powerlessness, a deep feeling of powerlessness surged into my heart, this feeling that human power can never overcome nature, every time I travel through it it will be engraved in my heart, and finally turned into a mark that can never be erased.

"I always feel that if I were stronger, I could save one more person, even just one more." Tan Yan said weakly as he sat on the ground.

"Don't push yourself too hard," it was Liang Xian's turn to persuade Tan Yan. "You are too strong. You have all this strength because you keep pushing yourself and exhausting the human brain's endurance. I'm really afraid that one day you will overdraw. No one is perfect, and you are not a god."

Tan Yan just shook his head, not knowing whether he heard it or not.

Thanks to the cooperation of the fourth-level zombies, the rest effect in the factory was very good. Everyone slept for about an hour wrapped in cloth. At three o'clock, the electric car was almost fully charged and ready to set off.

Originally, the charging speed of electric vehicles was not so fast, and Liang Xian made some modifications. While the charging speed was increased, the battery life would be shortened. Fortunately, they only needed to reach their destination. It was the end of the world, so who cared how long the electric vehicle battery could last.

When she got on the car again, the aunt's outfit had changed. She found scissors and a sewing machine in the factory, and made a windbreaker out of hard cloth. She also added a windshield and gloves to the electric car, making it look particularly outstanding.

Several girls who looked very pale also had these things in their cars. They were all made by Aunt Yang who stayed up all afternoon without sleeping.

The aunt's electric bike was next to Liang Xian. She said in a low voice: "The girls are in special cases. Their health is very bad, but they are still holding on. You don't understand these things, but you will understand them when you have a girlfriend in the future."

She also winked at Liang Xian, looking very cute.

Liang Xian blushed. He really didn't have a girlfriend. Although he knew that girls had special circumstances every month, he really didn't know how uncomfortable it was. Besides, he would never have a chance to find out in the future. After all, he wasn't looking for a girlfriend.

However, if Tan Yan were a girl, no matter how unwell he was, he would never cause trouble to others.

"Auntie Yang, please come closer to me." Liang Xian said.

The closer you are to him, the easier it will be for him to protect Aunt Yang.

The aunt did so many things for others and sacrificed her own rest time. Liang Xian felt that she deserved his special care.

Aunt Yang approached Liang Xian proudly, and the girl in the back seat of her car looked at Liang Xian with admiration.

It's really easy to be moved by the young, handsome soldier who is both good and evil but still true to his heart.

The road ahead was indeed more difficult to walk on as Tan Yan said. The temperature was getting lower and lower. Many people had no gloves and their hands were frozen. It was getting dark after five o'clock. Although the car lights were on in the darkness, it was difficult for anyone to deal with a zombie that suddenly jumped on the roadside. More and more cars were left behind.

But under Liang Xian's arrangement, they still arrived in Ping County at six o'clock in the evening. At this time, everyone's electric vehicles were completely exhausted, and they only had 198 vehicles left.

More than a dozen seriously injured patients on the bus died because they did not receive timely treatment, and several were in critical condition, but the special ability team had no choice but to give intramuscular injections to relieve their pain.

After a bumpy journey, when the team arrived at Ping County, only 658 people were left, and nearly half of them could never return.

Everyone was sad at first, but later on they all became numb. No matter who left the team, as long as it wasn't them, it was fine.

After getting off the bus and counting the number of people, someone started to cry quietly.

"Don't cry," Liang Xian whispered, "Everyone, come closer. This is the Zombie King's territory. Who knows what we might encounter."

But one thing is certain, with so many of them, the Zombie King will definitely be attracted here.

Tan Yan released the fourth-level zombies as agreed.

When untying the rope, some people asked, if we just let him go, what if he comes to retaliate or suddenly attack? Is it really okay to be so reasonable with zombies

"He can try." Tan Yan just said lightly.

The fourth-level zombie trembled, with fear in his eyes.

Liang Xian discussed with Tu Zishi and felt that there was no problem. This zombie probably really didn't dare to get close to them. Besides, this was the territory of the level 5 zombies. The level 4 zombies didn't even have time to run away, so how could they possibly cause trouble here

The next three kilometers were on foot, and three people were not enough to protect hundreds of people on foot. Moreover, Tu Zishi could sense danger, and if he was driving in the car, it would be difficult to warn everyone.

Everyone decided to leave only one bus, driven by Asan, and let the injured who could not walk stay on it. The rest of the people would walk, protected by six members of the special power team.

The people staying in the bus had never realized the dangers of the road, and they all complained a little when they were asked to get off the bus. They were all a vulnerable group, and it would be difficult to deal with them if they really started to throw a tantrum.

Liang Xian said coldly: "If you don't want to get off the car, then don't get off. Leave the car here. If you want to stay, you can stay in the car forever."

Now no one dared to speak, and everyone got off the car dejectedly and followed the troops.

There was a woman holding a child. The little boy was particularly fussy. According to Yan Yongfeng, he kept crying in the car and no matter how his parents tried to comfort him, it was useless.

"The child is already four years old, and he still has to be carried all the way. The parents are so tired that their faces turn blue, but they still refuse to let the child get down to walk." Yan Yongfeng whispered.

"Let her hug me if she wants. If she is left behind, no one will wait for her." Liang Xian said.

But the boy's crying was annoying. He didn't cry when the zombies besieged him before, but now he became squeamish after sitting on the bus for a while.

"Try making him cry again." Liang Xian said impatiently.

The woman immediately covered the child's mouth to stifle his crying.

The group walked for more than ten minutes but did not encounter any zombies. The unusual calm not only did not make everyone relax, but instead made them panic.

When they were almost near the cemetery, they suddenly heard the sound of an electric bike. A man in police uniform was riding the small police electric bike that Tan Yan was familiar with and slowly approached the crowd.

Tan Yan saw the man's appearance through the car lights, and his expression changed slightly.

"Director Li?"

The author has something to say: Level 4 zombies: Humans are all big liars!

Mr. Lu, who did not appear today, said: Hey, why does this sound familiar? Not only did you steal my Best Player award, you also stole my lines

Suddenly, he gave a deer-like spinning kick.

Level 4 zombie, sudden.

Applause for the Level 4 zombie that was completed today!