I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 71: Rescue (end)


After confirming that Tan Yan was really okay, the special power team began to reorganize the team.

After a day and night of torture, these ordinary people were exhausted. They dragged their wounds and asked, "Can we really go home right away?"

Qiu Qizheng answered firmly: "Yes, we can go back in less than half an hour, as long as we reach our destination."

According to the Zombie King, for the sake of the humans in Yangping County, he will not let zombies get close to his territory, so you can feel a little more at ease on the journey ahead, there will really be no danger.

With the thought of going home as their spiritual support, everyone finally calmed down their weathered hearts, picked themselves up again, and followed the superpower team forward.

But after being controlled by the Zombie King, everyone started biting each other, and many people were injured. Even Asan had bite marks all over his body. Fortunately, most people could still walk, and there was not much distance left. However, some people still had injured feet and could not move.

Qiu Qizhen discussed with Liang Xian and decided to let the people in the car squeeze together and arrange those who really couldn't walk on the car.

There's only a little distance left, so it shouldn't be a problem if we squeeze in for a while.

The woman holding the naughty child sprained her foot. She kept crying and said that the child was injured. She wrapped the child tightly with clothes and buried her face in her chest. The clothes looked pitiful. Qiu Qizhen had no choice but to let her squeeze into the car.

With only one kilometer left, everyone quickened their pace. Even though many people in the team were injured and disabled, they finally reached the teleportation point smoothly.

There were no more twists and turns.

When Tan Yan nodded and said that this was the teleportation point, even Liang Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than twenty hours of twists and turns, fighting zombies, people, roads, and their own people, they finally brought the people to the teleportation point and they can go home.

Although more than 500 people were unable to return.

This could not be considered a victory, and everyone was in a heavy mood.

"In the past, we always held Tan Yan's hand to go back. Now there are so many people. If one person lets go, the people behind him won't be able to go back." Ah San said worriedly, "Tu Zishi, can you feel who will let go?"

Tu Zishi covered his head and said nothing. He had actually reached his limit as a team leader, but he had been holding on and said nothing. It seemed that he could not make any predictions.

"We can use a protective shield," Tan Yan said, "Let everyone line up and stand inside the shield. I should be able to go back with the shield."

"It's the only way."

Liang Xian asked Qiu Qizhen to organize everyone to line up and stand as close to each other as possible. There were too many people, and standing together could save space.

Qiu Qizheng and Asan lined up, Tan Yan prepared a protective shield, Liang Xian and others went to the car to help the injured. Tu Zishi had just awakened his superpowers in the previous world, and now he had a terrible headache and had lost his fighting ability, so he could only sit at Tan Yan's feet to rest.

Now everyone is exhausted, and only the special power team has some energy left to help the wounded.

One by one, everyone carried the wounded off the car and carried them to the team.

Liang Xian stood on the car and let the people down one by one. Yan Yongfeng and Qin Li were responsible for carrying the people one by one.

When Liang Xian saw the woman holding the child, he paused for a moment. He did not hand the child over to Yan Yongfeng, but carried the child out of the car and asked coldly, "What happened to your child?"

Yan Yongfeng also found it a little strange. The child had been crying so hard in the car before, but now he was lying motionless, wrapped in his mother's coat in her arms, as if he was dead.

The woman said nothing. Liang Xian just stared at her coldly with a gloomy face. Yan Yongfeng wanted to go forward to investigate, but Liang Xian stopped him: "You and Tu Zishi should check the injured in the car quickly to see if anyone has been bitten by this child. I suspect this child has turned into a zombie."

“How could this happen…” Yan Yongfeng’s face turned bad as he was about to go home and he immediately went to find Tu Zishi.

The woman suddenly broke down and cried, shouting, "No, no, I was holding him and didn't let him touch anyone else. When the Zombie King attacked, he crawled outside the protective wall at some point, and I kept looking for him inside the wall but couldn't find him. Later, when the protective wall was opened, I saw him lying against it. I wrapped him up with clothes so no one could bite him. Please..."

Liang Xian did not believe her and gathered everyone together. Tu Zishi forced himself to look around with Yan Yongfeng and said, "What she said is true. No one was bitten."

"Everyone has bite wounds on their bodies. How did you make that sure?" Liang Xian asked with his back still turned to the two men.

Tu Zishitou felt a lot of pain, but he panicked and stared at Liang Xian blankly. A terrible thought came to his mind and he couldn't believe it.

"Zombies are different from humans," Yan Yongfeng said, "In my eyes, people bitten by zombies have black skin. I can see it even if the zombie poison hasn't spread."

"Can we confirm it by looking at the skin?" Liang Xian asked.

He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Tu Zishi became more and more panicked.

"That's right, just take a look at the skin. She wrapped the child just now, so I didn't see it. Fortunately, no one was bitten." Yan Yongfeng said fearfully.

"Well, you guys arrange everyone to line up." Liang Xian said.

The woman held the child and looked at Yan Yongfeng with despair. She asked, "Was I bitten?"

"No." Yan Yongfeng looked carefully and said.

"You can go with us, but he can't." Liang Xian said coldly.

The woman suddenly cried out in despair, and rushed towards Tan Yan holding the child. Liang Xian grabbed her and held her back. When Yan Yongfeng saw Liang Xian's hand, his heart sank.

Liang Xian looked at Tu Zishi and Yan Yongfeng fiercely and shook his head at them.

Yan Yongfeng opened his mouth: "You..."

"Shut up!" Liang Xian shouted.

Yan Yongfeng's hands trembled, he rubbed his eyes hard, then looked at Liang Xian's face carefully, and tears rolled down his face involuntarily.

The woman cried loudly to Tan Yan, "I beg you, I beg you, please let this child go back with you, we are already here... The country... Isn't there a research institute? I will send him over for research, and you can study the zombie virus, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope. I have been holding him, and he has never bitten me. He still remembers that I am his mother, please take him back... I beg you..."

"No!" Liang Xian said, "Once the virus from another world infects people in this world and reproduces, no one knows what it will evolve into. This thing has too many variables. Do you want the entire real world to be infected with the zombie virus?"

Her voice was so loud that people waiting to go home in the cold wind not far away could hear it. When they heard that this woman wanted to bring a zombie back home, they threw the things in their hands at her.

Mineral water bottles, steel pipes and even mobile phones were thrown at her. The woman hugged her child and cried, while Tan Yan stood in front of her and blocked the attacks for her.

"Everyone, stop fighting." said Tan Yan.

Hearing his voice, everyone stopped attacking. Someone shouted, "Why bother with her? Leave her and the little zombie behind and let's go back. Aren't we going to be able to go home soon? What are we waiting for?"

It’s not everyone’s fault for being so angry. They have simply been tortured for too long and their nerves can’t handle even the slightest change.

Tan Yan bowed deeply to the woman and said in a heavy tone: "I'm sorry, he can't go back with us. Everything I did was to protect the real world from being affected by these apocalyptic events. Everything that might harm the real world must be eliminated. We were incompetent for not being able to protect him. I apologize to you, but he can't go back."

Liang Xian looked at Tan Yan's lowered head, covered his right arm with his left hand, and held it tightly.

The woman knelt in front of him, crying and putting her fingers in the little zombie's mouth. Before Tan Yan could shout "no", the little zombie smelled the human scent and bit it hard.

After being bitten, the woman's expression became much calmer. She stood up holding the child and said to Tan Yan, "It was my fault. I was too tired and didn't keep an eye on him. He secretly climbed out of the protective wall and turned into a zombie. It was my fault. I couldn't bear to leave him, so I carried him into the car. Fortunately, no one was bitten by him, and we can all go home."

"Mom is with you." She bent down and kissed the little zombie's face. She gradually became kind and walked into the darkness holding the child, singing a lullaby as she walked.

Tan Yan stretched out his hand to stop her, but she had already been bitten, so what was the use of stopping her at this time

He clenched his fists in the air, his arms shaking constantly.

These hands can lift meteorites, block strong winds, and kill the Zombie King, but they can't save a mother.

Tu Zishi and Yan Yongfeng wanted to say something to Tan Yan, but were glared at by Liang Xian again.

Liang Xian did not come over to comfort Tan Yan this time, but said, "Go back, everyone has lined up and will be able to go home soon."

Tan Yan used his left hand to pry open the fingers of his clenched right fist one by one, and said with difficulty: "You guys should also enter the protective shield."

"We don't need to do that," Liang Xian said calmly, "It's too dangerous here. You have to control such a large protective shield and guard against danger. Your back is too empty. Ordinary people can enter the protective shield. We will line up behind you. Everyone just needs to hold the clothes on the back of the person in front of them with their hands."

"I'll be the last one to come," he added.

Tan Yan always believed in Liang Xian's judgment. He nodded and walked towards where the team was.

The teleportation point here is very close, and Tan Yan can touch it just by stretching out his hand.

He opened the protective shield to wrap everyone in it, put one hand on the shield and touched the teleportation point with the other hand. He had to ensure that one side was in contact with the shield, dragging the shield and the people inside into the teleportation point, so he himself could not be in the shield.

After getting ready, Tan Yan felt someone grabbing his back and calling out a number. It was Ah San.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!"

They are Asan, Qiu Qizhen, Qin Li, Tu Zishi, Yan Yongfeng, and the last 6 is Liang Xian.

Everyone was in place, and Tan Yan led everyone into the teleportation point. Under his control, the protective shield rose into the air and disintegrated in the teleportation point along with Tan Yan.

As everyone followed Tan Yan and was disassembled one by one, Yan Yongfeng felt the hand holding his back loosen.

He leaned his head on Tu Zishi's back and cried inconsolably.

Liang Xian was bitten. When he was about to take the child from the woman and send him out of the car, he was caught off guard and bitten by the little zombie who suddenly turned his head.

Tan Yan said that anything harmful should not be brought back into the real world.

So Liang Xian stood at the end of the team, and in the dark, he quietly let go of his hands, watching everyone in front of him disintegrate and go home.

"Goodbye..." Liang Xian waved towards the teleportation point in the darkness.

The author has something to say: emmmm... Can I say that I have planned this scene since I started the game...

Come on, follow me and shout, Blue Wings is the author of sweet stories, the author of sweet stories!!!

Believe me, all you have to do is believe me...

Today's second update is over, there will be no third update, see you at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon~~