I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 72: Liang Xian


When Liang Xian was little, he thought he was an orphan. His father's surname was Yu, his mother's surname was Zhou, but his surname was Liang. He could see his father once every two or three years, and his mother once a year. The rest of the time, his grandmother took care of him.

Grandma told him that his parents were very busy, and as a good child, Liang Xian should be considerate of them. As long as Liang Xian behaved well, they would come back to visit him.

Liang Xian is a very good boy, but no matter how obedient he is, he cannot see his parents.

Grandma took out the video of the army commendation meeting and showed it to Liang Xian. She pointed at one of the people and told him that this was his father.

Little Liang Xianhao envied those soldiers who had received honors, not because of the honors they had received, but because they saw his father more often than he did.

At that time Liang Xian decided that he wanted to join the army and become a soldier under his father so that he could see his father every day.

Sure enough, not long after he told his grandmother about this wish, he met his father.

Dad asked him if he really wanted to be a people's soldier.

He said, yes.

My father added, "I am a soldier, but I will not force my son to follow this path. You can choose your own life. As long as you don't commit crimes, you can be in any industry you want."

Liang Xian said, my father is a soldier, so I want to be a soldier too.

The father, whose surname is Yu, smiled rarely, picked him up and said, "He is my son."

Xiao Liangxian felt extremely happy. This was indeed the best choice.

So Liang Xian was sent to a special school when he was in kindergarten. There was a group of children like him there. Not only could they not see their parents, they couldn’t even see their grandmother.

Kindergarten teachers are not soft and pretty aunties, but hard men. They check the children's bodies every day to determine the intensity of training they can withstand, and train the children to their limits every day.

Liang Xian was very tired. He wanted to sleep hugging his little wolf-dog doll, but the little wolf-dog was not brought with him. The military-style management did not allow for personal belongings.

There is no wolfhound, no father or mother, no grandmother, only a group of adults who tell you to be a man and be strong.

There is no use crying. There are many children who huddle together and cry at night, but no one will pay attention to them. A real man would shed blood, not tears.

Gradually, Liang Xian stopped crying. He heard that there would be winter and summer vacations, and parent-teacher meetings. As long as his grades were good, his parents would be very happy at the meeting.

He worked very hard and got first place in the exam, but no one showed up for the parent-teacher meeting because his grandmother had died of a heart attack. Liang Xian, who returned home during the winter vacation, attended her funeral.

Two years later, my mother also passed away. She was a scholar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and she never rested once she started researching. She was born with a weak heart, and one day she became sick from exhaustion, and passed away while Liang Xian was training.

I still didn’t see my father at the funeral. He was on a mission abroad and couldn’t come back.

When his mother and grandmother were in the hospital, Liang Xian was in closed training and missed the chance to see them for the last time. He only had time to attend their funeral.

For the first time, Liang Xian began to doubt his choice. He joined the army to defend his country. When they grew up, they would fight for their country, but what about their family

Perhaps in order to protect everyone, we have to sacrifice our own family.

Liang Xian continued to study and train hard. Some people praised him for inheriting his mother's smart mind and his father's physical fitness. In order to make himself more like his mother, he studied hard and ranked first in every exam. Finally, he made Cui Heyu, who transferred to another school midway, cry.

Cui Heyu cried loudly because he couldn't get the first place no matter what he did. No matter how the instructor taught him, it was useless. After all, he was just a primary school student, so he couldn't be beaten or scolded, so he asked his parents to do something about it.

Although Cui Heyu's father was a government official like Minister Yu, her mother was a full-time housewife. She rushed over as soon as she received the call and held little Cui Heyu in her arms and coaxed her for a long time before Cui Heyu wiped away her tears and stopped crying.

Liang Xian, who always got first place in every exam, looked coldly at the mother and son from outside the door. He thought Cui Heyu were so annoying. He had never met such annoying people.

Even if he wanted to cry, no one came to comfort him.

From then on Liang Xian worked even harder to bully Cui Heyu, crushing him with his grades and making him cry with his strength.

It seemed that every time Cui Heyu cried, he could see the mother running over to comfort him with a concerned look on her face.

Unfortunately, Cui Heyu stopped crying later. They all grew up. Cui Heyu changed from a cute little crybaby to an annoying teenager who went against him every day. Liang Xian no longer saw Cui Heyu crying in her mother's arms.

Tch, that's boring.

Whether it's training or studying, it's boring.

Liang Xian easily got into university with the first place in the entrance exam. He studied in a preparatory class for one year from graduating from high school to the first year of university.

It was called a preparatory class, but in fact it was just a year of actual combat training. They had just become adults that year, and actual combat training was the final test for them to become qualified soldiers. Everyone was randomly assigned to regular troops, and the troops gave them scores based on their performance that year. This score directly determined whether they were qualified to become students of the special class of the Central Military Academy.

Liang Xian had the best performance and was assigned to the most dangerous team. He was also Minister Yu's subordinate.

He followed Minister Yu's team and traveled all over the country for a year in pursuit of a group of mercenaries who stole state secrets.

In the final battle, Liang Xian served as the vanguard to attract the enemy's attention and provide cover for the team to steal secrets.

The battle was very fierce, his companions all died, Liang Xian himself was also wounded and captured. The enemy somehow knew that he was Minister Yu's son, and proposed to negotiate, asking them to exchange the confidential chip they had just snatched back.

During the negotiation, they asked Liang Xian to talk to Minister Yu. Liang Xian talked to his father without holding out hope, and heard Minister Yu say on the communicator: "Son, you must hold on. We will definitely save you."

He knelt on the ground and laughed, because Liang Xian knew that Minister Yu's words did not mean to save him, but to let him find a way to delay the enemy and make the enemy think that Minister Yu would really use secrets to exchange for his son, so as to buy time for the large troops to evacuate.

He was abandoned, and at the same time, he had to buy time for everyone.

Liang Xian told the enemy that his father would definitely come to rescue him, and pointed out a location for the transaction on the high seas.

The enemy took him on board, but they didn't know that the main force didn't even have Shanghai at that time, but had already evacuated.

Liang Xian pretended to faint from the torture, and while the enemy was not paying attention, he jumped into the sea.

The enemy opened a wooden warehouse and hit his arm. Liang Xian dragged his injured hand in the sea for a day and a night. Fortunately, he met a warship on the border. After confirming the secret code, he was rescued onto the ship.

After waking up, Liang Xian was lying on the hospital bed. He did not see Minister Yu, so he went to report to the relevant leaders.

The doctor told Liang Xian that he had been tortured too severely by the enemy. His right hand was already shattered, and then pierced by a bullet. He had also been soaked in sea water for a day and a night. Even if he could recover, this hand would be disabled in the future.

In order to see his father, he chose to join the army, but was eventually abandoned by Minister Yu and became a useless man.

The army gave him a very high score, and Liang Xian was admitted to the university with the first place again. But when everyone was in military training, he was lying in the hospital ward, and the doctor said that his hand was broken.

He is right-handed, but his right hand is disabled. From now on, he can't even lift chopsticks, let alone pick up a wooden basket.

After lying in the hospital for three months, his injuries were still not fully healed. On this day, the military training started again. Liang Xian was lying on the bed. Suddenly, he got strength from nowhere, changed his clothes, jumped out of the window, and ran to the school.

Who says that an injured arm means he is useless? He still has his left hand, and after training, he can still be as good as a normal person.

Perhaps he was unwilling to admit defeat, or perhaps he was unwilling to accept his fate, Liang Xian insisted on going through military training despite being covered in injuries. Perhaps it was also to give himself a final explanation. Even if he failed, he would no longer be a soldier. It would be fine for him to be a scholar. After all, he was smart enough and had other options.

His mission was top secret, and his instructors and classmates thought he was only slightly injured. The bayonet pierced his foot and was mistaken for a snake bite, and his arm was just a fracture.

His classmates said that he could have military training with the next class next year, but they didn’t know that there would be no next year for him.

This was Liang Xian’s last act of willfulness, and also the opportunity he gave himself.

Lao Zhou didn't agree to let him participate in the training, so Liang Xian called Minister Yu directly. In fact, he didn't know how to convince Minister Yu. Maybe he could use his injury to exchange for an opportunity to be willful. After all, it was a military training for students, and he could always be willful.

He has never acted like a spoiled child or thrown a tantrum towards Minister Yu in his life. Now that he is injured, this is okay, right

But before he had the time to act willfully, Minister Yu agreed, which Liang Xian himself found unbelievable.

Why did Minister Yu agree to him

Liang Xian walked into the team with doubts and stood behind an unfamiliar young man.

The students in the special class all grew up together. He had never seen this person before. Who was he? Why was he in the special class? And was he assigned to the same group as him during military training

Liang Xian had too many questions in his mind, and he couldn't help but become curious about Tan Yan, and even accidentally told him a little bit of what happened during the mission.

Tan Yan is a person with a good personality, which is reflected in all aspects. He likes to take care of his teammates, does not care about gains and losses, and will lend a helping hand to everyone around him.

He is a goody-goody. People like him will suffer in society.

Liang Xian was observing Tan Yan while thinking secretly.

But the next second, reality slapped Liang Xian hard. Being a good guy does suffer losses, but who would dare to take advantage of a good guy who is strong enough to kick a hole in the sky

The sudden "void", Tan Yan's superhuman strength, and the desirable superpowers all gave Liang Xian new hope.

He suddenly understood why Minister Yu agreed to let him participate in military training, it was because of Tan Yan's power.

Minister Yu... probably hopes that he can awaken his super powers and regain his health. After all, he is still a father.

Liang Xian knew that other people might have countless opportunities to enter the "void" and awaken their superpowers, but he couldn't. If he couldn't find a way to replace his hand, he wouldn't have a second chance.

So he was almost trying to awaken his power. In fact, Liang Xian didn't need Tan Yan's care at that time. He felt that it would be best if he could awaken his supernatural powers by being exposed to the air of the alien world. If he couldn't awaken, it wouldn't matter if he died.

But Tan Yan did not give up on him. Along the way, Tan Yan always took care of him and kept carrying this burden with him.

Tan Yan said that he could do whatever he wanted and he would support him.

It sounds a bit funny, but the father Liang Xian imagined when he was a child was such a great man.

He returned to the real world half dead and seriously injured. Liang Xian thought it didn't matter, he would be a useless man even if he wasn't injured, so he might as well give it a try.

And he won. When he opened his eyes again, his hands and feet were intact, and all the injuries on his body had healed.

Liang Xian clenched his right hand incredibly, as powerful as before he was injured, and the fist he swung was enough to kill a cow.

Minister Yu gave up on him, but God did not give up on him, and neither did Tan Yan.

Liang Xian once thought that his feelings for Tan Yan were a kind of transference.

When he was most desperate, he met Tan Yan, who broke all his previous fixed thinking patterns, never gave up on him, and saved him. He suspected that he was looking for the fatherly love that he had never had in Tan Yan, and regarded this feeling as love.

With such thoughts in mind, Liang Xian silently observed Tan Yan, trying to get closer to him, wanting to understand him, wanting to clear himself up, and telling himself that he should not like someone out of illusion or gratitude.

But the more I got to know him, the more I liked him, and the closer I got to him, the more I discovered that this person was different from Minister Yu.

Minister Yu is a leader with many people on his shoulders. His responsibilities require him to sacrifice some things, and he has no energy to pay attention to the people around him.

Tan Yan is different, he is gentle and kind, and tries to be considerate to everyone around him. He is strong but also a little weak. When facing his studies, Tan Yan looks so pitiful that Liang Xian can't help but take care of him.

The origin of the feeling might just be gratitude, or it might really be empathy. But Tan Yan is such a wonderful person, the closer you get to him, the more attracted you will be.

Liang Xian knew that he really liked him. Even though Tan Yan was older than Minister Yu, it could not shake Liang Xian's feelings.

In fact, Liang Xian knew that behind Tan Yan's strength was deep loneliness and exhaustion. He was just strong and determined, but in dealing with people, Tan Yan was actually at a loss, and he was not good at it. In fact, he liked to interact with people, but he just didn't know how to express it.

The mission this time was very difficult. Tan Yan chose to save people and Liang Xian did not stop him.

Only those who have been abandoned know how happy it is to know that someone can come to save them in despair.

Liang Xian decided to support Tan Yan to the end, but the task was too difficult and they were unable to rescue more than a thousand people.

If half of the people can be brought back, it would be the best outcome, but what about the dead? Who will be responsible for their lives

At least we can't let Tan Yan bear this kind of burden, or he will blame himself for the rest of his life.

So Liang Xian stood up. He got the right to speak before Tan Yan, and forcibly suppressed the crowd, forcing them to act according to his wishes. He used the most decisive method to exchange for the least sacrifice and took all the blame on himself.

Finally he reached the end, just one step away, but he was bitten.

Liang Xian immediately separated the woman from the crowd. He appeared calm, but he was actually desperate. He was infected. Could Tan Yan still catch him

The woman cried and begged Tan Yan, saying that she could take the child to do experiments. In fact, Liang Xian also had this idea. The zombie virus is an unknown virus, and Qiao Zhixue might think that this virus is worth studying.

But Tan Yan refused, saying that for the sake of billions of people in the real world, he could not bring any danger back.

Liang Xian stopped Yan Yongfeng and Tu Zishi from telling Tan Yan the truth. He concealed the matter and advised Tan Yan not to put the superpower team into the protective shield. He stood behind the team, let go at the last moment, and watched his companions go home.

Liang Xian had thought about asking Tan Yan to take him back. He was a supernatural being, so maybe there would be a new turn of events. Tan Yan valued him so much, maybe he would agree

But Liang Xian didn't try, he didn't dare to try.

He had been abandoned by Minister Yu once, and if Tan Yan also chose to give up, he would not be able to bear the result.

Call him a coward or say he has no courage, but this time he gave up on himself.

Don't make things difficult for Tan Yan, and keep the best memories in your heart.

After seeing that everyone had left, Liang Xian pressed the bite wound on his arm and walked towards the body of the Level 5 Zombie King. He stood beside the body and observed it for a while, then took out an instrument from his backpack and prepared to test the zombie virus.

Even if I have to die, I have to die knowingly.

The author has something to say: You guys are worrying me to death... Isn't it obvious that the top will not die? Otherwise, with Lao Tan's taciturn personality, how can he open his heart to accept anyone? Lao Tan rejected the top not because he is a man, but because he would reject anyone. He feels that he is an old man who is about to die, and he is quite self-contained.

How will this old man wake up if I don’t give him a knife

Why worry? Liang Xian will definitely become stronger again, and then the couple will be very powerful and can abuse dogs. What are you afraid of

Dear readers, I'm worried to death. Can't you believe me just once

Why are you sending razor blades? Don’t you know that in martial arts novels, people who fall off cliffs will have adventures

Some people also asked why Liang Xian didn’t decompose the virus and went to face the wall himself, he didn’t even know how to decompose the virus structure!!

I'm so worried that my head hurts