I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 74: Stowaway (I)


As soon as Cui Heyu asked the question, Qiu Qizhen grabbed him.

This question is beyond the scope. Cui Heyu has no right to question the matter between Liang Xian and his son, nor does he have the right to teach Minister Yu how to be a good father.

"You peeked at Liang Xian's medical records?" Minister Yu frowned. "In this case, you have once again violated the Cybersecurity Law. Even if you care about Liang Xian, this is not allowed."

"I didn't hack into the hospital's internal website," Cui Heyu said. "Now, anyone who wants to can check their past medical records. I just logged in using Liang Xian's ID number. This doesn't count as a violation."

Theoretically speaking, it is an infringement of personal privacy, but it has nothing to do with the Internet Security Law. Moreover, if Liang Xian is not held accountable, Cui Heyu will not be considered to have violated the law. He cleverly skirted the rules this time.

"That's enough," Xu Mingyu said. "I understand that you feel bad for Liang Xian, but the issue between father and son is not something we can interfere with. Let's get back to the meeting. This time, more than 600 ordinary people were left in another world. We must come up with an emergency plan. What should we do if this problem occurs again? City B is the capital of China. So many people have their careers here. We can't let the 'void' continue. This time it was the subway. What if it happens to be in the People's Hall next time? If we really can't overcome this problem, China may have to move its capital. This kind of move is a trillion-dollar project. Have you ever thought about how much impact it will have on the country?"

In the face of such a problem, Liang Xian's life is really insignificant.

"Did you hear what I just said about this matter?" asked Qiao Zhixue.

The superpower team was silent. They indeed did not listen.

Qiao Zhixue sighed: "I just applied to conduct some stimulating sexual experiments on you, but Minister Yu did not agree. Now I want to ask you if you are willing."

"What kind of experiment?" asked Tan Yan.

"Of course it won't harm your health, but it might be painful." Qiao Zhixue said, "The Liang Xian incident made me feel that everyone's strength is too weak. At this stage, there is no time for you to train slowly. I have developed a set of brain training methods based on the characteristics of consciousness and human brain area, combined with drugs and physical stimulation for artificial intervention training. It will be painful, and those with poor psychological quality may have some shadows. It's up to you to decide whether to agree."

He printed out the plan and handed it to everyone. It was a temporary decision made by Qiao Zhixue. Although he still looked calm, Liang Xian's sacrifice had a great impact on him, otherwise Qiao Zhixue would not have taken such drastic measures.

This is a very detailed plan, which even takes everyone's self-healing ability into consideration. Every training program looks painful, no wonder Minister Yu vetoed it.

"I'm not here?" asked Tan Yan.

"You don't need to," Qiao Zhixue said, "If everyone had your ability, I wouldn't have to worry so much. But here is a research report on Tan Lu, you can take a look."

Tan Yan simply couldn't understand these academic reports, and Qiao Zhixue knew this too. So why did he give him this report

Tan Yan took it and read it doubtfully. He didn't understand the professional terms in the whole article, so he went straight to the end and conclusion. When he saw the words above, Tan Yan's pupils shrank slightly.

The report reads: "By comparing the EEGs and thinking patterns of the three individuals, Tan Yan, Liang Xian, and Xiao Lu, it is inferred that the probability that the people who are quantum entangled with Tan Lu are Tan Yan and Liang Xian is 99.7%."

Tan Yan looked up at Qiao Zhixue, wondering why he handed in such a report at this time.

Quantum entanglement, this term Tan Yan has not yet fully understood, but he knows clearly that every time he is able to return to reality from the other world to explain, it is all due to the entanglement between him and the tombstone.

Now Qiao Zhixue told him that Xiaolu was very likely to have become entangled with Liang Xian’s consciousness during the crossing process. What does this mean

At this time, everyone had finished reading the training plan in their hands, and Yan Yongfeng was the first to say, "I agree."

Minister Yu said, "I disagree. It's too risky. I believe Professor Qiao can control the intensity of the training and will not cause any harm to you. However, psychological damage is more difficult to heal than physical damage."

"No injury hurts me more than when Liang Xian let me go." Yan Yongfeng clenched his fists. "If I were stronger, I would have known that the child had turned into a zombie earlier. If I had known that, Liang Xian would not have..."

"I agree too." Tu Zishi also said decisively, "Professor Qiao, do you think that if my foresight ability becomes stronger, can I predict the time and place where the 'void' will appear?"

Qiao Zhixue: "It is very likely. According to our speculation, the 'void' is formed by the Rubik's Cube effect between parallel worlds. When our world is adjacent to a collapsed world, the pressure of our world will cause partial collapse, which is the formation of the 'void'. The pressure will forcibly transport people or objects in our world to the collapsed parallel world, while the intact world will not be affected.

Since there are infinite parallel worlds and the changes of the Rubik's Cube are infinite, we cannot predict the law of the appearance of the "voids". But I think that the movement between universes is also a kind of movement, and it also has power and produces a sign. If your predictive ability is strong enough and you can feel this power, you should be able to predict it. "

"Then I am willing to participate in the training," Tu Zishi said, "I am a soldier, and it is my duty to contribute to the country. But those ordinary people should not endure such pain. I watched the people around me being bitten by zombies, and I was powerless and could only give up on them. I really... was useless. I think, at least, I can predict the location and time of the 'hole' in advance, so that the organization can evacuate the crowd in advance, even if it only plays this small role."

"I agree too." The members of the superpower team raised their hands.

"You..." Minister Yu sighed deeply.

Qiao Zhixue: "Minister Yu, since they have agreed, I hope the organization can consider this proposal. In addition, there is one more thing. I hope the organization can complete the transaction with the United States and other developing countries as soon as possible. I need their technology."

"You mentioned this last time. When it comes to the 'void' issue, our country's information should be the most advanced. Which of their technologies are so concerning to you?" Minister Yu asked.

"Memory Energy Device," Qiao Zhixue said, "To be exact, it's a memory chip. I know the US is developing it. This memory chip can remember the energy form it has been subjected to and replicate it. As long as there is enough energy support, it can restore this energy form."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Let me give you an example. If Tan Yan uses the power to form a protective shield on the memory chip, the memory chip will remember this power. As long as we give the memory chip enough energy, such as electricity or other energy, the memory chip will convert this energy into a protective shield. The duration and power are determined by the amount of energy we provide. If we mass-produce this chip and put it in everyone's hands, at least in everyone in City B, then ordinary people will at least have the power to protect themselves in the 'void', and there will be no need for Tan Yan to support it alone." Qiao Zhixue explained.

"The existence of this kind of thing will cause countries to capture people with special abilities on a large scale and force them to use their abilities. This is too dangerous." Minister Yu immediately analyzed the disadvantages of the memory chip.

"First, this chip is under development. The above are just assumptions. They cannot pose a threat to psychics for the time being. What I need is the most advanced technology in the world. Second, this plan can only be used when the whole world enters the range of the 'void' in the future. By then, anyone can enter the 'void' and awaken their psychics. Countries will also need psychics to maintain order, and this phenomenon will be much better." Qiao Zhixue said, "Although this may happen in a few years or decades, we need to prepare for it."

"I will negotiate as soon as possible," Minister Yu said. "In fact, our country has long been using the 'void' phenomenon to exchange advanced technologies in quantum mechanics and other fields with other countries, and the leaders of other countries are also aware of the harm of 'voids'. But so far, 'voids' have always appeared in China, while 'voids' in other countries have only appeared in pairs. When we solve our own problems, we also help other countries solve them. Unless a 'void' does not appear in our country again, we will have bargaining chips."

"I understand," Qiao Zhixue nodded, "It seems that this matter still needs some work. I just hope that 'Void' can let our country off for a while and give us some breathing space."

The several suggestions put forward by Qiao Zhixue were indeed crucial to the future. Even Cui Heyu put aside their anger and listened to him attentively.

"The above are my emergency plans. If they can be implemented, they will greatly ease the pressure on City B. It's too early to talk about moving the capital now. After all, this is a global disaster. No matter where we flee to, we can't escape it in the end." Qiao Zhixue continued, "I hope Minister Yu can communicate with his superiors and give us some time and resources."

"I will try to convince my superiors." Minister Yu felt a headache and pinched his eyebrows.

Qiao Zhixue observed his movements carefully and said, "Regarding the survivors, I wonder what the superiors are planning?"

Minister Yu said: "The 'hollow' incident should not be made public. We will talk to every survivor, have them sign a confidentiality agreement, and inject a tracking device under their skin. Once they tell anyone, it will violate the national confidentiality law, and we will have to take compulsory measures."

The so-called compulsory measure is prison. Once you go in, there will naturally be no chance to leak secrets to the outside world. In fact, the country has countless ways to keep survivors confidential. Minister Yu chose a way that is good for everyone.

"What if someone inside awakens special powers?" Qiao Zhixue asked again.

"We will control it, but we can't let them enter the 'void' for now. It's too early for ordinary people to do this." Minister Yu said.

"I think it would be better for you, Minister, to handle this matter personally." Qiao Zhixue looked at Minister Yu and said.

"Me? What should I do?" Minister Yu's head was getting more and more painful. If he hadn't just had a heart attack, he would have considered taking painkillers to relieve the pain.

"Haven't you noticed yet? You have awakened your special powers." Qiao Zhixue took out a small energy meter and placed it next to Minister Yu. The pointer on the energy meter began to shake violently.

"What?!" Everyone in the superpower team stood up.

When did Minister Yu awaken his supernatural powers? Has it developed to the point where he can awaken without entering the "Void"

Tan Yan was only slightly surprised for a moment, then he thought that this was actually a matter of course.

"I have always forgotten to tell you that Minister Yu was actually the first person to enter the 'void' and return after Tan Yan, earlier than everyone in the superpower team." Qiao Zhixue explained, "In fact, I have always suspected this, because after Minister Yu came back, the quantum energy meter, which only reacts when the 'void' appears, reacted to the minister, but this reaction disappeared for a while, making me unable to determine whether Minister Yu was really awakened. It was not until he was stimulated just now and his emotions fluctuated violently that the energy meter reacted again.

You have never thought about the possibility of awakening yourself. Your consciousness suppressed your supernatural powers, so I have never tested it."

Minister Yu's head was aching more and more. Looking at the energy meter in front of him, he couldn't help but believe it. He covered his head and asked, "What is my superpower?"

"It's about the impact on people's emotions or consciousness." Qiao Zhixue pointed at everyone, "Didn't you notice that the emotions of the superpower team have stabilized since you started having a headache? I'm actually... sorry about Liang Xian's situation, but I feel much better now, all thanks to you."

After he said this, everyone suddenly realized that, without realizing it, they seemed not to be so sad anymore.

"You want everyone to calm down, but this thought never goes away, so your headache is getting worse and worse." Qiao Zhixue took back the energy device, "So it's best for you to negotiate with the survivors. I believe that once your ability becomes stronger, you will be able to control people's hearts."

After listening to Qiao Zhixue's words, Minister Yu temporarily stopped thinking about how to calm everyone's emotions, and he felt his headache was relieved a lot.

The people who were comforted had gradually come out of the sadness of Liang Xian's departure, but Tan Yan was the only one who couldn't do it. His consciousness was too strong and could not be controlled by the minister.

He looked at the report, his hand unconsciously stroking the deer's head, not understanding what Qiao Zhixue's purpose was in giving him this report.

There was a little hope in my heart, but I didn't dare to expect anything, so I could only look at Qiao Zhixue.

"Finally, I have one more application to make." Qiao Zhixue said too much and it was too important for everyone to absorb. Now that they heard that he had something else to say, even Cui and Yu couldn't help but pick up paper and pen to take notes.

"I hope Tan Yan and Tan Lu can cooperate with me to do an experiment on quantum entanglement and transmission channels," Qiao Zhixue displayed the report he had just shown Tan Yan on the big screen. "I have kept Xiaolu by my side these days just to find out who he has quantum entangled with. Coincidentally, one of them is Liang Xian."

Everyone has their own understanding of quantum entanglement. When they heard Qiao Zhixue say this, they couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in their hearts, but they also felt it was too absurd and couldn't believe it.

"What experiment?" Minister Yu asked, enduring a headache.

"First, is Tan Yan able to return to the real world because he is quantum entangled with the tombstone, or even if there is quantum entanglement, he is still the only one who can perform spatial transmission; second, the various possibilities of the spatial channel."

Qiao Zhixue began to list his plan on the big screen: "My plan is that when the 'void' opens next time, only Tan Yan and Xiaolu will enter first, but after entering, they will not go to the world behind the 'void', but while decomposing, according to the quantum entanglement between Xiaolu and Liang Xian, with the help of the pressure of the 'void', they will enter the world where Liang Xian is. At the same time, I will use instruments to fix the 'void' in the real world. Because Tan Yan went to other worlds and did not form a circle with the real world, the 'void' will not disappear for the time being. He and Xiaolu must rush back within five hours and once again enter the world they should go to through the 'void' to resolve this crisis.

This is a sneak attack. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the conditions this time are too rare. Liang Xian, who happened to be quantum entangled with Xiaolu, happened to be in another world. This is the only chance to verify my conjecture! "

The author has something to say: I know you didn’t understand, I will explain it in the next chapter. Maybe you still don’t understand after I explain it in the next chapter, then... Just know that Tan Yan wants to use the deer, quantum entanglement, and the void to make a big news_(:3∠)_

ps: The comments on the previous chapter were simply a Shura field. After careful analysis, I found that everyone was so excited because they felt sorry for the baby Xianxian, and then they took their anger out on the minister. Regarding the issue that everyone was discussing, I will explain

First, Minister Yu gave up his son and was not qualified to be a father. Regarding this point, it was actually a confusion of identity. Liang Xian was a soldier. His position determined that he had to make sacrifices. Being a soldier was his own choice. If he was an ordinary scholar or scientist, Minister Yu would probably be able to protect Liang Xian with confidence. This position determined that Minister Yu had no choice. If it were someone else, he would have to make sacrifices.

Secondly, as for not visiting the patient, I looked through the original text and I didn't say that Minister Yu didn't come to see his son... It was just that his job meant he couldn't stay by the bedside. At most he would secretly take a look at his son and touch his face when Liang Xian fell asleep. He felt guilty but couldn't face his son, so this was all he could do.

Third, Liang Xian shouldn't feel that his father has abandoned him. This can be explained from two aspects. On the one hand, in terms of action and military duty, he has chosen to perform his mission and protect others every time. He has done very well in these two aspects. On the other hand, it is a matter of personal feelings. Soldiers are also human beings. Liang Xian is willing to choose to sacrifice his life, but it does not mean that he will not be sad. Even if he is sad, he still has to perform the mission. I think this is the battle between human nature and duty. Only when he knows it in his heart and will be sad but still chooses to perform, he is an excellent person and an excellent soldier.

The above is my explanation. Some people think that my comments are too annoying. Readers who think so can choose not to read them, because I just can't help nagging. The article doesn't allow me to nag, but I can't say anything in my comments. I feel wronged.