I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 79: Space Smuggling (VI)


The process of persuading Ms. Yang Shumei was much easier than expected. After investigating her family situation, Minister Yu chose the simplest and most brutal way - using money.

Although Ms. Yang Shumei is a native of City B, she does not live a wealthy life. Her husband is an honest man. When the company distributed housing in the early years, he gave up his quota to someone else. The family of three has been living in the company's house for free. Later, the state-owned enterprise went bankrupt and both husband and wife were laid off. They have been renting a tube-shaped building. When the shantytown was renovated, they were driven out again.

They have been renting a house, moving, and renting another house. They have not had a stable home for many years. Now their son has reached the age of getting married, but how can he get married without a house

My son is a very good person. He has been well behaved and good at studying since he was young. He was admitted to a key university and received scholarships every year. His studies did not cost the family much money. He was immediately hired by a well-known company after graduation. Although his annual salary is not up to one million, it is still half of one million.

But with this kind of income, you can't even afford a toilet in City B.

Ms. Yang Shumei's dream is to own a small villa with its own entrance and yard. The villa has three floors. The first floor is a 200-square-meter garage, the second floor is the living room, kitchen and their room, and the third floor will be for their son when he gets married in the future, as well as a child's bedroom and study.

If the yard is bigger, I can grow more vegetables and rice. In the future, I can eat green food that I grow myself instead of buying vegetables sprayed with pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

There should be a clean pig pen and chicken pen in the backyard...

To achieve this goal, the yard must be at least one thousand square meters, right

Although this is just a delusion, we can't deny people from having dreams.

Ms. Yang Shumei's supernatural powers come from her wishes.

"A yard of one thousand square meters is enough to park several fighter jets." After reading Qiao Zhixue's report on Aunt Yang's ability analysis, Cui Heyu said dissatisfiedly, "Can't her ambition be bigger? For example, become the owner of a high-end residential area, so that we can put more things in."

Ah San said: "People always have to be pragmatic. It's okay to dream of having a big house, but it's impossible to become a developer."

"Then why doesn't she imagine becoming a big landowner in the countryside? With hundreds of thousands of acres of land, we can all build a base there." Cui Heyu imagined.

"They still want to live in City B." Ah San continued to defend Aunt Yang. "Including the yard and the house, the base area is 1,200 square meters, and the height is 10 meters. The rectangular space can accommodate all non-living things and their family of three. This space is already quite large."

"That's right. Finally, we don't have to worry about supplies anymore." Cui Heyu said, "How did Minister Yu persuade Auntie and her family to agree?"

"Isn't this easy?" Ah San spread the report in front of him. "House. This wish is so strong that it has supernatural powers. Of course, one or two houses can solve the problem."

Minister Yu promised to provide two houses for Ms. Yang Shumei and her family. One house is for Ms. Yang Shumei and her lover. It is a 60-square-meter high-rise building suitable for the elderly couple to live in. This house is within the second ring road of City B and is allocated by the organization for employees. Ms. Yang Shumei can own this house as long as she is still working for the Technical Safety Department. Once she resigns, the organization has the right to take back the house. However, if Ms. Yang Shumei encounters an accident in the "void", the house will be paid as a pension and become Ms. Yang Shumei's personal inheritance.

In other words, as long as Aunt Yang doesn't resign, the house will always be hers.

The other one is in the same residential area as the small high-rise, near a private high school in City B. The organization only provides the down payment. This money is Ms. Yang Shumei's salary, which is equivalent to an advance payment of her salary for ten years. Yang Shumei can also choose not to buy a house and use the money at her own discretion.

Once Ms. Yang Shumei resigns, the organization has the right to recover part of her salary according to the remaining years of service. If Ms. Yang Shumei dies within ten years, the money will not be recovered. In addition to this salary, according to the provisions of the "Regulations on Pensions and Preferential Treatment for People's Police", Ms. Yang Shumei will be paid a pension and funeral expenses based on the martyr standards. The pension standard is based on her special ability level and length of service, and refers to the treatment of a regular section chief.

Ms. Yang Shumei has an obligation to keep confidentiality and must not disclose the content of her work to her family and relatives. Once the information is leaked, the organization will not only recover her benefits but also pursue her legal responsibility.

Cui Heyu: "… Minister Yu's move is really amazing. This family will never say anything or ask about these two houses."

"I remember there's a saying in society, that is, anything that can be solved with money is not a problem. Although we can't give her the three-story villa and the 1,000-square-meter courtyard she dreams of, two houses are still possible." Ah San said, "I heard from Secretary Xu that after Minister Yu proposed the conditions, Aunt Yang immediately agreed and expressed her willingness to fight for the country and sacrifice everything. As long as the house is not taken back, she can do whatever she wants with her life."

"Too much trouble?" Yan Yongfeng laughed, "Auntie, you think too much. With her ability, she is as precious as gold in the superpower team. We have to protect her at the risk of our lives. Her importance is second only to Tan Yan."

Tan Yan: "I don't need protection, I can protect her."

After hearing his words, everyone in the superpower team who were discussing Aunt Yang fell silent. What Tan Yan said a few days ago was really too shocking.

After Tan Yan confessed his true feelings to Xiao Lu that day, Minister Yu fainted on the spot.

Minister Yu went through a series of mental blows, including his son turning into a zombie and dying - his son still being alive - his son falling in love with a man eight years older than him - and this man promising his son his marriage. He was only unconscious for over an hour and was strong enough.

Liang Xian was usually too conspicuous, and although the members of the special power team admired him, they were very sad after his death. But when Liang Xian was alive, everyone still disliked him.

The main purpose of everyone staying for the meeting that day was to see how Tan Yan firmly rejected Liang Xian, so that everyone would have something to talk about and laugh at Liang Xian later.

Who would have thought that Tan Yan would actually agree to it! The members of the superpower team were almost scared out of their wits. Even a calm person like Qiao Zhixue was so shocked that he dropped his computer on the ground.

Among all the intelligent creatures present that day, only the deer performed stably. It even snuggled into Tan Yan's arms and yowled happily twice, as if saying "I'm so happy I'm dying."

After hearing Tan Yan's confession, Xu Mingyu sent Minister Yu to the emergency room, Qiao Zhixue went to repair the computer, and the superpower team said that they needed to train and could not waste precious time anymore, so they left one after another, leaving Xiaolu and Tan Yan staring at each other.

After calming down for a few days, Aunt Yang's case was resolved, and everyone gathered again for a meeting to analyze Aunt Yang's special abilities and how to protect her in the future.

Only then did I see Tan Yan again, as well as the little deer who had been inseparable from him these days.

Cui Heyu couldn't hold back his words. He stared at Tan Yan for a while, and couldn't help asking, "Tan... should I call you uncle or something? Can you tell me about your mental journey? Why did you agree to Liang Xian? I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think."

This time, even Qiu Qizhen did not stop Cui Heyu from speaking without restraint. He also kept his eyes on Tan Yan, waiting for his answer.

Tan Yan was not embarrassed at all. He had always been simple-minded and believed that there was nothing he couldn't talk about. He had thought about this matter for a long time and had thought it through clearly, so he didn't mind others discussing it.

Tan Yan said: "I don't know much about love. People of our age, most of them got married on blind dates when they didn't know what love was. There was basically no passionate love. Most of them developed feelings slowly in daily life. If I hadn't met 'Empty' back then, I would probably have met a girl I liked through the introduction of a colleague and married her. I might be a grandfather now."

"Puchi!" Cui Heyu laughed.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but sympathize with Liang Xian.

"As for my feelings for Liang Xian, after I thought he was dead, I thought about it carefully. If it wasn't Liang Xian who confessed to me that day, would I agree? The answer is no. Even if it was a girl, even a single woman of my age, I would not agree.

The problem is not Liang Xian, but that at my age, I can no longer accept being alone.

When it comes to love, I think more about how I can’t delay him when I have one foot in the coffin.”

Tan Yan's voice was very calm, but his words were thought-provoking. The members of the special power team looked at this young face and felt a little sad.

Influenced by this face, they always forget Tan Yan's real age and forget that this person may suddenly grow old and die one day.

They can't rely on Tan Yan for too long.

"But later, Liang Xian stayed in the zombie world, and I regretted it a little. If I had known that I would be so sad now, why didn't I agree to him? At least, he could be happy for a day." Tan Yan said simply, "I don't understand what you young people expect in love. Even if you agree to be together, it will probably just be training and working every day like before, with more intimate contact. I thought about it, and it doesn't seem that hard to accept."

Everyone listened to him quietly.

"Sometimes I don't understand what Liang Xian is worried about. In fact, I should be the one who is more worried. I might become gray-haired and wrinkled. Will Liang Xian still love me at that time

When I thought of this, I didn’t think any more about it. It was just as he wished, we were together and I accompanied him.

Accompany him until he no longer likes me, or I can no longer walk. "

Simple words, but thought-provoking.

"So you agreed to him to make Liang Xian happy, but what about your feelings?" Cui Heyu thought for a long time and still couldn't understand. "Even if you may not realize what love feels like now, you will always have feelings when you get along with each other. You like him, but he chooses to leave because he dislikes your old age. In this case, how should you feel?"

Hearing his words, the little deer ran to Cui Heyu, glared at him with its big eyes, bit the corner of his clothes and pulled it angrily.

This was also due to Qiao Zhixue's good training, otherwise the deer would have kicked Cui Heyu half to death with one hoof, which would have been even more miserable than Xu Mingyu.

His big watery eyes seemed to say "I won't".

Cui Heyu was not afraid of him and argued with Xiaolu: "I almost thought you were Liang Xian. What do you know? Feelings have a shelf life. Dopamine can only be secreted for three years at most. What should I do after the peak of hormone secretion is over?"

"I don't think it matters," Tan Yan said calmly, "There is only a limited space in a person's heart. I probably won't be able to regard love as everything in my life. It's just a little bit."

Just like Minister Yu and Liang Xian, there is love and affection, but it can rise to the level of justice. Liang Xian is never everything.

The same goes for Tan Yan. Emotional setbacks won't make him sad for too long.

Tan Yan put his hand on his heart and said, "I felt bad when I knew Liang Xian stayed in another world. I think breaking up shouldn't be more painful than this."

"I see what you mean."

Minister Yu's voice suddenly came from the door. The people in the superpower team jumped up in fright and turned around to see Minister Yu standing at the door without them knowing when. They didn't know how much of what Tan Yan said was heard.

"Just spoil that brat Liang Xian," Minister Yu walked into the room and sat opposite Tan Yan. "Let him be as he pleases. Give him what he wants, just like spoiling a child."

"Maybe," Tan Yan smiled, "As long as he is happy."

Tan Yan didn't want to experience again the feeling of being uncomfortable but unable to cry when receiving flowers.

Minister Yu: “…”

It is difficult for a judge to judge family affairs. Minister Yu, who had just easily dealt with Aunt Yang's family affairs, didn't know how to intervene in his son's emotional problems.

Of course, he would not agree with Liang Xian and Tan Yan being together in his heart, whether he was standing from the perspective of a father or a boss, or even from the perspective of Tan Yan being the leader of his friends, he would not agree.

But it seemed that neither of these two people would listen to him. They were both superpowers, and his superpowers could not affect them.

His objections were of no avail.

Xu Mingyu was afraid that he would faint again, so he patted his back to help him calm down.

"No need to take pictures," Minister Yu waved his hand, "You guys... well, whatever, I'll pretend I don't know."

The future of these two people is hopeless. The gap of 39 years is not so easy to make up. Just from what Tan Yan said, we know that what he can give is completely different from what Liang Xian wants.

Let's take it one step at a time. If you want to persuade him, you have to at least wait for that brat Liang Xian to come back.

Come on, Hollow.

As everyone expected, this "void" finally arrived on New Year's Day 2019. The base made dumplings that night, and when Tu Zishi put a bite of dumplings into his mouth, he suddenly fainted.

About five minutes later, Tu Zishi woke up. He looked at his watch. It was 19:13.

Tu Zishi immediately picked up the intercom and received the call from Minister Yu and Qiao Zhixue, and said anxiously: "The next time the 'hole' will appear is at 20:16, xx shopping mall."

The author has something to say: The call of the fawn was taken from the Book of Songs, "The deer calls, eating wild apples." In fact, deer don't seem to call like this, hehehe...

Also, please pay attention, please pay attention!! Well, dears, the name Yang Shumei is indeed easy to have the same name as others. After all, there were many people with this name in the early years, so it is too easy to have the same name as others. But please remember that she is just a character in the plot. The little angel who has the same name as her mother should not be emotionally attached to it. Just treat her as a character in the plot.

There is one more chapter before 10pm. See you tonight~