I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 82: Space Smuggling (IX)


As soon as Liang Xian opened his eyes, he saw Tan Yan. He looked at Tan Yan and Xiaolu blankly, not knowing whether he was in a dream or reality.

He raised his right hand and saw that the glove had been taken off, revealing three missing fingers. Liang Xian immediately pulled his hand back, hid it behind his back, and took two steps back.

There was a granary behind him, blocking Liang Xian's steps, and the backward movement ended up just rubbing his legs.

Even if it was a dream, Liang Xian didn't want to hurt Tan Yan. Feelings made him hug his beloved whom he hadn't seen for more than a month, but reason told him to stay away. At this time, reason still prevailed for Liang Xian.

But he might lose his mind at any moment.

Tan Yan grabbed his left hand to prevent Liang Xian from escaping.

"You are not dreaming," Tan Yan saw the helplessness in his eyes and said firmly, "You can use the deer to send me flowers, and I can also find you through the quantum entanglement between you two."

Liang Xian gradually regained consciousness. He shook his head, lowered his head and said, "You... don't get so close. My brain sometimes works well, and sometimes it gets muddled."

"Be more rational and strong," Tan Yan held Liang Xian's face and said, "You have persisted for so long, you will definitely be able to defeat the zombie virus!"

He was not good at speaking, and could only say these empty words to encourage Liang Xian. But for Liang Xian, Tan Yan's appearance in front of him was the greatest encouragement.

Liang Xian shook his head, trying to sober himself up, and asked, "How did you get here?"

Tan Yan briefly told Liang Xian what happened before and after receiving the flowers. When Liang Xian heard that his note was put on the table for discussion at the meeting, his face twitched slightly.

Then he shook his head and said, "If you know, then know. I can't go back anyway. Let them laugh if they want."

More than a month's life in another world seems to have changed Liang Xian a little and made him more mature.

"I'm here to take you back." Tan Yan said seriously.

"Impossible," Liang Xian put his hand on his forehead to prop up his handsome face. He pointed at his chin and said, "Look at me. I haven't shaved for more than a month, but my beard hasn't grown at all."

"And this." As he spoke, he cut his right arm with a knife. There was blood, but no bleeding.

"My metabolism has gradually stopped," Liang Xian explained. "Although I have been using my consciousness to resist the invasion of corpse poison into my brain, the changes in my body cannot be faked."

He was very calm, at least on the surface. But I didn't know if he was really calm or just pretending for Tan Yan to see.

Liang Xian slowly stood up and told Tan Yan what had happened during the more than one month they had been apart.

After watching everyone leave, Liang Xian walked to the level 5 zombie, cut off some of his tissues and cells, and used the instruments in his backpack to analyze the composition of the zombie virus. As long as the composition is clear, Liang Xian may have hope of decomposing the zombie virus in his body.

But what was surprising was that there was no toxin in the body of the level 5 zombie. After instrumental analysis, it was found that this was a corpse that had been dead for more than a year, but it was unknown how the corpse was kept fresh.

What about the corpse poison? What about his gradually fading consciousness

Liang Xian felt dizzy. He tried to stay rational as much as possible and recalled the appearance of the zombies he had seen.

Zombies are actually dead, but even if their joints are broken, they can still move. Only a heavy blow to the brain can kill a zombie.

So is it possible that what enters the body after being bitten is not a virus, but a force of energy that can kill a person while keeping the brain active

Thinking of this possibility, Liang Xian dug open the brain of the level 5 zombie and saw a blood-red crystal core inside.

The crystal core was as big as a fist and clear red. Liang Xian looked at the Zombie King's skull. There was no brain matter inside, only this clean crystal core.

Without a brain, what about thinking? Why can the Zombie King regain consciousness and control people's minds

Liang Xian endured the headache and analyzed the composition of the crystal core, and unexpectedly discovered that it was not a substance, but a crystal of energy.

Energy is invisible, but it can form such a crystal core. You can imagine how terrifying the power in the crystal core is.

If the purpose of the energy of the zombie virus is to erode the brain, will it be effective if he uses his consciousness to resist

Thinking of this, Liang Xian concentrated his energy, mobilized all the consciousness in his brain, controlled the energy in his body to resist the zombie virus, and forced the energy that was about to invade his heart and brain back to the index finger of his right hand.

Liang Xian looked at the finger that had turned black and tried to move it, but found that he could not control it at all. The finger was slowly growing a terrible nail. Liang Xian made a prompt decision and pulled out a knife to cut off the finger.

When his finger was cut off, his brain became much clearer. Liang Xian knew that he had found a way to resist the virus, but at the same time he also found that the severed finger did not bleed and he did not feel any pain.

The brain is still normal, because it is the concrete manifestation of consciousness and has strong energy, but the body is no longer functioning. The zombie virus has traveled around the body and has finally taken its toll on the body.

While Liang Xian was concentrating his mind to force the corpse poison to his fingertips, the crystal core on his left hand silently shrank a little.

Liang Xian burned the bodies of the level 5 zombies and told the residents living in Ping County that the people who protected them were dead and that a large number of zombies would attack soon, leaving the people of Ping County to find their own way out.

He was unable to help these people, and Liang Xian had no idea when he would turn into a zombie.

Liang Xian was unusually calm, and in order not to hurt anyone, he walked towards a sparsely populated area. He found that the zombies would not attack him, because in their eyes, he was no longer a living person.

During this period of time, Liang Xian continued to dissect the brains of zombies, both ordinary ones and those at level two and three.

He found that the brains of ordinary zombies were blank, with only dried brain matter and nothing else. They would not attack their own kind, but wanted to eat human brains. If they ate too many people, they would evolve into level 2 zombies.

Level 2 zombies have small crystal nuclei in their brains, making their bodies more flexible. In addition to attacking humans, they prefer to attack their own kind, that is, other level 2 zombies.

The same is true for levels three and four. They snatch the crystal core, and then the crystal core gradually replaces the brain and restores consciousness.

To eventually evolve into a zombie king like Director Li, it would require at least tens of millions of human lives and the crystal cores of tens of thousands of mutated zombies.

Liang Xian could reduce the number of viruses in his body, but he could not completely eliminate them. His physical condition was getting worse and worse, and he could only cut off his fingers one by one. In the process, he discovered that the reason he was able to resist the virus was because he was slowly absorbing the crystal core of the level 5 zombie.

Without absorbing the crystal core, the brain's consciousness would be unable to fight the virus, but the price of absorption was that his metabolism had completely stopped.

If his heart hadn't been still beating slowly, Liang Xian would probably have fallen into despair.

On the day when he completely absorbed the fifth-level crystal core, Liang Xian suddenly found that the surrounding environment had changed.

He lay beside Tan Yan, and Tan Yan fell asleep in his arms.

Liang Xian was overjoyed. He raised his hand to protect Tan Yan, but found that his palm had turned into two hooves.

It wasn't that his body returned to the real world, but that his consciousness entered the deer's body. The deer seemed to sense that someone had invaded its brain, and it moved, wanting to return to its main consciousness.

Liang Xian could now feel the gap between his own strength and that of the deer. He could easily seize the deer's consciousness, leave his body in another world, and bring his consciousness back.

After coming back, he can even use quantum entanglement to change his body and become human again.

But he did nothing. He just asked Xiaolu to send flowers to Tan Yan and then returned to the zombie world.

At the same time, Liang Xian also understood how the fifth-level zombies used their consciousness to control others, because he also became so powerful.

Consciousness, as a form of energy, can radiate consciousness over long distances and affect other people's brains when its electronic activity reaches a certain level.

Liang Xian didn't know whether there was a crystal core or brain matter in his brain, and he couldn't open his brain to observe.

But he discovered one thing, he needed a crystal core. Even if he absorbed the crystal core of a level 5 zombie, it was still difficult for him to fight the virus in his body.

At this time, Liang Xian had another guess. The energy of corpse poison can only be transmitted in corpses, so they must turn themselves into corpses. However, the crystal core is just a simple energy crystal. It can be absorbed and transformed by itself, and it doesn't matter whether it is a human or a zombie.

Only when the crystal core is in the zombie's brain, this energy will completely control the body, read the original body's memory, and absorb experience.

This energy is also a kind of consciousness. The reason why he cannot resist it is because he is not strong enough.

Eventually, Liang Xian came to the conclusion that the cause of the end of this world was most likely a consciousness that wanted a body, just like himself who had once entered the deer's body.

It disperses its consciousness throughout the world, turning humans into zombies. Over time, all humans will be eaten, and eventually the entire world's population will turn into the strongest zombie, possessing the energy condensed from all human consciousness. That's why ordinary zombies will attack humans, and high-level zombies will snatch crystal cores. It's all for energy.

This consciousness is so strong that it can affect the world. Liang Xian cannot defeat it by his own strength, he also needs a crystal core.

So he summoned countless zombies, found such a village, used a biogas digester to produce biogas, and wanted to catch all the zombies in one fell swoop and seize the crystal core.

His next plan is to continue killing zombies, obtain crystal cores, and enhance his consciousness.

When he becomes strong enough, he will open his brain to fight against that consciousness. Then whether he is dead or alive, human or zombie, will depend on this battle.

"Am I still a human being?" Liang Xian asked after he finished his story. "My consciousness has left my body and I've absorbed the zombies' crystal cores. Even if I win in the future, I probably won't be considered a human being, right?"

He looked at his fingers. In fact, he really wanted to change his body. Even if he couldn't bear to leave the deer and the people in his own world, he could at least leave the people in the zombie world, right

If he changes into a healthy, handsome body without infection, and with his consciousness that is quantum entangled with Xiaolu, he can follow Xiaolu and Tan Yan back to the real world. Does this also count as going home

But he couldn't do that.

Liang Xian looked at Tan Yan firmly and said, "I can't touch the bottom line, so I can't go home with you."

The author has something to say: I’ve finished writing, that’s all for today.

I just felt very cold and my whole body ached. I took my temperature and it was 38.8. I felt so uncomfortable. That’s all I have today.

Can I update tomorrow? It depends on my physical condition tomorrow morning.

No guarantees...

I can only say that I will try to update as much as possible, and try to ensure that there will be one update at 14:00 and 22:00.