I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 87: Consciousness Intrusion (I)


Tan Yan's statement was recognized by everyone. After all, they were a serious superpower, human evolution, and science team, not an exorcism team, and no one could exorcise ghosts.

In order to help the three exchange students get rid of the cold and strange handprints on their bodies, Tan Yan had to rub their arms continuously. While he was "treating" them, the deer ran to the feet of the exchange students and stared at them.

Compared to Aunt Yang's spatial ability, the deer's hooves stepping on fire/arrows/cannons is more shocking. The exchange students are very nervous when being stared at by the deer-shaped weapons.

"Why is this deer looking at us? I feel like he's looking at an enemy." Pretty Boy 203 Bob said nervously.

The superpower team: "..."

Because you are tall, have long legs, a fair face and are handsome, Tan Yan is still touching your arm!

The Special Ability Team knows who Tan Lu's child is. Doesn't this help his mother keep an eye out for potential love rivals

Tan Yan smiled helplessly and lovingly, tapping Xiaolu's forehead with his finger: "What are you thinking about? Don't you believe in daddy?"

The little deer nudged Tan Yan coquettishly, with a very happy face.

After the happiness, I still had to keep watching the exchange student with a surveillance eye.

Three exchange students: “…”

They don't know that there is a network term in China called "schizophrenia", but they have already experienced what it feels like to be a schizophrenic deer.

"Captain, what should we do next?" Yan Yongfeng asked Asan openly, but actually he was asking Tan Yan.

"What else can we do except force our way in?" Ah San looked at Tan Yan and said, "We will die if we stay in the city, unless we can find another way out."

"Let me try first." Tan Yan frowned and said, "Since I can help them get rid of the cold, it should be of some use."

Although he wanted to hide Tan Yan's strength, in this strange world, looking at the miserable state of Aunt Yang's arm, if he insisted on hiding his weakness, he might even lose his life.

"You have to be careful," Yan Yongfeng nervously warned, "I suspect that the physical attacks of those things are ineffective, and the bullets of the international friends just now all missed."

"Well," Tan Yan said calmly. He patted Xiaolu's head and said, "I'll be back soon. You protect everyone."

The exchange student protected by the deer: "… "

The little deer bit the corner of Tan Yan's clothes, not wanting him to pass by, with worry in his big eyes.

This action was very strange. Since Xiaolu was brought back to the real world by Tan Yan, he inherited Liang Xian's boldness. Except for being timid in front of Qiao Zhixue, he was fearless in other aspects. He especially trusted Tan Yan. With Tan Yan around, Xiaolu was not even afraid of Qiao Zhixue.

Such a deer would prevent Tan Yan from investigating the fog, which means that even if Tan Yan entered, it would be dangerous.

"It's okay." Tan Yan said, "I won't go deeper. I'll be back soon."

Even if Xiaolu tried to stop him, Tan Yan couldn't change his decision. He left everyone on the road, handed them over to Xiaolu for protection, asked Aunt Yang for a small military electric bike, and rode it into the fog.

Dr. Lucas looked confused. "Why does Tan want to ride so, so, so □□all cars? Wouldn't it be better to drive an armored car? Ms Yang's space should be able to accommodate a lot of cars."

Ah San explained carefully: "If there is danger in the fog, Tan Yan can abandon the car to save his life at any time. Electric cars are more convenient, while the metal plate of the armored vehicle can sometimes become a burden."

"Then why not ride a motorcycle? At least it will be faster." Bob was also puzzled.

The point is, electric cars are unimpressive!

Although it suits Tan's short height.

"A motorcycle can't match the speed of a psychic running." Asan answered simply.

More importantly, Tan Yan felt that motorcycles were relatively expensive, while electric cars were relatively cheap and could save the country some money.

I really don't know how to describe this person. He feels sorry for everyone from the collective to the common people, but he just doesn't know how to feel sorry for himself.

Everyone waited quietly for Tan Yan. Xiaolu stood in front and the others followed behind Xiaolu.

Although the three exchange students were very curious, the inexplicable handprints on their arms were really unsettling. No one wanted to die, so it was better to be cautious.

About twenty minutes later, the light of a small electric bike appeared in the fog. Tan Yan slowly returned to the group and stopped the electric bike.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and asked Tan Yan, "How is it?"

Tan Yan glanced at everyone, rolled up his left sleeve, and shone the flashlight on his arm, which was already blue and black.

The superpower team gasped. This was Tan Yan! What was this thing that even Tan Yan, who was always omnipotent, couldn't deal with

"I couldn't see those things," Tan Yan said, "but I could feel malicious gazes around me. After walking for a while, it became colder and colder. I'm not afraid of cold, but I felt chilled to the bone in the fog. The protective shield was useless, and they could pass through it freely. I drove to the end of the fog and found the people in the city."

He carried a quick-release camera on his back and showed the photos to everyone.

At the end of the fog was a highway, but it was filled with human bodies. These people had no injuries, and some even had strange smiles on their faces. Hundreds of thousands of people were piled up on the highway, so densely packed that it was chilling to the sight.

"I checked several bodies. They had heartbeats and breathing, but no consciousness. People lying down under pressure like this felt nothing. They were alive, but they didn't look alive."

The more Tan Yan talked, the colder everyone became. Lucas took the photo and looked at it carefully: "Some of them look like they are brain dead. Have you confirmed their EEG?"

"I can't do it," Tan Yan said, "The backpack can't be opened. No matter how hard I pull, I can't open the zipper."

Tan Yan is a man who can lift meteorites. What kind of power can make him unable to even open his zipper

"I heard that ghosts can possess people," Aunt Yang suddenly said, her eyes slowly sweeping across everyone's face, and she spoke slowly in a stealthy and terrifying voice, "They are afraid of sunlight, so they possess normal people during the day, using their shells to block the sunlight, and can come out and move freely at night."

"Auntie!" Yan Yongfeng couldn't help saying, "It's scary enough already, please stop telling ghost stories!"

A 185cm tall man is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of ghosts. Especially since Yan Yongfeng could vaguely see shadows in the mist, he actually suspected that these things were ghosts. Hearing what Aunt Yang said, he became even more panicked.

He is here to be Superman and save the world, but the comics never tell about Superman fighting the Ghost!

"Yang Shumei," Tan Yan usually doesn't call Aunt Yang "Auntie", but calls her by her name, "Put away the bike, take out the electric bike, and we'll ride the bikes out of the city on a small road, and then switch to a big car after we get around the crowds of people."

Aunt Yang did not put away the armored vehicle: "We can't get out. We are trapped here. They are not strong enough. We have to change clothes. You are young and strong, and you look good in clothes."

"Auntie, please stop scaring people!" Qin Li, who was usually taciturn, suddenly broke down and his tone sounded like he was about to cry.

"Aunt Yang," Qiu Qi was looking into Aunt Yang's eyes, "Do you still remember what your son's name is?"

"Son?" Aunt Yang rolled her eyes and grinned at Qiu Qizheng, revealing her blood-red tongue. "Is he here too? How tall is he? Is he as strong as you guys?"

Now everyone realized that something was wrong. This was no longer the original Aunt Yang, she looked spooky!

Tan Yan held Aunt Yang down and asked, "You have to change your clothes... You don't have as many people as Shijiazhuang, but you like to change your bodies? Then where is the original consciousness of these bodies?"

“Hehehe,” Aunt Yang struggled twice under Tan Yan’s palm. Seeing that she couldn’t break free from Tan Yan’s arm, she laughed sinisterly, “Energy, absorbed, delicious, comfortable to wear, hehehe~”

The laughter was lively and malicious, which was totally not Aunt Yang's character!

"What should we do?" Asan was a little panicked. Aunt Yang could not be completely considered a warrior. She was just an ordinary citizen. They had to protect her!

Tan Yan said calmly: "Qiu Qizheng, Yan Yongfeng, you two come with me and try it. I want to use Yongfeng's eyes."

It sounded like their eyes were being gouged out, and the three exchange students shuddered.

When force was useless, they were relatively quiet and understood the principle of waiting and seeing what would happen, and did not cause any trouble for the superpower team.

Qiu Qi was recalling the only time he shared power with Tan Yan, and he felt a pain in his head again.

"Let me try." He did not refuse, but called Yan Yongfeng and put his hands on their shoulders.

Qiu Qizhen has improved rapidly in the past few months. Now he can share power without physical contact. Cui Heyu jokingly said that the squad leader has switched from wired network to wireless wifi. It's just that the wifi signal is a bit poor. Others must be within three meters of Qiu Qizhen to activate their power.

However, as for Tan Yan, Qiu Qizhen felt that it would be better to contact him directly because his power was too strong.

As soon as his hands were placed on her, Yan Yongfeng immediately shouted, "Ah! I saw it. There is a shadow on Aunt Yang's body, and it has not yet completely merged with her."

Then he looked into the fog again, screamed, and didn't know what horrible scene he saw.

Qiu Qizhen shared Tan Yan's enhanced power with Yan Yongfeng, and he immediately saw the aunt's abnormality. At the same time, Tan Yan also obtained Yan Yongfeng's vision, and he could see more clearly than Comrade Clairvoyant.

Tan Yan could even see that Aunt Yang's original consciousness was shrinking inside her body, becoming smaller and smaller.

This is probably what those things call "energy". They absorb human consciousness and transform it into their own power. While strengthening themselves, they also seize the human body.

Will it work? Tan Yan looked at his intact right hand and tried to put it on the aunt's forehead.

"Qiu Qizheng, give the power of Yan Yongfeng and me to Yang Shumei. We can't help her expel it from the outside. But if consciousness itself has power, she should be able to do it herself!"

Qiu Qizhen didn't need to do it deliberately. Before Tan Yan spoke, his brain had been controlled by Tan Yan's powerful consciousness, and he unconsciously acted according to his ideas.

Under Qiu Qizhen's influence, Aunt Yang's consciousness gained energy and became stronger again.

Tan Yan and Yan Yongfeng "saw" that the aunt grabbed the thing in the body by its... hair... or should it be the hair, and pulled, beat, pounded, scratched, bit, and kicked the genitals. In short, she used all the eighteen tricks of a shrew on the thing. After a while, the thing disappeared, and Aunt Yang's consciousness became brighter, as if... it absorbed the other party's energy.

"Let go." Tan Yan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Qizhen collapsed. Yan Yongfeng held him up. Tan Yan's consciousness was too strong and the captain was half disabled again.

Aunt Yang pinched her waist angrily and said, "How dare you, a thing like this, snatch my body? You are so shameless! I will scratch you to death, you little bitch!"

Everyone: “…”

It’s great to see the old lady full of energy again!

Three exchange students: “…”

If it weren't for the photo of the crowd that Tan Yan took out, they would almost suspect that this was an act. After all, the exchange students without special powers couldn't see anything. They only saw a group of people dancing like they were doing shamanic acts.

Aunt Yang regained consciousness, but Tan Yan's brows furrowed even more.

"It's not easy," Tan Yan said, "My consciousness is quite strong, so I won't be affected when I enter the fog, but you can't. You can resist a few, but not everything."

As he spoke, he covered his left arm, which he could not control yet. In fact, it could not be said that Tan Yan was completely unaffected.

"Although we need science and materialism, this is what it is, right?" Ah San said, "They are blocking the road and won't let us go. Can we take a detour like you said just now?"

"I'm afraid not." Tan Yan shook his head. "I just used Yan Yongfeng's eyes to look at the fog and the sky. These things are moving. The bathhouse and the street were empty before, but Yang Shumei's arms are still full of handprints... I suspect they can move, and they followed us here and formed the fog before us."

“Ahhh!” While everyone was analyzing the situation, Lucas suddenly went crazy. He rolled on the ground and shouted to everyone, “You bunch of losers, you are still hesitating now, I’m going to rush out!”

He yelled in English, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a madman.

Apparently possessed too.

211 and 203 were responsible for protecting Lucas, and seeing him like this, they could only hug him to stop Dr. Lucas from going crazy. Unexpectedly, Lucas was so powerful that he could knock down the special soldier 211 with one punch, snatch the submachine gun from 211, and laugh at everyone.

211 was hit so hard that he felt dizzy and his face looked like he was dreaming. How could he be knocked down by the frail Dr. Lucas

"He has a broken bone, from the blow he hit you just now." Tan Yan helped 211 up, his eyes fixed on Lucas.

"Can you, can you do it again like you saved Ms Yang just now?" asked 203 Bob.

Tan Yan looked at Qiu Qizhen.

Yan Yongfeng shook his head: "The squad leader is useless."

Qiu Qi was holding his head in pain. He still couldn't keep up with Tan Yan's pace. He was too weak!

This won't do. They want the exchange students to realize the dangers of the other world, not to let them confess here. And even if they confess, they have to choose from 211 and 203, not Lucas. Lucas is a doctor, and only he can turn all the information into professional theories.

But Qiu Qizheng couldn't come a second time, and Lucas completely ignored his body and jumped around waving his submachine gun with his broken hand. Fortunately, he didn't shoot at everyone, probably as Yang Shumei said, cherishing the clothes of health.

“I really want to beat him up…” Asan looked at Lucas and clenched his fists. This guy’s expression really made him deserve a beating.

"The order is Yang Shumei, Dr. Lucas..." Tan Yan said, "It seems that the invasion is really ordered by willpower. With their power, I'm afraid none of us can escape. Even if we save Dr. Lucas now, there will be others who will be possessed next. We must find a way to eliminate them."

Ah San: "But the wooden cannon ammunition doesn't work, and my water ability doesn't work either. It seems that no one here is capable of dealing with supernatural things."

At this time, everyone already knows the cause of the end of this world, which is the invasion of consciousness. These things invade the human body, absorb the consciousness of the natives of this world, causing their brain death, and also invade their bodies. According to the guy who possessed Aunt Yang, these things will leave the body at night, and are afraid of sunlight during the day, so they need to use the shell to drive them away.

"During the day!" Tan Yan said, "As long as we can hold on until daytime, they won't be able to exist in this free state. If physical attacks work, we can leave!"

But now Lucas is possessed, it is only around 9 p.m., and there are still nine to ten hours before dawn. How can they last that long

Just when everyone was at a loss, the little deer suddenly jumped up and tapped Lucas' forehead with its newly grown horns. Lucas immediately put down the wooden warehouse, covered his wrist and screamed.

"It hurts so much, it hurts so much, what happened?" Lucas screamed.

Everyone: “…”

Author's words: Superpower Team: Deer, as a deer, being strong shouldn't be your goal! And haven't you always been the second? How come you've surpassed Tan Yan now

Mr. Deer (blowing his hooves): Yo yo~

See you at 10pm~