I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 95: Missing (I)


Professor Qiao even guaranteed it with his IQ, so Liang Xian and Tan Yan both breathed a sigh of relief.

Even the little deer stopped struggling and lowered its head obediently to let Qiao Zhixue touch it. It was because he had helped his father to resolve his problem.

"That's great," Tan Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "If the Hollow appeared because of me, no matter how much I do, I can't face those who died because of the Hollow."

Liang Xian held his hand and looked at him firmly.

"I still don't understand your power," Qiao Zhixue said, "but believe in yourself and believe in me. Maybe something special happened forty-one years ago that gave you power far beyond that of humans, but this definitely cannot determine the fate of the world."

"If I were to say who I trust the most, it would definitely be Professor Qiao." Tan Yan said sincerely.

Liang Xian was a little jealous, but he was very rational. He held Tan Yan's hand tightly and said, "It should be us."

Jealousy is something only children would do. As long as adults take a stand, they can not only assert their sovereignty, but also deepen their affection and remind Tan Yan that their relationship is just average.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Tan Yan embarrassedly corrected himself and said, "I was wrong. We should trust Professor Qiao the most."

As he spoke, he held Liang Xian's hand even harder. Liang Xian was immediately overjoyed. He had just been testing the waters, but now he finally got the answer.

"You admit 'us', are you willing to be with me?" Liang Xian said excitedly with his eyes shining.

Minister Yu: “…”

"That's enough!" Minister Yu shouted, "This is not the place for you to talk about love, Old Tan. Young people's feelings are worthless. They like this today and that tomorrow. Don't get too involved."

Liang Xian: “…”

Minister Yu now calls Tan Yan "Old Tan", isn't this just causing trouble for Liang Xian

No one in the car spoke until they arrived at the base.

Minister Yu really wanted to improve his relationship with his son, but unfortunately he messed it up again.

Liang Xian was thinking that when he returned to the base, he would definitely hug Tan Yan and hear him finish everything he wanted to say in person.

But after getting off the bus, they didn't even have time to rest before they heard bad news.

The three superpowers who returned from the zombie world are missing.

"What do you mean missing?" Minister Yu, who had just got off the car, convened an emergency meeting and asked the person in charge of tracking to explain the situation in detail to everyone.

"They disappeared out of thin air." The person who came to report was a young soldier in his 20s. "Three staff members who were following them disappeared with them. They were fine an hour ago, but they suddenly lost contact. I checked the implanted chip signal and it was gone too. They must have been destroyed by someone."

Minister Yu frowned and said, "I remember that one of the people who followed the fire-type mutant was a member of the mutant team."

Zhang Hua, a junior in the special class, is Tu Zishi's classmate and a member of the interest group. He has awakened the earth-related ability, which can only stir up dust, but it is still easy to deal with a psychic with only a little flame.

The fire-type supernatural being was the one who was taught a lesson by Liang Xian in the other world. He was radical and cynical. Guo Ji'an was worried that he would use his supernatural powers to do something to the newspaper, so after observing him for a while, he sent Zhang Hua, who also had supernatural powers, to follow him.

But now, this young student has also disappeared out of thin air.

"Why is this happening?" Tu Zishi, who has a good relationship with Zhang Hua, found it hard to accept. "Could it be that the news leaked and those people abroad kidnapped our superpowers?"

"Don't think so radically for now," Minister Yu pinched his brows, "There must be clues. He has only been missing for 2 hours, which is not the golden time for rescue. And if the other party really wants a superpower, Zhang Hua will be fine."

His words calmed Tu Zishi. The young prophet covered his chest and said uneasily, "I have a bad feeling."

"What did you predict?" Qiao Zhixue asked.

"I don't know..." Tu Zishi shook his head, "I just feel very nervous, as if something bad is going to happen."

"Contact the Ministry of Public Security. I want all the records of these three people's social relationships, immediate family members, networks, phone calls, etc. within an hour. Also, give me the surveillance records of this month. The simultaneous disappearance of three people must have been a prepared action. There must be some clues." Minister Yu said calmly.

"Yes!" The young soldier saluted, quickly ran out of the meeting room, and prepared the materials that Minister Yu needed.

"Don't act rashly," Minister Yu said to several superpowers, "I know everyone is concerned about this matter, but we must prepare for the worst. If the news is really leaked, and someone is kidnapping superpowers, trying to control them or force them to reveal the secret of the Hollow, then you are the ones who need protection the most. Don't do anything stupid because of impulse, understand?"

Everyone understands the truth, but when their companions and the people they rescued with great difficulty disappear just like that, everyone would want to do their part.

Tan Yan stood up and said, "I'd like to apply to join the investigation team. I have forty years of criminal investigation experience and should be able to provide some help."

"Me too!" Liang Xian said immediately, "I'm very strong, stronger than you think."

While saying this, Liang Xian touched the wall of the conference room next to him, and a door immediately opened in a regular pattern on the wall without any signs of damage.

"At least I can help with things like unlocking locks and destroying surveillance," Liang Xian added.

"Then I can use it too!" Cui Heyu refused to give in. "I can immediately find out all the online activities and mobile phone communication records of these three people in the past month. I can also access all highway monitoring systems. If there is any section of road where they are photographed, I will definitely find them."

"Me!" Ah San stood up. "Criminal investigation, the Internet, and alchemy may not be very useful, but I have many years of frontline experience. Once I find that the other organization needs to fight, 'Jackal' is no less powerful than anyone!"

Qin Li: "I, protect!"

Tu Zishi: "I, foreknowledge!"

Qiu Qizheng: "I, share."

The members of the special power team stood up one by one and said in unison: "We are soldiers of the country. We have sworn to protect the property and lives of the people. We are not greenhouse flowers. Please allow us to participate in the operation!"

The young and stubborn soldiers have firm eyes; they are the future pillars of the motherland.

Minister Yu took a deep breath and said, "I am proud of you!"

He agreed to let the special power team participate in the operation, but with two conditions. First, Cui Heyu would be responsible for searching the Internet for information, Tan Yan would participate in the investigation, and the rest would be on standby. Second, it would not affect the repair of the "hole".


Cui Heyu wasted no time and quickly turned on the computer beside him. This time he didn't even need to enter the code. Instead, he took out an external iris scanner and connected it to the computer.

"I have input my consciousness information into this scanner. As long as it is connected to an external computer, a part of my consciousness can be separated and enter the network. It will not be as dangerous as before. If this consciousness is discovered and cleared by the anti-virus software, I will get a headache and become weak, but it will not cause any fundamental damage." Cui Heyu explained.

Without anyone knowing, Cui Heyu had grown up in his own way.

He scanned his irises, and his consciousness entered the network and began to collect information frantically.

Liang Xian looked at Cui Heyu and suddenly remembered the virus consciousness that had invaded his body. This consciousness seemed to be able to separate a part of consciousness, and... after biting someone, it would invade the brain of the infected person, copy its own information, and devour the consciousness of others.

Different from Cui and Yu's methods, but similar and essentially the same.

Qiao Zhixue didn't expect that Cui Heyu had quietly come up with such a thing during this period of time. He looked at the iris scanner thoughtfully.

Cui Heyu didn't know what others were thinking, he suddenly said: "I found something!"

Qiao Zhixue immediately asked, "Is your separated consciousness still connected to your original body?"

"Of course," Cui Heyu said as if he was not surprised. "It should be quantum entanglement. Consciousness is originally a group of electrons that are constantly entangled. I separated a part of them. They should also be entangled with the brain consciousness. The information obtained is synchronized."

Everyone: “…”

"What's wrong?" Cui Heyu looked at everyone's expressions.

"In other words," Liang Xian picked up the iris scanner, "you put part of your consciousness into this computer, and we take the computer into the 'void', and we can contact the real world at any time through you, right?"

"Well, it seems so!" Cui Heyu looked dazed, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Qiao Zhixue snatched the scanner from Liang Xian: "There is another way. If your scanner can allow part of other people's consciousness to remain in the computer, then the quantum entanglement problem we have always wanted to solve will be solved. With this thing, the superpower team can still communicate with each other even if they enter another world."

"It seems so!" Cui Heyu suddenly realized.

"If Liang Xian can turn the method of transforming into an energy body into a theory and pass it on to everyone, and you use this method to form quantum entanglement, then anyone of us who enters the 'void' can come out immediately in the future?" Qiao Zhixue said, "There is no need to take any risks. As long as we put the computer near the entry point when we enter, we can rush to the teleportation point and leave. There is no need to take risks and waste several hours looking for the teleportation point like we do now!"

"Really?" Cui Heyu's eyes almost popped out. "But how can we scan other people's information into the computer? I can program my own consciousness information, but I don't know about others'."

Qiu Qizheng felt that this usually smart child seemed to be dumbfounded by the surprise, and sighed: "Don't you still have me? I will share your abilities, so you can use my power to read other people's consciousness information and store part of their consciousness or even just a thought into the computer?"

"Yes!" Cui Heyu hugged Qiu Qizhen and jumped up happily.

The problem that everyone was worried about was actually solved because of Cui Heyu's ability.

"What's the point of getting so many twins!" Qiao Zhixue said.

Speaking of the twins, they are quite unlucky. They had originally planned to enter the "Void" with the superpower team, but the plan was shelved due to the subway incident, so they have not entered yet. Now they are no longer needed!

When everyone was very excited, only Tan Yan calmly asked: "What information did you find on the Internet? Have you found the missing person?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Cui said that he originally thought his ability was useless, but who knew it would be so useful! He really has to thank the country and the party!

La la la, that's all for today, see you tomorrow~