I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 12: A small one just left and a big one came


Jiang Beiran, who learned from the pain, analyzed the task again, and found that the time when he was most likely to complete the task should be when Wang Yu'an came to him for the first time. If he hadn't been so naive at that time, thinking that teaching two tricks to pick up girls would be enough to handle him , you should do what you like with Lin Jiuge and put forward the most suitable conditions.

In addition, Jiang Beiran found that he still overestimated the lower limit of a cultivator in this world. He could kill his fellow disciples just for the sake of chasing girls. Different.

Of course, apart from these reasons after the fact, Jiang Beiran's deepest insight is...

Cherish life and stay away from beautiful junior sisters!

He never wanted to encounter this kind of option that was the simplest and also a mid-level yellow grade. Wouldn't it be nice to accumulate attributes slowly!

Putting away his memories, Jiang Beiran stepped forward and walked into Lan Xinxuan.

At night, Shuijingtang, beside Fuxian Lake.

A melodious sound of the pipa came from the water surface. The sound was rough and deep for a while, mellow, fluent and crisp for a while, and extremely sad and resentful for a while. However, the combination of these sounds seemed so harmonious.

"Who dares to make my jin'er feel wronged?"

Seeing the visitor, Liu Zijin quickly put down his pipa, got up and saluted, "Guardian Yu."

In the darkness, Yu Manwen nodded: "Jin'er, you are getting better and better at playing the pipa now, but because you play it so well, it is easier for people to hear your little pipa from the pipa sound." Mind, tell me, who dares to bully my most lovely disciple of Shuijingtang."

After hearing this, Liu Zijin shook his head quickly, and replied softly, "No... no one bullied Jin'er."

After hearing this, Yu Manwen said in a very sad tone: "Ah~ Xiao Jin'er has grown up after all, so don't tell me what's on your mind."

"I didn't! Guardian, no one really bullies me, it's just..."

"Just what?" Yu Manwen took advantage of the situation and asked.

"It's just that I met someone who my disciples care about more."

"Oh? Who is it?" Yu Manwen suddenly became interested.

"Oh! I... I remembered that I haven't done my homework today. Goodbye, protector!" After finishing speaking, Liu Zijin picked up the pipe and ran away as if fleeing.

Seeing Liu Zijin quickly disappear into the darkness, the corners of Yu Manwen's mouth curled up slightly, curious about the person she cared about.

'Well... Although as the protector in the hall, I shouldn't interfere too much with the little secrets in the disciples' hearts, but I'm afraid that our cute little disciples in the hall will be deceived, so I should check it out. '

The next day, Yu Manwen quickly asked about Liu Zijin's visit to Lanxintang yesterday, and learned of Jiang Beiran's name through Fang Qiuyao's mouth.

"Jiang Beiran..." After reciting the name softly, Yu Manwen showed a trace of doubt, "I have no impression at all. '

She had thought that those elite disciples in the sect who had become famous at a young age would make Zijin care so much, but she really had no impression of Jiang Beiran.

Out of curiosity, Yu Manwen found the Law Enforcement Hall, which was in charge of managing the files of his disciples.

"Guardian Yu? What brought you here today?" In the law enforcement hall, a short man looked at Yu Manwen and greeted him.

"Old Lu, you are on duty today? That's easy to say, I'll transfer a disciple's file."

"No problem, tell me, which disciple invited Yu Law Enforcement to investigate in person, and I will find it for you right away."

"That disciple is called Jiang Beiran."

"Jiang Beiran?" Lu Kangping's expression was obviously taken aback.

"Do you know Lao Lu?" Seeing Lu Kangping seemed very surprised, Yu Manwen asked.

"I know, but I don't know each other. It's just that Protector Xu also came to me to transfer the file of this disciple."

"Xu Wenjing from Moyutang?"

"That's right." Lu Kangping nodded, "I remember it was probably last year, and he also came here to check Jiang Beiran's files."

'It's kind of interesting...' Now Yu Manwen's curiosity became even stronger, and he urged repeatedly: "Then Lao Lu, quickly show me this disciple's file."

"Okay, wait a moment." After Lu Kangping finished speaking, he turned and entered the archives room.

About ten minutes later, Lu Kangping came out with Jiang Beiran's file and handed it to Yu Manwen.

After thanking him, Yu Manwen opened Jiang Beiran's file and began to read it carefully.

'This is too...'

After reading all the information on the file, Yu Manwen found that Jiang Beiran was not even an ordinary disciple, but had been a registered disciple for five full years. How unmotivated he must be.

But there is another special shining point in this file, that is, Jiang Beiran has never failed the trial task when he was serving as the iron seal for the new disciple in the past five years.

Although there are quite a few iron seals in the sect that can do this, after all, it is not too difficult for new disciples to go down the mountain to test, only occasionally when there are relatively big changes, the ability of iron seals needs to be tested.

Therefore, it is not difficult for a powerful iron seal to never fail, but Jiang Beiran, a registered disciple of the "crane tail", can do it...

'It's also strange... It stands to reason that Zhang Zhang is not so confused, so such an interesting little guy let him be a registered disciple? '

Seeing Yu Manwen's constantly changing expression, Lu Kangping smiled and said, "At that time, Hufa Xu was also full of doubts when he read his file, so I was particularly impressed with Jiang Beiran."

'Did Xu Wenjing take the lead? '

When the file was about to be returned to Lu Kangping, Yu Manwen waved his hand and said, "Thank you, Lao Lu, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

After speaking, he left the law enforcement hall.

Looking at Jiang Beiran's file in his hand, Lu Kangping smiled and shook his head, sighing that the reaction of the protector was exactly the same as that of protector Xu.

'Hey, the harvest is not good today, and the option has only been triggered 5 times. It seems that I have to find a time to go down the mountain for a trial. The wool of Guixinzong is not easy to squeeze. '

In the evening, Jiang Beiran returned to the Lanxin Hall after completing the "daily mountain tour", but as soon as he walked to his hut, he saw a well-mannered lady standing at the door.

'How come a small one just came, and a big one came... These two days are too lively. '

Quietly took two steps back, Jiang Beiran just thought that he had never been back, when he heard a long and melodious voice shouting: "Jiang Beiran, where are you going?"

Jiang Beiran stopped when he heard it, turned around and saluted and said, "The disciple suddenly figured out how to solve an endgame, so he wants to go back to the chess hall."

"Really? Why do I think you want to run away after seeing me?" Yu Manwen walked towards Jiang Beiran while talking.

"How come, you misunderstood." Jiang Beiran smiled and saluted again.

"You don't even blush when you tell a lie. Your mental quality is pretty good." After speaking, Yu Manwen asked with a smile, "Do you know who I am?"