I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 16: Natural beauty is hard to give up


Because of the joining of various second generations, Guixin Sect's new disciples are never short of thorns, and scoring is the weapon that the sect bestows on them with iron seals to restrict them.

After the iron seal helps the new disciple pass the trial task, you can rate the new disciple's performance in this trial. Performance in trials was poor.

However, due to fear of retaliation for giving a low score, or some iron seals will use the score to threaten the trial disciples, etc., sometimes the score cannot be fully trusted.

But if someone who has a good reputation in the sect and the iron seal with a good reputation on the corolla gives a certain disciple a low score, then according to the reason for the low score given by the iron seal, the disciple will be at least as good as his master and The impression points in the hearts of the high-level people in the hall will drop, and they will be punished by the sect if they are serious.

The iron seals who dare to give low scores are either relatively strong in their own strength, or the background is relatively strong.

The Zongmen also rewards such iron seals that are not afraid of revenge and dare to give low scores. First of all, this type of iron seal will leave a good impression of justice and courage in the hearts of the sect's high-level leaders, because these iron seals The job is tantamount to finding out the black sheep lurking within the sect.

The second reason is that the sect will give such iron seals a certain amount of resources to encourage their behavior.

Of course, the trial disciples can also go to the law enforcement hall to complain about the unfair scores given by Iron Seal. Afterwards, there will be a follow-up investigation by Huaguan who is in charge of this matter. If you give a low score for other reasons, then the iron seal will be severely punished by the Law Enforcement Hall.

On the contrary, if it turns out that the trial disciple is sophistry, then the trial disciple will be punished more severely than originally, and may even be directly expelled from the sect.

For hundreds of years, Guixin Sect has been using this set of rules among new disciples. Although there are still many loopholes in it, it is still very fair and effective in most cases.

Hearing Jiang Beiran's evaluation of Fenliwei at the beginning, Fang Qiuyao immediately refused to accept it: "Why do you still restrict our freedom to wear clothes! Does this have something to do with the task itself?"

Jiang Beiran glanced at Fang Qiuyao, raised a finger expressionlessly and said: "First point, if you want to speak in the future, you must call for a report, and you can only speak with my consent, otherwise, you will be deducted a point of evaluation points."

"Second point, clothing is of course related to the mission. We go down the mountain to perform the mission, not to travel around. Blending into the crowd and keeping a low profile is the biggest criterion for us to do things. Do you understand?"

Fang Qiuyao curled her lips after hearing this, and muttered in a low voice: "Hmph, isn't it just cowardly, it sounds so nice."

Although she was ten thousand dissatisfied in her heart, Fang Qiuyao didn't dare to slap her ass and leave. After all, Jiang Beiran was personally invited by their guardian to serve as their iron seal, so she would be very sure of his evaluation. She didn't want to just After completing the first trial task, he left a bad impression on the second in command in the hall.

"Excuse me, can I only choose coarse cloth or linen?" At this moment, Liu Zijin asked suddenly.

Jiang Beiran frowned after hearing this, and said, "I said just now, you have to call for a report before speaking, don't you understand? You will be deducted one evaluation point, and two points will be deducted next time if you can't remember it."

Listening to Jiang Beiran's angry reprimand, Liu Zijin felt her heart beat faster than when she was rejected last time.

'Is this... is this what it feels like to be reprimanded? My father has never trained me like this since I was a child, this feeling... so special. '

"Hey! My temper!"

Seeing Liu Zijin being yelled at, Fang Qiuyao couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to curse back but was pulled back by Liu Zijin.

"Qiu Yao, don't do this, it's indeed my fault."

"But he...!"

Before Fang Qiuyao could say anything, Liu Zijin shook his head at her: "Stop talking."

"Okay..." Fang Qiuyao agreed with her lips pouted.

After appeasing Fang Qiuyao, Liu Zijin looked at Jiang Beiran again and shouted, "Report!"

"Say." Jiang Beiran responded.

"Excuse me, can I only choose coarse cloth or linen clothes? I don't have clothes made of these two materials, and I don't really want to borrow others' clothes..."

Jiang Beiran shook his head, "No, as I said just now, blending into the crowd is the biggest criterion for us to act, and most of the common people at the foot of the mountain can only wear coarse linen clothes, if we wear too expensive clothes, it will easily attract others' attention, so to speak Can you understand?"

"Yes, I see."

"Report! (Report!) (Report!)"

As soon as Liu Zijin finished speaking, the three sisters of the Yu family next to her shouted in unison.


"Any style of sackcloth will do?"

"Do you want to wear straw sandals?"

"Do you want to wear a straw hat?"

After listening to the three sisters' barrage of questions, Jiang Beiran replied: "Next time, ask one by one." Then he replied in turn: "I wear the most common style of clothes. As for the shoes and hats, I will make arrangements. You go first." Complete the first order."

"Yes! Understood."

"Are there any other questions?" Jiang Beiran glanced at the five people, and seeing no one answered, he said, "Since there is no problem, let's execute it quickly."


Watching the five junior sisters turn and leave, Jiang Beiran sighed softly.

Generally speaking, he is not so strict when he is an iron seal, but now is an extraordinary period, and there are five "time bombs" around him, which makes him have to strictly implement militarized management, otherwise any one will cause trouble It's all big trouble.

After waiting on the spot for about twenty minutes, the five girls walked back to Jiang Beiran at the same time, and all changed into the black linen uniforms issued by the Law Enforcement Hall.

'Damn it... Is this the so-called natural beauty that is hard to give up! ? '

Jiang Beiran's mentality collapsed. He found that even though the five girls were dressed in the most common sackcloth, it still did not affect their peerless looks at all, and even added a bit of fascinating temptation, which made Jiang Beiran I just wanted to yell 'I can't handle this job! '

After vomiting blood in his heart for three liters, Jiang Bei suddenly cheered up and began to think about the next thing.

First of all, he can basically be sure that the five junior sisters in front of him are all young ladies who don't know the sufferings of the world, because in this chaotic Xuanlong Continent, most people can't even eat enough, and only those with power can afford it. From silk and satin.

And the five in front of them obviously have rich or powerful families, otherwise how could they not even have a coarse linen in their luggage.

In addition, from their expressions, it can be seen that they are not used to wearing this kind of rough clothes, and all of them are frowning.

'Hey... this team is really hard to lead. '