I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 27: I really can't remember what they looked like


Taking the broom and sweeping the ashes on the floor, the big man made a gesture of invitation to Mr. Chen and said, "Mr. Chen, please, what are you ordering today? Our shopkeeper just opened a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus brewing..."

The big guy was about to continue the introduction, but he saw Mr. Chen waved to him and said, "I won't drink today, I'm here to ask you something."

"Hey! Master Chen, tell me, the young one must know everything."

"Find me an unoccupied box first."

"Okay, please follow me."

Taking Mr. Chen to the best Tianzi box in the inn, the clerk wiped the table and said, "Mr. Chen, are you satisfied with this?"

As soon as the big man finished speaking, he saw Master Chen pull out the knife from his waist and put it on his neck.

This frightened the big guy, and he kept shouting: "Master Chen, please forgive me, Mr. Chen, please forgive me, the little one..."

"Shut up!" Master Chen shouted impatiently.

The big guy quickly closed his mouth when he heard this, but his legs were trembling uncontrollably.

"The next thing I want to ask you is not allowed to spread. If a third person finds out... you understand what will happen, right?"

"I understand, I understand!" The big man nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, let me ask you, have any sect people with outstanding temperament stayed in your hotel recently?"

The big guy shook his head after listening for a while and said: "There are not many guests staying in the hotel in the past few days, and there should be no Zongmen people."

"What do you mean should not be!? Are you entertaining your grandpa?" Master Chen stared, and the knife in his hand stuck a little bit to the big man's neck.

This made the crotch of the big man's scare wet, and he said repeatedly: "Really not! Really not! Among the guests staying in the hotel these two days, except for a few young masters from Dongshao Mansion, they are all wearing coarse linen clothes Ordinary people."

"Okay, now go and call all your guys, I have something to ask them."

"Yes, yes, I will go right away."

After finishing speaking, the big guy ran out of the box, came to the hall and yelled: "Mazi, Xiaoliu, Shitou, come here, come here quickly."

The guys in the waiting hall first apologized to the guests when they heard it, and then ran to the big guys and asked, "What's wrong, Big Brother Liu?"

"Now put down what you are doing and come with me."

"Huh? Let's all go? What about the business in the store?"

"Oh, I can't take care of it, come here quickly."

Although the three juniors were at a loss, they still kept up with the big guy.

When they came to the box of Tianzihao, when they saw Mr. Chen inside, they understood what was going on, and immediately bowed and shouted: "Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Stand over here." Mr. Chen said, glaring at them.

Seeing the long back knife pulled out from Master Chen's hand, the three young men were terrified, and their feet were a little disobedient.

"What? Do you want me to say it a second time?" Master Chen said with a glare at them.

At this time, the big guy hurriedly kicked the three little girls and said, "Hurry up!"

The three mistresses staggered to the front of Mr. Chen, and before he could speak, the three mistresses knelt down and kowtowed together: "Master Chen, please forgive me, please forgive me, we really have nothing. do it… "

"Shut up! Stand up!"

After hearing this, the three mistresses stood up quickly.

After threatening the three mistresses in the same way, Master Chen asked, "Describe to me the appearance of the guests you have received these days."

After listening to the three guys, they began to describe the guests they received. When they heard that the other party was a woman wearing a straw hat, Master Chen would ask carefully.

After Mazi finished answering, Shi Shi immediately answered, "I... I only received six guests yesterday, and they all wore straw hats."

Upon hearing this, Master Chen immediately asked, "Tell me about their physical characteristics."

"Yes... yes." After Shitou finished speaking, he began to recall, but found that the impression of the six guests was extremely vague in his mind, and he couldn't remember what they were wearing no matter how much he thought about it.

"What are you thinking, talk!"

Hearing Master Chen's roar, Shi Shi hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Little one... I really can't remember what they look like."

After speaking, Shitou tensed up all over, fearing that he would be severely beaten soon.

Unexpectedly, Master Chen didn't kick him, but frowned and said: "The guests who came yesterday, you can't remember what they are like today?"

Shi Shi quickly slapped himself and said, "Damn the small ones, it's useless to be small, but I really can't remember what those guest officials looked like."

Feeling that he had found his target, Mr. Chen suddenly kicked Shi Shi in the stomach, and shouted violently: "Think seriously! Tell me what you think of, or I will kick you to death!"

At this moment, Shi Shi was in pain and anxiety, and was sweating profusely trying to remember, and finally his eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted: "Then... that master rewarded me with five dollars."

Master Chen stretched out his hand and said, "Where's the money?"

"It's here, it's here." Enduring the pain, Shito took out five copper coins from his arms and handed them to Master Chen.

"Are you sure it's these five?" Master Chen asked looking at the copper plate in Stone's hand.

"I'm sure, because it's rare to get a reward from my master, so I plan to hide it as protection money, and hide it in the innermost part."

Nodding, Master Chen took the five copper plates from Shi Shi's hand and studied them carefully for a while.

'Duanping Ruixiang...'

Looking at the four characters engraved on the copper coin, feeling the weight of the copper coin again, Mr. Chen stroked his chin and thought, "Is it the three treasures in Huainan area..."

The main value of currency lies in its credit value. For example, the cost of a modern one-hundred-yuan bill may only be a few cents, but because of the reputation of the renminbi, the paper money made with a few cents can be used as one hundred yuan.

However, there is no unified official currency exchange system on the Xuanlong Continent, so it is difficult to guarantee the purchasing power of the currency, that is, the reputation value of the currency is almost equal to zero, which makes the face value of the copper coin almost equal to its material value.

Because there is a lack of precious metals on the Xuanlong Continent, even copper is scarce, so there are almost no coins made of pure copper, and most of them are mixed with lead, which is low in value and heavy in weight, and it will make the copper coins made Dull and matte material.

Coins are not only made by the government, there are quite a lot of privately minted coins, so depending on the texture of copper coins, you can find out which area it is circulating in, and even where it flows out of.

After pinching and pinching the five copper coins, Mr. Chen wondered if he had heard of any masters from the Huainan area sect recently.

Finally, he stopped to recall and asked Shi Shi: "Are these six customers still living in the store?"

"Already checked out, leaving in the morning."

"Is there anything else you haven't thought of?" Master Chen snapped again.

"It's really gone, Mr. Chen, I really can't remember what those guest officials were like at all, and I dare not deceive Mr. Chen with nonsense. I really can't remember."

"Forgive me, you dare not hide it from me!" Master Chen said and threw five copper coins in front of the stone, then turned and walked to the door of the box.

Before going out, he looked back at the guys and said, "Let me know which of you dare to tell what happened today..."

"Don't dare, dare not, dare not..." The three said in succession.

"It's better like this!" After saying that, Master Chen opened the door of the box and left.

When the sound of Master Chen's footsteps gradually disappeared into the distance, the four guys let out a long breath, and thought with aggrieved faces, "What is this?"