I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 63: The lure of perch


"Xiao Beiran, Xiao Beiran, what are we playing today?"

In the Garden of Mirrors, Shi Fenglan rushed into the flowerbed and shouted at Jiang Beiran who was watering the flowers.

Lifting the kettle, Jiang Beiran looked at Shi Fenglan and asked, "Is Master Shi interested in fishing?"

"Fishing? No, what's the point of sitting there motionless." Shi Fenglan shook her head for a while, "I want to play Pai Gow! Or punching is also fine."

After getting along for a week, Jiang Beiran found that Shi Fenglan was really an interesting "big kid". He would frown every time he drank, but he always clamored for a drink.

Holding an agate-mouthed huanghuali bong all day long, the pouch contains Weng Huafen. Although the taste is similar to tobacco, it is actually not addictive.

The gambling skills are obviously in a mess, but they clamor to gamble every day.

She looks like a rebellious girl who wants to blend into the "adult" world.

"Xiaoduo, is there any fish in the kitchen?" Jiang Beiran looked not far away and shouted.

"Ah?" Xiaoduo was taken aback for a moment, then thought for a while and replied, "Yes, there are several bass in the water tank."

"Okay, take me to the kitchen."

"Huh? Xiao Beiran, you can cook?" Shi Fenglan asked curiously.

"Yes, do you want to try it?"

"Yes, yes, let's go."

Shi Fenglan said while pushing Jiang Beiran towards the kitchen, looking impatient.

The three of them came to the backyard, asked Xiaoduo to dismiss the handymen and cooks, and then Jiang Beiran walked into the kitchen.

Coming to the stove, Jiang Beiran first took out a set of knives of different shapes from the Qiankun Ring, and then took out seven porcelain bottles of different colors.

The curious Shi Fenglan immediately came up and asked, "What's in this bottle?"

"You can open it and smell it." Jiang Beiran, who was lighting a fire, said back.

Naturally, Shi Fenglan would not be polite, so she picked up a blue porcelain bottle, opened it, and took a sip.

"Wow~ It smells delicious." Shi Fenglan said and then showed it to Xiaoduo, "Smell it."

After hearing this, Xiaoduo immediately came up to smell it, and showed a surprised look: "I've never smelled this kind of spice before, Brother Jiang, what is this?"

Jiang Beiran smiled slightly: "The secret recipe."

Then when all the preparations were done, Jiang Beiran fished out a perch weighing about two catties from the tank.

Putting it on the chopping board, Jiang Beiran took out a Santoku knife and began to process the fish body, as well as preparations such as onion, ginger and garlic.

"Da da da da da da da..."

Seeing Jiang Beiran disembowel the fish in an instant and cut all the accessories into fine pieces, Shi Fenglan and Xiaoduo who were watching couldn't help exclaiming "Wow".

Immediately after heating up the pan, pouring oil, adding green onion, ginger, garlic, fragrant leaves, and Jiang Beiran's own secret sauce, a tempting aroma immediately wafted out of the pan.

"Gudu..." Shi Fenglan and Xiaoduo swallowed at the same time, obviously they were not very hungry just now, but now they felt their stomachs growling.

After a cup of tea, Jiang Beiran's secret stewed sea bass came out of the pan, sprinkled with a little chopped green onion on the plate, and Shi Fenglan immediately picked up the chopsticks and kept asking: "Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat?"

"Well, try it."

With a cheer, Shi Fenglan stretched out her chopsticks and slammed a piece of fish maw into her mouth.

"Uh~ hoooooooo..."

Fried until the crispy skin, the fragrant and hot fish exploded with incomparable deliciousness, and the delicious smell of the fish sealed by the hot oil instantly filled Shi Fenglan's entire mouth.

Without saying a word, Shi Fenglan picked it up with another chopstick.

Seeing how delicious the hall master's food was, Xiaoduo couldn't help but put a piece of meat near the tail of the fish to her mouth.


After cooling the fish slightly, Xiaoduo put it into her mouth.

In the next second, Xiaoduo's eyes widened, this was a brand new delicacy she had never experienced before.

Xiaoduo, whose brain was instantly occupied by the words "too delicious", wanted to pick up another piece, but found that there was only one head left on the plate, which was more than two catties, which was still a bit meaty.

"Master Shi, don't eat the bones too." Jiang Beiran dissuaded him.

"It's okay, this bone can't hurt me, and this bone is also fragrant."

"Then you should save some for Xiaoduo."

"Oh..." Shi Fenglan looked at Xiaoduo apologetically, "It's so delicious, I didn't pay attention..."

After hearing this, Xiaoduo quickly waved her hands and said, "I don't mind, Hall Master, you can just eat."

But looking at the plate with only fish heads left, Shi Fenglan had no choice but to bite her chopsticks and said to Jiang Beiran: "Xiao Beiran~ Let's make one more... no, two!"

Seeing that the plan was successful, Jiang Beiran, who was already cleaning the knives, replied: "The fish just caught in the river is more delicious. How about it? Do you want to go fishing now?"

"Okay, go fishing! Today we will go fishing!"

As soon as Shi Fenglan finished speaking, she heard Yu Manwen's crisp voice at the door.

"Wow, it smells so delicious, what are you doing delicious?"

Seeing Yu Manwen coming in, Shi Fenglan hurried up, "It's the perch made by Xiao Beiran, it's delicious! Now we're going to go fishing, Manwen, would you like to come with me?"

Yu Manwen was slightly taken aback after hearing this.

'Fishing...? My hall master, who would make a fuss after sitting on a chair for more than five seconds, actually wanted to go fishing? '

At this moment, Jiang Beiran, who had put all the spices and props into the Qiankun Ring, looked at Yu Manwen and said, "Do you want to go together?"

"I would like to, but I have something to do this afternoon." After she finished speaking, she waved to Jiang Beiran and said, "Come on, come out with me, I'll show you something nice."

"Okay." Jiang Beiran wiped his hands, and said to Shi Fenglan and Xiaoduo: "Then you wait for me for a while."

Walking out of the kitchen, Yu Manwen took out a square box from the Qiankun Ring and said to Jiang Beiran, "This contains the seeds of peacock grass. I think you should like it."

"Peacock grass?" Jiang Beiran's expression couldn't help shaking.

Although this peacock grass is not as precious as the baby soul fruit, due to its high requirements on the growth environment, the number is getting smaller and smaller, and it is quite difficult to obtain it now.

"Well, it took me a lot of effort to get it, is it enough as compensation?"

"That's enough, thank you, Protector Yu." Jiang Beiran, who was holding the box, smiled all over his face.

He has two elixir formulas that cannot be refined because of the lack of peacock grass. Now this "compensation" can be said to make him very satisfied.

Seeing Jiang Beiran's bright eyes, Yu Manwen not only breathed a sigh of relief, but also suddenly understood a truth, that is, everyone has their own way, and imposing the way that one understands on others will only lead to harm. It backfired.

After relaxing, Yu Manwen first glanced at the kitchen, then at Jiang Beiran and asked, "I also want to eat the sea bass you cooked."

"No problem, I'll make it for you when I come back tonight, big ones!"