I Know Everything

Chapter 1: A bowl of Yangchun noodles (Shen Huan version)


(The original author's "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" is a good product, but it does not conform to the domestic environment and living habits.

In order to make readers read more smoothly, this version has been specially rewritten to fit the characters in the book.

Every word was written by the scholar, and not a single word was copied or pasted. This is the only way to express respect for the original author.

Thank you for writing such a heart-warming story, I hope you all will like it. )



For small noodle shops, the busiest time of the year is New Year’s Eve.

On New Year's Eve in 2001, Shui Qingshan and his wife, the owners of the small noodle shop at No. 2 Mingde Lane, LA City, were also very busy from morning to night.

Xiao Qianyu, who was just born, was carried on her back by her mother and watched her mother busy all day.

On weekdays, the street would be very busy even at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. However, after 7 o'clock tonight, it became very quiet. The usual endless flow of customers in the small noodle shop seemed to have suddenly disappeared at this time. This is probably because Yan Wan is about to start!

Just when the last customer left the door and was about to close, the store door was gently pushed open.

A woman came in with two children. Two boys, about five and nine years old, were wearing brand new sportswear. But the woman is wearing a short coat that is not suitable for this cold season.

The proprietress Xia He walked up to us and said, "Welcome!"

The woman asked timidly, "Um... Yangchun noodles... a bowl... okay?"

"Okay, please, please sit here." Xia He, the proprietress, said, and she politely led the mother and son to table No. 2, which was near the heater, and shouted into the counter: "A bowl of Yangchun noodles!"

The boss Shui Qingshan heard the shouting, glanced up at the three of them, and responded: "Okay~~A bowl of Yangchun noodles~~"

The noodles that have been prepared long ago on the chopping board are piled up like hills, and each pile is for one person.

Shui Qingshan grabbed a pile of noodles, then added half a pile and put them into the pot together.

Xia He, who was standing, saw this scene and immediately realized that this was an extra gift from her husband to the mother and son.

Soon, the hot and fragrant Yangchun noodles were placed on the table. The mother and son took the small bowls Xia He had prepared for them and started eating them almost head-to-head.

"It's so delicious." My brother said.

"Mom, you eat too!" The younger brother picked up a chopstick of noodles and put it in his mother's mouth.

The boss and his wife looked at it, and my mother's eyes seemed a little red.

After a while, when the noodles were finished, my mother took out 2 yuan from her bag and handed it to the proprietress Xia He.

"Thank you for your hospitality." The mother and son nodded their thanks together and left the store.

"Thank you and wish you a good New Year!" The boss and his wife also replied with a smile.

After the New Year, the small noodle shop was still busy every day. The year passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve again.

Just like every New Year's Eve, a busy day was coming to an end. After ten o'clock in the evening, when the boss and his wife were about to close the shop, the store door was opened again.

A woman came in with two boys.

When the proprietress Xia He saw the short coat on the woman that was not suitable for this cold season, she remembered the three last customers from last year's New Year's Eve.

"Hmm... a bowl of Yangchun noodles... okay?"

"Please, please sit inside." Xia He nodded and brought them to the same table No. 2 as last year, "A bowl of Yangchun noodles~~"

"Okay~a bowl of Yangchun noodles~~" Shui Qingshan replied, and rekindled the extinguished fire.

"Hey, father, can you give them three bowls?" Xia He quietly came to her husband's side and said in his ear.

"No, no." Shui Qingshan glared at her, "If they do this, they will be very embarrassed."

While talking, Shui Qingshan grabbed another half portion of noodles and put them into the pot.

After a while, a bowl of Yangchun noodles was placed on the table. The mother and son were eating and talking, and the proprietress at the counter could hear their voices.


“It would be great if we can come and eat next year!”

After eating and paying 2 yuan, the mother and son politely said goodbye to the boss and the wife.

"Thank you and wish you a good New Year!" Xia He shouted to their backs.

On this day, I was sent away by these words that have been said dozens or even hundreds of times.

As the business of the small noodle shop is booming, the New Year's Eve of the third year has come again.

Starting at half past nine, although neither Shui Qingshan nor Xia He said anything, they both seemed a little uneasy.

Shui Qianyu, who was over four years old, also stayed in the shop, waiting for her parents to close the shop before they could rest together in the backyard.

Since the second half of last year, Xiao Qianyu has often helped with some tasks within his ability, such as sweeping the floor and so on, and is very popular among customers.

Just after ten o'clock, the helpful aunts went home. The boss and his wife immediately turned over all the price tags of various noodles hanging on the wall, leaving only the "Yangchun Noodles 3 yuan" sign, and put it away. He took it off and replaced it with last year's "Yangchun Noodles 2 Pieces" sign.

Well, last year due to the rise in prices, the price of Yangchun noodles also increased.

On table No. 2, Xia He had put a "reservation seat" sign 30 minutes ago.

Xiao Qianyu didn't understand this and didn't ask any more questions.

At 10:30, the last table of guests had left for a long time, but the boss and his wife were still waiting, waiting for the person they cared about.

"Dad, Mom, are we going home?" Shui Qianyu couldn't even open his eyes.

"Oh, how about you take the child back to sleep first? I'll wait a moment." Shui Qingshan said to Xia He.

"That's it..."

Xia He was about to agree, when suddenly the door was gently pushed open from the outside.

It's those three familiar people again.

Here they come!

The elder brother is wearing a middle school uniform this year, and the younger brother is wearing the slightly larger old clothes that the elder brother wore last year.

In just one year, the two brothers have grown up and are a little unrecognizable.

But fortunately, my mother has not changed much. She is still wearing the short coat that is not suitable for this cold season.

"Welcome!" A smile appeared on Xia He's face.

"Hmm... two bowls of Yangchun noodles... okay?" the woman asked timidly.

Perhaps because her two children are older this year, she feels a little embarrassed even if she orders two bowls.

"Okay, please, please sit here!"

The proprietress walked in front, blocking their view, and put the "Reservation Seat" sign on the table into her apron pocket as if nothing had happened.

Then she shouted to the counter, "Two bowls of Yangchun noodles!"

"Okay~~Two bowls of Yangchun noodles~~" Shui Qingshan replied in a loud voice.

He easily put the Yangchun noodles for three people into the pot.

The mother and son ate two bowls of Yangchun noodles, talking and laughing.

"Eldest son, Chun'er, today, as a mother, I want to say thank you to you."

"Thank you? To us... why?"

"It's really... because your father died in a traffic accident and owed money to eight people during his lifetime. I paid off all the debts with the pension, and I repaid the rest in monthly installments."

"We all know this."

The boss and his wife were at the counter, motionless, listening attentively.

At this time, Xiao Qianyu was lying on the table outside and fell asleep sweetly.

"The remaining debt was originally expected to be paid off by March next year. But in fact, it has been completely paid off today!"

"Ah, really? Mom!"

"It's true. My eldest son delivers milk every morning to earn money to support me, and Chun'er buys vegetables and cooks meals every day to help me, so I can work with peace of mind. Because I work hard, I received a special allowance from the company, so I will pay them all back today. Debt cleared.”

"Great! Mom, brother, from now on, it's up to me to cook every day!"

"I will continue to deliver milk. Brother, let's work hard with mom!"

"Thank you... Thank you so much... Thank you..." My mother was already crying.

"My brother and I also hid something from my mother, and I can tell you today. On a Sunday in November, I went to my brother's school to attend a parent-teacher meeting. In fact, at that time, my brother had already hidden a letter from the teacher to his mother... Written by his brother If the composition is selected as a representative of Zhejiang Province, it will be able to participate in the national composition competition. Because of this, on the day of the parent-teacher meeting, the teacher asked the younger brother to recite the composition by himself.

If the teacher's letter is shown to my mother, she will definitely ask for leave from the company to listen to my brother recite the composition. Therefore, the younger brother did not give the letter to his mother. I heard about this from my brother’s friend. So, on the day of the parent-teacher meeting, I went. "

"Oh, so that's what happened... What happened next?"

"The title of the teacher's essay was, "What kind of person do you want to be in the future?" and the title of my brother's essay was "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles." As soon as I heard the title, I knew it was about a small noodle shop. My brother, How could I write about such an embarrassing thing? I thought a little embarrassed at the time.

The specific content of the composition is: My father died in a traffic accident, leaving behind a large debt. My mother worked hard from morning to night in the media, and I went to deliver milk all over the city... These brothers wrote all about it.

He went on to write: On the night of New Year's Eve, the mother and son had a bowl of Yangchun noodles, which was very delicious... Although the three of us only bought a bowl of Yangchun noodles, the uncles and aunts at the small noodle shop still treated us warmly. We, thank you and wish us a good year.

Hearing this voice, the younger brother couldn't help shouting in his heart, 'Can't fail! keep it up! Live well! 'Therefore, when my brother grows up and wants to open a noodle shop that is number one in the country, he must also say to his customers, 'Work hard, I wish you happiness, thank you! '...My younger brother read the essay aloud..."

At this time, Shui Qingshan and Xia He who were listening attentively to the conversation between mother and son at the counter disappeared.

Deep inside the counter, I saw the two of them squatting face to face, each holding a towel, wiping the tears that kept coming out of their eyes.

"After reading the essay, I honestly said, 'Today Xiaochun's brother came to our parent-teacher meeting instead of his mother, and now we invite him to come up and say a few words... '

"Because I was suddenly called up to talk, I couldn't say anything at first. Finally I had the courage to say: 'You have always been very close to my brother. Here, I would like to thank you. My brother needs to cook for us every day. I had to rush home as soon as possible, so I had to give up all extracurricular activities at school. As an older brother, I felt very embarrassed.

Just now, when I started reading "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" by my younger brother, I felt very embarrassed. But when I saw my brother excitedly reading aloud, I felt even more ashamed. At this time, I thought that I must never forget my mother’s courage to buy a bowl of Yangchun noodles.

Brothers, let us work together to protect our mother! From now on, please everyone become good friends with my brother. '... That's all I said. "

My brother's words stopped.

The mother and son were quiet, holding each other's hands and saying nothing.

But then, they laughed happily again, completely different from last year.

"Thanks for the hospitality!"

After a while, the mother and son bowed their heads deeply, thanked them, and walked out of the store.

"Thank you, I wish you a good year!" Shui Qingshan and Xia He blessed them loudly together and watched them go away...

Another year’s New Year’s Eve is here.

In the small noodle shop, after nine o'clock in the evening, a "reservation seat" sign was placed on table No. 2, waiting for the arrival of the mother and son.

However, on the New Year's Eve of the year when Xiao Qianyu was over five years old, they did not wait for their arrival.

One year after another, the reservation seat at table No. 2 has been waiting silently without interruption for a year.

But the mother and son still didn't show up.

Because the business of the small noodle shop is getting better and better, the shop has been renovated. The tables and chairs have been replaced with new ones, except for table number two, nothing has changed.

Shui Qingshan and Xia He not only did not feel out of place, but placed table No. 2 in the middle of the store.

"Why is this old table placed in the middle of the store?" A customer asked curiously.

So the boss and his wife told them the story of "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" and said that seeing this table was an inspiration to them.

And maybe one day, the mother and son will come again. At that time, this table must be used to receive them.

In this way, the story about Table No. 2 made Table No. 2 a "happy table."

Customers are telling the story, and the story is spreading online.

Many people came from far away, including female students and young lovers, to have a bowl of Yangchun noodles at table two.

Table No. 2 became more and more famous as a result.

Time passes, year after year, and in a blink of an eye, it is 2014, and another New Year’s Eve is approaching.

At this time, the small noodle shop is already a major member of the Mingde Lane Street Shop Mutual Aid Association.

On New Year's Eve, family friends, neighbors and surrounding shop owners all came to the noodle shop after a day's work.

After eating Chinese New Year noodles at a small noodle shop and listening to the bells of Lingyin Temple on New Year's Eve, relatives and friends gathered together to burn incense and kowtow at Lingyin Temple, hoping that the gods would bless the new year smoothly... This situation has already It has a history of five or six years.

This year’s New Year’s Eve is certainly no exception.

After half past nine, as a signal that the fish shop owner came in with a big basin of prepared pickled fish in his hands, usually about thirty people from the nearby neighborhood gathered one after another at the small noodle shop, bringing wine and food with them. .

The atmosphere in the store suddenly became lively.

Shui Qianyu, who is almost 14 years old, is now slim and extremely sweet.

She was busy everywhere in the store and looked very happy.

Friends who knew the origin of table No. 2 did not say anything, but they were thinking in their hearts that table No. 2 might have to wait in vain again this year.

But as usual, Shui Qianyu had already placed it on table number two at half past nine.

Although she has not seen the three legendary mother and son on New Year's Eve every year since she became sensible, this does not prevent her from looking forward to a New Year's Eve when they can appear.

Everyone was sitting at several tables, eating dishes and drinking wine. Some people were still greeting their friends enthusiastically, some people were helping at the counter, and some people were opening the refrigerator and bringing in random things.

They chatted about trivial things, but they were quite interesting and they kept laughing and joking.

At half past ten, the atmosphere in the noodle shop was already at its peak.

At this moment, the store door was gently pushed open.

Everyone heard the sound, and then turned to look at the door. The room suddenly became miraculously quiet.

Shui Qianyu rushed forward immediately, wanting to see if it was the mother and son who came.

However, what came in were two young men in straight suits and coats on their arms.

Everyone sighed, and with a slightly invisible look of disappointment, the store returned to its previous bustle.

Shui Qianyu also sighed and said politely, "You two, what a coincidence, the store is already full."

Just when she rejected the two young men, a middle-aged woman wearing a beautiful coat walked in with her head bowed deeply and stood between the two young men.

Wait a minute!

Not two people, but... three people!

Three people who are like mother and son!

People in the store held their breath again and their ears perked up.

Shui Qingshan and Xia He, who were busy again, also looked over.

"Hmm... three bowls of Yangchun noodles... okay?" The middle-aged woman in a beautiful coat raised her head and said softly.

Inadvertently, everyone saw tears streaming down her face.

"Ah... ah..."

Xia He pointed at the three of them and shouted, but didn't know what to say. He shifted his gaze and met her husband's gaze.

Facing the bewildered crowd, one of the young men smiled and spoke.

“We were the customers who shared a bowl of Yangchun noodles on New Year’s Eve 13 years ago, mother and son. At that time, it was the encouragement of this bowl of Yangchun noodles that enabled the three of us, mother and son, to work together and get through the difficult years. After paying off the debt, we moved to my mother's hometown, so we never came here.

I passed the national examination for medical qualifications this year and am now working as an intern at the Affiliated Hospital of Huajing University. In April next year, I will return to work at the Provincial Hospital in Lin'an. My younger brother, who has not yet opened a noodle shop, now works in Huajing Bank.

I talked with my brother and planned the first extravagant trip in my life. I would come back to my hometown and see the owner of the noodle shop, his wife and his cute little sister.

In this way, we, mother and son, came here specially to visit today and wanted to trouble you to cook three bowls of Yangchun noodles. "

The boss and his wife, who nodded while listening, shed tears one after another.

The vegetable shop owner sitting at the table near the door shouted something and listened.

Only then did he swallow the food and stand up, "Hey, hey, boss lady, why are you standing there? Every New Year's Eve in the past ten years, you have been preparing for their arrival. These ten The reserved seats after the New Year are finally here, aren’t they? Hurry! Invite them to take a seat!”

Xia He woke up only after being patted on the shoulder by the owner of the vegetable shop.

"Welcome... welcome, please, please sit down! The child's father, three bowls of Yangchun noodles on table two!"

"Okay, three bowls of Yangchun noodles!"

In the small noodle shop, a burst of cheers and applause suddenly broke out.

Shui Qianyu, who has grown into a graceful girl, looked at this heart-warming scene, and tears of joy flowed from her eyes.

The snow was still falling outside the store, but it stopped now. The white snow covered the clear windows, and the curtain with the words 'small noodle shop' written on it was swaying and swaying in the breeze of New Year's Eve... "

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