I Know Everything

Chapter 126: Notice! The x artifact is here!


More than 300 years ago, the French mathematician Fermat wrote such a passage on a page of the Latin translation of "Arithmetic" that influenced mathematicians around the world.

"It is not acceptable to divide a cubic number into the sum of two cubes, or a fourth power into the sum of two fourth powers, or generally a power higher than the second into the sum of two powers of the same power. It's possible. I'm sure I've discovered a wonderful proof of this, but the space here is too small to write it down."

This passage, expressed in a mathematical equation, is "When the integer n > 2, the equation x^n + y^n = z^n about x, y, z has no positive integer solution."

This is one of the most famous mathematical conjectures - "Fermat's Last Theorem".

Shen Huan has successively obtained professional mathematics (elementary) and professional mathematics (intermediate). His mathematical knowledge and ability must have improved.

But his mathematical accomplishments did not keep up.

That's why he kept answering questions and worked hard to turn the knowledge and experience he had gained into his own.

He must have heard of and known "Fermat's Last Theorem".

But they don't know about the two to three hundred years of hard work involved in "Fermat's Last Theorem" and the arduous struggle of mathematicians from all generations.

This is no longer something that can only be summarized by professional mathematics.

It also requires too much knowledge, too much broad thinking, and too much luck.

Otherwise, "Fermat's Last Theorem" would not have become a super difficult problem that has troubled people for hundreds of years, let alone one of the top three ultimate problems in mathematics.

In Shen Huan's world, "Fermat's Last Theorem" should have been solved.

But it definitely doesn’t exist in this world, so Hao Ye will give it out as a grand prize.

Regarding this grand prize, Shen Huan didn't know how to express her feelings for a while.

But there are undoubtedly more important things at this moment, so Shen Huan puts it aside for the time being and faces the jealousy, surprise and admiration of the audience.

Mathematics is a subject that is different from Chinese, English, biology, history, etc. It relies on intelligence.

You often say that those rich people may be great at making money, but when it comes to intelligence, they basically don't rank high.

And intelligence is the most incapable of cheating. If it works, it works, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t work.

So no matter how they had doubted Shen Huan before and thought that Shen Huan was just lying, they couldn't say a word in front of a perfect score of 100 points.

If you can, you should also go for 100 points!

But unfortunately, except for Shen Huan, all the students on the score list did not get full marks.

The second place is only 85 points.

This is the power of IQ crushing.

Although this time the top few geniuses from the three prestigious schools went to Huajing to train and prepare for next year's international mathematics competition, the people who stay here are usually top mathematics students!

If they pick any one out, they will beat the students from other schools.

But why did such a situation suddenly occur today!

Shi Zixiong's score was 83 points, ranking third.

But even this score, which he was usually proud of, was like irony, hanging there, making him not want to look at it a second time.

Why? !

Why is Shen Huan so powerful

100 points!

The unique perfect score eliminated any possibility of plagiarism or cheating by Shen Huan.

This made Shi Zixiong, who had always felt that Shen Huan only relied on his looks and a little musical inspiration to please others and had no other real talents, felt as if he was eating flies one after another.

Wang Xing seemed even more miserable.

He saw He Qiang's excitement and excitement, and felt extremely envious, jealous, and hateful in his heart.

He Qiang was not as good as him when he was studying, his work was not as good as him, his teaching performance was not as good as him, and the students he taught were not as good as him.

The psychological advantages established over decades have collapsed in an instant. Do you think Wang Xing feels uncomfortable

"Hmph, now it's time for them to fulfill their promise!"

The little girls around Shen Huan didn't care about this, they were so excited that they ran over.

As a result, Shui Qianyu grabbed the little girl who was the fastest to move her legs and said, "Wait, don't go."

"Ah? Why?" They opened their eyes wide and looked confused.

"Forget it!" Shui Qianyu said calmly: "As the news spreads, they have become the laughingstock. Do you want them to admit that they are idiots and stupid pigs? The effect will be the same... If you go through with it like this, you will look dull. The joy is not enough. Isn’t it enough to maintain the posture of a winner like this? "

"Oh, eldest sister, you are so calculating!"

A few little girls and the classmates next to them suddenly realized.

Silent pretense is the most powerful pretense.

If you act aggressively after winning, points will be deducted.

How could Shui Qianyu let Shen Huan deduct points in front of others

Faced with Xiao Shuishui's strength, Shen Huan could only express regret.

Although he would not come forward personally, if a few girls helped him vent his anger, he would be happy to see Wang Xing and Shi Zixiong make a fool of themselves.

He is not a kind person. Apart from treating his true friends and relatives sincerely, he does whatever he wants.

Tooth for tooth, repay tenfold.

Even Uncle Banze understands the truth, but there is no reason that Shen Huan, who has lived in two generations, still doesn't understand.

Not to mention He Qiang's elation along the way. This sincere but always reserved teacher was so happy that he couldn't stop talking.

Shen Huan's thoughts were not about showing off at all.

When he returned to the computer room at Shui Qianyu's home, he immediately went to the Internet to find news about "Fermat's Last Theorem."

"Fermat's Last Theorem" took hundreds of years to finally be proven, and it was a step-by-step process.

For now, the success of the efforts of mathematicians over the past 200 years is similar to the problem-solving steps of "Fermat's Last Theorem" in Shen Huan's memory.

It's just a pity that the current "Fermat's Last Theorem" is still stuck in the steps taken by the German mathematician Fortis to prove the "Model Conjecture" in 1983.

Fortis proved the "Model Conjecture", and now people have used computers to prove that "Fermat's Last Theorem" is true when 2