I Know Everything

Chapter 128: The hero song is here!


For the next week, Shen Huan was obsessed with the entire study of "Fermat's Last Theorem".

Although theoretically speaking, he already understood it, and he could explain the proof process smoothly, and he also had very strict proof methods, procedures, etc.

But deep in Shen Huan's heart, this is not something he has fully grasped yet.

Only if he does it himself can he truly accept it emotionally. This is his own achievement.

However, "Fermat's Last Theorem" is so difficult.

Even if Shen Huan knew the process and the answer, even if he had a background in professional mathematics (intermediate level), it would still take a lot of careful effort to prove it from scratch.

So much so that when she comes home from get out of class, Shen Huan will take a pen and paper to write and draw.

Even Shui Qianyu, a bully in elementary school, would feel overwhelmed when he came over to read what he wrote, let alone the Shui family couple.

Shen Huan's theory of "enlightenment" has now spread throughout Lin'an.

Coupled with his ranking first in the "Ten Schools Competition", this statement has been accepted and believed by people.

Therefore, the Shui family couple could only lament that after losing their only relative, this child was blessed by the Buddha and had the enlightenment he has now.

Mingxian Middle School also showed a very positive attitude. They awarded Shen Huan 10,000 yuan as a reward for this perfect score in the mathematics competition.

The head teacher Wen Fugui also asked Shen Huan in a roundabout way if there was anyone poaching him, such as the overlords like No. 2 Middle School, Xuejun and Senior High School.

Shen Huan shook his head.

He has been studying "Fermat's Last Theorem" in seclusion for the past few days. He has not answered anyone's calls. How could these schools find him

Then again, on Saturday night, he still appeared on time at the live recording of "I Sing My Song" on Zhejiang TV.

Director Wu Ping, who was busy making final preparations, saw him in his old position and hurriedly walked to the side, "Director, Teacher Lu is here, what should I do?"

Hua Zhongpu raised his eyes, glanced around pretending not to care, and then coughed lightly: "Just do whatever you have to do, remember, don't show your thoughts, otherwise it will be bad!"



Another voice suddenly came, making the two sneaky people scream in fear.

The visitor was also frightened.

Then under everyone's gaze, the three people gave a bitter smile and simply hid backstage.

"Brother Ninth! Do you know that you will scare people to death?" Hua Zhongpu complained.

The person who came was none other than Yuan Jiu. He scratched his head and said, "I just saw that Teacher Lu Xiaofeng was here, and I felt a little uneasy. Do you think it is good for us to do this? If it makes him angry, I won't write a song for Mr. Zhao Changshou." Well, haven’t we suffered a big loss?”

"I regret it too!" Hua Zhongpu sighed, "But I haven't found the traitor who leaked the secret now, otherwise I would have killed him! Mad, you made us so passive!"

"It's useless to think about this. We didn't take the initiative to leak the news." Wu Ping said, "After the show is over, we will quietly follow them. Then if Teacher Lu is unhappy, we will go there quickly. How about apologizing and explaining why?”

"Hey, Lao Wu, your method is very good!" Hua Zhongpu's eyes lit up and he patted his shoulder and said, "Yes, we will do this later!"

Shen Huan didn't know about their discussion. What he cared about was the old man's 16-to-8 match.

With the sudden rise of Zhao Changshou, he is already the number one star in the hearts of TV viewers.

But online, the group of young and beautiful female contestants and handsome male singers still dominate in popularity.

But now no one laughs at Zhao Changshou for being rustic and old-fashioned.

After Teacher Lu Xiaofeng gave him two songs, and these two songs were bought by two absolute big brothers in the film and music circles, Zhao Changshou's attention has been very high.

Everyone is looking forward to what song Zhao Changshou will sing in this episode, and whether Sister Xiaofeng will continue to write a third song for him.

Today is the time for the mystery to be revealed.

When the 16 reached the top 8, there were some adjustments to the rules of the competition.

16 players were drawn into 4 groups with 4 people in each group.

The first place in the group will be directly promoted, and the remaining 12 people will compete for the remaining 4 places.

Today's first 16-to-8 match is to determine the 4 qualifying players.

The program team must have done some manipulation.

Mr. Zhao Changshou was assigned to the third group and did not appear until about 9:30.

In order to wait for his appearance, those viewers can only watch and wait, which will increase the ratings of the show.

The ratings of the last episode of the show without Zhao Changshou were really miserable, not reaching 0.8% at all, which was much worse than the previous 1.3%.

This also lets the program team know that if they want to have good ratings results, they must make good use of Zhao Changshou.

In front of the TV, of course, there were a lot of people yelling at the program crew for being unkind.

If Zhao Changshou had appeared from the beginning, the older viewers would have fallen asleep after watching it.

It's better now, but we still have to wait until ninety o'clock to see it. It's really torture!

No matter how they cursed, they were reluctant to go to bed early and could only wait for Zhao Changshou to appear.

At 9:45, it was finally Mr. Zhao Changshou’s turn to play.

This time, he was wearing ancient costume, but it was a little looser than the one in "Chinese Kung Fu".

As soon as people saw his dress, they knew that his singing tonight must be in an old-fashioned way.

Sure enough, the band nearby also appeared, not only with gongs, erhu, suona and other instruments, but also a big drum.

Zhao Changshou also announced the name of the song he wanted to sing loudly.

""Song of a Hero", please enjoy it!"

A series of subtitles appeared on the screen.

Song: "Song of a Hero".

Singer: Zhao Changshou.

Lyricist: Lu Xiaofeng.

Composer: Lu Xiaofeng.

Arranger: Lu Xiaofeng.

A drummer in tight-fitting shorts, with a red ribbon tied on his head, stood in front of the big drum holding two drum sticks.

He is extremely muscular, and the extremely strong muscles exposed make people feel the beauty of strength at a glance.

"Dong, dong dong, dong dong, dong dong..."

He struck the drum a few times first, and then the big drum began to beat rhythmically, and the gong also began to "clatter" in coordination.

People didn't think anything was wrong at first, but when Zhao Changshou's song started to sound, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"The river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky are like the Big Dipper."

(Hey hey hey, join Beidou!)

"If you say let's go, let's go. You and I have everything."

(Hey, hey, hey, it’s all there, there’s no turning back in water or fire)

"When you see an injustice on the road, you roar, and you take action when it's time to take action. The wind and the wind are raging across Kyushu."

(Take action when it’s time to take action, and rush through Kyushu like a storm)

"Hey, 呀, hey, hey, hey, hey"

(Hey, ah, ah, hey, hey, hey)

"When you see an injustice on the road, you roar, and you take action when it's time to take action. The wind and the wind are raging across Kyushu."

(Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey)

Every time Zhao Changshou sings a line, an accompaniment singer will sing a line along with him. This pattern of lead singing and singing not only serves as a link between the past and the future, but also increases the sense of heroic momentum.

Even though the lyrics were so simple, after the audience heard it, they immediately felt a surge of excitement in their hearts, as if a surge of pride wanted to come out of their bodies.

The playing of the suona, the rhythm of the drums, the embellishment of the gongs... These ancient musical instruments are simpler but more pure than the previous song "Chinese Kung Fu", and they perfectly match this song.

"The river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky are like the Big Dipper."

(Hey hey hey, join Beidou! A glass of wine regardless of high or low)

"If you say let's go, let's go. You and I have everything."

(Hey, hey, hey, it’s all there. Look at the sky and never lower your head all the way)

"When you see an injustice on the road, you roar, and you take action when it's time to take action. The wind and the wind are raging across Kyushu."

(Take action when it’s time to take action, and rush through Kyushu like a storm)

"Hey, 呀, hey, hey, hey, hey"

(Hey, ah, ah, hey, hey, hey)

"When you see an injustice on the road, you roar, and you take action when it's time to take action. The wind and the wind are raging across Kyushu."

(Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey)

Zhao Changshou sang three times in one breath. Although each song only had 5 lines of lyrics and only a dozen lines with the accompaniment, when people heard it, it didn't feel short at all. Instead, they couldn't help but hum along.

Han Donger was a little strange.

It's not strange to see Fu Bufan shaking his head and singing along, but it's a little strange that Lan Kai is also singing along leisurely and contentedly.

It's not that Lan Kai shouldn't appreciate "Song of a Hero", but when she first heard "Song of a Hero", Han Dong'er thought of Tang Yuan.

Compared with "Start Over", which is suitable for big occasions, "Song of a Hero" is definitely more suitable for Tang Yuan in nature, and it is a perfect match for his chic and majestic temperament.

When Lan Kai heard this song, he was not excited, and he was not in a hurry to talk to himself about asking Shen Huan to buy the song...

This is not normal, right

Although Han Dong'er is known as "naturally stupid", as long as music is involved, her sense of smell and feeling are very sensitive.

Before she could think too much, Zhao Changshou's singing ended.

"Pa bang bang…"

There was warm applause from the audience, and a group of young men and women also applauded enthusiastically, saying that this song is better and more interesting than "Chinese Kung Fu"!

It sounds simple at first, but the more you listen to it, the more interesting and flavorful it becomes.

If Zhao Changshou hadn't sang it three times in a row, they wouldn't have noticed it at all.

"I have long admired the talent of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng and the singing skills of Mr. Zhao Changshou." Without further ado, Lan Kai directly showed the "Passed" sign: "It is God's fault that such a combination will not advance."

"I like "Song of a Good Man" so much!" Fu Bufan even looked like a fan, "Old man, next time you sing this song, I will be your backing singer! In fact, you should invite him for this one My! The cooperation is so good! One more thing, I can’t do this kind of multi-layered and multi-rhythmic combination of music! Sister Xiaofeng is really a genius! Brother Kai is right, failing to pass is simply a failure of music insult! "

Han Dong'er didn't say anything, but still showed the "passed" sign as usual.

Logically speaking, this girl doesn't talk much on weekdays and sits there like a puppet, but the audience still likes her very much.

In addition to her unparalleled beauty, which makes it easy for her to win people's love, it is also because she purely judges the quality of music, instead of looking at faces or listening to stories and giving sympathy votes.

In this era where judges are full of tricks, such a simple judge will make people feel that they have seen a breath of fresh air, and they will naturally like it.

Lyrics do not count towards the paid word count

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