I Know Everything

Chapter 1286: Let’s cooperate!


Yan Shan didn't hesitate much and called Shen Huan the next day to tell him that he had accepted the role.

And he hopes to start filming early, maybe in time for this year's Spring Festival.

In fact, he thinks the best one would be the National New Year on January 1st.

But it’s almost October now, and even if we prepare faster, I’m afraid two months of filming will be inevitable.

For the sake of the quality of the movie, of course it is more appropriate to film it on the first day of the Spring Festival.

There are no blockbuster movies competing for this year's Spring Festival, so it is an excellent opportunity for Yan Shan.

What’s more important is that during the Spring Festival, adults are willing to take their children to watch movies.

A family comedy film written by Mr. Chu Liuxiang and starring actress Yang Shu, without much thought, it can attract at least tens of millions of viewers into the cinema.

It is no exaggeration to say that the domestic base of "Home Alone" is at least 500 million yuan.

And comedy is also very popular in Asia.

Especially the girl Yang Shu, who is treated as a national daughter in Japan and Taiji Kingdom.

The last time she and Guo Hang went to Japan and Tai Chi to promote "The Story of Xiaoba", countless fans held up posters of "The Gift of Room No. 7" and cried out the name "Yiyuan" to support them.

This also resulted in the two countries blocking traffic every day for 11 consecutive days, causing massive congestion.

This year, Yang Shu guest-starred in two movies. Originally Yang Shu was not the protagonist, but Yang Shu’s face was placed in the middle of the poster. Just by virtue of this, the two movies have already made a lot of money in Japan and South Korea. Full.

Of course, Teacher Chu Liuxiang, a mysterious writer, is also very popular in Japan and South Korea.

Each of his books has sold at least more than 20 million copies in Japan. On the annual book rankings in Japan and South Korea, Chu Liuxiang's name is definitely the first one.

Even "The Gift of Room No. 7" has been ranked in the top three for two consecutive years. Oh, by the way, it was number one three years ago.

The sales champion from the year before last to last year was "Xiao Ba's Gift", and the sales champion from last year to this year was "The Pursuit of Happyness". The three of them have always firmly occupied the top three, unshakable.

With such a combination of two aces, if you don't win more than 200 million US dollars at the box office in Japan and Tai Chi, it will be a huge failure, or even a crime!

Yan Shan fully considered this.

He also understands that with benefits comes pressure.

He is one of the top six directors, so how can he be afraid of pressure

How can people who are afraid of pressure achieve what they have today

So Yan Shan decided to shoot well and seize the Spring Festival schedule.

Otherwise, would you be able to arrange this story that takes place during the heavy snowfall in winter to the summer schedule

If you wait another year, the time span will be too long!

Shen Huan likes such cheerful people!

He immediately called Xin Changkong and asked him to coordinate and try to start preparations within a week.

At the end of September, there is no snow in many places in China, but it has already begun to snow in the northernmost areas.

If we wait until the end of October at most, then the northernmost part will definitely be covered by heavy snow. By then, it will be enough to borrow a small town or even shoot the streets of a small town.

Those small cities in the United States are far behind those in China.

"Home Alone" itself is not a story that takes place in the core area of a metropolitan area, but in a residential area.

What do residential areas in the United States look like

Isn't that just like those rural areas in China

It’s just that 30 years ago, the houses in rural China were very poor, but now, 30 years later, in many rural areas in wealthy places, every household is a small Western-style house!

Shen Huan doesn't care about how to shoot and arrange the time.

As one of the top six directors, Yan Shan would be a joke if he couldn't even arrange this.

Shen Huan asked Xin Changkong not to interfere too much and just send a representative to assist.

Yan Shan worked overtime in the next two days to calculate his budget.

In addition to the dividends that his team and Yang Shu will definitely take, the entire movie will cost about 70 million yuan.

Of course, if you can't find a suitable place in the end and want to build a residential community on the outskirts of the city, then you will have to add another 30 million - except for the protagonist's home, the rest will be built with wooden boards, and finally with Just use computer special effects to reconcile it.

Xin Changkong perked up as soon as he heard this, and quickly called Shen Huan, saying that he might as well make "Home Alone" himself and not have to share the pie with others.

With an investment of just 100 million, Fengxiang Film and Television can easily come up with it.

This kind of family-friendly comedy has low investment, high output, and can also generate good additional derivative income. This is a big piece of meat.

Even though Xin Changkong is currently busy attacking Wang Qing, he can't help but want to swallow it up for the company.

However, Shen Huan thought about it and refused.

He handed over the production and distribution of "Home Alone" to Shanhai.com, and he still only got a share.


Is Shen Huan stupid


Shen Huan is definitely not stupid.

Didn’t Boss Zheng just give him 5 billion worth of land, and the princess also gave him 1% of Shanhai.com’s shares

All the benefits of 17 billion have been given to Shen Huan, how could Shen Huan not repay some

That's how it is between people.

If you just receive a gift without giving anything in return, then the giver must be your parents.

There are comings and goings, and you and I think of each other when there are benefits. Only then can we have continuous cooperation and form an unbreakable alliance of cooperation.

"Home Alone" may have a domestic box office of more than 1.5 billion, and it may also win a global box office of more than 5 billion or more.

But after excluding all expenses, dividends, etc., what you get is only 2 billion, which is the most.

Shen Huan could have received more than 500 million through dividends, but the remaining 1.5 billion was less than one-tenth of what the Zheng family gave to Shen Huan.

Don’t you know how to do this


Now Shen Huan has become a small shareholder of Shanhai.com. Shanhai.com has just been listed. If "Home Alone" is a box office hit, it will be of great benefit to Shanhai.com's stock price and prospects.

Shanhai.com is ready. In the future, whether Shen Huan holds it or sells it, won't he get more benefits

Therefore, people must not only see what they can get.

When doing business, in addition to making money yourself, you can also make others make money. That is your ability, and you will be truly recognized by the business community, thus laying a solid foundation!

Those who want everything and want to get everything by themselves usually end up with nothing in the end.