I Know Everything

Chapter 132: Shen Huan's proposition


Because she has been checking up on "Fermat's Last Theorem" recently and to prevent those people from harassing Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, Shen Huan lives directly in the Shui family's computer room.

It was the same thing tonight. She came back and washed up. Shen Huan was about to go to bed, but when she turned on her phone, she found that there was an extra letter in the bound mailbox.

Shen Huan opened it and took a look, only to see a line of English.

"Mr. Shen has a look."

After opening it, Shen Huan pulled it directly to the bottom, where it read "Ivan Deville."

Finally got a reply!

A week had passed since he was fully prepared. Shen Huan had not received a reply from Professor Deville before. He thought that Deville did not check the mailbox at all and was preparing to send him an international express mail.

"Dear Mr. Shen: Hello!

I have already received your letter of November 15th.

The reason why I haven't replied to your letter is because I feel the greatness of your conjecture, so I have been studying your idea with a few of my friends these days.

There are many things that we cannot understand about this conjecture. It should be that it is too abstract, so we still have many questions about this "module".

If you have more in-depth thoughts on this conjecture, you are welcome to continue discussing with us.

No matter what, we have felt that your theoretical conjecture is a useful weapon to reveal 'Fermat's Last Theorem'. What we have to do now is to work hard towards the crown of victory based on this conjecture!

Looking forward to your reply. You can reply to the email address xxxx. It is my private email address and will ensure that I will not miss your reply.

Ivan Deville. "


Shen Huan looked at the letter on her phone and felt very excited.

What he was most worried about was that Professor Deville regarded this letter as a joke and did not read and think about it seriously.

Young people always have many fantastic ideas, but these ideas are usually proven to be just whimsical and of little practical use, and even provide little inspiration to scientists.

Now it has been proved that Deville is indeed a very enthusiastic researcher of "Fermat's Last Theorem", and he will not let go of any clues.

Only Shen Huan knows this world. As long as they follow this conjecture and conduct research, they will eventually be able to successfully solve "Fermat's Last Theorem".

But this time may be five years, or it may be ten years.

Shen Huan couldn't wait that long.

Although Shen Huan's name will definitely be recorded in history as long as "Fermat's Last Theorem" is proved, this is only a small achievement.

Shen Huan still needs greater credit.

Of course, based on this "Chen Huan Conjecture" alone, he is qualified to apply for admission to the mathematics departments of major universities.

But an admission qualification is definitely a waste of the complete verification of Shen Huan's "Fermat's Last Theorem".

Shen Huan does not expect that at the age of 16, he can monopolize the credit for proving "Fermat's Last Theorem", but he must lay the foundation in advance so that he can harvest the fruits of victory so naturally.

At that time, my wish to enter the top university in the country and become a top student will be realized.

So, he got up directly, turned on the computer, and started writing a reply.

You can also write emails on your mobile phone, but some special formulas and symbols, as well as some chart work, need to be completed on a computer.

An hour later, it was 5pm London time.

Deville had just come out of a discussion meeting in the conference room, so he sat in his office, made a cup of coffee, and opened his email while drinking.

But when he saw that it was from "China, Shen Huan", he immediately became excited.

He put down his coffee cup and opened the letter.

"Dear Mr. Deville: Hello!

Thank you for your reply. Thank you for not treating me as an ordinary high school student or treating my thoughts as a joke.

Regarding the conjecture I raised, it is actually not an idea I had recently. I have been thinking about it for more than a year.

I think the proof of this conjecture actually requires a prerequisite, that is, by assuming that 'Fermat's Last Theorem' does not hold, then there will be a set of non-zero integers A, B, C, such that...

If this proposition can be proven, then my conjecture will not be true, which in turn proves that my conjecture is a theorem, and thus 'Fermat's Last Theorem' is true!

Unfortunately, my mathematical logic calculation ability has not reached this stage, so I am now proving this proposition. I hope you can give me some guidance in the future process so that I can take a further step!

"Chen Huan"

This letter from Shen Huan made Deville's eyes get bigger and bigger, and he got closer and closer to the computer screen, completely addicted to it.

I don't know how long it took. Deville, who was looking at the computer screen but his mind was already spinning rapidly, was already thinking about Shen Huan's proposition.

Positive proof and negative proof are both ways to prove a great thesis.

Shen Huan's proposition is something he wants to prove in another way.

If "Fermat's Last Theorem" is not true, it proves that Shen Huan's previous conjecture that "elliptic curves in the field of rational numbers are modular curves" is wrong.

So as long as Shen Huan's conjecture can be proved to be correct, it can in turn prove that "Fermat's Last Theorem" is correct!

From a thinking perspective, this is absolutely correct!

Moreover, the proposition put forward by Shen Huan already has a very complete equation, and it must have been elaborated through countless efforts.

What I have to do now is to follow Shen Huan's train of thought to prove that "Shen Huan's proposition" is correct.

Although it is possible that Shen Huan's propositions and conjectures are wrong, there have been too many such mistakes in the past few hundred years, and it doesn't matter if there are one or two more.

But if I and others can really prove that "Shen Huan's Proposition" and "Shen Huan's Conjecture" are correct, that will be great news for mathematics researchers around the world!

Because the proof of "Fermat's Last Theorem" is just around the corner!

Solving "Fermat's Last Theorem" is Deville's greatest wish in his life!

For this wish, Deville was willing to try even if it meant another failure.

Not to mention that Deville saw a very complete and novel idea from Shen Huan's letter. His reason and experience told him that this path was probably correct!

Looking at the time, it was almost six o'clock.

DeVille stood up.

He was going to meet some old guys in the cafeteria and share with them the "Shen Huan proposition" that Mr. Shen Huan sent today.

Don't think about having a good rest tonight.

With this thought of "I can't be excited alone", Deville strode out of the office!