I Know Everything

Chapter 133: What's going on? (Second update)


Early on Sunday morning, the statistics company announced the ratings of "I Sing My Song".

The ratings of this episode actually reached 1.43%, which narrowly surpassed the 1.42% of Jiangdong TV's "Dating March" and became the runner-up on Saturday.

It is also second only to Hunan Satellite TV's flagship program "Happy Every Day".

After a total of 6 episodes, "I Sing My Song" has become a phenomenal variety show with its good reputation and the dominance of television sets by uncles, aunts, grandparents and mothers.

The most surprising star it brought out was the originally rustic Zhao Changshou.

With "Start Over", "Chinese Kung Fu" and "Song of a Heroic Man", Zhao Changshou seems to be the most popular star this autumn.

Zhao Changshou is different from ordinary draft stars.

Ordinary talent show stars are very noisy. They are the kind of children who suddenly become famous, which will make adults uncomfortable. Therefore, when promoting something, you have to pay attention to whether they will be disliked by these adults, thus directly Suppress.

You know, adults are the main force in all walks of life in this society. Things they don't like, even if they are popular, will be limited to a small range.

But Zhao Changshou is different!

They are the simplest old farmers, and they also sing the most positive songs about society. They are either about persistence and hard work, or about traditional culture. Do you think these adults will like it

If you like to be appreciated, no matter how much you do promotion and publicity here, the boss will not stop you, but will give you a push!

This is also the reason why Zhejiang Satellite TV decided to recommend Zhao Changshou as the champion.

Under such circumstances, there has been no interruption in the news about Zhao Changshou during this period, and promotions have come one issue after another.

If Han Dong'er hadn't firmly refused to tell the story about the old man and the old woman to gain sympathy, and threatened "Teacher Lu Xiaofeng will definitely condemn and quit", I'm afraid Zhejiang TV would have produced several episodes of tear-jerking stories.

They all don't understand that people have to make up stories when they don't have any. But your story is obviously a beautiful and pure emotional story, but you are determined not to tell it.

Only Shen Huan understood that this was Han Donger's original intention.

She believed that the old man sang for the old lady, but he definitely did not want people to sympathize with them because of this.

They are not pitiful, but very happy, but this happiness is somewhat incomplete.

But whose happiness is smooth and perfect all the way

Such happiness simply does not exist!

There are many similarities and inconsistencies between the Internet and real life.

For example, after the end of another episode of "I Sing My Song" this time, people in real life cheered that Zhao Changshou once again advanced with Lu Xiaofeng's classic songs, but what people on the Internet paid attention to was something else entirely.

"How is it? Has the news come out?"

"I don't know! Calling @modernHolmes@the buns are delicious@like the pippi shrimps!"

"Don't talk about that yet, do you think it's sold?"

"Nonsense, you are questioning the strength of our sister Xiaofeng! You have ulterior motives, so pull her out and kill her!"

"Yes, "Song of a Hero" is such a majestic and majestic song, and it also has a bit of our Ludong characteristics. Young people like me like it, let alone those middle-aged people."

"Hehehe... For the sake of you being so itchy, let me reveal a piece of news! Yesterday afternoon, I picked someone up at the airport. Guess who I met?... Tang Yuan! Although he was wearing a mask and sunglasses He wears a hat, but with his fat and strong appearance, who can’t recognize him?”

"If you read it correctly upstairs, then my guess is also correct. The song "Song of a Hero" is indeed very suitable for Tang Yuan."

"Stop talking, it's big news! Hurry up and watch Mavericks Film and Television's meager salary!"

While a group of people were chattering, a piece of news suddenly came out. Inexplicably, many people rushed over.

"With excitement, we are finally proud to tell you that "Song of a Hero" has been obtained the promotional copyright by our company, and it will become the theme song of "Water Margin", one of the four famous classics! And it will be composed by the famous "Group" The band's singing this theme song! Thank you teacher Lu Xiaofeng, thank you @'horse band' for your strong support!"

Hey, what's the news? It's a bit unclear.

Copyright is copyright, why is there suddenly a copyright promotion

Some smart people followed the link to "The Horse Band" in this news, and they saw exactly what they wanted to see.

"Thank you to Teacher Lu Xiaofeng for your careful creation, so that we can get such a beautiful song! "Song of a Hero" now officially belongs to our 'horse band'! Thank you to all our good friends for your support. In addition to singing the theme song of "Water Margin", we I strive to release the album as soon as possible and let you hear a different version of "Song of a Hero"!"


Now I finally know who won the award for "Song of a Hero".

But why do I feel like my mind is getting more and more confused

What is their relationship? Why are so many people involved

Didn't it mean that Tang Yuan also came to Lin'an? Why didn't he get it, but this "horse band" got the copyright

On a meager level, there are countless problems similar to this.

Some of the big names who broke the news were almost vomited by people.

Finally, the most well-informed "Modern Sherlock Holmes" spoke.

"According to my understanding, there should be three parties competing yesterday, including Teacher Tang Yuan, Teacher Meng Wusheng, and Teacher Zhou Pu, the director of "Water Margin". I don't know the specific details of the negotiation, but Teacher Tang Yuan really Out! And why Teacher Meng Wusheng, the least famous among the three, got this song, I'm afraid only a few of them know."

But not long after, "I am the King of K-Song", who is very familiar with the music scene, sent a meager message with two pictures.

"This was given to me by a friend. I don't know if it's true."

Among the three pictures below the words, one shows Tang Yuan and Meng Wusheng drinking at a barbecue stall. There are dozens of beer bottles under their table.

The other picture showed Meng Wusheng clinging to Tang Yuan's shoulders and talking drunkenly, but it was obvious that Tang Yuan was the more unhappy one.

With such a change, everyone seems to understand a little more.

The most famous Tang Yuan was indeed eliminated from the competition last night.

But he and Meng Wusheng had a good relationship. At least after the competition, they could still drink together.

If I think about it, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng really has a character!

He was obviously the most famous person and could buy his lyrics and music the most, but he ignored him.

Therefore, genius’s ideas are elusive to ordinary people.

Even Tang Yuan probably didn't expect such a result before the negotiation!