I Know Everything

Chapter 136: No surprises (second update)


Zhu Mei has been on vacation during this time.

The filming of "Love Letter" was not that difficult, but the subsequent various requests for distribution and release, participation in the Busan International Film Festival, etc., as well as various publicity, etc., really cost her too much thought.

Now that "Love Letter" has finally become a success, she also needs to take a break to regain her energy.

So she always turned off her work phone, leaving only the phone that allowed her closest relatives and friends to contact her.

Unexpectedly, in just three to five days, her phone was used.

She had no choice but to continue to turn off the phone, and told several relatives and friends that she would call them every two days to report that she was safe. If there was anything else, she could talk to them on the phone at that time.

Now no one can really find Zhu Mei.

But other people related to Zhu Mei were approached by many people because of this.

Among them was Shui Qingshan. Not only did he make more than a dozen calls a day, but many people went directly to the noodle shop and wanted to talk to him in detail.

Shui Qingshan hurriedly ran away from home again.

He thought to himself that I really ate too much. If he had known better, he should not have funded Ah Mei's movie and let her raise the money herself.

I thought so, but in fact, not only was Zhu Mei at the time, but "Love Letter" was written by Shen Huan, and there was no way Shui Qingshan could ignore it.

He didn't like to have contact with people in the entertainment industry, but Ding Lun and Shi Liyou couldn't avoid it.

Even Shen Huan himself did not escape.


Because he is Sister Xiaofeng!

He is the first songwriter who collaborated with Zhu Mei on the theme songs of two movies in one go!

But Shen Huan still didn't answer the phone as always and rarely turned on the phone.

But the text message was still sent for free.

"Teacher Lu, I am Xiao Chen from xx Film Company. Could you please send a message to Director Zhu Mei? As long as you can get Director Zhu Mei to call us, we will immediately pay 1 million for the phone call."

"Teacher Lu, our xx Entertainment is very sincere in cooperating with Director Zhu Mei. I heard that you are a friend of Director Zhu Mei, so can you help find out her attitude? If the information is accurate, we have prepared 2 million in hard-earned expenses. Here you go."

"Hello, Mr. Lu, the boss of our Mavericks Film and Television would like to buy you a cup of coffee. Please tell me your account number. We have 1 million in travel expenses here. We look forward to your reply."



The telephone fee is 1 million, the carriage fee is 1 million, and the hard work fee is 2 million...

These people really don’t regard money as money!

If Shen Huan was greedy and agreed one by one, he would have 10 million in his account within three to five days.

From this, Shen Huan also knew that these film companies had gone crazy.

"Love Letter", the movie with the highest return on investment in history, has been completely missed by almost all film and television companies, and it is useless for them to regret it.


However, "The Gift of Room No. 7", which is more classic than "Love Letter" and has been making readers laugh and cry every day recently, is a great gem that is dazzlingly waiting for people to pick it.

From a script perspective, there are two ways to make a movie.

One is to customize it myself, what kind of movie I want to make, and then find someone to write the content. If it passes the test, I can start shooting.

The second is to change it based on existing novels and social events.

Let’s not talk about the first one for now. As for the second one, the more influential events and novels are, the easier it is to succeed.

"The Gift from Room 7" is definitely such a novel!

Several national newspapers have praised "The Gift from Room No. 7" for its profound connotation and discussion of social reality, calling on everyone to read it.

Such a statement is really uncommon in novels.

Moreover, "The Gift of Room No. 7" was not only popular in China, but also in Tai Chi Country to the point of being unreasonable.

I heard that Japan, Singapore, Thailand and other countries will introduce this novel in the future. Once it causes a sensation in those countries, will it be difficult to harvest the box office when the movie is released

Even Tai Chi people themselves have said that when "The Gift of Room No. 7" is released, the box office record of Tai Chi movies is likely to change.



This is why major film and television companies are desperately chasing Zhu Mei to get "The Gift of Room No. 7".

It's not that they don't want to find Teacher Chu Liuxiang, but the problem is that Teacher Chu Liuxiang can't be found at all.

The editors who can work in the "Urban Emotions" column in "Qiantang Evening News" are people who have literary dreams and can endure loneliness.

Because of "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" and "The Gift of Room No. 7", not only did their salaries increase a lot and they had no problems in life, but they also became true die-hard fans of Shen Huan.

It is simply a joke to ask these literati to sell their idols in exchange for money they don't really need.

Not to mention that the Zhejiang and Yue Newspaper Group has issued strict documents. Since Teacher Chu Liuxiang does not want to reveal his identity, who among us would dare to do this and damage the reputation of the Zhejiang and Yue Newspapers. The Zhejiang and Yue Newspaper Group will definitely This person will have no place in society!

Film companies have no choice but to entrust major Internet celebrities to release the news.

"Shang Xikai, the president of Toy Entertainment Company, claimed that he has never known Mr. Chu Liuxiang, so he is willing to pay 50 million to purchase the film rights of "The Gift of Room No. 7" and let Mr. Chu enjoy no less than 10% of the box office profit dividend."

"The executives of Mavericks Film and Television said that if Mr. Chu is willing to give them "The Gift of Room 7", they will not care how it is produced or how much it costs, but they will absolutely guarantee that it can be achieved without saying a word about all Mr. Chu's conditions! "

"Qi Yiwen, the boss of Yanhuang Pictures and a famous national young master, said in an interview that he admires Teacher Chu Liuxiang very much and is also a fan of Teacher Chu Liuxiang. If Teacher Chu Liuxiang and Director Zhu Mei can cooperate with Yanhuang Pictures, then Yanhuang Pictures will There were no budget constraints on The Gift of Room 7.”

"Weiba Film and Television Chairman Zhou Dou told his friends in private that Weibo Film and Television is the best film company, Mr. Chu Liuxiang is a first-class screenwriter, and Director Zhu Mei is also a first-class director. We should cooperate once and make a film. Here comes the classic! Weibo Film and Television has prepared an advance payment of 100 million for each of them, and as long as they want the actors, Weibo Film and Television can satisfy them!"

"The senior executives of Shining Technology, one of the eight largest private companies and the largest video website in terms of market share, were spotted meeting with Director Zhu Mei's right-hand man Shi Liyou. It is said that they have made up their minds this time to achieve a publicity standard of no less than 700 million from Shanhai.com. , I want to get the opportunity to produce and distribute "The Gift of Room No. 7"! The big guys are entering, so all the big guys in the film and television industry should be careful!"


Just when this trend was getting more and more intense, Zhu Mei also called Shen Huan.

"Xiao Huan, everyone is very enthusiastic about "The Gift from Room No. 7."" Zhu Mei said with a smile, "How about it, you haven't changed, have you?"

"What's easy to change? Isn't it true that the film industry is all about being mature and not making a living?" Shen Huan replied, "I have always been grateful for what Zheng Rongrong has done, and of course it will not change."

"That's good!" Zhu Mei felt relieved, "I was worried that you would see other people's good conditions. For example, Weibo Film and Television can find any actor you want. That's really exciting. !”

"Aunt Mei, in "The Gift of Room No. 7" we choose the actors, not the actors choose us." Shen Huan said, "There is no need for them to be good people."

Zhu Mei laughed dumbly on the other side of the phone.

Shen Huan saw it clearly.

After experiencing the super success of "Love Letter" and after "The Gift of Room No. 7" moved the whole country, which aspiring actor wouldn't want to star in "The Gift of Room No. 7"

Actors often act for money, but many times they don't act for money.

The remuneration of literary and artistic films is several times lower than that of commercial films, but it still attracts countless celebrities and big names, and that's why.

Everyone hopes to gain a sense of recognition in the world through artistic achievements.

Otherwise, after you have been acting all your life, people will ask you, what are your achievements

You can’t answer by saying, I’ve made enough money, and there’s nothing else left, right

In a movie like "The Gift of Room No. 7" that is watched by the whole country and even Asia, those who are not willing to participate are fools!

And it is impossible for a fool to become a first-rate star!

For example, it was the Xu Dong from before.

"Then let's do this for now." After Zhu Mei heard Shen Huan's thoughts, she felt relieved and hung up the phone.

Shen Huan naturally knew why Zhu Mei made this call.

It seems that there is a lot of pressure on her side.

Zhu Mei, who has such a strong willpower, is a little uneasy. Those film companies are really willing to spend money.

But what Shen Huan is most interested in is not these traditional film companies, but the newly entered Youyi.com.

This No. 1 video website, backed by Shining Technology, is born with huge online attention.

Previously, Youyi.com did not develop its own film and television drama production, but made every effort to consolidate its position as Asia's number one video website.

But in fact, they hit a bottleneck a year ago and can no longer increase their market share.

There are many reasons for this, but the most important factor is that its overall strength has not improved and it cannot find new points to increase its market share.

If they really make up their mind to enter the entertainment industry and develop their own film and television industry, a few film companies will be nothing in their eyes.

Weibo Film and Television, which has the highest market value, has a market value difference of only RMB 70 billion, while Shining Technology has a market value of RMB 840 billion! !

Once forces outside of the traditional entertainment industry continue to enter the entertainment industry, this industry will soon undergo earth-shaking changes!