I Know Everything

Chapter 137: The miserable Director Cui


"Well, okay, thank you. Sister Mei, when you come back, let's have a meal together... Yeah!"

Putting down her phone, the smile on Zheng Rongrong's face slowly dissipated.

Because the person in front of her was not Zhu Mei on the phone, but Teng Dingyuan and Cui Zhong under her command.

Teng Dingyuan looked at Zheng Rongrong and felt reassured: "President, things haven't changed, right?"

"Of course not." Zheng Rongrong said, "Zhu Mei and Chu Liuxiang are not ungrateful people. As long as they start preparations, they will definitely cooperate with us."

"But isn't there any contract signed?" Cui Zhong asked, "It's just a verbal agreement, and we don't have any real benefits."

"What kind of contract are you signing? If you want to sign a contract, that is an insult to others!" Zheng Rongrong frowned, "Then again, Lao Cui, how long has it been since I gave you the task, ah? You still have You didn't sign Shen Huan to me? What do you do for food? "

Cui Zhong is the director of the actor business department of Shanhai.com, specializing in artist contracts.

When they were in Tai Chi Kingdom, Zheng Rongrong took a liking to Shen Huan at a glance and felt that he would definitely become a super star in the future.

So I want to take advantage of the fact that no one else has noticed Shen Huan, sign him in advance, let him become an artist of Shanhai.com, and then focus on cultivating him so that he can grow with Shanhai.com and become an artist of Shanhai.com. a sign.

In the end, Cui Zhong went to talk to Shen Huan, but Shen Huan kept going around and refused to sign the contract.

Cui Zhong originally thought that he was a child. As long as he spent a little more time and gave him more benefits, he would naturally agree.

Unexpectedly, after such a delay, Shen Huan won five awards in a row for "Love Letter".

If Cui Zhong wanted to sign a contract with Shen Huan at that time, Shen Huan would have already gone back to Lin'an.

Lin'an is a bit far from Nanwan, but Cui Zhong didn't dare to take the president's order as a joke, but Shen Huan never answered the phone.

When he finished what he was doing and was about to go to Lin'an in person to persuade Shen Huan, news came out that Shen Huan was Lu Xiaofeng. Now Cui Zhong was confused.

A rising star in the film industry with unparalleled good looks, this one is easier to convince to sign a contract.

But this person is also the number one songwriter in China, so it’s really hard to say.

In particular, Zhao Changshou sang Lu Xiaofeng's songs several times in a row, and the big brothers in the film industry and the music industry were all rushing to send money to Shen Huan to buy songs, which made Cui Zhong completely lose confidence.

Now listening to Zheng Rongrong's accusation, Cui Zhong felt bitter in his heart, "President, Shen Huan doesn't answer my calls at all, and he is not an actor. He is the famous teacher Lu Xiaofeng in the music industry! Just write a song It’s just 2 million, and the conditions I gave him were simply not enough to impress him!”

"What did I tell you before?" Zheng Rongrong snorted coldly, "I only want Shen Huan! I don't care about the rest. How are you? You keep fussing over it all day long! One million is not enough to give 10 million, and 10 million is not enough Give me 50 million, or if 50 million doesn’t work, I’ll give you 100 million! If he wanted to do this in Tai Chi Country, he would have been beaten down long ago!”

Cui Zhong looked frustrated, thinking that you didn't say that at the time. How did I know that you were willing to pay such a high price

But he had to admit that at this price, it was very likely that Shen Huan could be signed at that time.

Shen Huan didn't know at that time that if he just offered a price of 2 million for a song, people would rush to buy it.

If tens of millions of signing bonuses are given to him, will he not be tempted

This is the kind of treatment only actors at the movie king level can get!

Absolutely impossible!

"Now..." Cui Zhong asked tremblingly.

Zheng Rongrong looked at him and sighed secretly in her heart.

If Cui Zhong hadn't been entrusted to him by his father, if he hadn't worked diligently in the past few years to take care of the company's artist contracts in an orderly manner, he would have fired him when he came back from Tai Chi Country empty-handed.

Now that the company is developing rapidly, it needs more and more talents, and its ability requirements are getting higher and higher. Cui Zhong's strength still can't keep up.

Putting aside this idea for the time being, Zheng Rongrong said: "It will definitely be more difficult to sign him now! Go to Lin'an and ask him to sign a five-movie contract with us! I can relax the overall conditions to a total of 30 million, you Don’t screw this up for me again!”

Cui Zhong almost wanted to cry.

Even if the price is so high, he is not sure.

But Teng Dingyuan said something for him, "President, I heard from a friend that Shen Huan, also known as Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, almost never answers calls from people in the industry. He is always between school and home all day long. He keeps going back and forth, and it seems that he has no intention of entering the entertainment industry at all. Wouldn't it be too impatient if you push him like this?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Zheng Rongrong asked.

"The conditions given by Director Cui previously were based on those of a second-tier star, but he was not moved at all. According to my understanding of the film industry, it is unlikely that the current film companies will pay a high price for him. " Teng Dingyuan said, "Why don't we make friends with him first? When he gets admitted to college, if it's an art school, then we'll just take action and take him down!"

Cui Zhong looked at Teng Dingyuan with red eyes.

Lao Teng, you are a good person!

Zheng Rongrong also pondered for a while after hearing this.

She is not as familiar with the entertainment industry as Teng Dingyuan, so she also trusts Teng Dingyuan's judgment.

In fact, Shen Huan's previous performance already represented his unwillingness to make movies.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary actor not grab hold of such a big pole and climb up when he sees it

"How do you want to show your goodwill?" Zheng Rongrong asked.

"Isn't he Teacher Lu Xiaofeng?" Teng Dingyuan said, "Don't the artists under us also want to do musical experiments? Then buy songs from Teacher Lu! Get in touch with him more, so that everyone can Are you familiar?"

"Well... that's good." Zheng Rongrong finally relaxed, "This kid really has a way of writing songs! My dad has been singing several songs he wrote during his free time!"

Tsk tsk, look at that big guy!

The richest man in China all likes Lu Xiaofeng’s works. There is really no one with such talent!

Cui Zhong was a little jealous of Shen Huan for a while.

Not only is he good-looking, but he is also so talented. No wonder the CEO wants to tie him to Shanhaiwang so much.

"Old Cui, you can handle this matter, right?" Zheng Rongrong sighed and turned her attention to Cui Zhong.

Cui Zhong's scalp was a little numb, but he didn't dare not agree: "President, if I don't do it right this time, I won't come back!"

At the same time, Cui Zhong began to pray for blessings from gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Please bless me and make Shen Huan agree to write songs for us! !

La la la, another update

There will be the third update of today’s guarantee later.
