I Know Everything

Chapter 14: That long dragon


At 7 o'clock in the morning, after Shen Huan exercised for a while, she washed up and walked to the noodle shop.

Although they can only sell 200 bowls of Yangchun noodles a day these days, Shui Qingshan, who is not used to such hard work, still left three aunties to help.

This is also the reason why Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu didn't go to help in advance these days.


What a failure this time!

I rarely wanted such a good idea and spread it through newspapers, but it didn't have much effect.

It's not that Shen Huan has never thought about promoting "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" on the Internet.

But in this society, what kind of promotion is free of money

Even if you hire some small influencers with 100,000 followers, the promotion fee will be 3,000 to 5,000 per video.

If one person is not enough, at least seven or eight small internet celebrities must work together to achieve results.

But Shen Huan's total wealth is only 20,000 yuan, so where can he find the capital to hire someone else

As for asking the Shui family to pay, this is even more impossible.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with anyone else. They didn't rely on the small noodle shop to make a living. Shen Huan had to run it himself. But now you want them to advertise desperately to maintain it. Isn't it boring

Unknowingly, Shen Huan looked up.

Well, there are a lot of people in line.


Shen Huan was suddenly startled.

When I looked closer, I found that the queue was actually two long queues of people, lining up on the side of the small noodle shop.

At the wide open store door, customers were coming in and out, and every moment someone took the opportunity to take photos at the door.

It’s exactly the same as the hottest days a few days ago!

No, it’s different!

The crowd today is much bigger than the first day!

Still about ten meters away, Shen Huan heard the slightly hoarse voice of Little Sister Shui.

“No. 133!… Is No. 133 here

three people? Sorry, there are only two places, please wait... No. 134!

Please step aside a little, and brothers and sisters who took photos please leave quickly. It is convenient for others and it is convenient for you! "

When I got closer, I saw Miss Shui standing on the other side, wearing a small earphone and loudspeaker to say hello. Her T-shirt was half soaked with sweat.

Shen Huan immediately looked around with the eyes of scrutinizing enemies, and sure enough he found the strange man with a strange smile on his face, staring at Shui Qianyu again.

Being bold and unfaithful to the people is a taboo for me. Oh, are you allowed to see this

Shen Huan's anger surged up immediately, and she stepped forward and squeezed in beside Shui Qianyu, "Xiao Shuishui, I'm here to greet you. Go inside to stay in a cool place and change some clothes!"

Shui Qianyu looked at Shen Huan, with an expression on his face that he couldn't tell whether he was happy or complaining.

Maybe he was too busy now, and there were so many outsiders here, so Shui Qianyu couldn't talk much. After nodding, he turned the wearable device to Shen Huan.

The two of them had had this kind of shift in the past few days, so they didn't need any more instructions.

As soon as Shen Huan turned around, he saw a crowded group of people on the other side of the street, and they turned a few corners.

Not even two hundred people would believe this posture!

In the previous life, I envied those bosses who had good business and could scold young people who were queuing up. Now I immediately became energetic.

"Let's line up, don't crowd, everyone has a share. It's quick to eat a bowl of Yangchun noodles."

"Hey, hey, big brother, please don't squeeze me! The young lady in front is so squeezed by you that she is about to be pushed out of the queue..."

"And you, little sister, you have already taken beautiful photos. You should also give others a chance... What, I take a photo with you? No need, I'm so busy!"

The sweet little sister just now was replaced by the extremely handsome little brother, and the only ones enjoying the blessing were the female compatriots in line.

At the "click click click" point, a group of girls with quick hands and feet have already posted on WeChat Moments.

"Check in at the small noodle shop, this is their little brother, I want to ask you if you are handsome? @everyone"

"Kill Xiao Nai Gou instantly! The most handsome waiter in history!"

"Yeah, I feel so happy even before I eat noodles!"

"Although queuing is tiring, having such a little brother makes my fatigue disappear! @小丽子, come quickly!"


The people eating noodles inside are actually not very fast, but because of the time difference, there are always people coming out and going in at any time.

However, after working for half an hour, Shen Huan, who was covered in sweat, found that the queue was getting longer and longer. It was at least 50 meters away and there were three bends.

Look at the time, it's not yet 8 o'clock.

Shen Huan was shocked and asked the girl with glasses who was first in line.

"Little sister, when did you come?" Shen Huan was only 16 years old at this time, and it was natural for her to be sweeter.

The girl with glasses, like other women, would glance at Shen Huan from time to time.

Now when she heard Shen Huan talking to her, she subconsciously blurted out: "Little brother, you are so beautiful and your voice is so nice!"


Shen Huan accepted the praise with peace of mind.

The high school student not only looks unrivaled in appearance, but also has a mellow voice that is not thick and sounds refreshing.

"Little brother, we came at 6 o'clock, but now it's 8 o'clock and we haven't arrived yet." Another female white-collar worker behind her interjected, "But fortunately I came early. My colleagues behind me must have Gotta be late!”

"Since you know you're going to be late, why don't you leave quickly?" A trendy man in his twenties couldn't help but said, "Look at you women, you are just joining in the fun!"

"Oh, it seems you don't like to join in the fun?" the female white-collar worker countered.

"My life is miserable too. My girlfriend is studying in Europe. She saw Ning Yiqiu's WeChat Moments yesterday afternoon and saw "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles". She actually called me at 3 o'clock in the morning here, She wants me to take the high-speed train from Lingbo immediately to take a video and send it to her." The trendy man in his twenties was about to cry, "Do you think you women are in trouble?"

"Trouble!" Shen Huan nodded while listening, "But men still need women! So I have to endure it!"


The trendy man looked at Shen Huan and his eyes suddenly became much more eager. Sure enough, it is the male compatriots who are suffering who have a common language!

"Little brother, you don't have to worry. The wife you find in the future will definitely not be willing to let you suffer like this." Another girl who looked like a college student coughed lightly, "If it were me, I would do anything at home. Do you think I will cook everything for you, wash your feet every night, and give birth to your children~~"

"Why?" The trendy man doesn't understand. Are there many types of women

"Haha." The female white-collar worker smiled coldly, "You are so ugly, why do you have the nerve to ask?"

"Am I ugly?" The trendy man was angry.

"Whether you are ugly or not depends on comparison." The female student said, "Compared to the younger brother, you are indeed like a toad compared to a white swan."

I'm going to fuck you!

The trendy man almost didn't curse.

But he saw in despair that all the women next to him, regardless of age, nodded in agreement.

For a moment, the trendy man who received a hundred-ton blow didn't even have the desire to be angry.

Life is so hard...



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