I Know Everything

Chapter 140: Wishes (second update)


Shen Huan just arrived home and when she turned on her phone, she received two text messages. One was from the bank indicating that the 2 million yuan transfer was successful, and the other was from Zhu Mei.

"Shanhai.com has already paid 2 million yuan in advance to buy the song."

Tsk tsk.

How else to say that the eldest princess is someone who does big things

Look at the refreshing energy with which people do things!

The contract was not signed, it was just a promise. It was not said when the song would be given, but the 2 million was paid directly.

Although Shen Huan is not worried that no one will buy her songs, Shanhai.com’s attitude is still worthy of praise!

If this development continues, it will be just around the corner for Shanhai.com to become the next Netflix.

When Netflix wanted to open up the situation, weren't they inviting Oscar directors and Oscar winners to make TV series

Can a TV series produced by a character of this caliber not be enjoyable

How can you not make a name for yourself when you are so willing to spend money

That’s why Netflix soared into the sky, and its market value later surpassed that of the giant Disney. This is also for a reason.

Of course, Shen Huan also understands.

The reason why Shanhai.com accommodated and pleased him so much was definitely not because he was Lu Xiaofeng, but because they valued his appearance.

From the original world to the current world, appearance has always been a very important thing in the entertainment industry.

Many actors and singers who have no talent at all can become stars. Isn't the reason why they are good-looking

Although many of them became famous for a while and were never seen again, it is undeniable that during such a period of time, they still created a lot of crazy results.

For example, a meet-and-greet event can be held in twenty or thirty cities, each selling tens of thousands of tickets and receiving tens of thousands of performance fees. Such crazy things cannot be imagined by people who have not experienced that era.

Shen Huan traveled through time, and the appearance of this high school student was truly handsome that he had never seen before in his previous life.

He had seen Su Mo's appearance. Although he was also stunningly handsome, compared to high school students, it was really a little bit inferior.

No wonder many people who have read "Love Letter" say that there will never be another Yan Wang like Shen Huan in a hundred years. This is a gift from God to the human world.

Considering that Shen Huan is only a little over 16 years old, if Shanhai.com signs him, apart from other things, there will be no need to worry about being the leading actor in idol dramas within ten years.

Even if Shen Huan never becomes a capable actor in her lifetime, when Shen Huan is 40 years old, she can still play the role of a niche actor - you can tell by looking at Su Mo's current appearance. Is it different from a 30-year-old man

The 30-year-old handsome young man can also charm many teenage girls!

But Shen Huan really doesn't want to work and film all day and night, and doesn't like this kind of busy life where she has to avoid going out for a meal.

Shen Huan has several wives and seven or eight children. She plays with the children every day, takes care of their school when they grow up, and travels with her family during holidays. This kind of life is what Shen Huan likes. of.

What's more, Shen Huan is not short of money now.

Even if she is cheated by the evil system, Shen Huan will not be short of money.

At the latest around the Spring Festival next year, the tens of millions of dividends from Riben and Taiji Kingdom's "Love Letter" will be available.

Then Shanhai.com acted as an agent for the copyright of "Love Letter", and bought out the copyright for 200 million yuan in 12 countries. Due to account processing, Shanhai.com did not pay the first time, but it guaranteed to reach Zhu Mei in December. On account.

With all this money, is Shen Huan still worried about her appearance

Having said that, Shen Huan is really enthusiastic and persistent about buying a storefront.

But it's no wonder. In his past life, Shen Huan didn't know how to do business. He didn't believe in anything else. He just knew that the house was the best way to preserve its value and bring him a stable income.

People who think they are smart and want to be successful in every field usually end up failing miserably in their investments.

For example, celebrities, football stars, writers, etc., all of them are the creators of investment tragedies where they lost all their money!

Or would it be better if Shen Huan was smart, worked as a charterer honestly, and lived a leisurely life


Shen Huan probably won't be able to keep Chu Liuxiang's identity a secret for long.

Shen Huan had already figured out the direction of the leak. It should be someone from the "Urban Emotions" column of "Qiantang Evening News". The time should be shortly after the release of the movie "The Gift of Room No. 7".

These people who have little to do with Shen Huan are able to keep secrets now because the chips given by entertainment reporters are not big enough.

The 1 million chips are useless.

People can still make money by working in the editorial department for seven or eight years, and the work is familiar and the reputation is good.

But what if a secret can be exchanged for 3 million or 5 million

It was hard for Shen Huan to imagine that they could resist.

The reason why no one gives so much money now is because they are not in a hurry, and they don't think Chu Liuxiang's identity is worth that much money.

Everyone is also waiting for the novel release and movie release of "The Gift of Room No. 7".

As long as these two aspects are successful, then people will definitely chase Chu Liuxiang crazily, wanting to know his identity, and even want his other works.

Interests are always the premise that determines people's actions.

Today's interests are not that great, and of course no one is going to great lengths to pursue this secret.

It’s difficult!

It’s hard to be a famous songwriter!

It’s even harder to be a famous songwriter and novelist!

With such an identity, if it weren't for the Haoye system, Shen Huan's wishes would be totally different.

But now that he has come this far, he has no way to back down.

I can only reduce my investment in entertainment in the future and continue to indulge in learning.

Many people think that learning knowledge is useless because they can't compare with celebrities who are famous and can make money.

But this is just a very narrow idea.

Those real professors and experts are not short of money at all, and there is no problem at all in ensuring the comfort and expenses of the family.

More importantly, in terms of social status, the two are completely different.

Shen Huan took his wives out. One said, "Oh, these are the wives of celebrity Shen Huan," and the other said, "Oh, these are the wives of Mr. Shen Huan, the Nobel Prize winner."

Which one do you think will be more respected? Which one would make the wives and children prouder

To put it more bluntly, when encountering a devastating disaster, do you think the country should send Nobel laureate Mr. Shen Huan and his family to the underground safety fortress first, or should the country send celebrity Shen Huan and his family to the underground safety fortress

Of course, Shen Huan didn't expect something so extreme to happen.

He no longer thinks about his desire to graduate from a prestigious university and get a good job.

Because after he sold a song for 2 million, and after "Gift from Room No. 7" he could eat it for the rest of his life, there was no need to think about it anymore.

But his desire to become a top student and have a respectable status in the future has never changed.