I Know Everything

Chapter 142: Increased difficulty (first update)


Unsurprisingly, the next morning, Shen Huancai walked out of Mingde Lane and saw a dozen school belles wearing Mingxian Middle School uniforms standing outside.

There are so many different types of school beauties standing there together. Just looking at them will make you feel like a scenery.

They all originally sent condolences via Wechat last night, but after Shen Huan replied in unison, they still couldn't rest assured.

When they saw Shen Huan coming out, they all gathered around. Some of the more sensitive ones looked at Shen Huan's swollen face with red eyes.

"Okay, I'm not some delicate Jia Baoyu. Isn't this good?" Shen Huan greeted them with a smile, "What you should be worried about is those bastards who were beaten by me."

"You don't have to worry about them anymore." Di Xiaoling gritted her teeth and said, "When they get out of the hospital, they will be prosecuted for a total of 7 crimes. It will take 30 years at the earliest."

Shen Huan laughed dumbly, not expecting these girls to be so fast.

A long-term sentence of 30 years is basically the limit for the country.

When they come out, they are all in their fifties and sixties, and their personalities have been smoothed away, so naturally they can no longer do any harm.

"Thank you!" Shen Huan nodded.

"It is the result of the joint efforts of all of us." Di Xiaoling did not take credit for it, "Besides, we are doing it for ourselves. Without you, what would anyone do if this kind of thing happened to them? These bastards deserve to die. !”

"But I didn't see your work yesterday afternoon. I only saw the photos they took. What a pity!" Xu Qiao sighed sadly.

"It's better not to see things like fighting." Shen Huan changed the subject, "Let's go, we'll be late for school."


When a group of school beauties faced Shen Huan, they never had any strong words to say. They followed him obediently, and the group walked towards the school in a mighty manner.

After entering the school gate, many students looked at Shen Huan, which was a little different from before.

In the past, there were some who were envious and jealous, and some who admired them, but this time there was a hint of awe.

"Have you heard? Shen Huan beat ten of them one by one and sent them all to the hospital!"

"Not just that! I heard that two of them were beaten to death on the spot! It was so brutal!"

"I used to secretly call him a pretty boy, but luckily I didn't anger him, otherwise I would be in trouble!"

"I can't believe that besides being good-looking and good at studying, Shen Huan is also so strong... I really envy those school beauties!"

"Humph, why are you envious of them? They are just a little better than us. In the future, when Shen Huan meets more famous school beauties, aren't they just like us and can only watch?"

"Yes, let's talk about Han Dong'er. Can they compare?"


Shen Huan looked at their evasive eyes and knew what they were thinking and discussing.

Even Su Xiaofei, who was a little angry with him some time ago, was so frightened that he lowered his head and pretended to read a book after seeing Shen Huan enter the classroom today, and no longer dared to show a contemptuous smile to Shen Huan.

Shen Huan didn't take it to heart at all about these changes in his classmates.

Originally, the mental age of a man is almost 30 years old. What is the use of pondering in the small pond of school all day long

His mind had already skipped high school and had longer-term plans.

After lunch, He Qiang called Shen Huan to the office to do the Mathematical Olympiad paper.

There were two consecutive classes in the afternoon for self-study. Of course He Qiang came to take up Shen Huan's time in a legitimate manner.

After Shen Huan showed his talent in mathematics, the school was very supportive of He Qiang's special treatment for him.

Shen Huan naturally needs such an enthusiastic teacher to explain to him some basic knowledge of mathematics and some of his experience in teaching for decades. This is a rare foundation for solidification.

However, the questions that He Qiang has been asking recently are getting more and more difficult.

For example, last week's question, Shen Huan clearly felt that it went beyond the scope of university and reached the point of graduate entrance examination.

Although the paper I took out today only has three questions, it is a typical question about calculus and matrix analysis.

If Shen Huan hadn't studied more than 30 graduate-level mathematics papers in the past few weeks, it would have been a bit difficult to handle.

But now, for Shen Huan, who is already familiar with professional mathematics (intermediate level), the difficulty of the three questions is not great, as long as he avoids the traps inside.

In less than half an hour, Shen Huan had completed the test paper and handed it to He Qiang.

He Qiang took the paper and looked at it carefully for a while. After a while, he smiled with relief and said, "Xiao Huan, you have improved this time compared to last week. You have been doing a lot of homework at home recently, right?"

"Yes, I have been working hard to learn this knowledge recently and have done more similar questions." Shen Huan nodded.

In last week's test paper, Shen Huan deliberately got three of the twelve questions wrong, and there was also a small mistake in the solution process of one question, so she didn't get full marks.

This time, Shen Huan only got two of the three questions right. For the remaining question, she pretended not to escape the penultimate little trap and fell before victory.

It's harder to do it with such a slight flaw than to get it completely right.

Shen Huan deeply understood that if he could do graduate-level questions beautifully as soon as he started, he would really stand out.

It is completely inconsistent with my status as a high school student half a year ago.

This is not called enlightenment, but cheating.

Therefore, Shen Huan could only make progress slowly.

But in He Qiang's view, Shen Huan's progress was already so rapid that he couldn't believe it.

Rumor has it that Einstein was in a state of dementia until he was a few years old. After he regained consciousness, he went on a smooth journey and became one of the greatest physicists in the world.

According to the current situation, Shen Huan from our school also feels a bit like this.

Of course He Qiang does not expect Shen Huan to become the second Einstein, but if he can mature and become another famous mathematical genius in our country, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of mathematics in the entire country!

After withdrawing his thoughts, He Qiang took the paper and explained it to Shen Huan carefully.

"You did a good job today, but there is a little bit of knowledge that you didn't understand..."

"Teacher, this is how he did the questions today..."

"To be able to achieve this level, your student's progress is really unexpected! Is there really another genius?"

"Hey, I think he is a genius. How long has it been since then? His understanding of mathematics is amazing!"

"That's true... Well, that group of children are back from Huajing this week, right? I'll come over and supervise them to do a difficult Mathematical Olympiad problem. You call your students and do the problem with them."
