I Know Everything

Chapter 144: Defects


November 29th, Saturday.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Zheyue Satellite TV Building, the studio of "I Sing My Song" had more than a hundred seats, which were full.

As the program "I Sing My Song" becomes more and more popular, the level of the audience participating in the live broadcast and recording is getting higher and higher.

For the top 64 in front to advance to the top 32, a group of students from the nearby university were invited to sit in the front row, and the back row was filled with connections from some units.

It's different now. Ordinary people in the program team can't get a ticket at all. Even Hua Zhongpu, Wu Ping and Jiu Ge only got 3 tickets for this show.

The rest, except for the beautiful female students and handsome male students in the first few rows, who needed to be chosen in the school, the rest were all used as favors by the bosses.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is an old woman in her 60s sitting next to Shen Huan.

The old man was more curious, so she sat down and asked Shen Huan.

"Young man, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"You still have to come and watch the show even if you don't feel well. Do you have a player you particularly like?"

"My son knows that I particularly like Zhao Changshou, so he specially found a ticket for me, haha!"

"Seeing Zhao Changshou reminds me of our era. He was the singer who represented us common people!"


Shen Huan chatted with her word by word. It wasn't until Brother Jiu finished his opening remarks and the eight contestants stood on the stage together that the old woman stopped talking.

Her eyes were fixed on Zhao Changshou, and she was as nervous and excited as those teenage girls feeling when they chase their idols.

Zhao Changshou is the biggest star in the program group at this time, so of course it is impossible to let these people get their wish and put Zhao Changshou first.

His position is usually one of the last few, and he will not be so hated in the last position, nor will he appear too early and make the game lose suspense too early.

There are always a lot of talents in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Among the contestants who signed up for "I Sing My Song", there are many good talents.

For example, when we first entered the top 64, the four most popular ones, Li Bi, Yu Chenghan, Jin Guwei and Zhuo Xiaofen, all made it through and stood in the top 8.

The 33-year-old wandering singer Ling Ruiyun is also there. In this year's "I Sing My Song", because of Mr. Zhao Changshou, contestants who are older and have more experience will be more popular.

Therefore, Ling Ruiyun is still the second most popular.

It is said that a record company has contacted him.

But all talent shows have one characteristic, and that is exclusivity.

Once they enter the top 32, the players will sign an agreement with an agency. How they develop in the future must first go through this agency.

Usually this brokerage company is closely related to the TV station, or is simply a subsidiary of the TV station.

If other record companies take a fancy to one of them, they must buy their contract from the brokerage company. Naturally, the TV station and the brokerage company make this part of the money.

Ling Ruiyun's termination fee is quite high. Now that he has reached the top 8, it already starts at 3 million.

If he is allowed to enter the final four, it will be at least 5 million.

As for Mr. Zhao Changshou, the management contract is not that harsh.

He is 65 years old, he is still a farmer, and he has no desires at all. Even if you ask him to perform and sing everywhere, he does not have the spirit.

Therefore, he only has some terms such as "assisting Zhejiang TV in the promotion of Zhejiang TV when necessary", "helping in the promotion of "I Sing My Song"", "participating in New Year's Eve parties and holiday parties", etc., which are not mandatory yet.

As for the elderly, illnesses come at any time. If something goes wrong due to force, who dares to take the responsibility

Entering the top 8, although there are fewer and fewer people, the competition is getting more and more fierce.

All the six players at the beginning failed in the first round.

The three judges all have their own opinions, and their requirements are much stricter than before. There is simply no way to reach a unified opinion among the three.

But no one, including the audience in front of the TV, panicked, because the seventh person to come out was Zhao Changshou.

Zhao Changshou, who came out wearing an opera dress, looked much more energetic and radiant than usual.

He was still so taciturn, he just smiled and said to everyone: "Good evening everyone, "The Rolling Yangtze River Passes East" is given to you. I hope you like it."

On the screen behind him, a few lines of words appeared as usual.

After seeing these lines, the scene was in an uproar, and some viewers in front of the TV started to curse.

Song: The Rolling Yangtze River Passes East.

Singer: Zhao Changshou.

Lyricist: Ming Yang Shen.

Composer: Lu Xiaofeng.

Arranger: Lu Xiaofeng.


The soul is weak! !

Your show team is so disgusting!

This is obviously a song re-composed by Sister Xiaofeng using ancient lyrics.

You guys, who are so heartless and heartless, actually deceived our feelings and made us think that Sister Feng was done with her talents!

Before more people could react, a piece of majestic music came out.

Only then did people discover that the band this time was very large, with at least more than 30 people, and a variety of Chinese and foreign instruments.

This is exactly how this powerful piece of music appears.

"The rolling waters of the Yangtze River pass eastward, and the waves wash away the heroes. Right and wrong, success or failure, are all gone. The green mountains are still there, and the sunsets are red several times."

"White-haired fishermen and woodcutters on the river bank are used to looking at the autumn moon and the spring breeze. We are happy to meet each other over a pot of wine. Many things in ancient and modern times are all talked about with laughter."

The lyrics are very simple, just two paragraphs and 52 words.

Zhao Changshou did not sing in a fancy way, but emphasized the richness and smoothness of his voice, and then added a little depth.

He enunciated every word very clearly, but he did not sing word by word. Instead, according to the distribution of the music, he sang one sentence at a time into a small paragraph, and sang it coherently.

As a result, the whole song is in perfect harmony with the majestic soundtrack, making people feel like they have returned to the era when the waves were rolling forward and feel the changes of time.

The old man sang it twice in total, and the last line, "So many things in ancient and modern times, are all made up of jokes" was sung three times in a row.

Even so, when the last syllable fell and Zhao Changshou grasped and closed his hands with one hand, the audience was still immersed in the desolation and majesty of the song, and did not come back to their senses immediately.

But when they came back from singing, there was warm applause.

They didn't understand the song, but they were willing to listen to it anyway, and they felt shocked.

It was Lan Kai's comments that revealed the truth: "Teacher Lu Xiaofeng chose this song, the first word of the Ming Dynasty, because he didn't want everyone to sing it. The requirements for this song are very high. In addition to mastering the voice and breath, there are also It must be naturally bold and free. Therefore, he just wrote it and let the old man sing it for all of you to listen to.

Just listen. Close your eyes, and during the singing, a vast ancient scene will definitely appear in your mind, and you will be involuntarily immersed in it, feeling the greatness of this word and the mysterious artistic conception of this song.

I suggest that before you listen to this song next time, you first get to know Yang Shen and understand his miserable but never short of breath experience. After understanding the mood of the lyricist, and then listening to the unyielding and free and easy expression of his lyrics, and listening to teacher Lu Xiaofeng’s wonderful composition, it will bring a real baptism to everyone’s hearts! "

After saying this, Lan Kai held up the sign: "The old man's forcefulness is enough, his breath is full and stable, and he sings very well. But his free and easy style needs to be a little weaker. This is related to personal experience, and there is no way to force it." . Not to mention being able to hear such fairy music composed by Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, my wish is fulfilled, of course I pass!"

Shen Huan sat in the back and nodded slightly as he listened to Lan Kai's comment.

Lan Kai's ability to become an ace producer and to be trusted by Tang Yuan is really not based on connections or seniority.

When he reads these songs, he often has more insights and deeper understanding than others.

Only with this kind of acumen can he grasp the characteristics of a song, select and produce it, so that Tang Yuan will be satisfied, and the new singers he will introduce will also satisfy the fans.

If nothing else, when you hear this poem, you can think of Yang Shen, and those who understand his life can definitely be regarded as a cultural person, and cannot be compared to those people in the music industry who moan and groan without illness. .

Fu Bufan was also very impressed when he heard this: "Brother Kai said everything I wanted to say but couldn't express it. It seems that people really should read more, otherwise it would be really bad for someone like me to come out and make people laugh. !… I also passed!”

Han Donger was the third one to raise the "Passed" sign, but she said something unprecedented: "This time he didn't choose appropriately. The old man still sang well."

The audience at the scene applauded to celebrate the old man's promotion, and they all laughed.

Everyone knows who the "he" here is referring to.

This is the first time Han Donger mentioned that Lu Xiaofeng's song was not chosen well.

But in the eyes of most other people, especially the audience, "The Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River Passing East" is already the best among the best.

They couldn't hear the slight flaws in Zhao Changshou's singing. They just thought it was pleasant and artistic, not like a pop song at all, and they would get tired of it after listening to it a few times.

Now, they just want to hear the old man sing again and feel the taste that Lan Kai said.

Including the audience in front of the TV, this is the idea.

After hearing the song sung by the old man, they suddenly felt that it was natural for the previous singers who could not advance directly to advance due to disputes to fail.

Before reaching the height of the song "The Rolling Yangtze River Passes East", who can say that they can advance without any doubt

If they can all be promoted casually, where would you put the classic songs carefully composed by Teacher Lu Xiaofeng

… …

Today is the beginning of winter. In the cold wind, I beg you to subscribe! ! !