I Know Everything

Chapter 148: A very high-standard mathematics competition


This week is the second round of "I Sing My Song" where 8 will advance to 4, and next week the four will compete for the championship, second and third place.

The old man who needed to prepare two songs suddenly became a little tight for time.

He would sometimes go to the TV station to practice and rehearse the first song, and then wait until Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu were out of school before going to the recording studio to practice the second song together.

Two songs are just standard.

In fact, what the crew meant was that if there was going to be a PK in the end, it would be appropriate to prepare another song.

But Shen Huan told them directly that if neither of these two songs won the championship, he would quit the music scene and never write songs again.

The crew of the "I Sing My Song" program was so scared that the crew was a little nervous, thinking that if something unexpected happened, then I would be the sinner of the entire music industry, and I don't know how many music fans would scold me.

So, to be sure and to keep it confidential, the program team of "I Sing My Song" rented a recording studio here so that they could use it at any time.

It’s really hard for them to resist coming over to take a look.

Han Donger naturally ran from both ends.

After hearing the two songs written by Shen Huan for Zhao Changshou and seeing them rehearsing, she, a lonely person, couldn't help but look forward to next week's finals.

It's just that Han Dong'er admires Shui Qianyu very much, but Shui Qianyu definitely doesn't appreciate Han Dong'er. She behaves even more indifferently than Han Dong'er.

Han Donger was not good at speaking before, but now she is better. When two girls stay together, they become mute.

Shen Huan didn't dare to rashly let the two of them become good friends.

Thinking about it, you know it's impossible, so you'd better not get involved.

In addition to practicing singing at night, Shen Huan also has another task, which is to participate in the mathematics competition for the third time.

Before entering the field of mathematics, Shen Huan really didn't know that mathematics was like this.

In addition to doing and lecturing questions all day long, I also often participate in various competitions. On the one hand, I encounter more complex question types, and on the other hand, I compete with experts to increase my experience and trigger The mentality of actively working hard.

It was also from He Qiang that Shen Huan learned that in fact, mathematical geniuses all over the world almost lived like this when they were young.

Coupled with the information Shen Huan obtained from the Internet in his previous life, he finally had a more systematic understanding.

Do you think students in Japan, the United States, and Australia go to school happily

Their high school students don't arrive at school until 9:30, and get out of school at 3:30 in the afternoon. Then they participate in various extracurricular activities they like


Of course not!

Those who do this are very ordinary and ordinary schools and students.

These schools are not aimed at further education at all. They just provide you with compulsory education.

As for whether you will be admitted to college after graduating from high school, and whether you can be admitted to college, it is not a matter for the school and teachers to consider.

So who considers this

Teachers in private schools and those tutoring classes!

Almost only students who go to attend classes in those places can finally get into a good university and have the opportunity to change their lives.

Therefore, after school every afternoon, qualified foreign parents take their children to various cram schools. The miserable life of their students is no different from ours.

Otherwise, do you think those teenagers who participate in various science competitions are all geniuses? Are all foreign students geniuses

We cannot deny that there must be geniuses, but there are only one or two. The rest are all people who can stand out through this kind of education and supplementary lessons.

Knowing this, Shen Huan could only grit his teeth and persist.

If you want to become a genius mathematician and get an invitation to become a doctoral student at a prestigious university, you have to pay the price.

Even if Shen Huan can solve "Fermat's Last Theorem", if he has no previous achievements, people will be surprised if he says it, and many people will be suspicious.

Now that he has improved again and again and won championships again and again, this will give people the feeling that "this is indeed a genius who has enlightened himself", and it will not be embarrassing when he talks about it after winning the award.

Today is said to be smaller in scale than last time, but its influence and importance far exceed that of the last "Ten Schools Competition".

The first reason is that the top six students in the city who did not participate in the last "Ten School Competition" have returned from the "Mathematics Winter Camp" in Huajing.

In fact, Zhejiang Province, which is not a strong province in mathematics, only has 3 places. The remaining three are all students who attend as auditors.

Auditing is not a shameful thing. There are more than 100 people who audit across the country, and they can get into the top ten in mathematics in any first-tier city.

This kind of admission basically belongs to junior high schools and high schools without examination, and key universities will also give priority to admission.

For example, Shi Zixiong, one of the top ten math students in Lin'an City and the top 20 students in Zhejiang and Yue Province, is not even qualified to audit.

Of course, even among the three top students who formally attend lectures and study, only one will stay in Beijing to participate in the official "Mathematics Winter Camp" and compete for next year's Global World Mathematical Olympiad.

In other words, if students from other super-strong mathematics provinces perform well, it would not be surprising if Zhejiang and Yue Province were completely wiped out.

It's not like this has never happened before.

Therefore, the geniuses of this class have worked hard and absolutely do not want to make themselves the laughing stock.

Originally, they were not willing to participate in Lin'an City's mathematics competition.

But the second reason is that they must come to participate.

This reason is that the teacher who participated in the invigilation of the exam was Yu Dingbian, a professor of the Department of Mathematics at Funan University, and the person who asked the questions was Chang Guancheng, the director of the Department of Mathematics at Huajing University.

Anyone who studies mathematics can basically not get around these two giants.

They are basically two of the top people in the country in mathematics. There are only two or three people in the country who can match them in terms of mathematical ability and influence.

Geniuses would naturally not miss an opportunity like this to test themselves.

In fact, not everyone can participate in this mathematics competition. After hearing about the participation of these two people, many students expressed their desire to participate, even just to experience it.

But the organizers of the competition refused. It is said that this was Professor Yu’s intention.

Lin'an City selected seven people in total.

The six were the six who had just returned from Huajing, and the remaining one was Shen Huan, who had graduated from Mingxian Middle School, a second-rate school.

Facing such six geniuses who were far better than Shi Zixiong, Shen Huan felt very calm.

If we are still afraid when facing the math genius in high school, it will be a real disgrace to the time traveler, and it will be an insult to the good master's continuous skill blessing.

The mathematicians I am dealing with now will scare you to death if I tell you.