I Know Everything

Chapter 149: No. 2 Middle School (second update)


He Qiang was obviously a little excited.

For the ten o'clock game, he drove to the entrance of Mingde Lane at 8:30 in the morning and waited for Shen Huan to come out.

Then he ran all the way and arrived at Lin'an No. 2 Middle School at nine o'clock.

There are three top middle schools in Lin'an City, No. 2 Middle School, Xuejun Middle School and Senior High School. The oldest high school is the Senior High School, and Xuejun Middle School is the one that often has amazing talents. However, it is the most stable and has the most talents. Yes, it still has to belong to the second middle school.

Since their establishment, they have been at the top of Lin'an's middle schools.

Not only students from Lin'an City, but also students from other counties and cities are proud to be admitted to Lin'an No. 2 Middle School.

But it’s too difficult to get into No. 2 Middle School.

Junior high school is a little better. When you enter high school, any one you pick will be the first in the class, or the former top student in a certain subject in elementary school.

However, it is precisely because of this rarity that so many people flock to Lin'an No. 2 Middle School.

Oh, by the way, every winter and summer vacation, when students from other places organize outings, Lin'an No. 2 Middle School is one of the places they will definitely visit.

"Remember this place! If you can study here in the future, your future will be bright, and your teachers and parents will be proud of you."

Encouragement and chicken soup like this can be found in almost every team.

There are also countless children with the light of struggle and hard work shining in their eyes.

But this is actually of no use. Admission through examination is the greatest fairness among unfairness.

Ability and inability cannot basically be changed by hard work.

Only with ability, talent, and hard work can a school like Lin'an No. 2 Middle School be opened to students.

It was also the first time that Shen Huan stepped into the gate of No. 2 Middle School.

But he didn't feel any excitement.

How could a person who has been working for several years be interested in a high school

Not to mention that he is already in high school. The girls at Mingxian Middle School are very kind to him. He is definitely not willing to change schools.

But as soon as she entered the school, Shen Huan was surrounded by a group of boys and girls.

It was not the students from the No. 2 Middle School who were waiting for him specially, but a group of junior high school students who came from the lower counties and cities for an excursion. While visiting, they suddenly saw the "unparalleled and beautiful young man" who has become popular all over China recently. In excitement, of course they gathered around.

Shen Huan's character is not violent, nor does he become rampant when he gets his way.

Facing a group of junior high school students who have not yet experienced society, even if he is a little enthusiastic and chattering a little noisily, he still smiles and answers their questions and happily takes photos with them.

In the distance, a group of students standing in the teaching building frowned as they watched this scene.

"That person who looks like a star is Shen Huan who will compete with us later?" A tall boy asked teasingly.

"Yes, that's him!" Shi Zixiong was standing next to them at the moment and said loudly, "He is very arrogant. During the last competition, he said he would defeat all Lin'an invincible opponents. Even if Brother Song comes back, you will still be the same. They were also swept away.”

He deliberately raised his voice just to be heard by the six contestants here.

But a quiet girl smiled.

"How come I heard that there was a person who made a bet with someone, and if he lost, he would shout 'I'm a stupid pig'. As a result, Shen Huan won, but she was so generous that she didn't let that person fulfill his promise?" She looked at it. Shi Zixiong said, "You've heard about it too, right?"

Shi Zixiong's face immediately turned as red as a cooked lobster.

A young man wearing glasses also smiled when he heard this: "Yes, some people are smart, but don't treat others as fools. If you want us to stand up for such boring things, do you think too highly of yourself? Are you capable of provoking?"

"I, I'm not..." Shi Zixiong waved his hands in denial.

Before he even finished speaking, the tall boy just now frowned and said, "Okay, stop talking! Put away your petty nonsense and stop embarrassing yourself here!"


Shi Zixiong lowered his head and retreated to the back, where he could still hear the giggles of several students.

He secretly clenched his fists.

You bastards!


One day I will surpass you and make you regret humiliating me today!

He Qiang was in a very relaxed mood at this time. He let the children pester Shen Huan for more than ten minutes before coaxing them to get out of the way and leading Shen Huan over.

Shen Huan saw this group of students from a distance, as if they were also looking at him.

Then he saw Shi Zixiong, but he was hiding behind the crowd, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

Of course, Shen Huan didn't take him seriously, but smiled at everyone before passing by them and entering the teaching building.

"Wow, what a handsome little boy!" A senior senior in high school said with a smile, "Such a little boy is good-looking, talented, and can make money. I really don't know which little girls will be cheap in the future. Woolen cloth!"

"I hope he lives up to his reputation." The bespectacled boy just said, "If his mathematical ability can't match his ability to compose lyrics and music, we will be in trouble today!"

"Whether it works or not, you have to try to find out." The tall boy laughed loudly, "Professor Yu asked him to come here today just to try out our quality!"

Everyone nodded as they listened.

The six people standing among them are already the strongest geniuses in the entire Zhejiang Province.

When one of them, Shen Huan, was sent in, Professor Yu's thoughts were naturally self-evident.

But at least it can express an idea.

That is, in Professor Yu's mind, Shen Huan is at least a mathematical genius on the same level as them.

The six of them have always had high arrogance. Even if there are many geniuses in the county and city, no one can shake their status.

Starting seventh behind them is another level of genius.

Now, Shen Huan suddenly appeared. Although they were full of confidence, they would never look down upon him.

Therefore, Shi Zixiong's sowing discord just now had no effect at all.

Everyone is a genius, who do you think is a fool

Even if you want to suppress Shen Huan, you have to do it in the examination hall. If you become enemies with Shen Huan off the field, do you think Sister Xiaofeng’s tens of millions of fans are vegetarians

Mathematics is no match for these geniuses. Teacher Lu Xiaofeng can be said to be inferior in skills.

But if you find something to fight with him for nothing, the group of people on the Internet will let you know what society is in a minute.

Shen Huan didn't know what they thought. It should be said that his spirit was not in this regard at all.

A genius mathematician who is about to solve "Fermat's Last Theorem" should look at famous mathematicians around the world.

He and He Qiang went up to the second floor and arrived at a teacher's office.

There was an old man with gray hair sitting inside, but he was very energetic.

He was smoking at this time, and looking at the old man's skillful and comfortable look, he knew that he was a long-time smoker.

Shen Huan had met this man before. There was a photo of the two of them in front of He Qiang's desk, and his identity was Yu Dingbian, a professor at the Department of Mathematics at Fuhuang University.

"Here you are? Sit down!" Yu Dingbian did not get up, but greeted them casually.

Shen Huan sat down. He Qiang deliberately wanted him to be polite and stand up to talk to the master, but in the end his mouth moved and there were no words.

Yu Dingbian smiled, "Xiaoqiang, look at it, your character has not changed over the years, and you are not as free and easy as your students!"

"Would you believe it if I had his talent and a more out-of-the-box personality than you?" He Qiang said seriously.

A trace of surprise flashed in Shen Huan's eyes.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that Teacher He, who has always been serious and serious, also has the potential of an experienced driver.

"Haha, it is an achievement that you can find such a good seedling." Yu Ding looked at Shen Huan while speaking, "Xiao Huan, today's exam is very important to you, you must do it well You have to work hard to take the exam and fight until the last second, you know?"

His words revealed a lot of information.

On the one hand, it is a test for Shen Huan, and on the other hand, the questions this time are very difficult.

"The questions that are often asked this time are based on the abilities of graduate students." Yu Dingbian said, "For you, although you may have studied the subjects for graduate students on your own and have done questions in this area. But If it is a question specifically for graduate students, it would be very difficult. It can be said that it even exceeds the level of the Mathematical Olympiad."

Shen Huan nodded.

In his previous life, he was a top math student in his neighborhood. When he graduated from elementary school, he took the math paper for the college entrance examination and scored 145 points, which made a scumbag like Shen Huan hide his face and leave.

So if you can't do it, don't think that others can't do it either.

Therefore, even if there are only 1,23,456 people from Zhejiang and Yue Province standing outside, don't think they are that bad.

"Go out and get ready first! Your teacher and I have something to say." After a few words of warning, Yu Dingbian kicked Shen Huan out.

"Teacher, are the questions this time really that difficult?" He Qiang asked immediately.

"I often ask questions, which are naturally more difficult." Yu Ding smiled and said, "But if it's not difficult, would it be interesting to give it to them?"

"Haha." He Qiang felt a little uneasy, but he didn't dare to ask Yu Dingbian any more.

After all, Shen Huan's foundation in the past few years was not very solid. Although it was a rapid improvement, there was still a gap compared to those geniuses who had studied in elite education since childhood.

Yu Dingbian himself had some expectations.

The questions Chang Guancheng asked were not easy. Could it be that the questions he asked were easy

Shen Huan has performed so well several times in a row, but it is definitely not due to luck.

If Shen Huan performs well this time, he can talk to Lao Chang.

Lest he brag about their Bai Wushuang all day long and bully us, no one in Zhejiang Province