I Know Everything

Chapter 155: I will only win! (Second update)


After the rehearsal, Shui Qianyu's fatigue suddenly came over him.

If she couldn't go home right away, she would have just fallen into Shen Huan's arms and slept.

Every time they finish rehearsing in the evening, the hotel's car takes them there, and the cost is naturally paid by the "I Sing My Song" program team.

Since "I Sing My Song" climbed to the runner-up position in the Saturday show three weeks ago, Zhejiang Yue Satellite TV has specially approved 30 million yuan in funds to allow them to properly prepare the remaining episodes of the program, especially the championship battle. good.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have that much money to make trouble online and blackmail themselves.

So the transportation fee is nothing to them.

When Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu went back today, Sun Yan insisted on seeing them off.

Shen Huan knew that something must be wrong with her, so she started talking to Shen Huan as soon as she got in the car.

Shui Qianyu didn't care so much and slept on Shen Huan's shoulder after getting in the car.

Because of this, Sun Yan's voice was deliberately lowered: "Do you know the situation of the finals?"

Shen Huan looked at her angrily, meaning if you have anything to say, just say it.

Sun Yan herself felt that this attitude of "a wise man treats others with surprise and asks questions" was not very suitable in front of Shen Huan, so she smiled coquettishly and said: "The finalists are the old man, Li Bi, Jin Guwei and Ling Ruiyun. Except for us In addition, each of the three of them also had a song that they rehearsed alone outside, and no one knows about the rest."

Shen Huan nodded slightly.

This is the inspiration that Zhejiang and Yue TV got from Shen Huan's actions. Let the three of them do the same, which will increase the mystery of the final and make everyone more excited.

It turns out that the audience is still very interested in this kind of stunt. For more than a week, there have been many posts analyzing this matter on the Internet. Everyone is discussing who prepared the best and most exciting song.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the combination of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng and Mr. Zhao Changshou.

no way.

Since the two of them collaborated, teacher Lu Xiaofeng, with her insane talent (!?), has continuously customized songs for the old man, turning him from an unknown old farmer who was eliminated to the hottest song in the country. talent show singer.

There are at least two prepared songs for the final, one of which was rehearsed live. The people involved in the rehearsal cannot record or video now, but they still have mouths.

According to people present at the scene, this song is very nice to listen to. It is completely different from the style Zhao Changshou sang before, but it is also very touching.

According to this source, from the current public rehearsal songs, this song by teacher Lu Xiaofeng is definitely the best.

If those singers can't come up with a song that can be compared with this song, then they will definitely encounter huge difficulties in the first round, let alone the second song that Lu Xiaofeng and Zhao Changshou kept secret.

That must be a better song than this one.

When the news came out, all the viewers and online soy sauce fans were itching to hear the sounds of nature on the Saturday and Sunday of the finals.

This is what Sun Yan is talking about now, "According to my understanding, they are actually prepared secretly. For example, Li Bi caused a youth storm because she was young, beautiful and had good stage performance. I heard that she went to find Yi Kang Hai and Shang Ya, two first-class songwriters, prepared a secret weapon for her.

There is also Jin Guwei, whose contract has been bought by Yanhuang Music. This handsome 20-year-old Shuchuan boy has always been very popular on the Internet and has countless fans. Therefore, Yanhuang Music specially asked the "Double Gold Brothers" to write a song for him. There will be no problem in attracting young boys and girls.

The last one, Ling Ruiyun, was even more powerful. He was greatly appreciated by the little king Fu Bufan. He felt that they had similar common experiences, so he specially composed a song for him. It is said that Ling Ruiyun started to cry after reading this song once. A song that can move this 33-year-old man must be a good song! "

Listening to Sun Yan talking so eloquently, Shen Huan smiled unconsciously.

"Hua Zhongpu told you, right?" he asked.

"Uh..." Sun Yan said cautiously, "How do you know?"

"How could you get such detailed information?" Shen Huan said with a smile, "Only the program team who don't want us to lose would want to use your mouth to convey the opponent's movements to me."

"Teacher Lu, you are so smart~" Sun Yan quickly flattered her, "Then what should we do?"

"What do you think of our two songs?" Shen Huan asked.

"Of course it's excellent!" Sun Yan said, "Needless to say the first song, this is the second song we secretly rehearsed. If it doesn't shock the whole audience, I will eat all the steel plates on the floor of the recording studio!"


You have a good appetite.

Shen Huan smiled brightly, "Then what are you worried about?"

"But there are still strong players among the best. If we are careless, we will lose in the end. This is usually how it is played on TV." Sun Yan said plausibly, "There are also those off-the-table moves. If 50 professionals The musician and the 50 spectators suddenly got convulsed, and those young and beautiful contestants were chosen, wouldn’t we be at a great loss?”

"There will be no surprises this time." Shen Huan said confidently.

First of all, the lottery opportunities for Shen Huan's only two songs have been used up. Now you want to let the old man sing a third song, then I'm sorry, there are only a few songs in Shen Huan's memory. None of the classics handed down from generation to generation are suitable for him.

And the second point is, if the song being rehearsed now fails in terms of artistic conception and musical achievement, it will really be in vain to become a super golden song in my world.

At best, those singers just look for popular songs and good songs.

But their age and experience determine that they will not be able to sing classics.

The song chosen by Shen Huan happens to be a classic that can resonate with countless people. It is a song that has accumulated over the years and will be considered a classic by both men and women.

As long as those musicians and the audience are not deliberately being evil, then there is no reason why it will fail.

Besides, if you look at Hua Zhongpu’s attitude, you will know that Zhejiang TV is definitely willing to let Mr. Zhao Changshou win the championship this time. Wouldn’t they first investigate who they like when choosing musicians and audiences? Singer, who will be chosen to participate in the final selection

If he couldn't win the championship in this way, Shen Huan would rush home directly from the Zheyue Satellite TV building.

We will do what we say, and we will never let the school’s pretty girls cover up!

"Then again." Sun Yan suddenly came up with a flattering look on her face: "Teacher Lu, do you think after the old man's game is over, can we move on to the next step?"

"What's next?" Shen Huan was stunned.

"Our Dong'er's new album!" Sun Yan couldn't believe it, "Don't tell me, you haven't considered it at all?"

Shen Huan lied without changing his expression, "Of course this matter has always been under my control!"

"Then how many songs have you written? Can I take a look?" Sun Yan immediately turned into a docile little maid again, "I know that Mr. Lu, you love our Dong'er the most. After her album sells well, , I will thank you very much!"


When did Donger become a member of your family

She comes from a widowed family! !

Shen Huan glared at the ignorant Sun Yan, but felt a little weak.

Haoye is definitely the stingiest system in history.

People access things at will, and the system responds to requests, just like a nanny.

As a result, the good man is not only taciturn on weekdays, but also ineffective at critical times. It is all thanks to my own hard work that I can earn a little fortune.

Now all the mission rewards have been used up, and there is no balance at all.

The most recent tasks at present are "Han Dong'er's request for help" and "Zhao Changshou's championship".

If these two tasks are completed together, there will be three rewards.

I hope there will be suitable songs by then that can be used in Han Donger’s album.

After all, I only have a few classic songs in my hands, and there are only one or two that suit her. If she uses them up all at once, what will she do in the future

What you said is true.

Can't you come up with a "reward for an album"

Only in this way can you show your grandeur!

Isn’t that right, dear sir
