I Know Everything

Chapter 161: The first round (Part 2) (Please subscribe for the second update!)


Netizens were making a fuss, and a group of viewers in front of the TV were even more worried. I don’t know how many people shouted loudly, "Sing quickly! Sing quickly!"

However, right at the scene, applause suddenly started from nowhere.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Immediately, the applause became more and more enthusiastic. All the audience and 100 judges all stood up and clapped seriously and movedly.

Without saying anything, they could see the deep feelings between the old man and the old woman on the screen.

Such feelings don't need a thousand words at all, they just penetrate into people's hearts silently and move them.

With everyone's encouragement, Zhao Changshou finally picked up.

"Oh oh oh... I have long forgotten the people passing by. The things I have passed have gone with the wind. The beating heart has gradually calmed down... I am dependent on you."

But it was obvious that his state of mind had not been adjusted well, and there were a few lines in the middle that he couldn't sing because of choking.

"Oh oh oh... I have long forgotten the people passing by. The things I have passed have gone with the wind. The beating heart has gradually calmed down. I am tired, am I destined to be dependent on you?"

For the last time, with more than ten seconds of harmonica sound as an intermediary, Zhao Changshou finally sang this section completely.

As soon as he finished singing, he put down the microphone, rushed directly to the audience, came to the old woman, squatted down and held her hand.

The old woman smiled through tears and whispered something to him.

Zhao Changshou was completely immersed in the world of the two of them and didn't care about anything outside at all.

Director Wu Ping looked at Hua Zhongpu, who gritted his teeth and nodded.

Immediately, the camera followed, sending this scene to thousands of households on television.

"Tch, I thought "I Sing My Song" was a very stylish program that wouldn't be sensational, but it turned out to be the same old show! Bad review!"

"Fart! Who are you? Aren't you moved by this scene? Isn't it nice for the old man and the old woman to depend on each other through thick and thin? And they like to find faults so much. Why don't you go work in a seafood restaurant?"

"I don't think it's simple. If it was caused by the program team, shouldn't it be when the old man is in the most danger, so that he can score more points? Isn't it too early to think of letting the old lady come out?"

"Yes, I have seen the news on the Internet a long time ago, saying that the old man sometimes pushes a wheelchair and appears near the hotel. I didn't expect it to be true! This shows that the old lady is always by his side, not because I just took this final from my hometown!”

"I also saw the photo, but it was blurry. I didn't realize it at the time. It seems that they have been together all the time. The old lady was by his side and supported him... I was so touched~~~"

"Everyone, stop making trouble. Haven't you noticed the more important thing? Take a closer look. Who is that person pushing the wheelchair? Who does he look like?"

"Who is it? He is so armed, does he think he is a big star? It's funny!"

"You are such a fool upstairs! You will soon be besieged by 6 billion 'Happy Fan Club members'!!"

"Hahaha! Yes! I can see it too! Isn't this our 'unparalleledly beautiful young man'?"

"I knew it! I knew Sister Xiaofeng would definitely come tonight!! Sure enough!!"


The Internet immediately became a commotion because of the sudden appearance of the old woman and Shen Huan.

The atmosphere at the scene was similar, but few people could notice Shen Huan yet.

"Hey, Ninth Brother, what are you doing to do this?" Wang Zhao asked a little unhappy.

He is an emotional person, but he cannot tolerate such deliberate attempts to gain tears.

To him, the game is a game, and winning or losing based on strength is the best and most normal thing.

"I didn't do it." Brother Ninth felt aggrieved. He looked at the old man's side and asked Shen Huan with his eyes if he could speak.

"That's what we meant."

Han Dong'er was not good at words, so her strong explanation made Fu Bufan a little unhappy.

Although you have supported the old man all the way, and I also like him very much, there is no need to be like this, right

What are you doing to make such a sensational scene

Lan Kai is still the best at being a good person.

He took the microphone and smiled and said: "Teacher Lu, you are here and why don't you explain a few words? Otherwise the program team will be scolded and cry. This is being broadcast live across the country!"

Teacher Lu

Everyone present was not a fool, and they immediately understood who Lan Kai was talking about.

Who else besides Sister Xiaofeng

But where is Sister Xiaofeng

Didn't you see it? !

While everyone was looking around, Wang Zhao, who was thoughtful, looked at the young man pushing the wheelchair out.

The young man also waved to the staff next to him, and immediately, a microphone was handed into his hand.

The camera also turned to him.

The young man did not speak at first, but took off his hat, mask and sunglasses, and everyone was amazed by his appearance.

He is indeed "the most beautiful young man in the world"!

I thought Jin Guwei was very handsome just now, but compared with Shen Huan, who was born with the best appearance, Jin Guwei was nothing at all.

"This matter has nothing to do with the program team. The old man didn't know about it in advance. It was the decision of Dong'er and I." Shen Huan took the microphone and said, "There is no utilitarian factor involved. It's just that we feel that we should let The old lady came here to watch the old man sing live. Even if it affects the old man's singing and prevents him from winning the championship, I think it doesn't matter."


Everyone present exclaimed in unison.

Fu Bufan also smiled bitterly.

Sister Xiaofeng is Sister Xiaofeng, she speaks so straightforwardly.

Doesn't it matter if you lose the championship

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid anyone would think this was being pretentious, right

Hearing this, Zhao Changshou raised his head, looking a little excited and wanted to take Shen Huan's microphone, but Shen Huan stopped him.

"Okay, now everyone can vote." Shen Huan said harmoniously, "I want to tell everyone that any decision you make is acceptable to us, because it is a manifestation of the facts. I will not regret it, Dong'er I won’t regret it, and I won’t blame anyone!”

As he spoke, he lowered his head and spoke to the old woman. The old woman nodded, grabbed Zhao Changshou who wanted to speak, and left the scene with Shen Huan in a wheelchair.

Before going out, Zhao Changshou turned to look at Han Dong'er and couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone could see the guilt on his face.



So everyone knew that Zhao Changshou really did what Shen Huan said, he didn't blame the two of them at all, but felt a little sorry for them in his heart.

As for what he was sorry for, of course he already knew that the first place in the first round had left him because of his poor performance.

Failing the expectations of Shen Huan and Han Dong'er must be Zhao Changshou's biggest guilt!