I Know Everything

Chapter 163: A singer who is destined not to be popular (first update)


Things have been cleared up.

Most of the 100 judges believe that others will not vote, so it does not matter whether they vote or not.

If voting can encourage the old man and make him less embarrassed, then just vote. It won't affect anything anyway.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations, even their own expectations.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not impossible.

It can only be said that most of these 100 judges are kind-hearted people who think a lot, which is why such a dramatic scene happened.

The old man scored 90 points, surpassing the 85 points of Li Bi, who performed extremely well, and became the first place in the first round!

In order to verify everyone's choice, Brother Jiu also specifically asked the judges for their opinions, and they agreed to vote.

So all the people who didn't vote raised their hands.

There are only 10 people.

They are still a little ashamed and embarrassed.

Because the people around them looked at them with expressions like "Why are you so hard-hearted?" and "You can do it too."

But this also proves that the remaining 90 people really voted. They also acted voluntarily and can withstand everyone's test.

Netizens on the Internet have become much calmer at this time.

"In this case, I have nothing to say. But what a coincidence!"

"If you tell me this result, will they admit it?"

"Why don't you admit it? Did someone force them to make this decision?"

"Yes, since you have voted, it is a fixed decision and cannot be changed."

"If the number of votes can be changed, then I strongly urge the old man to sing it again. If you can change it, why can't I?"


Brother Jiu also began to consult the opinions of 6 big-name judges.

Buyiyi spoke first without hesitation: "I'm not from the music industry, but I think the results should be respected. No matter what, this is the judges' choice."

"Well, coincidence is also one of the results, and its existence and rationality cannot be denied." Lan Kai also said, "I think 90 votes is the result!"

Tang Yuan originally came here to repay Teacher Lu Xiaofeng's favor, so when he saw this, he could only hold his nose and said: "Since everyone is not wrong, I think it would be a bit hurtful to vote again, so why not let everyone's wishes come true! "

Fu Bufan also nodded: "I agree with Brother Yuan."

Wang Zhao hesitated for a moment, then expressed his agreement: "Music is a very emotional thing. Since everyone thinks so, don't worry about it. You are not wrong at all. If it were me, I would probably vote for sympathy. "

As she watched the results come out and figured out what was going on, Han Donger remained silent. She just bit her lip.

Now she also didn't pick up the phone, just sat there.

But her opinion apparently doesn't matter anymore.

Almost everyone agreed, so the matter was settled.

"Okay, then I will officially announce that in the first game of the first round, Zhao Changshou won the first place!" Ninth Brother immediately announced, "According to the results of the first round, the next person to appear is still Contestant Ling Ruiyun! After a commercial, we will see Contestant Ling Ruiyun’s wonderful performance, please don’t go away!”

The audience and judges all seized this time to drink water when it was time to drink water, go to the toilet when it was time to go, and relax and have a rest.

At the big-name judges' table, Tang Yuan poked Lan Kai, "Brother Kai, do you think there will be any surprises in the next show? Why do I feel a little weird?"

"You are right to feel that way." Lan Kai nodded and said, "This round seems to have passed without any danger, but it was also an accident. On the football field, if the referee makes a wrong decision, it will As if he will definitely find his balance, the next song by Zhao Changshou will definitely be treated very pickyly! If it is still like "Yi Dong's Heart" and other people's songs are better than the first one, he will be hung up on it. ”

Tang Yuan suddenly realized, "Isn't that very dangerous?"

"That's not necessarily true," Lan Kai said, "I have confidence in Teacher Lu Xiaofeng! The first song is so bland, the second one must be amazing."

"You mean, Teacher Lu's second song is another super classic?" Wang Zhao next to him suddenly said.

"Scared, are you really trying to scare me to death by saying something without saying a word?" Lan Kai glared at him.

He is a veteran in the industry, and Wang Zhao naturally cannot argue with him. He smiled and said, "I think the first half of what you said is right, Mr. Kai, but I'm not very optimistic about the second half. Although it may be very good." works, but don’t forget, Li Bi’s next song was written for her by Yi Kanghai and Shang Ya, this girl is really willing to give it up!”

Lan Kai smiled and said nothing.

Too damn willing!

I will tell you that she has quietly signed a contract with Phoenix Records, and then Phoenix Records paid her this money

This song is also the title song of Li Bi's first album released within three months. It's really a lot of money to spend.

As the eldest brother of Phoenix Records, of course Tang Yuan knew about this, but he also didn't say anything.

And he also wanted to see if the cooperation between Yi Kanghai and Shang Ya could pose a real threat to Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

The five minutes of advertising time passed quickly.

The live broadcast screen turned back again.

Brother Jiu appeared on the screen again in high spirits, "Okay! The exciting second round of competition has officially begun! I believe everyone already knows that the songs of the contestants in the second round were all rehearsed in private. We Like the audience, they don’t know what it is! So, please enjoy it with us! The first person to appear is Ling Ruiyun, please!”

While he was speaking, Ling Ruiyun walked out from the backstage carrying a guitar.

Winning the last place in the first round did not have any impact on Ling Ruiyun.

His expression was still so calm, and the hand holding the guitar was still so steady.

"My second song was written for me by Teacher Fu Bufan." Ling Ruiyun said into the microphone, "He said that my voice tells a story as soon as I hear it, and I do have many stories that I can sing to everyone... I give you the song "Northern Girl"."

"I once liked a girl from the north. There was no sadness in her smile, and her smile was always bright. She had a straightforwardness that was not found in the south..."

Listening to this original song that had never appeared before, the atmosphere at the scene immediately became quiet.

Fu Bufan is the little prince of folk songs. His songs are not gorgeous, they are all simple, but they can touch people's hearts.

Especially the hearts of a group of young people who are drifting away.

"Northern Girl" is such a sweet song with simple lyrics and a simple plot, but if you really calm down and listen to it, you will like it very much.

Several big-name judges closed their eyes slightly again, nodding their heads as they listened to the slightly hoarse magnetic singing.

It was only now that many viewers saw that Ling Ruiyun was the only one performing this time, singing and playing guitar alone, with no other accompaniment.

"Oh, I know, you also like me, but you will eventually have to return to your hometown and the person you care about..."

After playing the last note, Ling Ruiyun didn't wait for Brother Jiu to jump out and speak, and said to the audience: "No matter what my results are this time, I am very grateful to all the teachers for giving me this stage and letting me sing for you. ! I also hope to continue to sing good songs to everyone on the stage of life in the future! Thank you!"

"Pa bang bang…"

Thunderous applause.

People have always admired talented people. This kind of singing alone with a guitar is more reminiscent of the era of high school and college.

So it was obvious that Ling Ruiyun's rare words had added some points to him.

The voting results came out and he received a total of 86 votes.

It was a full 8 votes higher than the first round.

But such results are obviously not enough to win the championship.

Ling Ruiyun had already expected it, so he said what he just said.

He seemed to be saying goodbye to the audience of "I Sing My Song".

Fu Bufan stood up and applauded Ling Ruiyun as he left the scene, without saying anything else.

Only those who sing folk songs will know the hardships of folk singers.

Ling Ruiyun does not lack strength, but he suffers from the fact that he does not have strong stage performance ability.

To put it bluntly, it means that it cannot attract more fans, cannot activate the "fan economy", and cannot make the company make money.

That's why he never became popular.

Idols with outstanding looks like Jin Guwei and Li Bi are what agencies and record companies like very much, and they are also what young fans like very much.

This is the ethos of the entire music scene.

Of course, a singer like Tang Yuan is recognized by a wide range of people.

The dominant elite class of society likes him very much, and his records, concerts, etc. can all have very high prices.

But Tang Yuan is not comparable to Ling Ruiyun. He has been singing since he was a teenager and his interpretation of songs has been close to perfect. There are not many people in Hua who can compare with him.

The singing skills of Zhu Shengyu, who is also the King of Heaven, is almost comparable to that of Tang Yuan, and his voice can control many songs. He is better than Tang Yuan in this aspect of love songs - Tang Yuan hardly sings any love songs. This has always been a problem with his style. .

Su Mo is another type.

If someone is born, first of all, he is stunningly good-looking, and then he is extremely talented in music, attracting fans between the ages of 20 and 50. He is naturally everyone's darling.

Take Fu Bufan, who is also a folk singer. Like another Little Heavenly King Zhao Zifeng, he can compose many good songs by himself. His status as a musical talent adds extra points to his ability to become a Little Heavenly King. .

Ling Ruiyun couldn't take advantage of any of them. He only had a good voice and singing skills, so naturally he could only be excluded from the most popular singers.

This time, the almost certain fourth place of "I Sing My Song" is a reflection of his status in society.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I stayed up late last night watching the national football team...

It’s so cheap that I don’t have the energy to write a book, but I’m still very active in asking for subscriptions! !