I Know Everything

Chapter 169: Shall we release an album?


Shen Huan ignored Zhao Changshou's distress and asked directly: "Professor Ke, how do these foreign medicines harm people?"

"These are medicines that have been used abroad for many years. You get what you pay for, and naturally have very few side effects." Professor Ke said, "In addition, we will also provide follow-up assistance with traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, as well as dedicated training. Rehabilitation treatment, our hospital is very experienced in this, so you won’t make mistakes, don’t worry!”

"What's the effect?" Shen Huan asked again, "After spending so much money and time, it turns out that it can only be managed for one or two or three years. Neither my wallet nor my psychology can bear it."

Han Donger nodded unconsciously beside him.

Shen Huan's questions were all about the most critical matters.

"We doctors generally don't make any guarantees, but we are not outsiders, so I will just tell my truth."

Professor Ke still has a sense of caution. Everyone here is a celebrity and cannot be fooled casually, let alone when his immediate boss is still there.

He said seriously: "After this series of treatments, I am very sure, at least 70% sure, that Ms. Jiang Hui can be almost like a normal person, her memory will not decline too much, and her occasional confusion will not exceed normal levels." Twice that of a 70-year-old. When she is 80 years old, if no new solutions and new drugs emerge, she will really slowly enter a state of dementia. This process may take two to three years, or it may take three to five years. , I’m not sure what will happen in the future.”

As everyone knows, the old woman is 63 years old.

According to Professor Ke, even with a slight discount, her quality of life is guaranteed for at least 15 years.

As for what happens after the age of 80, who dares to expect that an old man will be happy enough to jump around

Zhao Changshou has been listening to their questions and answers, with a look of longing in his eyes. Apparently he is very satisfied with the effect of this treatment plan.

However, at least 3 million in funds were like Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Mount Heng, Mount Song, and Mount Heng. The five mountains were all pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe at all.

There were many expressions on his face, and finally he opened his mouth and said, "Doctor, I'd better forget it and just prescribe some ordinary medicine."

When he said this, Zhao Changshou clenched his fists so hard that veins popped out.

Lan Kai, Wang Zhao and others were already experienced people, and they felt a little sad when they heard this.

Fu Bufan was always an emotional person, so he immediately said: "Old man, let's not talk about this... I haven't saved much money, but I can still take out 1 million, you can use it first!"

"No, no, no!" Zhao Changshou waved his hands repeatedly, "I can't use your money. I am a rural person and I can't afford such a heavy favor... Teacher Fu, I accept your kindness. Thank you, thank you!"

"The old man really has no money." Shen Huan interrupted at this time, "He told me and Dong'er immediately about the 1 million bonus he received yesterday. He deserved the money, so he wanted a They gave us 500,000."


Tang Yuan couldn't help but take a breath at this time.

He has seen many suffering people, but people who are as loyal as the old man and know how to advance and retreat are definitely rare.

"Old man, since we have met and I know this, it is fate." Tang Yuan made a decision immediately, "Let's do this! I will go above and make the decision for Teacher Lu and Dong'er. You have to give them 100 Ten thousand, they should donate it to the old lady! And this young man, Xiao Fu, is also an enthusiastic person, so you can accept his 1 million! In the end, there is still 1 million short, so let me donate it!"

Tang Yuan's immediate processing of three times, five and two divided by two was enough for 3 million, and it was reasonable and very sophisticated.

Of course, if you want to say whether he was completely out of sympathy, that's not the whole story.

It must be for Shen Huan's sake.

On the surface, this favor was given to the old man, but in fact it was given to Shen Huan.

What's more, with such a friendship, they will be good friends in the future. If they want to invite singers or something, isn't it easier than ordinary people

But Zhao Changshou's stubborn character came back this time, "No, no, I have never taken advantage of anyone else in my life. You gave me so much money. If I were still young, I could take over and then slowly work my way back to you." . But now I am 65 years old. If I am not afraid of embarrassment, I don’t have the strength to carry the sandbags. How can I pay back the money by working? "

He said sincerely: "I really thank you, but I really understand... I originally thought that if it was one or two hundred thousand, I could still think of a way to let the old lady be sober and live a comfortable life for a few days. But it seems like it won’t work now, so I won’t have extravagant hopes. I’ll just prescribe some medicine and take it slowly so that she can live happily every day she wakes up.”

Han Dong'er didn't say anything when she heard this, but she tugged on Shen Huan's clothes.

Shen Huan could feel that her heart was in chaos.

It's not that I can't make a decision, but I don't know how to convince the old man.

"Ding dong!"

"The great system has detected a hint of conspiracy, but the weak host should shoulder its own responsibility and let others see your ability to turn decay into magic. Therefore, the system has issued a special task as follows."

"The weak chicken host should help Zhao Changshou perfectly solve the problem of treating his wife Jiang Hui without damaging his dignity."

"If it can be completed successfully, the system will reward you with a gift, so stay tuned."

Hearing this voice, Shen Huan laughed.

Good Lord, good Lord, you were fooled this time!

Maybe you don't know, but I already had a vague idea before.

Now that you are urging me like this, I immediately realized what I should do!

After thinking about it, Shen Huan coughed lightly and said, "Okay, actually I have thought of a way so that everyone doesn't have to worry about it."

"What can be done?" Hua Zhongpu asked quickly, "If there is anything I can do to help, please tell me, Teacher Lu."

Everyone also turned their attention to Shen Huan.

"My method is actually very simple, but I need the help of everyone here to complete it together." Shen Huan said, "Let's make an album for the old man!"


Lan Kai immediately slapped the table in front of him, "Great! What a great idea, Teacher Lu!"

Except for Zhao Changshou, everyone is related to the music industry. When Shen Huan said this, they understood immediately.

Zhao Changshou is currently the most popular music talent show singer in China. If an album is released for him during this time, it will definitely be a hit.

It's hard to say whether you'll be rich or wealthy, but you can definitely get a reward of 3 million yuan, and then won't the cost of treatment come out

"I have made a total of 6 songs for the old man now, "Start Again", "Chinese Kung Fu", "Song of a Hero", "Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River East", "The Moving Heart" and "A Laugh in the Sea". Shen Huan continued, "For the remaining songs, I hope you, Brother Yuan, will help me invite 2 songs. Teacher Wang Zhao will also write two lyrics, and then give them to Brother Fu to compose and make ten songs for release.

As for the production, Mr. Lan Kai would like to take the trouble to help with the production... We will hand over the various equipment and recording venues we need to Producer Hua to help with planning. Finally, Donger and Miss Bu, when the album is released, you use your influence to help promote it. The effect will be very good.

Of course, the old man is not taking advantage of you. I will give 20% of the income from this album to the old man as a reward. I believe it should be enough to cover the cost of treatment. If it is more, it will be a burden to him.

As for the remaining 80%, except for the cost of Brother Yuan’s invitation to sing, the remuneration of Teacher Wang Zhao and Brother Fu, and the cost of publicity, production and distribution of the album, I am going to donate it all in the name of all of us here to give to people who have also suffered a lot. People suffering from this dementia. "


Wang Zhao is a typical literati, and he was very satisfied when he heard this: "Teacher Lu's words deeply touched my heart, and I wrote the lyrics for two songs! I have been listening to the old man's songs for the past few performances, and now I have no problem writing songs for him. But I want to make it clear that I don’t want this money! If you have any, please donate it for me!”

Fu Bufan also scratched his head and said shyly: "As long as Teacher Lu doesn't dislike my bad music, I will do my best! Like Teacher Wang Zhao, I donated the money directly."

"It seems that it will be a little more difficult for me." Tang Yuan said with a hearty smile, "But the two songs are still no problem, and I will try to spend the money wisely. Teacher Lu, I have to say, your idea is really good Wonderful! Genius is indeed a genius. Just by thinking about it, we can think of things that we can't think of!"

"Well, leave the production to me!" Lan Kai naturally couldn't back down, "Six songs are ready-made, and four songs can be ready within 10 days. I'll find a few helpers to come over, and they can temporarily take over the job. The work can be done with a red envelope for each person.”

"I'll prepare the equipment and recording studio to make sure everything goes smoothly!" Hua Zhongpu said with a blushing face. "And in terms of publicity, the program team will help with publicity. We can also advertise on the platform of Zhejiang and Yue Satellite TV. The old man is Our shows are out here, and the fees are not expensive."

Being able to participate in such a big event is not only an honor for him, but it is also the best opportunity to expand his network.

After fighting side by side like this, can we still be considered friends who are digging for food in a pit

What's the most important thing about doing a variety show

It’s just connections!

When they arrived at Han Dong'er and Buyiyi's side, they nodded happily.

The two women have different personalities, but they both have good intentions. They would definitely not be outdone by others when doing such good deeds.

"What may disappoint everyone is that such donations will be anonymous, and your charity will not be known to the public." Shen Huan said, "The most important reason is that we don't want others to think that we use charity to do it. They will scold me for as long as the album is sold... If you have any objections, you can tell me to quit in private."

"Hey, it's just some false fame. Why do I need these now?" Tang Yuan said with a smile, "This is good. Do good deeds seriously, not for publicity or to invite fame. Teacher Lu, look It’s so transparent, and I really admire it!”

The other people also nodded, agreeing with Shen Huan's idea.

In fact, everyone knows that Shen Huan is the one who suffers the most in the whole process!

Although the copyrights of four of the six songs of the old man were sold, Shen Huan had made an agreement before that, except for the copyright purchaser, the old man had the right to use the songs for commercial purposes.

For example, you can go out for business performances and you don’t have to pay a fee.

Shen Huanke didn't get a penny of benefit from this, and he wouldn't share it with the old man if he acted in it.

The same is true for making records. Even if the old man and the copyright holders produce records at the same time, they have no way to interfere and can only rely on their own versions to compete.

Then the remaining two songs are probably the same. Shen Huanhui will declare that he retains Zhao Changshou's singing copyright.

Anyone who buys a song must agree to this prerequisite before talking about 2 million.

It was equivalent to Shen Huan fighting for the old man's benefits in vain.

Otherwise, Shen Huan would enjoy 50% of the rights in this album, and no one would say anything.

But everyone also knows that Shen Huan doesn't care about money at all. Otherwise, he would not have released the free copyrights of "Straw Hat Song" and "My Deskmate" casually.

Since Shen Huan is so generous, no one among these people is stingy at all.

Zhao Changshou was confused the whole time.

He wanted to reject everyone's kindness, but he couldn't say it out loud.

Because relying on himself to sing and record records and get 20% of the remuneration is the most reasonable way to make money.

Although he got a little more, this was the easiest way to make money from his hard work, and it was also the only way to treat his wife in an honest way.

So he couldn't express his refusal no matter what.

Therefore, he didn't wake up from his complicated mood until everyone had discussed it.

Then the old man stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Thank you! The old man and the old woman are very lucky in this life. They will meet a group of gods when they are old!!"

13,000 for the fourth update. Gentlemen, I work very hard. Please support me with monthly tickets and subscriptions! ! !