I Know Everything

Chapter 173: It's flying! (1st update)


Under such circumstances, when Zhao Changshou's "The Love of My Life" music album officially started selling on the three major music websites at 9 a.m. on Monday, December 22, the sudden influx of people almost made the sale almost impossible. The channel crashed.

1,000 downloads, 10,000 downloads, 100,000 downloads…

In just one hour, the sales of "The Love of My Life" exceeded 100,000 copies!

This result immediately shocked everyone!

You know, a music album that costs 5 yuan a piece is not just 4 yuan more than a single download that costs 1 yuan, but 500% of the price.

It is easy for people to buy a song for one dollar, but when they see the 500% price, even if there are ten songs, they will definitely consider a lot.

This is also the reason why Su Mo, one of the three great kings, had 6.5 million online downloads of last year's "Infatuation Arrow" album in one year!

That's Su Mo!

Su Mo was a young idol 20 years ago. After 20 years of hard work, he already has hundreds of millions of fans!

The number of online downloads of records in a year is only 6.5 million, let alone others.

Fu Bufan's first album "My Beginning" sold 3 million online albums in one year, which is enough to make him a generational little king.

Zhao Changshou's "Love of Life" sold 100,000 copies in one hour, and the sales peak should be around 6 to 10 pm, so based on this estimate, he sold a total of 1 million copies today. possible.

In fact, this is also true. By 24:00 in the evening, the online sales of "The Love of My Life" had exceeded 1 million, which is extremely terrifying! !

But the most surprising thing is definitely not the online sales of "The Love of My Life."

But the next morning, the sales statistics were posted directly on the National Record Association website.

Zhao Changshou

"life long love"

On December 22, it sold 83,300 copies in a single day.

Damn it!

When many people saw this news reposted by Weibo Celebrity, they couldn't help but use swear words.

If online record sales have skyrocketed and are supported by a large group of celebrities, offline sales of physical discs are not a problem that celebrities can solve at all!

Still Su Mo.

Su Mo's "Infatuation Arrow" last year only sold 133,000 copies in this year's entire year, and it was also the best record sales last year!

If you don't understand it, say it more simply.

Nowadays, the sales volume of physical records for famous singers exceeds 50,000 within a year, and the bottleneck for little kings and queens is around 100,000.

As long as there are 100,000 tickets, it will basically be the data that only kings and queens can have.

Zhao Changshou sold 83,300 copies in one day, which has reached the level of Little Heavenly King.

In the joking words of "I am the King of K-Song", "The old man became a little king on the first day, and then became a king the next day. He can be called the fastest rising singer in the world!"

Too many people don't believe this result.

But now all sales are basically online, so this result cannot be deceived.

With Zhao Changshou's background and identity, it is impossible for anyone to be willing to spend their own money and buy tens of thousands more to make themselves look fat.

This has happened before, but if you, a new singer, sell 30,000 to 50,000 offline albums at once, wouldn’t it be ridiculous

So that person becomes the butt of the joke.

Zhao Changshou's current performance is so explosive that he can't even reach the level of King of Heaven. What is the reason for this

The meager celebrity, that is, "One Rice" who usually acts very impartially, made a post based on this.

"According to my various data and surveys, I found that most of the people who bought Mr. Zhao Changshou's offline album this time were elderly, or they bought it for the elderly at home. Elderly people cannot get those online albums Downloading, I don’t like listening to music like this, I just like to listen to it with an old-fashioned CD player.

And this number is far from being exhausted. The first reason why the sales volume is less than 100,000 is because they have only recorded 200,000 records and plan to sell them slowly, so the remaining 100,000 have not been sold yet. send out. Another reason is that all the products in big cities are sold out, while some small and medium-sized cities have some leftovers.

According to optimistic estimates from major bookstores and record stores, "The Love of My Life" is likely to break the 1 million copy limit and become the biggest dark horse in the past five years! "

This post became one of the most popular posts of the day.

Countless people have left comments below.

"Yes, yes! Uncle Mi is indeed rigorous and fair! I bought one for my grandfather offline, and by the way, I bought 5 more to give to his old friends in the suburbs!"

"My dad likes Mr. Zhao Changshou's "Start Over" the most, so I bought him a copy at noon yesterday and took it home. He listened to it for two or three hours! I saw him crying while listening to it. , I feel a little sad~~~"

"My family owns a record store. In recent years, all singers can only rely on quantity and number of people to win. If one person sells twenty or thirty records in our store, it is considered good. Even Tang Yuan, Su Mo, Zhu Shengyu, Zhou Jing and Xu Ping are like this. But for Zhao Changshou’s album, our store sold 10 copies today, and we still owe more than 30 copies. They gave me all the money, so I can only call desperately to arrange it. goods."

"I don't know if the spring of the recording industry will come again, but this album by Mr. Zhao Changshou will definitely become popular by relying on people's nostalgia!"

"I feel sorry for my Mo Mo. His records have only sold 133,000 copies. Although it has exceeded 150,000 copies this year, it is not certain whether it can reach 200,000 copies."

"Just pull him down! Mr. Su Mo earns 10 million for a concert and 1 million for singing a song. It's much faster than selling albums. Even the old man's flattery can't compare with him."

"Don't talk nonsense about this. Our Uncle Mo never likes these boring business performances and concerts. He only does it when he is ready."


To be honest, even Shen Huan himself did not expect such an achievement.

He estimated that 10 million copies could be sold online, which would be a very good result.

10 million online records would be 50 million in sales. According to the price negotiated by Lan Kai and Tang Yuan, the three music websites only charge 30% of the fee - only ordinary singers will charge 50% of the fee. The little king can reduce it to 30%. If it is the king and queen, you can get 20% or even 10%.

Because when you reach the level of kings and queens, whichever website you publish your album on will in turn give them face.

If their website cannot get the rights to sell songs and albums, it will be a shame and a loss of status.

The net income of 35 million yuan, excluding taxes and various expenses, etc., the old man’s 20% share can get almost exactly 3 million yuan.

that's enough.

If one or two hundred thousand copies can be sold offline, and the old man can get another two or three hundred thousand in commission, his life will be more comfortable.

But I never expected it!

On the first day, it sold 2 million online albums and 83,300 offline albums.

According to Shen Huan's understanding, this is about to fly!

Although he is very confident in his songs, these are divine songs that can impress many people, and the songs by Tang Yuan, Wang Zhao, Fu Bufan and others are not bad, and they can also stabilize the audience in terms of weight. They are definitely Catchy.

But Shen Huan has no confidence in this era of Internet and piracy.

If it was really so easy to sell, how could Su Mo only sell so much

Just like others said, that's Su Mo!

Compared to Tang Yuan, Immortal Su Mosu killed almost everyone under the age of 50!

Everyone only has that result, so why does Shen Huan think that she must be very strong

But the facts were before Shen Huan.

"The Love of My Life" is really taking off!

What he has to do now is to desperately ask the CD factory that records records to produce at full capacity.

"Produce another 200,000 sheets? No! Produce 1 million sheets for me in the first batch!"

"Brother Kai, please tell them that the production is done. If it can't be sold, it's my fault!"

"Yes! Contact the major dealers immediately and tell them that we will have the goods soon, and ask them to accept the deposit as boldly as possible!"

"There are also promotions on TV stations, promotions on the Internet, and soft articles in major newspapers. These must keep up... Well, Director Hua, don't be afraid of spending money! We are creating a miracle now!"

"Brother Yuan, have you thanked Brother Mo for me? Okay, I understand, call me over next time you have a drink, and I have to toast Brother Mo. He is so generous!"

"Sister Bu, my dear sister, your meagerness is too scary, don't be so crazy! Let's be conservative, don't shout such big slogans, just ask them to support! Okay, okay, I owe you a favor, Absolutely no default!”

"Yanzi, what's the matter? Oh, Wei Xi wants to see me? Let him wait. I don't even have time to pee now, and I can't care about that much. In three to five days, by the way, you can't let him Go and force Dong'er, this guy is still a bit too snobbish."


Seeing Shen Huan talking on the phone non-stop and looking so excited, Shui Qianyu, who was reading a book on the side, unconsciously pursed his lips and smiled.

This busy Shen Huan talks as if he were fighting, and the previous taciturn and timid Shen Huan are really two different people!

I still prefer this enlightened fool.

However, this guy was basically going crazy because he was on the phone for more than three hours and even used up two power banks.

It can also be seen from this that the miracle he created is simply an incredible fairy tale.

But it’s kind of funny.

I heard him sighing more than once, saying that he felt so sad that so much money was leaving him.

It is only because of myself and my parents that we can hear such vulgar words said by "Sister Feng, the unparalleled righteousness".

But this kind of Shen Huan is more real!