I Know Everything

Chapter 174: Boss Wei is anxious! (Second update)


There is no doubt that in the next few days, Zhao Changshou's "Love of Life" album will be making great progress, both online and offline.

Of course, the momentum is definitely not as strong as the first day, but the terrifying sales of 5 million electronic albums sold online in one week and 220,000 offline sales in one week are the achievements of the king and queen.

Even the achievements of the Kings and Queens in the past few years are not as good as the album "The Love of My Life".

With the record industry shrinking so much, the emergence of such an uplifting album is an inspiration to many musicians.

After all, if you can make money, more people will invest in this industry, which will promote the prosperity of this industry.

The checkout of online music websites can be fast or slow. For big-name celebrities, of course the checkout is fast.

This time it was Lan Kai who went directly to negotiate. His status as a gold medal producer was very useful. Now the first online dividend has arrived in Tang Yuan's temporary account.

Originally, everyone wanted to transfer everything to the old man's account first, but he refused to do anything, saying that he felt flustered when he saw so much money, so they had no choice but to find the most famous person, Tang Yuan, to take charge.

Tang Yuan has a net worth of hundreds of millions. Of course, he cannot take this amount of money lightly. Moreover, Tang Yuan is famous for his loyalty and good reputation. Even if he has no money, he cannot embezzle money. Come.

After everyone discussed in the WeChat group, they first handed over 1 million to the Provincial No. 1 Hospital and asked them to quickly start treating the old woman without further delay.

With such a sum of money as a foundation, there is no need to panic about the rest.

Shen Huan has essentially withdrawn from this project plan and left everything to Tang Yuan and his agent to take care of it.

They will also make the subsequent donations.

Tang Yuan wished that Shen Huan would trouble him more, so that he would have priority in subsequent song creations.

It's just that Brother Sheng, I have known for a long time that he has bad intentions. Taking advantage of this opportunity to do the soundtrack, he actually wanted to buy two more songs, "The Moving Heart" and "A Laugh in the Sea".

Fortunately, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng did not agree.

"The Moving Heart" was given to Fu Bufan as a way of thanking him for his active contribution this time.

Wang Zhao didn't ask for anything. On the second night after the album was successfully sold, Shen Huan poured him three glasses of wine to express his gratitude. This was a great etiquette in the entertainment world where literati looked down upon each other.

Not to mention that Wang Zhao has always admired Shen Huan's musical talent. After "A Laugh in the Sea", he was even more admired.

Shen Huan's way of thanking Wang Zhao made him happier and prouder than giving him 3 million.

But it is a pity that teacher Lu Xiaofeng did not sell "A Laugh in the Sea" to anyone. According to what he said at the banquet, he didn't think anyone could sing better except the old man.

When such a person appears one day, Teacher Lu will sell it to him.

Tsk tsk.

This kind of spontaneous mentality is really commendable!

Let’s leave this matter alone.

In fact, Shen Huan is often absent when making albums.

The reason is that He Qiang really can't stand Shen Huan continuing to waste his talent on such boring singing.

Every day after school, he would take out the questions from foreign Mathematical Olympiad competitions sent by Yu Dingbian and give them to Shen Huan to do.

These questions are not a problem for Shen Huan now, but because there are too many, it is only after 7 o'clock every day when they are finished, and Shen Huan can only go home in a daze.

But Shen Huan doesn't blame He Qiang.

Because after the New Year's Day holiday, according to Yu Dingbian's arrangement, Shen Huan would go to the Mathematical Olympiad Winter Camp in Huajing to study with those geniuses for a few days.

He Qiang was worried that Shen Huan's foundation was too weak and would be crushed by those geniuses, so he desperately tried to strengthen him.

Shen Huan was embarrassed to tell him that these so-called domestic geniuses could not pose any threat to him who had already obtained the professional mathematics (intermediate level).

What's more, in the past month or two, Shen Huan and Professor Deville have had a lot of exchanges. While discussing "Fermat's Last Theorem" together, they have a deeper understanding of the abstract logic of overall mathematics, and the concepts of mathematics have become closer. One step forward.

Shen Huan like this is definitely not comparable to the geniuses in China.

After all, they are not Australian Chinese pottery shoes from another world.

Tao Tongxie is an unprecedented mathematical genius. In this world, Shen Huan has not discovered such a genius yet.

The album "The Love of My Life" sold very well, and Jiang Hui's old lady also began a smooth treatment process. Everyone involved in this matter gradually returned to their own lives and work.

After experiencing the baptism of her career as a judge on "I Sing My Song" and being touched by 64 singers, Han Donger seemed to have inspiration, so Sun Yan has recently begun to contact the outside world and talked about Han Donger's idea of inviting singers.

Wei Xi, the owner of Yongren Studio, who had been staying in Lin'an for more than half a month, almost cried when he heard this.

I had been waiting for more than two years, thinking that Han Donger would have to wait a while longer to complete the production of her last album.

I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Wei Xi is really looking forward to the so-called happiness.

Because Han Donger and Teacher Lu Xiaofeng are good friends, and from the information I learned from Sun Yan, they are definitely more than just good friends.


How could a mere good friend allow Teacher Lu Xiaofeng to write songs for Zhao Changshou so continuously

Just for Han Donger's request

Even if Han Donger is a "facial paralysis fairy" and a "natural idiot", there are not many people who are more beautiful than her in this country. As long as Teacher Lu Xiaofeng shouts, how many beauties will flock to her

So Teacher Lu Xiaofeng must have liked her very much, so she worked so hard to give good songs to Zhao Changshou.

Think about those five earth-shaking super songs!

If it weren't for the fact that there were no male singers under his banner, Wei Xi would have rushed forward.

Now Han Dong'er is making an album by herself. As the man Han Dong'er likes, why don't you, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, come up with a masterpiece

If that were the case, Han Donger would have made a fortune from this album!

Besides, there is Zhuo Xiaofen at the back. Han Donger is about to leave. Is it ridiculous not to leave some gifts for her boss who has always been kind to her


This was the most important bargaining chip used by Wei Xi to persuade Zhuo Xiaofen to sign with Ying Ren Studio.

He needs to give Zhuo Xiaofen at least one classic by Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, and then invite more than 5 songs from top domestic songwriters, and polish Zhuo Xiaofen's first album, so that he can get two more songs after Zhuo Xiaofen. The rights to produce an album.

It is not difficult for first-class songwriters to invite songs. Wei Xi is a singer and has been very close to the industry over the years. Plus, with money as the path, he will definitely be able to get their songs.

Only Teacher Lu Xiaofeng couldn't reason with ordinary theories at all.

Since the debut of the amazingly talented "Straw Hat Song", he has not written songs for any girls at all, and he is not keen on writing songs at all.

Previously, the famous producer Xiao Yan personally called and was flatly rejected.

Tang Yuan approached him to buy songs, and they were already written songs, but he was rejected several times.

Now that Wei Xi could get her a tailor-made song, Zhuo Xiaofen naturally felt that she was not losing money.

Moreover, Wei Xi only signed a contract for three albums in total, which could be completed in three to five years at most. At that time, Zhuo Xiaofen was not yet 27 years old and had a lot of time in the future. Of course, she was not afraid of wasting time.

Zhuo Xiaofen did not doubt Wei Xi.

First of all, this is written in black and white on the contract.

Secondly, she is not Li Bi or Jin Guwei. It is impossible for other record companies to give her such good conditions when they sign her.

After Han Donger is destined to leave, she is the only brand of Yongren Studio, and all Wei Xi's resources can be used on her.

There is a big difference between the top singer in a small shop and the ordinary singer in a big shop.

Thirdly, Han Donger and Teacher Lu Xiaofeng have such a good relationship, and Wei Xi is Han Donger's boss. With this relationship, there is no problem with Teacher Lu Xiaofeng's song.

As long as she can get Teacher Lu Xiaofeng's first song, her first album will definitely not sell poorly, and she will also have a famous song. In the future, she will be like those old singers who sing one song in their whole life. One that can support oneself for a lifetime.

But Zhuo Xiaofen never expected that Wei Xi didn't have Lu Xiaofeng's songs in hand right now. He was just a free-handed man who had tricked Zhuo Xiaofen into signing the contract first.

Wei Xi's idea was similar to Zhuo Xiaofen's, which was to rely on Han Dong'er to beg Shen Huan and shamelessly ask for a song for Zhuo Xiaofen.

He really thinks highly of Zhuo Xiaofen.

Although Zhuo Xiaofen looks small, she is very cute, has a distinctive voice, and has a particularly large lung capacity. She can sing some difficult songs without breaking her voice.

Such a female singer is the best choice to sing live.

After she becomes famous in the future, let her participate in various concerts and commercial performances, and the effect will definitely be surprisingly good.

In the past two or three years, Han Dong'er did not attend any of these commercial performances or concerts, which made Wei Xi secretly angry for a long time.

Now he is not so stupid. All of Zhuo Xiaofen's management contracts are in his hands. With this kind of performance that can make money and make you famous, the more the better.

He will never give up until Zhuo Xiaofen earns 30 to 50 million yuan.

But yes, there are conditions for this.

The premise is that Wei Xi gets Zhuo Xiaofen a song by teacher Lu Xiaofeng, preferably a song tailor-made for her.

Wei Xi had already been prepared for this.

"After Dong'er's second album, I won't beg her to renew her contract." Wei Xi's first words when meeting Shen Huan were this, "She should have better development, she should be one of the three major record companies Only the one who is suitable for her can give her the best resources to help her become the third queen! Don’t worry, Teacher Lu, I will never be an obstacle to her!"

Shen Huan was happy to hear this.

This guy is very self-aware.

I like this kind of person!

Han Dong'er has been in the mediocre studio for the past two years, and the conditions have been very average.

It's not that Wei Xi doesn't work hard. In fact, Wei Xi is trying his best to help Han Dong'er.

But the resources at his hands are too few, and there is no way to compete with other large companies.

For example, for the same big brand endorsement, they have to choose a singer.

Han Donger's own conditions are very good, but she can't stand up to the strength and vast connections of the three major music companies.

Anyway, it’s just a little diva singer who endorses it, so why can’t Yang Dan do it? Why can't Liu Fuler do it? Why can’t those youth idol female singers do it

Isn’t there a big difference

So the advertising company will choose someone else instead of Han Donger.

There are also operations on Weibo, exposure of various news, etc.

Therefore, Han Donger's decline in popularity in the past two years is definitely not only because she is too low-key, but also because she is not supported by big-name record companies.